90 research outputs found

    Unified description of 6^6Li structure and deuterium-4^4He dynamics with chiral two- and three-nucleon forces

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    Prototype for the study of weakly bound projectiles colliding on stable targets, the scattering of deuterium (dd) on 4^4He (α\alpha) is an important milestone in the search for a fundamental understanding of low-energy reactions. At the same time, it is also important for its role in the Big-bang nucleosynthesis of 6^6Li and applications in the characterization of deuterium impurities in materials. We present the first unified {\em ab initio} study of the 6^6Li ground state and dd-4^4He elastic scattering using two- and three-nucleon forces derived within the framework of chiral effective field theory. The six-nucleon bound-state and scattering observables are calculated by means of the no-core shell model with continuum. %and are compared to available experimental data. We analyze the influence of the dynamic polarization of the deuterium and of the chiral three-nucleon force, and examine the role of the continuum degrees of freedom in shaping the low-lying spectrum of 6^6Li. We find that the adopted Hamiltonian correctly predicts the binding energy of 6^6Li, yielding an asymptotic DD- to SS-state ratio of the 6^6Li wave function in d+αd+\alpha configuration of −0.027-0.027 in agreement with the value determined from a phase shift analysis of 6^6Li+4^4He elastic scattering, but overestimates the excitation energy of the first 3+3^+ state by 350350 keV. The bulk of the computed differential cross section is in good agreement with data.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Unified ab initio approach to bound and unbound states: no-core shell model with continuum and its application to 7He

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    We introduce a unified approach to nuclear bound and continuum states based on the coupling of the no-core shell model (NCSM), a bound-state technique, with the no-core shell model/resonating group method (NCSM/RGM), a nuclear scattering technique. This new ab initio method, no-core shell model with continuum (NCSMC), leads to convergence properties superior to either NCSM or NCSM/RGM while providing a balanced approach to different classes of states. In the NCSMC, the ansatz for the many-nucleon wave function includes: i) a square-integrable A-nucleon component expanded in a complete harmonic oscillator basis; ii) a binary-cluster component with asymptotic boundary conditions that can properly describe weakly-bound states, resonances and scattering; and, in principle, iii) a three-cluster component suitable for the description of, e.g., Borromean halo nuclei and reactions with final three-body states. The Schroedinger equation is transformed into a system of coupled-channel integral-differential equations that we solve using a modified microscopic R-matrix formalism within a Lagrange mesh basis. We demonstrate the usefulness of the approach by investigating the unbound 7He nucleus.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Ab initio description of the exotic unbound 7He nucleus

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    The neutron rich exotic unbound 7He nucleus has been the subject of many experimental investigations. While the ground-state 3/2- resonance is well established, there is a controversy concerning the excited 1/2- resonance reported in some experiments as low-lying and narrow (E_R ~ 1 MeV, Gamma < 1 MeV) while in others as very broad and located at a higher energy. This issue cannot be addressed by ab initio theoretical calculations based on traditional bound-state methods. We introduce a new unified approach to nuclear bound and continuum states based on the coupling of the no-core shell model, a bound-state technique, with the no-core shell model/resonating group method, a nuclear scattering technique. Our calculations describe the ground-state resonance in agreement with experiment and, at the same time, predict a broad 1/2- resonance above 2 MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Advances in the ab initio description of nuclear three-cluster systems

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    We introduce the extension of the ab initio no-core shell model with continuum to describe three-body cluster systems. We present results for the ground state of 6He and show improvements with respect to the description obtained within the no-core shell model and the no-core shell model/resonating group methods.Comment: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics. May 18-22, 2015. Chicago, Illinois, US
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