1 research outputs found

    Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Education

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    Esta investigaci贸n explor贸 la integraci贸n de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la educaci贸n ecuatoriana, abordando el problema de comprender c贸mo esta transici贸n afecta a diversos actores educativos. La metodolog铆a incluy贸 entrevistas detalladas con participantes de distintos niveles educativos, analizando sus experiencias y percepciones. Los hallazgos revelaron beneficios tangibles, como mejoras en el rendimiento acad茅mico y la participaci贸n estudiantil, atribuidos a la personalizaci贸n del aprendizaje facilitada por la IA. No obstante, se identificaron desaf铆os significativos, destacando la brecha digital y la resistencia docente como barreras clave. Las recomendaciones se centraron en la necesidad de capacitaci贸n continua para docentes, pol铆ticas claras y la atenci贸n a consideraciones 茅ticas y de privacidad. En conclusi贸n, la IA en la educaci贸n ecuatoriana presenta un panorama complejo. Aunque ofrece beneficios sustanciales, la superaci贸n de desaf铆os cr铆ticos es esencial para una integraci贸n exitosa. Se resalta la urgencia de pol铆ticas inclusivas para abordar la brecha digital y la importancia de estrategias espec铆ficas para la aceptaci贸n docente. Este estudio proporciona una base s贸lida para futuras investigaciones y destaca la necesidad de un enfoque equitativo y 茅tico en la integraci贸n de la IA en la educaci贸n ecuatoriana.This research explored the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in Ecuadorian education, addressing the problem of understanding how this transition affects various educational stakeholders. The methodology included in-depth interviews with participants from different educational levels, analyzing their experiences and perceptions. The findings revealed tangible benefits, such as improvements in academic performance and student participation, attributed to personalized learning facilitated by AI. However, significant challenges were identified, highlighting the digital divide and teacher resistance as key barriers. Recommendations focused on the need for continuous training for teachers, clear policies, and attention to ethical and privacy considerations. In conclusion, AI in Ecuadorian education presents a complex landscape. While it offers substantial benefits, overcoming critical challenges is essential for successful integration. The urgency of inclusive policies to address the digital divide and the importance of specific strategies for teacher acceptance are emphasized. This study provides a solid foundation for future research and underscores the need for an equitable and ethical approach to AI integration in Ecuadorian education