30 research outputs found

    Noroviruses on surfaces : Detection, transfer and inactivation

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    Human noroviruses (HuNoVs) are a leading cause of foodborne gastroenteritis worldwide and spread easily among humans via the faecal-oral route. A low infective dose, a high viral load in the vomit and faeces of infected persons, a lack of long-term immunity following previous infection, and a high environmental stability of the viruses all enhance the spreading of HuNoV in the population. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the prevalence of HuNoVs on environmental surfaces and to observe and measure virus transfer during manual food preparation. A method for the detection of HuNoV is optimized and used in the laboratory and also in field studies, both in a resort and in food preparation premises. Finally, ultraviolet light irradiation (UV) is tested as a means to inactivate the HuNoVs from environmental surfaces. HuNoV and its surrogate murine norovirus (MuNoV) were detected from environmental surfaces by swabbing, after which the viruses were eluted from the swabs and their genomes were extracted by a commercial kit. HuNoV and MuNoV genomes were detected using reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-QPCR) method using specific primers and probes. The effects of UV on the viruses were investigated both by viability assays (MuNoV) and by RT-QPCR (MuNoV and HuNoV). An enzymatic pre-PCR treatment was conducted before RT-QPCR detection to distinguish infective viruses from non-infective viruses. Out of the four swab materials tested for swabbing HuNoV on surfaces, the recovery rates of the viruses were highest for swabs made of microfiber and polyester. When stored at 4⁰C, HuNoV persisted well in swabs, whereas at 22⁰C, viruses persisted better on swabs moistened by phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.2) than by glycine buffer pH 9.5. HuNoV and MuNoV transferred easily from the hands to the gloves when gloving. The viruses were also repeatedly transferred to the first recipient surface (left hand, cucumber, and knife) during the sandwich preparation process. Virus-contaminated gloves were estimated to spread HuNoV to the food servings more efficiently than a single contaminated cucumber can during handling. In a resort, where a gastroenteritis outbreak had taken place, HuNoV was detected in 10/36 swabs (27.8%) taken from environmental surfaces and further genotyped as a new variant, GII.4 Sydney_2012. In the field study that was conducted in three food-processing companies with no recently reported outbreaks of gastroenteritis, 5/90 swabs (5.6%) in 2010, 4/168 swabs (2.4%) in 2011, and 7/82 swabs (8.5%) in 2012 were found to be HuNoV GII-positive. The positives were detected in a production line and from the food handlers break room and restroom areas. UV was observed as a potential inactivation method for HuNoV: a loss of infectivity and a 4 log10 reduction of HuNoV surrogate MuNoV were observed when the virus-containing surfaces were exposed to UV dose of 60 mJ/cm2 or higher. Methods based on genome detection seemed to overestimate HuNoV persistence even when samples were pre-treated before the RT-QPCR was conducted. As seen in the studies included in the thesis, HuNoV is transmitted very easily from hands to food and environmental surfaces. Proper hand hygiene combined with effective measures to inactivate HuNoV from