46 research outputs found

    More than food or fuel. Stakeholder perceptions of anaerobic digestion and land use; a case study from the United Kingdom

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is of growing importance within the UK as it can make an important contribution to the countries energy and climate change targets. With the growth of the sector, discussions about competing land uses are likely to increase. For a better understanding of the synergies between agricultural land, its role and bioenergy the perception of the different stakeholders will play an important role. The perception of stakeholders related to AD, feedstock and energy crop production was investigated through interviews and a stakeholder workshop. The results indicated that from an AD operator and feedstock producer perspective, on-farm AD is more an additional activity integrated into existing agricultural systems than a renewable energy technology. The risk of a shift in agricultural practices and large areas to grow energy crops for AD is seen as low for the UK. Nonetheless, land use and related challenges need to be considered as the demand for AD feedstocks increases with the fast growth of the sector. Considering the synergies between bioenergy and agriculture as well as the motivations and benefits perceived by stakeholders will play an important role in a successful policy design to provide the required emission reduction in both sectors without subverting sustainability

    Mapping the sustainability of bioenergy to maximise benefits, mitigate risks and drive progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Demand for biomass resources will continue to grow as bioenergy is increasingly targeted within energy strategies. Sustainability is a primary issue for large scale bioenergy, with potential to generate both risks and benefits for people, development, natural systems and for climate change – this balance of risks and benefits determining overall sustainability performance. A new sustainability mapping framework is introduced that provides a flexible tool (BSIM) to map the performances of biomass resources, supply chains, technologies and/or whole value chains against 126 indicators of sustainability. Sustainability maps are developed and assessments undertaken for case studies in the UK and Colombia. This research finds sustainability of bioenergy covers far more issues than those targeted within legislation – where land, carbon and biodiversity are prioritised. Mapping sustainability is a valuable tool to identify the leading risks and benefits to enable targeted actions to mitigate risks and to maximise and promote benefits. Mapping sustainability at different resolutions and analysing the trade-offs enables greater rationalisation of potential risks through also identifying the potential broader benefits gained. Bioenergy is intrinsically linked to the SDGs more so than other renewable technologies and should be used as a mechanism to drive sustainable development

    Bioenergy Mass-Energy Balance Model

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    The Mass-Energy Balance model was developed by Aston University and has been designed to be used as a scoping tool and not a detailed process simulation. The model allows to investigate commercially viable opportunities for the development of modern bioenergy technologies for electricity and/or heat generation in the output range 10 kWe to 5 MWe from regional feedstocks with known properties. Typical plant configurations suited to the feedstock and energy demand can be modelled. The model as part of the ‘Bioenergy for Sustainable Local Energy Services and Energy Access in Africa - Phase 2’ (BSE-AA2) project, funded with UK aid from the UK government as part of the TEA programme. The model forms a part of a suite of research tools and products developed under BSEAA2 to enable project developers, practitioners, investors and other stakeholders to make decisions regarding the technical and commercial viability of investing in bioenergy technology within seven shortlisted industries, referred to as ‘demand sectors’

    Designing biomass policy: the political economy of renewable energy for net zero

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    The climate, ecological, and energy crises require change in our political, economic, and societal systems to ensure we decouple humanity from a reliance on fossil fuels, prevent rising carbon dioxide emissions, and develop sustainable solutions for people and the planet. As well as technical processes, renewable energy transitions are processes of social, environmental, and economic change which have the potential to challenge the status quo. This status quo determines who benefits from energy, where wealth is created, and the level of inequality between stakeholders within our energy systems. The politicization of energy transitions motivates stakeholders to engage in the policymaking process to ensure any trade-offs associated with policy changes benefit them. Bioenergy is unique amongst renewable energy sources as it is inherently linked to biomass extraction from our natural environment and because biomass is the only source of renewable carbon. However, this further politicizes its use and is a source of controversy in public debate. Polarized perspectives in the public debate on biomass policy allow stakeholders to assert themselves as experts on the topic and to make authoritative claims that further their interests to influence policy development. Therefore, political and economic drivers shape and influence the sustainability and success of proposed policies. Despite this, there is little research into the nontechnical factors influencing the design of sustainable biomass policy for net zero. This research highlights how political economy impacts the success of renewable energy technologies in replacing fossil fuels and the implications for using bioenergy

    A review of the role of bioenergy modelling in renewable energy research & policy development

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    Transition towards renewable low carbon energy is a fundamental element of climate change mitigation, energy from biomass technologies are targeted within many country's decarbonisation strategies. Decision makers globally face many challenges developing strategies to drive this transition; models are increasingly used to road-test policy interventions before their implemented. A Bioenergy Literature Database was developed of 124,285 papers published 2000–2018. These document an exponential rise in research focusing on biomass and bioenergy. On average 35.4% of papers apply modelling analyses, 99.5% of these use bespoke models rather than high profile Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) or Energy System Models – although it is these high profile models that are widely used in policy development. A review of the role of bioenergy within energy models is undertaken with a key objective of critiquing their performances in analysing bioenergy research questions. IAMs are found to be widely applied to investigate the impact of bioenergy within wider energy and environmental systems, e.g. for reducing emissions. Energy System Models focus on bioenergy processes, technologies and feedstocks, although don't capture wider environmental, economic and social themes. Specialist Bioenergy Models offer methods for bespoke analyses of all bioenergy issues, their narrow system boundaries generate targeted outputs but wider effects such as land-use change may not be captured. Caution is required when interpreting modelling outputs, particularly when used to inform policy. It's not feasible to develop all-encompassing bioenergy models covering all nuances between systems, but there is strong argument for using multiple models in parallel to build robust overall conclusions

