40 research outputs found

    The recognition of the right to due process in the international law and its relation with the United States: the Guantanamo case

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    El debido proceso es un derecho fundamental que por vez primera fue recogido en la Constitución de Estados Unidos en 1791, en cuyo desarrollo jugó un papel importante el Tribunal Supremo. Posteriormente, con la humanización del derecho internacional, los diversos instrumentos internacionales de protección de los derechos humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario, de los que Estados Unidos es parte, le reconocen un lugar especial. Paradójicamente, asistimos a un escenario en el que invocando la seguridad y la “lucha contra el terror”, EEUU desconoce en Guantánamo varios de los elementos que configuran un debido proceso, entre otros derechos humanos. La fecha de cierre anunciada inicialmente por Obama, no se cumplió, por las dificultades que implica resolver la situación jurídica de los presos.The U.S. Constitution of 1791 introduced the fundamental right of due process, and subsequent Supreme Court actions played a significant role in its development. The humanization of international law, the creation of international instruments for the protection of human rights, and the advent of International Humanitarian Law subscribed to by the United States, collectively contributed to the recognition of the right of due process. Paradoxically and despite its pioneering efforts, the United States has flagrantly and consistently violated this and many other human rights in Guantanamo, in defence of national security and the “war against terror”. It now appears that Guantanamo will not be closed by the date set by Obama due to difficulties encountered in resolving the prisoners’ legal situation

    Transitional Justice, Victims and Human Rights in the Light of International Law and the Inter-American System of Human Rights

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    The article begins by analyzing the origin and evolution of the concept "transitional justice", determining its characteristics, the context in which it was born and developed, as well as the role of the State in this process. Then it focuses attention on analyzing the development of this figure in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System, through the work that the Inter-American Court has been carrying out since its operation, interpreting in a broad way and always pro homini, the American Convention of Human Rights. Throughout its years of operation, it has ruled on the State's obligation to protect and guarantee human rights and to carry out the pertinent investigations in the event of their violation; as well as the recognition of the status of victims to the victims' families and their pronouncement of the right to the truth, not as an autonomous human right, but rather as a right of the victims and their next of kin. Undoubtedly, these are aspects that have gone beyond the American Convention.This article has been written within the framework of the Research Project ODS, Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional (PGC 2018-095805-B-100)

    Ius cogens in the Inter-american System: Its relation with the due process

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    Las normas imperativas de derecho internacional general, pese a su trayectoria en el derecho internacional, no han tenido un desarrollo destacable. En el sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos el ius cogen ha sido invocado por la Comisión y la Corte, la cual ha reconocido dicha naturaleza a diversos derechos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar su incorporación y desarrollo en la región y su relación con el derecho al debido proceso por su importancia en la región. Para ello será necesario acudir brevemente al origen del ius cogens en el derecho internacional; revisar la jurisprudencia de la Corte y las decisiones de la Comisión referidas a él; analizar su relación con las garantías judiciales o debido proceso; para concluir con una reflexión final.Peremptory norms of general international law despite their background in international law have not had a prominent development. In the inter-American system of protection of the human rights the ius cogens has been invoked by the Commission and the Court, which have recognized the nature of various rights. The aim of this study is to analyze its incorporation and development in the region and its relation with the right to due process by its importance in the region. For it, it will be necessary to turn briefly to the origin of ius cogens in international law, review the jurisprudence of the Court and Commission decisions relating to it, analyze its relation with the judicial guarantees or due process to conclude with a final reflection

    Problems and prospects of integration processes in Latin America

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    Transcurridos casi sesenta años de intentos de integración en América Latina, los avances son aún exiguos. La particularidad de la región es que no hay un grupo sólido y fuerte, y con un líder que vaya encaminado al logro de una integración plena, real y efectiva. Por el contrario, con el tiempo han ido surgiendo muchos grupos subregionales, entre otros, la Comunidad Andina de Naciones, integrada por Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, y el Mercado Común del Sur, que tiene en su seno como miembros a Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay (y Venezuela). Ello impide la consolidación de un grupo de integración fuerte por cuanto cada uno tiene intereses diferentes. Además, en esto influye el pasado de los países miembros.After nearly sixty years of integration efforts in Latin America, progress is still modest in comparison to what happened in Europe. The particularity of the region is that there is a strong group, and with a leader who is aiming to achieve an integrated, full, and effective. By contrast, over time many groups have emerged subregional, inter alia, the Andean Community of Nations, comprising Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and MERCOSUR, which has among its members Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay (and Venezuela). This prevents the consolidation of a strong integration group as each has different interests. Moreover, the past of the members countries has a substantive influence.Publicad