surfaces, such as UV, is needed to manage the transmission of the virus. Adequate monitoring of the environment for virus contamination in potential fountainheads of gastroenteritis outbreaks, such as in hospitals and restaurants serving RTE foods, could prevent or restrict HuNoV outbreaks.Ihmisen norovirukset ovat maailmanlaajuisesti merkittÀviÀ maha-suolikanavan tulehdusten aiheuttajia. Pieni mÀÀrÀ noroviruksia nieltynÀ riittÀÀ aiheuttamaan sairauden. Virusten korkea pitoisuus sairastuneiden oksennuksessa ja ulosteessa, lyhytkestoinen immuniteetti sairauden jÀlkeen ja hyvÀ kestÀvyys ympÀristössÀ edesauttavat niiden leviÀmistÀ ihmisestÀ toiseen ruuan, veden ja ympÀristön vÀlityksellÀ. VÀitöskirjassa tutkitaan norovirusten esiintyvyyttÀ ympÀristön pinnoilla ja niiden siirtymistÀ nÀiden pintojen vÀlillÀ. MenetelmÀ virusten osoittamiseksi optimoidaan ja sitÀ kÀytetÀÀn laboratorio-oloissa sekÀ kenttÀkokeissa kurssikeskuksessa ja elintarvikkeita valmistavissa tehtaissa. Norovirusten tuhoutumista pinnoilta tutkitaan lisÀksi ultravioletti (UV) sÀteilyn avulla. Ihmisen norovirus ja sen malli hiiren norovirus osoitettiin pinnoilta otetuista pyyhintÀnÀytteistÀ irrottamalla kerÀtyt virukset, puhdistamalla niiden perimÀ valmiilla kitillÀ ja osoittamalla tÀmÀn perimÀn lÀsnÀolo kvantitatiivisella kÀÀnteiskopiointi-polymeraasiketjureaktiolla (RT-QPCR). UV -sÀteilyn vaikutuksia tutkittiin soluviljelmÀssÀ ja RT-QPCR menetelmÀllÀ. Tuhotut virukset pyrittiin erottamaan tartuntakykyisistÀ viruksista ennen RT-QPCR koetta tehtÀvÀn entsyymikÀsittelyn avulla. NeljÀstÀ pintanÀytemateriaalista kaksi, polyesteri ja mikrokuitu, soveltui erityisen hyvin nÀytteenottoon. Norovirus sÀilyi pintanÀytteissÀ pitkÀÀn 4°C:ssa. HuoneenlÀmmössÀ virukset sÀilyivÀt paremmin neutraalilla puskuriliuoksella kastelluissa pintanÀytteissÀ verrattuna emÀksisellÀ liuoksella kostutettuun nÀytteenottovÀlineeseen. Norovirukset siirtyivÀt helposti kÀsistÀ suojakÀsineisiin niitÀ puettaessa, sekÀ kÀsistÀ tai raaka-aineesta voileipÀÀn valmistuksen aikana. Noroviruksella saastuneet kÀdet arvioitiin tehokkaammiksi viruksen siirtÀjiksi verrattuna yksittÀiseen saastuneeseen voileivÀn raaka-aineeseen (kurkku). Ihmisen norovirus löydettiin 10/36 (27.8%) pintanÀytteestÀ, jotka oli otettu mahatautiepidemian aikana kurssikeskuksesta. NÀytteistÀ pystyttiin tyypittÀmÀÀn uudentyyppinen ihmisen norovirus GII.4 Sydney_2012. Tehtaalta, jossa valmistettiin sellaisenaan syötÀvÀksi tarkoitettuja tuotteita, osoitettiin ihmisen norovirus linjoilta, taukotiloista ja WC-tiloista 5/90 (5.6%) nÀytteestÀ 2010, 4/168 (2.4%) nÀytteestÀ 2011 ja 7/82 (8.5%) nÀytteestÀ 2012. UV -sÀteily tuhosi hiiren noroviruksen kokonaan, kun UV annos oli 60 mJ/cm2. Viruksen perimÀn havaitsevat menetelmÀt yliarvioivat viruksen kestÀvyyden jopa silloin, kun virusnÀytteet oli kÀsitelty entsyymeillÀ tuhoutuneiden virusten jÀÀnteiden poistamiseksi nÀytteistÀ ennen virusten perimÀn osoitusta. VÀitöskirjatutkimusten perusteella ihmisen norovirus leviÀÀ erittÀin tehokkaasti kÀsien ja ympÀristön vÀlityksellÀ. LeviÀmisen estÀmiseksi tarvitaan sekÀ riittÀvÀ kÀsihygienia ettÀ tehokkaat menetelmÀt, kuten UV -sÀteily, virusten tuhoamiseksi ympÀristön pinnoilta. Jatkuvalla pintojen virusseurannalla voitaisiin mahdollisesti rajoittaa tai jopa ehkÀistÀ norovirusepidemioiden leviÀmistÀ sellaisissa tiloissa, joissa tautipaine on suuri, kuten sairaaloissa ja sellaisenaan syötÀvÀksi tarkoitettuja tuotteita valmistavissa ravintoloissa