    The greenhouse gas performance and climate change mitigation potential from rice straw biogas as a pathway to the UN sustainable development goals

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    Rice, as a main crop, contributes to food security in Asia. However, its by-product, rice straw, poses challenges as it is often disposed of unsustainably. This research investigates the environmental performance of a 1000 m3 rice straw biogas pilot plant in Laguna, Philippines. A lifecycle assessment identified the climate change impact of the biogas system, straw burning and soil incorporation. In addition to GWP100, the global temperature potential's dynamic climate effects were assessed, including integrated radiative forcing and instantaneous temperature effects. The timeframe of the biogenic emission fluxes of rice production is particularly relevant as the sequestered CO2 during plant growth is partly released as methane and CO2, depending on the straw management practices. Straw burning had the highest net emission impact. However, straw incorporation has the highest short-term radiative forcing and temperature increase. The biogas system provided significant short- and long-term GHG emission reduction of up to 68 % when biogas replaced burning or soil incorporation and the use of fossil fuels. Still, considerable uncertainties remain about fugitive methane emissions, handling and post-processing of the digestate. While single GHG emission figures on a GWP100 basis are useful for informing decision-making, this single-metric approach limits understanding of rice production's short- and long-term impacts. Additionally, our assessment emphasises the necessity for governance frameworks that promote sustainable practices in rice farming, as banning rice straw burning may result in less favourable outcomes from soil incorporation, whereas integrating biogas offers a solution benefiting rice-growing communities and global sustainability efforts

    (Stop) burning for biogas. Enabling positive sustainability trade-offs with business models for biogas from rice straw

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    Rice is the main agricultural crop in the Philippines and central to the country's food security. One main challenge of rice farming is the management of the straw after harvest. With limited uses, the rice straw is currently burned or in some cases incorporated with significant environmental impacts. However, it can be an important feedstock for sustainable bioenergy and support energy access in the Philippines. The research was conducted around a 1000 m3 biogas pilot plant in Laguna province, Philippines. The aim of this research was to develop business models and assess their potential for improving energy access, agricultural practices, and empowering local rice-growing communities. Four business models were developed, reflecting energy supply and demand approaches. This was informed by interviews with stakeholders, including farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs, local authorities, and policymakers in the case study location. A multi-criteria assessment was conducted to evaluate synergies and trade-offs between different aspects of the business models. While all business models provided positive environmental, economic, and in particular social sustainability impacts, the farming community showed the most support for approaches that provide wider livelihood benefits beyond renewable energy access, such as diversification of agricultural activities and income generation. This demonstrated that bioenergy has the potential to create a virtuous circle of benefits for local communities in support of sustainable development. To achieve this, it is essential to take a holistic and multi-level approach to the different sustainability criteria to maximise benefits and mitigate negative impacts of bioenergy systems beyond energy technology

    The future of residue-based bioenergy for industrial use in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Energy outlooks for Africa feature increased use of fossil fuels. However, they widely ignore that a transition from traditional to modern bioenergy can support the increasing commercial energy demand and offer a high level of flexibility and dispatchability. We use energy statistics, resource assessments and demand analysis to show how switching traditional biomass use to more sustainable technologies could practically eliminate unsustainable fuelwood use. Furthermore, mobilising agricultural and forestry residue for commercial use could grow a sustainable biomass industry and offset Africa's projected expansion of fossil fuels. The assessment focuses on feedstocks and potential energy conversion options for selected and most promising bioenergy pathways in Sub-Saharan Africa's growing and economically relevant industries: cement, agricultural processing, livestock, and horticulture. Examples of specific applications are given to support the high-level resource assessment and demand balances in these sectors. Our results indicate that 3317 PJ bioenergy could be utilised in Sub-Saharan Africa. Even with the calculated gap between biomass availability and biomass demand of 5559 PJ in future energy scenarios, bioenergy can contribute to sustainable energy supply and access in SSA. The sustainability mapping highlighted that bioenergy could deliver integral social and economic impacts because of the close integration with agriculture as the main livelihood supporting sector in SSA. Sustainability frameworks and governance structures must consider bioenergy beyond its cost and clean energy potential to maximise positive trade-offs

    Bioenergy potential in Nigeria, how to advance knowledge and deployment to enable SDG 7

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    Biomass is currently the main energy source in Nigeria, but it is being used and managed unsustainably, resulting in significant health and environmental risks. To support Nigeria's transition to an affordable, reliable, and low-emission future, there is a need to shift from traditional biomass use to modern bioenergy applications. The research reviews the existing knowledge on themes relevant to developing sustainable modern bioenergy for Nigeria in the context of agri-residues. It synthesizes the key findings on the themes from 161 scientific literature published between 2010 and 2021 on Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa. The findings show that most literature focused on agri-residues potentially available in large amounts but highly disaggregated, such as cassava and palm residues. Furthermore, the literature highlighted the importance of understanding agri-residue aggregation, technological, economic, socio-economic, governance framework of bioenergy, and the interactions with other sectors to unlock the full potential of modern bioenergy. While research acknowledged that bioenergy could enhance energy security, economic growth, and social co-benefits, there has been less focus on the benefits of novel bioenergy solutions co-created by relevant stakeholder groups in Nigeria. Involving relevant stakeholders in developing novel bioenergy solutions would address the missing link between resource assessment, appropriate technology deployment, and end-user demand. It would also enhance the analysis of the bioenergy market and nonmarket benefits and ensure that bioenergy solutions in Nigeria are aligned with community needs and foster inclusivity. This article is categorized under: Sustainable Energy > Bioenergy Policy and Economics > Governance and Regulation