3,029 research outputs found

    Pavlovian fear memory induced by activation in the anterior cingulate cortex

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    Identifying higher brain central region(s) that are responsible for the unpleasantness of pain is the focus of many recent studies. Here we show that direct stimulation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in mice produced fear-like freezing responses and induced long-term fear memory, including contextual and auditory fear memory. Auditory fear memory required the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the amygdala. To test the hypothesis that neuronal activity in the ACC contributes to unpleasantness, we injected a GABA(A )receptor agonist, muscimol bilaterally into the ACC. Both contextual and auditory memories induced by foot shock were blocked. Furthermore, activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the ACC enhanced behavioral escape responses in a noxious hot-plate as well as spinal nociceptive tail-flick reflex. Our results provide strong evidence that the excitatory activity in the ACC contribute to pain-related fear memory as well as descending facilitatory modulation of spinal nociception

    Learning Structure-Guided Diffusion Model for 2D Human Pose Estimation

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    One of the mainstream schemes for 2D human pose estimation (HPE) is learning keypoints heatmaps by a neural network. Existing methods typically improve the quality of heatmaps by customized architectures, such as high-resolution representation and vision Transformers. In this paper, we propose \textbf{DiffusionPose}, a new scheme that formulates 2D HPE as a keypoints heatmaps generation problem from noised heatmaps. During training, the keypoints are diffused to random distribution by adding noises and the diffusion model learns to recover ground-truth heatmaps from noised heatmaps with respect to conditions constructed by image feature. During inference, the diffusion model generates heatmaps from initialized heatmaps in a progressive denoising way. Moreover, we further explore improving the performance of DiffusionPose with conditions from human structural information. Extensive experiments show the prowess of our DiffusionPose, with improvements of 1.6, 1.2, and 1.2 mAP on widely-used COCO, CrowdPose, and AI Challenge datasets, respectively

    Efficient perpendicular magnetization switching by a magnetic spin Hall effect in a noncollinear antiferromagnet

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    Current induced spin-orbit torques driven by the conventional spin Hall effect are widely used to manipulate the magnetization. This approach, however, is nondeterministic and inefficient for the switching of magnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy that are demanded by the high-density magnetic storage and memory devices. Here, we demonstrate that this limitation can be overcome by exploiting a magnetic spin Hall effect in noncollinear antiferromagnets, such as Mn3Sn. The magnetic group symmetry of Mn3Sn allows generation of the out-of-plane spin current carrying spin polarization collinear to its direction induced by an in-plane charge current. This spin current drives an out-of-plane anti-damping torque providing the deterministic switching of the perpendicular magnetization of an adjacent Ni/Co multilayer. Due to being odd with respect to time reversal symmetry, the observed magnetic spin Hall effect and the resulting spin-orbit torque can be reversed with reversal of the antiferromagnetic order. Contrary to the conventional spin-orbit torque devices, the demonstrated magnetization switching does not need an external magnetic field and requires much lower current density which is useful for low power spintronics

    Growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes from Co-W-C alloy catalyst revealed by atmospheric environmental transmission electron microscopy

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    High???melting point alloy catalysts have been reported to be effective for the structure-controlled growth of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). However, some fundamental issues remain unclear because of the complex catalytic growth environment. Here, we directly investigated the active catalytic phase of Co-W-C alloy catalyst, the growth kinetics of CNTs, and their interfacial dynamics using closed-cell environmental transmission electron microscopy at atmospheric pressure. The alloy catalyst was precisely identified as a cubic ??-carbide phase that remained unchanged during the whole CNT growth process. Rotations of the catalyst nanoparticles during CNT growth were observed, implying a weak interfacial interaction and undefined orientation dependence for the solid catalyst. Theoretical calculations suggested that the growth kinetics are determined by the diffusion of carbon atoms on the surface of the ??-carbide catalyst and through the interface of the catalyst-CNT wall

    TaSnRK2.9, a Sucrose Non-fermenting 1-Related Protein Kinase Gene, Positively Regulates Plant Response to Drought and Salt Stress in Transgenic Tobacco

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    Sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) family members play crucial roles in plant abiotic stress response. However, the precise mechanism underlying the function of SnRKs has not been thoroughly elucidated in plants. In this research, a novel SnRK2 gene, TaSnRK2.9 was cloned and characterized from common wheat. The expression of TaSnRK2.9 was upregulated by polyethylene glycol (PEG), NaCl, H2O2, abscisic acid (ABA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), and ethrel treatments. TaSnRK2.9 was mainly expressed in wheat young root, stamen, pistil, and lemma. Overexpressing TaSnRK2.9 in transgenic tobacco enhanced plants’ tolerance to drought and salt stresses both in young seedlings and mature plants with improved survival rate, seed germination rate, and root length. Physiological analyses suggest that TaSnRK2.9 improved antioxidant system such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and glutathione (GSH) to reduce the H2O2 content under drought or salt stress. Additionally, TaSnRK2.9 overexpression plants had elevated ABA content, implying that the function of TaSnRK2.9 may be ABA-dependent. Moreover, TaSnRK2.9 increased the expression of some ROS-related, ABA-related, and stress-response genes under osmotic or salt treatment. TaSnRK2.9 could interact with NtABF2 in yeast two-hybrid assay, and increased the expression of NtABF2 under mannitol or NaCl treatment in transgenic tobacco plants. In conclusion, overexpression of TaSnRK2.9 in tobacco conferred plants tolerance to drought and salt stresses through enhanced ROS scavenging ability, ABA-dependent signal transduction, and specific SnRK-ABF interaction

    Subcellular localization and expression of bamboo mosaic virus satellite RNA-encoded protein

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    The satellite RNA of bamboo mosaic virus (satBaMV) has a single open reading frame encoding a non-structural protein, P20, which facilitates long-distance movement of satBaMV in BaMV and satBaMV co-infected plants. Immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the P20 protein accumulated in the cytoplasm and nuclei in co-infected cells. P20 and the helper virus coat protein (CP) were highly similar in their subcellular localization, except that aggregates of BaMV virions were not labelled with anti-P20 serum. The BaMV CP protein was fairly abundant in mesophyll cells, whilst P20 was more frequently detected in mesophyll cells and vascular tissues. The expression kinetics of the P20 protein was similar to but slightly earlier than that of CP in co-infected Bambusa oldhamii protoplasts and Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. However, satBaMV-encoded protein levels declined rapidly in the late phase of co-infection. During co-infection, in addition to the intact P20, a low-molecular-mass polypeptide of 16 kDa was identified as a P20 C-terminally truncated product; the possible method of generation of the truncated protein is discussed

    Performance Assessment and Selection of Normalization Procedures for Single-Cell RNA-Seq

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    Systematic measurement biases make normalization an essential step in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis. There may be multiple competing considerations behind the assessment of normalization performance, of which some may be study specific. We have developed "scone"- a flexible framework for assessing performance based on a comprehensive panel of data-driven metrics. Through graphical summaries and quantitative reports, scone summarizes trade-offs and ranks large numbers of normalization methods by panel performance. The method is implemented in the open-source Bioconductor R software package scone. We show that top-performing normalization methods lead to better agreement with independent validation data for a collection of scRNA-seq datasets. scone can be downloaded at http://bioconductor.org/packages/scone/