    Recognition of influenza viruses from water samples

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    In humans influenza viruses cause infectious respiratory disease, which can in worst case be lethal. Particularly virulent are those influenza A virus strains against which the patient has no previous immunity. It is known that birds serve as reservoir for all influenza viruses. Approximately ten years ago it was found that bird influenza A virus (H5N1) can be transmitted from birds to man causing serious infection. Very little is known about the significance of water in spread of influenza viruses. However it is known that influenza A viruses in birds multiply in the gut. Particularly duck-type of birds excrete large amounts of viruses to lakes and oceans in their feces. It has been shown that influenza viruses could stay infectious as long as 30 days if the water is salt free, moderately alkaline and cool. It is presumed that influenza viruses can survive over the winter buried in ice and be still infectious when the ice melts in spring. The goal of this study was to develop a filtrating method that could be used to detect influenza A viruses from water samples. Three commercial filters, Zetapor, Millipore (SMWP) and Sartorius (D5F), were compared. The concentration of viruses is based on electric interaction between the filters and the viruses. An additional goal was to figure out if the results of the filtration could be improved by dipping the filter to chickens, pigs or cows serum before the filtration. These sera differ from each other in carbohydrate chain sialic acid bonding. In this study human influenza A virus strain (H3N2) and bird influenza A virus strain (H5N2) were used. The desired amount of the virus was added to distilled water and the specimen was poured into the filtrating system that worked on negative pressure. To test the receptor specificity Millipore filters were incubated in inactivated chicken, pig or cow serum before filtration. The viruses were eluted from the filter membrane using a lysis buffer from RNA purification kit (QIAamp viral mini RNA kit). In the buffer the genome of the virus was released from its structural components. RNA was purified using the same kit and detected by real-time RT-PCR. In this study Millipore filter was the most efficient in filtrating influenza viruses. Virus recovery using this filter varied between 62,1% and 65,9%. It was 2,5 to 21,2 times more efficient than the other two filters. The second best filter was Zetapor (9,5-24,7%), although the difference between Zetapor and Sartorius (3,1-18,6%) was minimal. Dipping the filter into the sera showed no difference to the results compared to filters without serum. Millipore nitrocellulose filter would be a good choice for filtrating lake and sea waters because of its large pore size. Because the amounts of the viruses in natural waters are most likely very small, each step in the method should be optimized to further increase the sensitivity of the filtration method.Influenssavirukset aiheuttavat tarttuvan hengitystieinfektion, joka voi pahimmillaan johtaa potilaan kuolemaan. Erityisen virulentteja ovat sellaiset influenssa A -viruskannat, joille potilaalla ei ole aikaisempaa vastustuskykyÀ. Noin kymmenen vuotta sitten havaittiin, ettÀ lintujen influenssa A -virus (H5N1) voi tarttua isÀntÀlajeistaan linnuista suoraan ihmiseen aiheuttaen vakavan infektion. Veden merkityksestÀ influenssavirusten levittÀjÀnÀ on vielÀ melko vÀhÀn tietoa. TiedetÀÀn kuitenkin, ettÀ influenssa A -virus infektiot ovat linnuilla suolistoperÀisiÀ ja etenkin puolisukeltajien ulosteen mukana luonnonvesiin erittyy suuria mÀÀriÀ virusta. NÀyttÀisi siltÀ, ettÀ influenssavirus voi sÀilyÀ infektiokykyisenÀ suolattomassa lievÀsti emÀksisessÀ viileÀssÀ vedessÀ jopa 30 vuorokautta. LisÀksi on arveltu, ettÀ influenssavirus voi sÀilyÀ talven yli jÀÀhÀn hautautuneena ja olla edelleen infektiokykyinen kevÀÀn sulattaessa jÀÀssÀ olleet vesistöt. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittÀÀ suodatusmenetelmÀ, jota voidaan kÀyttÀÀ influenssa A -virusten osoittamiseen vesistÀ. TyössÀ verrattiin keskenÀÀn kolmea suodatinkalvoa, Zetapor-, Millipore- (SMWP), ja Sartorius-suodatinta (D5F), joiden toimivuus perustuu viruksen sÀhköisen pintavarauksen ja suodattimen varauksen keskinÀiseen vuorovaikutukseen. LisÀksi yritettiin selvittÀÀ, voidaanko viruksen reseptorispesifisyyttÀ hyvÀksi kÀyttÀen parantaa suodatustulosta kÀsittelemÀllÀ suodatinkalvot kanan, sian tai naudan seerumeilla ennen suodatusta. NÀmÀ seerumit eroavat toisistaan hiilihydraattien siaalihapon sidostyypin suhteen. TyössÀ kÀytettiin ihmisen influenssa A (H3N2) sekÀ ankan influenssa A (H5N2) -viruskantoja. Tislattuun veteen lisÀttiin haluttu mÀÀrÀ virusta ja nÀin saatu nÀyte imettiin alipaineen avulla toimivan suodatusjÀrjestelmÀn lÀpi. Virukset irrotettiin suodattimelta RNA-eristyskitin lyysispuskurilla (QIAamp viral mini RNA kit), mikÀ hajotti viruksen rakenteen ja vapautti viruksen genomin jatkokÀsittelyÀ varten. RNA puhdistettiin kÀyttÀen samaa kittiÀ ja mittaukset tehtiin reaaliaikaisen PCR-menetelmÀn avulla. KÀytetyissÀ olosuhteissa Millipore-suodatin oli tehokkain suodatettaessa influenssaviruksia. Saanto vaihteli 62,1 ja 65,9 % vÀlillÀ ollen 2,5-21,2 kertaa parempi muihin suodattimiin nÀhden. Toiseksi paras suodatin oli tÀssÀ tutkimuksessa Zetapor (9,5-24,7 %), tosin ero Sartorius-suodattimeen (3,1-18,6 %) on melko vÀhÀinen. Suodattimen kastaminen seerumeihin ei nÀissÀ tutkimuksissa muuttanut suodatustulosta seerumittomaan Millipore-suodattimeen verrattuna. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat alustavia ja herkÀn menetelmÀn kehittÀminen influenssaviruksen osoittamiseksi vesinÀytteistÀ vaatii vielÀ lisÀtutkimuksia. Luonnonvesien suodatusta suunniteltaessa Millipore-nitroselluloosasuodatin on hyvÀ valinta tehokkuuden lisÀksi myös suuren huokoskokonsa vuoksi