    Transitional Justice, Victims and Human Rights in the Light of International Law and the Inter-American System of Human Rights

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    The article begins by analyzing the origin and evolution of the concept "transitional justice", determining its characteristics, the context in which it was born and developed, as well as the role of the State in this process. Then it focuses attention on analyzing the development of this figure in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System, through the work that the Inter-American Court has been carrying out since its operation, interpreting in a broad way and always pro homini, the American Convention of Human Rights. Throughout its years of operation, it has ruled on the State’s obligation to protect and guarantee human rights and to carry out the pertinent investigations in the event of their violation; as well as the recognition of the status of victims to the victims’ families and their pronouncement of the right to the truth, not as an autonomous human right, but rather as a right of the victims and their next of kin. Undoubtedly, these are aspects that have gone beyond the American Convention

    Ius cogens en el sistema interamericano - su relación con el debido proceso

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    Peremptory norms of general international law despite their background in international law have not had a prominent development. In the inter-Americansystem of protection of the human rights the ius cogens has been invoked bythe Commission and the Court, which have recognized the nature of variousrights. The aim of this study is to analyze its incorporation and developmentin the region and its relation with the right to due process by its importance inthe region. For it, it will be necessary to turn briefly to the origin of ius cogensin international law, review the jurisprudence of the Court and Commissiondecisions relating to it, analyze its relation with the judicial guarantees or dueprocess to conclude with a final reflection.Las normas imperativas de derecho internacional general pese a su trayectoria en el derecho internacional no han tenido un desarrollo destacable. En el sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos el ius cogen ha sido invocado por la Comisión y la Corte, la cual ha reconocido dicha naturaleza a diversos derechos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar su incorporación y desarrollo en la región y su relación con el derecho al debido proceso dado su importancia en la región. Para ello, será necesario acudir brevemente al origen del ius cogens en el derecho internacional; revisar la jurisprudencia de la Corte y las decisiones de la Comisión referidas a él; analizar su relación con las garantías judiciales o debido proceso; para concluir con una reflexión final

    La protección de los derechos humanos en el sistema interamericano: su evolución y una visión actual

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    El presente trabajo analiza desde un punto de vista histórico-jurídico el desarrollo del sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos desde su origen en 1948 hasta la actualidad a través de sus órganos de protección, especialmente el de la Corte Interamericana de Derecho Humanos. Visibiliza los avances tanto en los aspectos sustantivos como procesales. Asimismo, identifica debilidades del sistema y posibles soluciones, para una mayor y mejor protección de las personas de esta región.This paper analyzes from a historical point of view-legal development of the inter-American system for the protection of human rights since its inception in 1948 to the present through their protection bodies, especially the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Makes visible progress in both substantive and procedural aspects. It also establishes the possible weaknesses in the system and possible solutions for greater and better protection of the people of this region

    Los Derechos Humanos como límite a la voluntad popular: el caso Gelman

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    Sección A) Derecho Internacional Público. Selección y coordinación a cargo de Romualdo Bermejo García

    El derecho al juez natural -como derecho humano- y los tribunales militares en Colombia

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    El derecho al juez natural es un derecho humano reconocido a nivel nacional e internacional que incluye un juez independiente, imparcial y predeterminado por ley. La competencia para conocer de violaciones a los derechos humanos debe recaer, según las normas y jurisprudencia internacionales, en un juez ordinario. A través de la modificación del art. 221 de la Constitución colombiana, se da un amplio margen a los tribunales militares para conocer de violaciones de derechos humanos cometidos por miembros de la fuerza pública atentando contra las normas internacionales de protección de los derechos humanos que obligan al Estado colombiano.Palabras clave: Juez natural, tribunales militares, derechos humanos, conflicto armado, Colombia.Abstract: The right to natural judge is a human right recognized national and internationally. It includes an independent and impartial judge predetermined by law. According to international law and case law the jurisdiction for the prosecution of human rights violations is a duty to ordinary judge, however, the amendment to Article 221 of the Colombian Constitution gives wide scope to military tribunals for knowing human rights violations committed by members of security forces attacking the standards of protection of human rights which are binding rules for Colombian State.Keywords: Natural judge, military tribunals, human rights, armed conflict, Colombia