264 research outputs found

    Efectos de los procesos de ahumado sobre el valor nutricional y la composición de ácidos grasos de la lucioperca (Sander lucioperca)

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    This study aimed to estimate the nutritional quality of Sander lucioperca fillets and alterations in lipid quality following hot and cold smoking processes. Our results revealed that the total fat content of zander fillets was 1.86 g/100g. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were higher than saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in fresh tissue samples. Arachidonic, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids were the most abundant PUFAs. Differences in the fatty acid compositions of the smoked and fresh fillet were significant, with a decrease in (PUFAs) in the proportion of total fatty acids. The fatty acid profile of the neutral lipids was unchanged after the cold smoking process, whereas PUFAs decreased significantly during both smoking processes, especially the hot smoking process. Our findings showed a partial alteration of polar lipids. Both smoking treatments produced lipoperoxidation and lipid oxidation in the fillets. Other investigational smoking conditions should be tested to reduce such oxidation and hydrolysis in fillets, which could be susceptible to off-flavors and off-odors.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar la calidad nutricional de los filetes de lucioperca y las alteraciones en la calidad de los lípidos tras el proceso de ahumado en caliente y en frío. Nuestros resultados revelaron que el contenido total de grasa de los filetes de lucioperca fue de 1.86 g/100 g. Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA) fueron más altos que los ácidos grasos saturados y monoinsaturados en muestras de tejido fresco. Los ácidos grasos araquidónico, docosahexaenoico y eicosapentaenoico fueron los PUFA más abundantes. Las diferencias en la composición de ácidos grasos del filete ahumado y fresco fueron significativas, con una disminución de la proporción (PUFA) en los ácidos grasos totales. El perfil de ácidos grasos de los lípidos neutros se mantuvo sin cambios en el proceso de ahumado en frío, mientras que los PUFA disminuyeron significativamente durante ambos procesos de ahumado, especialmente en el proceso de ahumado en caliente. Nuestros resultados mostraron una alteración parcial de los lípidos polares. Ambos tratamientos de ahumado indicaron lipo-peroxidación y oxidación de lípidos en los filetes. Otras condiciones de ahumado se deben probar en investigación para reducir dicha oxidación e hidrólisis en los filetes, que podrían ser responsables de sabores y olores desagradables

    Efecto de procesos de ahumado frío y caliente y la adición de extracto polifenólico natural de Dunaliella salina sobre la calidad bioquímica y la vida útil de filetes de Sander lucioperca almacenados durante 90 días

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    The effects of cold and hot smoking and the addition of Dunaliella salina polyphenol extract on the biochemical quality and shelf-life of Sander lucioperca fillets after storage for 90 days at 0-4 °C were examined. The results showed a significant increase in protein, lipid, free fatty acid, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl contents, and a decrease in peroxide and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and volatile base nitrogen levels in cold (CSF) and hot (HSF) smoked fillets covered with or without extract and stored for 1, 20, and 90 days compared to fresh fillets (FF). Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids exhibited a significant increase in FF and CSF and HSF covered with or without extract. The total polyunsaturated fatty acids revealed a significant decrease in FF and CSF and HSF with or without extract. Therefore, cold and hot smoking and polyphenol extract improved the biochemical quality and storage shelf-life of fillets for 90 days at 0-4 °C.Se examinaron los efectos del ahumado en frío y en caliente y la adición de extracto de polifenoles de Dunaliella salina sobre la calidad bioquímica y la vida útil de filetes de Sander lucioperca almacenados durante 90 días a 0-4 °C. Los resultados mostraron un aumento significativo en los contenidos de proteínas, lípidos, ácidos grasos libres y 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazilo, y una disminución en las sustancias reactivas de peróxido y ácido tiobarbitúrico, y los niveles de nitrógeno básico volátil en frío (LCR) y caliente (HSF) de filetes ahumados cubiertos con o sin extracto y almacenados durante 1, 20 y 90 días en comparación con los filetes frescos (FF). Los ácidos grasos saturados y monoinsaturados exhibieron un aumento significativo en FF y LCR y HSF cubiertos con o sin extracto. Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados totales revelaron una disminución significativa en FF y CSF y HSF con o sin extracto. Por lo tanto, el ahumado en frío y en caliente y el extracto de polifenoles mejoraron la calidad bioquímica y la vida útil durante el almacenamiento de los filetes durante 90 días a 0-4 °C