    Det adverbiella uttrycket pÄ nÄgot sÀtt i samtalsinteraktion

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    This article investigates transitional points in interaction (junctures) where participants use the Swedish adverbial expression pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt (‘in some way’) in conversations about visual art. The conversations take place between 1) professionals in gallery settings and 2) lay people in group conversations. These participants have different knowledge about and different rights to assess art. Thus, how they position themselves epistemically in relation to the situational context and with the help of pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt is an additional aim of this study. The junctures scrutinized are found in places where pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt occurs as a turn extension, in responsive turns and in aborted turn constructional units (TCUs). At these junctures the participants deal with potential interactional troubles that can hamper the progressivity of talk and make repairing actions relevant. Deploying a multimodal interactional analysis, the study shows how the participants’ observations can be modified and negotiated by pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt co-occurring with relevant embodied behavior, such as emblematic, iconic and other-oriented hand gestures. The participants in both data sets seek to establish a mutual understanding. They seem to agree more easily on observables when these are modified and delivered in relative terms. In this interactional work, where the participants need to organize their descriptive and evaluative actions in relation to each other, the adverbial expression pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt is a highly flexible resource.Peer reviewe

    Risk assessment and cost–benefit analysis of Salmonella in feed and animal production

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    Food items of animal origin, such as pork products, have been suggested as the main source of zoonotic salmonella infections in Europe. Contaminated feed can potentially introduce the pathogen into the animal-derived food chains. The prevalence of salmonella in different feeds for Finnish pigs was estimated as below 2% (medians) and on average in pigs 0.25% (mean). Feed was estimated on average as the cause of 35% of salmonella infections in fattening pigs and 55% in sows. Around 5% of the 300–400 domestic human salmonella infections reported per year were estimated as attributable to pig feeds. Year 2013 was employed as a reference. The present costs for the prevention of salmonella contamination in pig feeds were estimated at 1.8–3.0 million euros per year for the year 2013. The costs due to feed contamination, measures due to detected contamination and the resulting salmonella infections in pigs and humans were estimated at €2.4 (0.3–6.1) million annually. According to a scenario, if salmonella prevalence in Finnish pig feed would be similar to that acquired using data from other EU counties, the prevalence in fattening pigs and people could increase by 55-fold on average. If specific measures to eliminate salmonella from feed were not carried out, the costs due to preventive actions against salmonella were at least €1.1–1.8 million per year. Additionally, the costs due to the eradication of feedborne salmonella on pig farms, consequential measures at slaughterhouses, and the health costs to humans could rise to approximately €33 million per year. According to the results, the present feed salmonella control, including the preventiveElĂ€inperĂ€isiĂ€ elintarvikkeita, kuten sianlihaa, pidetÀÀn