103 research outputs found

    How Supervisors Influence Performance: A Multilevel Study of Coaching and Group Management in Technology-Mediated Services

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    This multilevel study examines the role of supervisors in improving employee performance through the use of coaching and group management practices. It examines the individual and synergistic effects of these management practices. The research subjects are call center agents in highly standardized jobs, and the organizational context is one in which calls, or task assignments, are randomly distributed via automated technology, providing a quasi-experimental approach in a real-world context. Results show that the amount of coaching that an employee received each month predicted objective performance improvements over time. Moreover, workers exhibited higher performance where their supervisor emphasized group assignments and group incentives and where technology was more automated. Finally, the positive relationship between coaching and performance was stronger where supervisors made greater use of group incentives, where technology was less automated, and where technological changes were less frequent. Implications and potential limitations of the present study are discussed

    Cardiovascular Parameters Correlated with Metabolic Syndrome in a Rural Community Cohort of Korea: The ARIRANG Study

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    Although metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality and the development of atherosclerosis, consensus is still lacking on the status of cardiovascular function and geometry in MetS patients. We investigated the relation between MetS and left ventricle (LV) geometry and function, carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and arterial stiffness in a community-based cohort of 702 adult subjects. Subjects were categorized into three groups according to the number of MetS components present, as defined by the Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines: 1) Absent (0 criteria), 2) Pre-MetS (1-2 criteria) or 3) MetS (≥3 criteria). In female subjects, LV mass, LV mass/height2.7, deceleration time, and aortic pulse wave velocity increased, and E/A ration decreased in a stepwise manner across the three groups. These changes were not observed in male subjects. The mean carotid IMT was higher in the MetS group than in the other two groups. The degree of MetS clustering is found to be strongly correlated with geometric eccentricity of LV hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction and arterial changes irrespective of age and blood pressure status, particularly in females. Waist circumference is found to have the most powerful effect on cardiovascular parameters

    Cell Proliferation in the Presence of Telomerase

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    BACKGROUND: Telomerase, which is active early in development and later in stem and germline cells, is also active in the majority of human cancers. One of the known functions of telomerase is to extend the ends of linear chromosomes, countering their gradual shortening at each cell division due to the end replication problem and postreplication processing. Telomerase concentration levels vary between different cell types as well as between different tumors. In addition variable telomerase concentrations will exist in different cells in the same tumor when telomerase inhibitors are used, because of limitations of drug delivery in tissue. Telomerase extends short telomeres more frequently than long telomeres and the relation between the extension frequency and the telomere length is nonlinear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, the biological data of the nonlinear telomerase-telomere dynamics is incorporated in a mathematical theory to relate the proliferative potential of a cell to the telomerase concentration in that cell. The main result of the paper is that the proliferative capacity of a cell grows exponentially with the telomerase concentration. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The theory presented here suggests that long term telomerase inhibition in every cancer progenitor or cancer stem cell is needed for successful telomere targeted cancer treatment. This theory also can be used to plan and assess the results of clinical trials targeting telomerase

    Five Glutathione S-Transferase Gene Variants in 23,452 Cases of Lung Cancer and 30,397 Controls: Meta-Analysis of 130 Studies

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    BACKGROUND: Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are known to abolish or reduce the activities of intracellular enzymes that help detoxify environmental carcinogens, such as those found in tobacco smoke. It has been suggested that polymorphisms in the GST genes are risk factors for lung cancer, but a large number of studies have reported apparently conflicting results. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Literature-based meta-analysis was supplemented by tabular data from investigators of all relevant studies of five GST polymorphisms ( GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null, I105V, and A114V polymorphisms in the GSTP1 genes, and GSTM3 intron 6 polymorphism) available before August, 2005, with investigation of potential sources of heterogeneity. Included in the present meta-analysis were 130 studies, involving a total of 23,452 lung cancer cases and 30,397 controls. In a combined analysis, the relative risks for lung cancer of the GSTM1 null and GSTT1 null polymorphisms were 1.18 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.14–1.23) and 1.09 (95% CI: 1.02–1.16), respectively, but in the larger studies they were only 1.04 (95% CI: 0.95–1.14) and 0.99 (95% CI: 0.86–1.11), respectively. In addition to size of study, ethnic background was a significant source of heterogeneity among studies of the GSTM1 null genotype, with possibly weaker associations in studies of individuals of European continental ancestry. Combined analyses of studies of the 105V, 114V, and GSTM3*B variants showed no significant overall associations with lung cancer, yielding per-allele relative risks of 1.04 (95% CI: 0.99–1.09), 1.15 (95% CI: 0.95–1.39), and 1.05 (95% CI: 0.89–1.23), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of lung cancer is not strongly associated with the I105V and A114V polymorphisms in the GSTP1 gene or with GSTM3 intron 6 polymorphism. Given the non-significant associations in the larger studies, the relevance of the weakly positive overall associations with the GSTM1 null and the GSTT1 null polymorphisms is uncertain. As lung cancer has important environmental causes, understanding any genetic contribution to it in general populations will require the conduct of particularly large and comprehensive studies

    Estimation and structure of rural Mapuche families’ income in peri-urban areas of Temuco, Chile

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    Hasta mediados del siglo XX, las familias campesinas mapuches obtenían la mayor parte de sus ingresos de la agricultura. Hoy las fuentes de ingresos se han diversificado, incorporando salarios, transferencias gubernamentales y actividades no agrarias. Con datos aportados por una encuesta de ingresos, se analizan las estrategias de generación de ingresos de familias mapuches localizadas en zonas peri-urbanas de la comuna de Temuco, relacionando la estructura de ingresos con características de las familias y de las fincas. Los resultados muestran la importancia que aún tiene la agricultura en familias cuya fuerza de trabajo sólo logra insertarse en empleos temporales de bajos salarios.Until the middle of the twentieth century, Mapuche farming families derived most of their income from agriculture. Today their sources of income are diversified, incorporating wages, government transfers and non-agricultural activities. With data provided by an income survey, this paper analyzes the income strategies of Mapuche families living in peri-urban areas of the city of Temuco, relating the structure of their income to characteristics of families and their farms. The results show the continuing importance of agriculture in families whose labor force is only able to insert itself in low-wage temporary employment.

    Edwards, Martin

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    Due to the inevitable changes that occur throughout society, training is a necessary component Homeland Security. However, training is frequently ineffective and inefficient because it is being implemented incorrectly. In order to maximize the benefits of training and ensure trainees are acquiring expertise, training must be applied appropriately. This article offers insights about the science of training and learning as well as several principles to help researchers and practitioners in designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating training. In addition, this article expands upon the benefits of using simulation‐based training, game‐based training, and on‐the‐job training as potential instructional techniques that can be utilized in Homeland Security