199 research outputs found

    The focus of light - linear polarization breaks the rotational symmetry of the focal spot

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    We experimentally demonstrate for the first time that a linearly polarized beam is focussed to an asymmetric spot when using a high-numerical aperture focussing system. This asymmetry was predicted by Richards and Wolf [Proc.R.Soc.London A, 253, 358 (1959)] and can only be measured when a polarization insensitive sensor is placed in the focal region. We used a specially modified photodiode in a knife edge type set up to obtain highly resolved images of the total electric energy density distribution at the focus. The results are in good agreement with the predictions of a vectorial focussing theory.Comment: to be published in "Journal of Modern Optics

    Waveguide properties of single subwavelength holes demonstrated with radially and azimuthally polarized light

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    We investigate the transmission of focused beams through single subwavelength holes in a silver film. We use radially and azimuthally polarized light, respectively, to excite higher order waveguide modes as well as to match the radial symmetry of the aperture geometry. Remarkably, the transmission properties can be described by a classical waveguide model even for thicknesses of the silver film as thin as a quarter of a wavelength

    On the experimental investigation of the electric and magnetic response of a single nano-structure

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    We demonstrate an experimental method to separately test the optical response of a single sub-wavelength nano-structure to tailored electric and magnetic field distributions in the optical domain. For this purpose a highly focused y-polarized TEM10-mode is used which exhibits spatially separated longitudinal magnetic and transverse electric field patterns. By displacing a single sub-wavelength nano-structure, namely a single split-ring resonator (SRR), in the focal plane, different coupling scenarios can be achieved. It is shown experimentally that the single split-ring resonator tested here responds dominantly as an electric dipole. A much smaller but yet statistically significant magnetic dipole contribution is also measured by investigating the interaction of a single SRR with a magnetic field component perpendicular to the SRR plane (which is equivalent to the curl of the electric field) as well as by analyzing the intensity and polarization distribution of the scattered light with high spatial resolution. The developed experimental setup as well as the measurement techniques presented in this paper are a versatile tool to investigate the optical properties of single sub-wavelength nano-structures.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Optics Expres

    Roles of polarization, phase and amplitude in solid immersion lens systems

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    By altering the polarization, phase and amplitude at the exit pupil, the intensity distribution near the focal plane of a Solid Immersion Lens(SIL) system can be changed. We have studied how the resolution and focal depth changes for a few particular cases. It was seen that by impinging radial polarization on a SIL system, we may obtain a rotational symmetric z-component of the focused wavefront with spot size similar to that predicted by scalar theory. We also found that it was possible to 'play' with the the contributions from the homogeneous and inhomogeneous waves behind the SIL by changing the amplitude and phase distribution at the aperture.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Published in Optics Communications, 191, p.161-172 (2001

    Tailoring the excitation of localized surface plasmon-polariton resonances by focusing radially-polarized beams

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    We study the interaction of focused radially-polarized light with metal nanospheres. By expanding the electromagnetic field in terms of multipoles, we gain insight on the excitation of localized surface plasmon-polariton resonances in the nanoparticle. We show that focused radially-polarized beams offer more opportunities than a focused plane wave or a Gaussian beam for tuning the near- and far-field system response. These results find applications in nano-optics, optical tweezers, and optical data storage.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct High-Power Laser Acceleration of Ions for Medical Applications

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    Theoretical investigations show that linearly and radially polarized multiterawatt and petawatt laser beams, focused to subwavelength waist radii, can directly accelerate protons and carbon nuclei, over micron-size distances, to the energies required for hadron cancer therapy. Ions accelerated by radially polarized lasers have generally a more favorable energy spread than those accelerated by linearly polarized lasers of the same intensity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Classical and quantum properties of cylindrically polarized states of light

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    We investigate theoretical properties of beams of light with non-uniform polarization patterns. Specifically, we determine all possible configurations of cylindrically polarized modes (CPMs) of the electro-magnetic field, calculate their total angular momentum and highlight the subtleties of their structure. Furthermore, a hybrid spatio-polarization description for such modes is introduced and developed. In particular, two independent Poincar\'e spheres have been introduced to represent simultaneously the polarization and spatial degree of freedom of CPMs. Possible mode-to-mode transformations accomplishable with the help of conventional polarization and spatial phase retarders are shown within this representation. Moreover, the importance of these CPMs in the quantum optics domain due to their classical features is highlighted.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Ultrashort Focused Electromagnetic Pulses

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    In this article we present a closed analytical description for few-cycle, focused electromagnetic pulses of arbitrary duration and carrier-envelope-phase (CEP). Because of the vectorial character of light, not all thinkable one-dimensional (1D) shapes for the transverse electric field or vector potential can be realized as finite energy three-dimensional (3D) structures. We cope with this problem by using a second potential, which is defined as a primitive to the vector potential. This allows to construct fully consistent 3D wave-packet solutions for the Maxwell equations, given a solution of the scalar wave equation. The wave equation is solved for ultrashort, Gaussian and related pulses in paraxial approximation. The solution is given in a closed and numerically convenient form, based on the complex error function. All results undergo thorough numerical testing, validating their correctness and accuracy. A reliable and accurate representation of few-cycle pulses is e.g. crucial for analytical and numerical theory of vacuum particle acceleration.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Prospect for detecting squeezed states of light created by a single atom in free space

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    We discuss the possibilities of studying in detail the dynamics of spontaneous emission of a single photon by a single atom and measuring the transient degree of squeezing by means of full solid angle fluorescence detection.Comment: Accepted for publication in Optics Communication
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