ihmisten salmonellatartuntojen pÀÀasiallisena lĂ€hteenĂ€ Euroopassa. Salmonella voi levitĂ€ elĂ€inperĂ€isten elintarvikkeiden tuotantoketjuun elĂ€inten rehusta. Saastunut rehu voi olla merkittĂ€vĂ€ salmonellan lĂ€hde etenkin maissa joissa salmonellatartunnat ovat harvinaisia tuotantoelĂ€imissĂ€. Salmonellan esiintyvyydeksi erilaisissa rehuaineissa ja sianrehuissa arvioitiin alle 2 % (mediaanit) ja sioissa keskimÀÀrin 0.25 % (keskiarvo). Rehun arvioitiin selittĂ€vĂ€n lihasikojen salmonellatartunnoista keskimÀÀrin 35 % ja emakoiden tartunnoista 55 %. Noin 5 % suomalaisten kotimaassa saamista salmonellooseista, joita raportoidaan vuodessa 300–400, arvioitiin olevan selitettĂ€vissĂ€ sikojen rehuilla. Vuotta 2013 kĂ€ytettiin viitteenĂ€. Sianrehujen salmonellakontaminaatioiden ehkĂ€isyn kustannuksiksi arvioitiin nykytilanteessa 1,8–3,0 miljoonaa euroa vuodessa (vuoden 2013 tietojen perusteella). Sianrehun saastumisen, havaituista saastuntojen vuoksi tehtyjen toimenpiteiden ja siitĂ€ aiheutuneiden sikojen ja ihmisten salmonellatartuntojen arvioitiin aiheuttavan nykytilanteessa yhteensĂ€ noin 2,4 (0,3–6,1) miljoonan euron vuotuiset taloudelliset kustannukset. Jos suomalaisten sianrehujen salmonellaesiintyvyys olisi samaa luokkaa kuin EU-maista kerĂ€tyssĂ€ aineistossa, esiintyvyys sioissa ja ihmisissĂ€ voisi ennustetussa tilanteessa nousta keskimÀÀrin 55-kertaiseksi. Jos salmonellan hĂ€vittĂ€miseksi rehusta ei ryhdyttĂ€isi toimenpiteisiin, ennaltaehkĂ€isyn kustannukset olisivat edelleen vĂ€hintÀÀn 1,1–1,8 miljoonaa euroa, jonka lisĂ€ksi rehun saastumisesta johtuvien sikatilojen saneerausten ja ihmisten sairastumisten aiheuttamat kustannukset nousisivat noin 33 miljoonaan euroon vuosittain. Tutkimuksen perusteella sianrehujen salmonellavalvonta ja siihen liittyvĂ€t kontaminaatioita ennaltaehkĂ€isevĂ€t toimenpiteet ovat kustannustehokkaita ja tuottavat yhteiskunnalle hyötyĂ€.Animaliska livsmedel, till exempel svinkött, har bedömts vara den huvudsakliga rutten för spridning av salmonellasmittor mellan djur och mĂ€nniskor i Europa. Foder kan vara en viktig faktor för spridningen av salmonella till produktionskedjan av animaliska livsmedel. Förekomsten av salmonella uppskattades i genomsnitt i olika fodevaror för svinfoder och foder vara mindre Ă€n 2 % (medianer), och i finlĂ€ndska svin 0.25 % (medelvĂ€rde). Fodret uppskattades förklara 35 % av salmonellasmittorna hos köttsvin och 55 % av smittorna hos suggor. Cirka 5 % av de salmonelloser som finlĂ€ndarna drabbas av i Finland, av vilka Ă„rligen rapporteras 300–400 fall, bedömdes ha sin förklaring i svinfoder. År 2013 anvĂ€ndes som referens (Ă„r). Kostnaderna för förebyggande av salmonellakontamination i svinfoder uppskattades i nulĂ€get ligga pĂ„ 1.8–3.0 miljoner euro per Ă„r (enlight Ă„r 2013 data). Kontamineringen av svinfoder och salmonellasmittorna mellan svin och mĂ€nniskor som orsakas av detta uppskattades i nulĂ€get medföra kostnader pĂ„ sammanlagt cirka 2,4 (0,3–6,1) miljoner euro Ă„rligen. Om det i de finlĂ€ndska svinens foder skulle finnas klart mera salmonella Ă€n nu, skulle förekomsten hos svin och mĂ€nniskor i genomsnitt kunna öka 55-faldigt. Om inga Ă„tgĂ€rder skulle vidtas för att utrota salmonella, skulle kostnaderna för förebyggande fortfarande vara minst 1.1–1.8 miljoner euro. Dessutom skulle kostnaderna för saneringar av svingĂ„rdar och mĂ€nniskornas sjukdomsfall uppgĂ„ till i genomsnitt cirka 33 miljoner euro per Ă„r. Forskningen visar att salmonellatillsyn av svinfoder och relaterade kontaminationsförebyggande Ă„tgĂ€rder Ă€r kostnadseffektiva och till nytta för samhĂ€llet

    Contamination by Norovirus and Adenovirus on Environmental Surfaces and in Hands of Conscripts in Two Finnish Garrisons