    Discord in the family Sparidae (Teleostei): divergent phylogeographical patterns across the Atlantic-Mediterranean divide

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    The Strait of Gibraltar has been proposed to be the divide between two marine biogeographical regions, the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeast Atlantic. Intraspecific studies have shown, for several of the examined species, a reduction of gene flow between the two basins. The present study examines genetic variation at nuclear and mitochondrial loci in five marine teleost species belonging to the family Sparidae. Four samples for each species were analysed spanning the Northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean. For all individuals 17 allozyme loci were scored and a combined single strand conformation polymorphism-sequencing approach was used to survey approximately 190 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region. All five species share similar biological features. For three species, namely Lithognathus mormyrus, Spondyliosoma cantharus, and Dentex dentex, large mtDNA divergence was observed between Atlantic and Mediterranean samples. Little or no mtDNA differentiation was found in the other two species, Pagrus pagrus and Pagellus bogaraveo. Allozyme data revealed strong differentiation when comparing Atlantic and Mediterranean samples of L. mormyrus and D. dentex, moderate for P. pagrus, and no differentiation for P. bogaraveo and S. cantharus. These results provide evidence for a sharp phylogeographical break (sensu Avise) between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean for two (or possibly three) sparid species of the five investigated. At the same time, the obtained results for the other two species raise the question on which ecological/historical factors might have caused the observed discrepancy in the geographical distribution of genetic variation among otherwise biologically similar species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Occurrence of an Intersexual Blacktip Shark in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, with Notes on the Standardization of Classifications for This Condition in Elasmobranchs

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    An intersexual Blacktip Shark Carcharhinus limbatus with a testis, immature female reproductive tracts (embedded), and claspers was caught in the Gulf of Mexico. Histology of the single gonad revealed that all stages of spermatogenesis were occurring; however, the absence of ovaries and a male duct system suggests that neither sex would have been functional in this individual. Intersexuality has been reported in 17 families and 36 species of elasmobranchs. The degree to which the different sexes are present in a given individual is often difficult to categorize by normal hermaphroditic standards, as this is typically an anomalous presentation in elasmobranchs. Therefore, this report provides three categories for classification (basic, incomplete, and complete intersexuality) to standardize terminology and allow for more precise comparisons to be made among elasmobranch examples. Basic intersexuals have gonadal tissue of only one sex and a combination of other male and female characters with neither or only one sex being complete. Incomplete intersexuals have gonadal tissue of both sexes and a combination of other male and female characters; however, neither or only one sex is complete. Complete intersexuals have claspers as well as gonadal tissue and tracts for both sexes. The majority of the reported intersexual elasmobranchs, including the shark described here, are basic intersexuals

    In vitro studies and preliminary in vivo evaluation of silicified concentrated collagen hydrogels

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    Hybrid and nanocomposite silicacollagen materials derived from concentrated collagen hydrogels were evaluated in vitro and in vivo to establish their potentialities for biological dressings. Silicification significantly improved the mechanical and thermal stability of the collagen network within the hybrid systems. Nanocomposites were found to favor the metabolic activity of immobilized human dermal fibroblastswhile decreasing the hydrogel contraction. Cell adhesion experiments suggested that in vitro cell behavior was dictated by mechanical properties and surface structure of the scaffold. First-to-date in vivo implantation of bulk hydrogels in subcutaneous sites of rats was performed over the vascular inflammatory period. These materials were colonized and vascularized without inducing strong inflammatory response. These data raise reasonable hope for the future application of silicacollagen biomaterials as biological dressings.Fil: Desimone, Martín Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco; ArgentinaFil: Hélary, Christophe. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Quignard, Sandrine. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Rietveld, Ivo B. Universite de Paris; FranciaFil: Bataille, Clement. Université de Versailles Saint-quentin-en-yvelines.; FranciaFil: Copello, Guillermo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco; ArgentinaFil: Mosser, Gervaise. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Giraud Guille, Marie-Madeleine. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Livage, Jacques. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Meddahi Pellé, Anne. Université de Versailles Saint-quentin-en-yvelines.; FranciaFil: Coradin, Thibaud. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; Franci

    New Insights in the Contribution of Voltage-Gated Nav Channels to Rat Aorta Contraction

