1,693 research outputs found

    Cell-Wall Density of Douglas-Fir by Two Optometric Methods

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    The change in cell-wall density from the water-swollen (1.0 g/cm3) to the oven-dry (1.43 g/cm3) condition is a function of the percent of shrinkage in the cell wall. Cell-wall density obtained opto-metrically by the Dual-Linear measuring micrometer and the dot-grid eyepiece compared favorably with densities reported for mercury porisimeter or picnometric techniques. Both optometric techniques are nondestructive and offer advantages over destructive techniques. Void volumes in the dry cell wall were calculated to be approximately 3.5%, fiber saturation point for extractive-free cell wall about 35%, Average interfibrillar spacing in the water-swollen condition was 20 Ã… for both earlywood and latewood and in the dry wall: spacing was 4.7 Ã… for earlywood and 8.3 Ã… for latewood

    Structure and lattice dynamics of the wide band gap semiconductors MgSiN2_{2} and MgGeN2_{2}

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    We have determined the structural and lattice dynamical properties of the orthorhombic, wide band gap semiconductors MgSiN2_{2} and MgGeN2_{2} using density functional theory. In addition, we present structural properties and Raman spectra of a MgSiN2_{2} powder. The structural properties and lattice dynamics of the orthorhombic systems are compared to wurtzite AlN. We find clear differences in the lattice dynamics between MgSiN2_{2}, MgGeN2_{2} and AlN, for example we find that the highest phonon frequency in MgSiN2_{2} is about 100~cm−1^{-1} higher than the highest frequency in AlN and that MgGeN2_{2} is much softer. We also provide the Born effective charge tensors and dielectric tensors of MgSiN2_{2}, MgGeN2_{2} and AlN. Phonon related thermodynamic properties, such as the heat capacity and entropy, are in very good agreement with available experimental results.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, 6 table

    Exhaust of Underexpanded Jets from Finite Reservoirs

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    We examine the response of an underexpanded jet to a depleting, finite reservoir with experiments and simulations. An open-ended shock tube facility with variable reservoir length is used to obtain images of nitrogen and helium jet structures at successive instances during the blowdown from initial pressure ratios of up to 250. The reservoir and ambient pressures are simultaneously measured to obtain the instantaneous pressure ratio. We estimate the time-scales for jet formation and reservoir depletion as a function of the specific heat ratio of the gas and the initial pressure ratio. The jet structure formation time-scale is found to become approximately independent of pressure ratio for ratios greater than 50. In the present work, no evidence of time-dependence in the Mach disk shock location is observed for rates of pressure decrease associated with isentropic blowdown of a finite reservoir while the pressure ratio is greater than 15. The shock location in the finite- reservoir jet can be calculated from an existing empirical fit to infinite-reservoir jet data evaluated at the instantaneous reservoir pressure. For pressure ratios below 15, however, the present data deviate from a compilation of data for infinite-reservoir jets. A new fit is obtained to data in the lower pressure regime. The self-similarity of the jet structure is quantified and departure from similarity is noted to begin at pressure ratios lower than about 15, approximately the same ratio which limits existing empirical fits

    Pathways for conscience protection in law: German, American and Australian perspectives

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    This thesis considers various interactions between law, conscience, and religion in three countries: Germany, the United States, and Australia. Looking in detail at recent controversies, including those over headscarves and crucifixes, and sometimes exploring philosophical and theological themes, this thesis makes comparisons across these countries based on case law, existing legislation, and constitutional provisions, as well as proposed legislative reform. The thesis also considers debates that occur inside religious traditions and reflects upon how such discussions impact the well-established sincerity test, which prohibits courts from taking positions on theological questions. Understanding a foreign solution to a familiar problem often leads to a more precise grasp of one’s own law. This thesis applies this axiom to inform debate in the future work of Australian federal and state Parliaments as they attempt to protect freedom of conscience and religion in a complex social milieu.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Law School, 202

    An online repository for pre-clinical imaging protocols (PIPs)

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    Providing method descriptions that are more detailed than currently available in typical peer reviewed journals has been identified as an actionable area for improvement. In the biochemical and cell biology space, this need has been met through the creation of new journals focused on detailed protocols and materials sourcing. However, this format is not well suited for capturing instrument validation, detailed imaging protocols, and extensive statistical analysis. Furthermore, the need for additional information must be counterbalanced by the additional time burden placed upon researchers who may be already overtasked. To address these competing issues, this white paper describes protocol templates for positron emission tomography (PET), X-ray computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that can be leveraged by the broad community of quantitative imaging experts to write and self-publish protocols in protocols.io. Similar to the Structured Transparent Accessible Reproducible (STAR) or Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) articles, authors are encouraged to publish peer reviewed papers and then to submit more detailed experimental protocols using this template to the online resource. Such protocols should be easy to use, readily accessible, readily searchable, considered open access, enable community feedback, editable, and citable by the author

    Cigarette Smoking and the Risk of Bladder Cancer in Men and Women

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    Although cigarette smoking is a principal risk factor for bladder cancer in both men and women, few studies have statistically evaluated whether gender modifies the effect of smoking on bladder cancer risk. We initiated the present case-control study at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, U.S., to provide further data on this important issue. We observed similar risk estimates for men and women with comparable smoking exposures, but did not observe a statistically significant interaction between gender and lifetime smoking exposure. We conclude that cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for bladder cancer in both sexes, but that gender does not modify the effect of smoking on bladder cancer risk

    Comment Regarding the Functional Form of the Schmidt Law

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    Star formation rates on the galactic scale are described phenomenologically by two distinct relationships, as emphasized recently by Elmegreen (2002). The first of these is the Schmidt law, which is a power-law relation between the star formation rate and the column density. The other relationship is that there is a cutoff in the gas density below which star formation shuts off. The purpose of this paper is to argue that 1) these two relationships can be accommodated by a single functional form of the Schmidt law, and 2) this functional form is motivated by the hypothesis that star formation is a critical phenomenon, and that as a corollary, 3) the existence of a sharp cutoff may thus be an emergent property of galaxies, as was argued by Seiden (1983), as opposed to the classical view that this cutoff is due to an instability criterion.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, in press, New Astronomy. Figs provided in original (png) format as well as ps format for ps/pdf generatio

    Development of a Grazing Land Management Education Program for Northern Australia’s Grasslands and Grassy Woodlands

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    Recognition of the potential to enhance grazing land management to meet the goal of sustainable beef production has been increasing over the past decade. Recognition of the relationship between poor land management and negative off-site environmental impacts, such as soil erosion and a decline in the condition of rivers and adjacent near shore coastal areas from sediment transport, has increased also. This concern has matured somewhat to include the critical link between land condition and production, and the threat to sustainable carrying capacity that comes from declining land condition. Concurrently, interest has increased in optimising the use of pasture, e.g. through the development of infrastructure (watering points, fencing), through more pro-active management e.g. alternative grazing systems, spelling of pastures, and through pasture development. In fact, it can be argued that achieving production goals while improving and maintaining the health of the land has become the major on-property issue for northern Australian graziers
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