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    This study investigated the presence of norovirus and adenovirus, especially enteric adenovirus, on the environmental surfaces (n = 481) and military conscripts' hands (n = 109) in two Finnish garrisons (A and B) in 2013 and 2014. A questionnaire study was conducted to reveal possible correlations between viral findings on the conscripts' hands and their acute gastroenteritis symptoms. In addition to the swab samples, 14 fecal samples were obtained for viral analysis. In total, norovirus was present in 9.0 % of the surface swabs in 2013, whereas enteric adenovirus was present in 0.0 % and non-enteric adenovirus in 9.4 %. In the same year, 2.6 % of the hand swabs contained norovirus, 2.6 % enteric adenovirus, and 40.3 % non-enteric adenovirus. Norovirus GI.6 was continually detected on the surfaces of garrison A, and identical virus was detected in some of the fecal samples. In garrison B, two slightly different norovirus GII.4 strains were present on the surfaces. The questionnaires revealed no recent acute gastroenteritis cases in garrison A, but in garrison B, where the norovirus-positive hand swabs were collected, 30.6 % of the conscripts reported of recent symptoms. In 2014, norovirus was rarely detected, but adenovirus was again frequently present, both on the surfaces and hands. Taken together, our results suggest that gastroenteritis outbreaks occurred in 2013, but not in 2014. Due to the low number of hand swabs positive for enteric viruses, no conclusions about associations between viral findings and gastroenteritis symptoms could be drawn. This study increased our understanding of the possible transmission of viruses via contaminated environment and hands.Peer reviewe

    Growth inhibition of oral mutans streptococci and candida by commercial probiotic lactobacilli - an in vitro study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Probiotic bacteria are suggested to play a role in the maintenance of oral health. Such health promoting bacteria are added to different commercial probiotic products. The aim of the study was to investigate the ability of a selection of lactobacilli strains, used in commercially available probiotic products, to inhibit growth of oral mutans streptococci and <it>C. albicans in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight probiotic lactobacilli strains were tested for growth inhibition on three reference strains and two clinical isolates of mutans streptococci as well as two reference strains and three clinical isolates of <it>Candida albicans </it>with an agar overlay method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At concentrations ranging from 10<sup>9 </sup>to 10<sup>5 </sup>CFU/ml, all lactobacilli strains inhibited the growth of the mutans streptococci completely with the exception of <it>L. acidophilus </it>La5 that executed only a slight inhibition of some strains at concentrations corresponding to 10<sup>7 </sup>and 10<sup>5 </sup>CFU/ml. At the lowest cell concentration (10<sup>3 </sup>CFU/ml), only <it>L. plantarum </it>299v and <it>L. plantarum </it>931 displayed a total growth inhibition while a slight inhibition was seen for all five mutans streptococci strains by <it>L. rhamnosus </it>LB21, <it>L. paracasei </it>F19, <it>L. reuteri </it>PTA 5289 and <it>L. reuteri </it>ATCC 55730. All the tested lactobacilli strains reduced candida growth but the effect was generally weaker than for mutans streptococci. The two <it>L. plantarum </it>strains and <it>L. reuteri </it>ATCC 55730 displayed the strongest inhibition on <it>Candida albicans</it>. No significant differences were observed between the reference strains and the clinical isolates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The selected probiotic strains showed a significant but somewhat varying ability to inhibit growth of oral mutans streptococci and <it>Candida albicans in vitro</it>.</p

    FörskollÀrares uppfattningar om den fria leken : En kvalitativ studie av tio förskollÀrares uppfattningar om den fria leken samt sin egen roll i den.