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    BACKGROUND: Despite increasing evidence for the presence of voltage-gated Na(+) channels (Na(v)) isoforms and measurements of Na(v) channel currents with the patch-clamp technique in arterial myocytes, no information is available to date as to whether or not Na(v) channels play a functional role in arteries. The aim of the present work was to look for a physiological role of Na(v) channels in the control of rat aortic contraction. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Na(v) channels were detected in the aortic media by Western blot analysis and double immunofluorescence labeling for Na(v) channels and smooth muscle alpha-actin using specific antibodies. In parallel, using real time RT-PCR, we identified three Na(v) transcripts: Na(v)1.2, Na(v)1.3, and Na(v)1.5. Only the Na(v)1.2 isoform was found in the intact media and in freshly isolated myocytes excluding contamination by other cell types. Using the specific Na(v) channel agonist veratridine and antagonist tetrodotoxin (TTX), we unmasked a contribution of these channels in the response to the depolarizing agent KCl on rat aortic isometric tension recorded from endothelium-denuded aortic rings. Experimental conditions excluded a contribution of Na(v) channels from the perivascular sympathetic nerve terminals. Addition of low concentrations of KCl (2-10 mM), which induced moderate membrane depolarization (e.g., from -55.9+/-1.4 mV to -45.9+/-1.2 mV at 10 mmol/L as measured with microelectrodes), triggered a contraction potentiated by veratridine (100 microM) and blocked by TTX (1 microM). KB-R7943, an inhibitor of the reverse mode of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, mimicked the effect of TTX and had no additive effect in presence of TTX. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results define a new role for Na(v) channels in arterial physiology, and suggest that the TTX-sensitive Na(v)1.2 isoform, together with the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, contributes to the contractile response of aortic myocytes at physiological range of membrane depolarization

    Large-Scale Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Mediterranean Cephalopod Diversity

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    Species diversity is widely recognized as an important trait of ecosystems’ functioning and resilience. Understanding the causes of diversity patterns and their interaction with the environmental conditions is essential in order to effectively assess and preserve existing diversity. While diversity patterns of most recurrent groups such as fish are commonly studied, other important taxa such as cephalopods have received less attention. In this work we present spatio-temporal trends of cephalopod diversity across the entire Mediterranean Sea during the last 19 years, analysing data from the annual bottom trawl survey MEDITS conducted by 5 different Mediterranean countries using standardized gears and sampling protocols. The influence of local and regional environmental variability in different Mediterranean regions is analysed applying generalized additive models, using species richness and the Shannon Wiener index as diversity descriptors. While the western basin showed a high diversity, our analyses do not support a steady eastward decrease of diversity as proposed in some previous studies. Instead, high Shannon diversity was also found in the Adriatic and Aegean Seas, and high species richness in the eastern Ionian Sea. Overall diversity did not show any consistent trend over the last two decades. Except in the Adriatic Sea, diversity showed a hump-shaped trend with depth in all regions, being highest between 200–400 m depth. Our results indicate that high Chlorophyll a concentrations and warmer temperatures seem to enhance species diversity, and the influence of these parameters is stronger for richness than for Shannon diversityVersión del editor4,411

    Sea Urchins Predation Facilitates Coral Invasion in a Marine Reserve

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    Macroalgae is the dominant trophic group on Mediterranean infralittoral rocky bottoms, whereas zooxanthellate corals are extremely rare. However, in recent years, the invasive coral Oculina patagonica appears to be increasing its abundance through unknown means. Here we examine the pattern of variation of this species at a marine reserve between 2002 and 2010 and contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms that allow its current increase. Because indirect interactions between species can play a relevant role in the establishment of species, a parallel assessment of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, the main herbivorous invertebrate in this habitat and thus a key species, was conducted. O. patagonica has shown a 3-fold increase in abundance over the last 8 years and has become the most abundant invertebrate in the shallow waters of the marine reserve, matching some dominant erect macroalgae in abundance. High recruitment played an important role in this increasing coral abundance. The results from this study provide compelling evidence that the increase in sea urchin abundance may be one of the main drivers of the observed increase in coral abundance. Sea urchins overgraze macroalgae and create barren patches in the space-limited macroalgal community that subsequently facilitate coral recruitment. This study indicates that trophic interactions contributed to the success of an invasive coral in the Mediterranean because sea urchins grazing activity indirectly facilitated expansion of the coral. Current coral abundance at the marine reserve has ended the monopolization of algae in rocky infralittoral assemblages, an event that could greatly modify both the underwater seascape and the sources of primary production in the ecosystem