65 research outputs found

    The implant material, Ti6Al7Nb: surface microstructure, composition and properties

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    The excellent biocompatibility of titanium and its alloys is intimately related with the properties of the surface in contact with the biological environment, and therefore it is closely connected with the stable, passivating oxide layer that forms on its surface. In the present paper, the oxide layer on the alloy Ti6Al7Nb has been characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning Auger microscopy and pH-dependent lateral force microscopy. The alloying elements Al and Nb are incorporated in the oxide layer and detected in their most stable oxidized form, as Al2O3 and Nb2O5. Their distribution in the oxide reflects the underlying α-β microstructure, with enrichment of Al in the α- and of Nb in the β-phase (determined by electron microprobe). Friction measurements (lateral force microscopy) indicate slightly different, pH-dependent, lateral forces above the α- and β-phase structures that point to small local variations in surface charges. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publisher

    Effects of guanidine on synaptic transmission in the spinal cord of the frog

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    The effects of guanidine on motoneurons of the isolated frog spinal cord were studied by adding the drug to the solution bathing the cord during intracellular recording. Guanidine (5·10–4 M) did not alter the membrane potential of motoneurons. The main effect was a marked increase of the amplitudes and frequencies of small spontaneously occurring inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. The hyperpolarizing component of postsynaptic potentials evoked by stimulation of dorsal roots was also enhanced by guanidine. Higher concentrations of guanidine (5·10–3 M) resulted in a very large and irreversible increase of the small spontaneously occurring inhibitory potentials, which now appeared in a regular, rhythmic pattern. The effects of guanidine could easily be blocked by increasing the magnesium ions (15 mM) in the bath solution. These results indicate that guanidine facilitates the release of an inhibitory transmitter in afferent terminals of the frog spinal cord either by a direct action on these terminals or indirectly by an action on nerve endings impinging on inhibitory interneurons

    The Long-Term Care System in Germany

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    This document provides an overview of the long-term care system, the number and develop-ment of beneficiaries and the long-term care policy in Germany. The report is part of the first stage of the European project ANCIEN (Assessing Needs of Care in European Nations), commissioned by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The first part of the project aims to facilitate structured comparison of the long-term care systems and policies in European Nations. Thus, this report is one of comparable reports provided for most European countries

    Der Einflu� der Seruminaktivierung auf das Zellwachstum

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