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    I denna studie presenterar vi pedagogers uppfattningar om den fria leken samt sitt deltagande i den fria leken utifrÄn pedagogernas egna perspektiv. Tidigare forskning visar att det inte finns en samlad syn pÄ den fria leken samt pedagogernas deltagandet i den. Syftet med vÄr studie Àr att undersöka vilka uppfattningar pedagoger har om sin roll i barnens fria lek samt vilka uppfattningar de har om den fria leken i förskolans verksamhet. Vi har valt att utgÄ ifrÄn frÄgestÀllningarna. Vad har pedagoger för uppfattningar om den fria leken samt vad har pedagoger för uppfattningar om sin roll i den fria leken. För att ta del av pedagogernas uppfattningar har vi i denna studie anvÀnt oss av en kvalitativ metod dÀr vi kontaktat tio verksamma pedagoger i förskolan och genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer för att komma fram till vÄrt resultat. Resultatet och diskussionen har fokuserat pÄ de uppfattningar som pedagogerna i vÄr studie har samt variationen i det empiriska materialet. Pedagogerna i vÄr studie ansÄg att den fria leken Àr viktig men att rutinsituationer samt planerade aktiviteter blir prioriterade över den fria leken och att den fÄr ta plats mellan dessa situationer. Det framkommer ocksÄ att det finns en delad syn pÄ hur deltagande man ska vara i den fria leken som pedagog. Bidragande faktorer till detta kan vara att det Àr kort om personal pÄ grund av den rÄdande pandemin samt att det saknas en samsyn om hur den fria leken ska prioriteras. Det framkom i studien att pedagogerna oftast faller in i en av fyra roller i barnens fria lek dessa Àr frÄnvarande observerande deltagande och aktiv. Resultatet av studien visade att pedagogerna i vÄr studie ser den fria leken som högt betydande för barnens lÀrande och utveckling och att de ser sin roll som viktig men vilken roll de tar i barns fria fria lek Àr inte alltid sjÀlvklart eller ett eget aktivt val Studien visade pÄ en variation av uppfattningar som finns bland verksamma pedagoger. Dessa handlade om hur de ser pÄ sin roll i barnens fria lek samt vad deras uppfattningar om fri lek Àr.Betyg i Ladok 210606.</p

    Patienters upplevelse om den förbokade Äterbesökstiden, vÀntetiden och personalens bemötande. VÄrdpersonals upplevelse efter införandet enligt Lean-modellen pÄ en Ortopedmottagning

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    Syfte: UtvĂ€rdering av hur patienter upplever den förbokade Ă„terbesökstiden, vĂ€ntetiden samt personalens bemötande vid Ă„terbesöket. Syftet Ă€r Ă€ven att undersöka hur personal pĂ„ ortopedens nyinrĂ€ttade ”snabbmottagningen” vid AS upplever stress, patientflöde samt telefonförfrĂ„gningarna, efter införandet enligt Lean-modellen Metod: Deskriptiv kvantitativ enkĂ€tstudie. SlumpmĂ€ssigt urval utfördes pĂ„ patienter och av hundra procent (n=55) tillfrĂ„gade, deltog fyrtionio procent (n=27). Av hundra procent tillfrĂ„gad personal (n=14), deltog sextiofyra procent (n=9). Urvalet utförde avdelningschefen. Resultat: UtvĂ€rderingen av patienternas upplevelser av planerad Ă„terbesökstid, bemötande och vĂ€ntetid pĂ„ snabbmottagningen var generellt mycket bra. Personal pĂ„ ortopedmottagningens snabbmottagning upplevde ingen större förĂ€ndring efter införandet enligt Lean-modellen. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att patienterna upplevde den planerade Ă„terbesökstiden generellt mycket bra. Personalens upplevde inte att arbetet förĂ€ndrats. Fler och större studier behövs för att utvĂ€rdera organisationsförĂ€ndringar som initierats av Lean-modellen.Aim: Evaluation of paitents’ experiences of the prebooked time for next appointment, the waiting time and the staff’s treatment at the next appointment. The aim is also to examine how the staff at the newly established orthopedic “quickreception” at the Uppsala University hospital experience stress, patientflow and the telephonerequests, after the introduction according to the Lean-model. Method: Descriptive quantitative inquirystudy. Patients were selected randomly and out of one hundred percent (n=55) who were asked, fortynine percent (n=27) participated. Out of one hundred percent (n=14) of the staff asked, sixtyfour percent (n=9) participated. The selection was made by the head of the ward. Results: Evaluation of the patients’ experiences of the planned time for next appointment, treatment and waiting time at the “quickreception” was generally very good. The staff at the orthopedic “quickreception” did not experience a big change after the introduction according to the Lean-model. Conclusion: The results show that the patients experienced the planned time for next appointment generally very good. The staff did not experience that the work had changed. More and larger studies are needed to evaluate changes of organisations that were initiated by the Lean-model

    Patienters upplevelse om den förbokade Äterbesökstiden, vÀntetiden och personalens bemötande. VÄrdpersonals upplevelse efter införandet enligt Lean-modellen pÄ en Ortopedmottagning

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    Syfte: UtvĂ€rdering av hur patienter upplever den förbokade Ă„terbesökstiden, vĂ€ntetiden samt personalens bemötande vid Ă„terbesöket. Syftet Ă€r Ă€ven att undersöka hur personal pĂ„ ortopedens nyinrĂ€ttade ”snabbmottagningen” vid AS upplever stress, patientflöde samt telefonförfrĂ„gningarna, efter införandet enligt Lean-modellen Metod: Deskriptiv kvantitativ enkĂ€tstudie. SlumpmĂ€ssigt urval utfördes pĂ„ patienter och av hundra procent (n=55) tillfrĂ„gade, deltog fyrtionio procent (n=27). Av hundra procent tillfrĂ„gad personal (n=14), deltog sextiofyra procent (n=9). Urvalet utförde avdelningschefen. Resultat: UtvĂ€rderingen av patienternas upplevelser av planerad Ă„terbesökstid, bemötande och vĂ€ntetid pĂ„ snabbmottagningen var generellt mycket bra. Personal pĂ„ ortopedmottagningens snabbmottagning upplevde ingen större förĂ€ndring efter införandet enligt Lean-modellen. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att patienterna upplevde den planerade Ă„terbesökstiden generellt mycket bra. Personalens upplevde inte att arbetet förĂ€ndrats. Fler och större studier behövs för att utvĂ€rdera organisationsförĂ€ndringar som initierats av Lean-modellen.Aim: Evaluation of paitents’ experiences of the prebooked time for next appointment, the waiting time and the staff’s treatment at the next appointment. The aim is also to examine how the staff at the newly established orthopedic “quickreception” at the Uppsala University hospital experience stress, patientflow and the telephonerequests, after the introduction according to the Lean-model. Method: Descriptive quantitative inquirystudy. Patients were selected randomly and out of one hundred percent (n=55) who were asked, fortynine percent (n=27) participated. Out of one hundred percent (n=14) of the staff asked, sixtyfour percent (n=9) participated. The selection was made by the head of the ward. Results: Evaluation of the patients’ experiences of the planned time for next appointment, treatment and waiting time at the “quickreception” was generally very good. The staff at the orthopedic “quickreception” did not experience a big change after the introduction according to the Lean-model. Conclusion: The results show that the patients experienced the planned time for next appointment generally very good. The staff did not experience that the work had changed. More and larger studies are needed to evaluate changes of organisations that were initiated by the Lean-model

    FörskollÀrares uppfattningar om den fria leken : En kvalitativ studie av tio förskollÀrares uppfattningar om den fria leken samt sin egen roll i den.

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    I denna studie presenterar vi pedagogers uppfattningar om den fria leken samt sitt deltagande i den fria leken utifrÄn pedagogernas egna perspektiv. Tidigare forskning visar att det inte finns en samlad syn pÄ den fria leken samt pedagogernas deltagandet i den. Syftet med vÄr studie Àr att undersöka vilka uppfattningar pedagoger har om sin roll i barnens fria lek samt vilka uppfattningar de har om den fria leken i förskolans verksamhet. Vi har valt att utgÄ ifrÄn frÄgestÀllningarna. Vad har pedagoger för uppfattningar om den fria leken samt vad har pedagoger för uppfattningar om sin roll i den fria leken. För att ta del av pedagogernas uppfattningar har vi i denna studie anvÀnt oss av en kvalitativ metod dÀr vi kontaktat tio verksamma pedagoger i förskolan och genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer för att komma fram till vÄrt resultat. Resultatet och diskussionen har fokuserat pÄ de uppfattningar som pedagogerna i vÄr studie har samt variationen i det empiriska materialet. Pedagogerna i vÄr studie ansÄg att den fria leken Àr viktig men att rutinsituationer samt planerade aktiviteter blir prioriterade över den fria leken och att den fÄr ta plats mellan dessa situationer. Det framkommer ocksÄ att det finns en delad syn pÄ hur deltagande man ska vara i den fria leken som pedagog. Bidragande faktorer till detta kan vara att det Àr kort om personal pÄ grund av den rÄdande pandemin samt att det saknas en samsyn om hur den fria leken ska prioriteras. Det framkom i studien att pedagogerna oftast faller in i en av fyra roller i barnens fria lek dessa Àr frÄnvarande observerande deltagande och aktiv. Resultatet av studien visade att pedagogerna i vÄr studie ser den fria leken som högt betydande för barnens lÀrande och utveckling och att de ser sin roll som viktig men vilken roll de tar i barns fria fria lek Àr inte alltid sjÀlvklart eller ett eget aktivt val Studien visade pÄ en variation av uppfattningar som finns bland verksamma pedagoger. Dessa handlade om hur de ser pÄ sin roll i barnens fria lek samt vad deras uppfattningar om fri lek Àr.Betyg i Ladok 210606.</p