1 research outputs found

    Petrogenesis of Neoarchean granitic gneisses from the Daqishan area of the Dabie orogen and implications for the early crustal evolution of the Northern Yangtze Craton

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    The Yangtze Craton is one of the crucial cratons constitued the eastern Asia continent. It is characterized by Archaean to Paleoproterozoic basement rocks, making it an excellent area to study the Precambrian geologic and tectonic regime. Recently, abundant Archaean rocks have been reported from the Dabie Orogen, which providing important information to understanding the early evolution of the Northern Yangtze Craton. In this contribution, we present petrological, whole-rock geochemical, and zircon U – Pb – Hf isotopic analyses on newly discovered Neoarchean granite in the Dabie Orogen. We identified 2744 ± 10 Ma and 2715 ± 11 Ma (~2.74 Ga) Na-rich granitic gneisses, 2691 ± 6 Ma and 2696 ± 8 Ma (~2.69 Ga) A2-type granitic gneisses, and 2664 ± 8 Ma, 2664 ± 6 Ma, 2672 ± 7 Ma, 2642 ± 10 Ma (~2.66 Ga) A1-type granitic/syenite gneisses from the Daqishan area of the Dabie Orogen. Geochemical and zircon Hf isotope data indicate that the ~ 2.74 Ga Na-rich granitic gneisses were partial melting products of thickened mafic crust with limited depleted mantle input, while the 2.69 Ga and 2.66 Ga A-type granitic gneisses represent felsic magmatism in a post-collisional to an extensional tectonic setting. Based on our research, we categorized the Northern Yangtze Craton into the Kongling domain and Dabie domain by comparing with the distribution of the zircon U-Pb magmatic ages and metamorphic events. We suggest that the initial unified basement of the northern proto-Yangtze Craton formed during the Nuna supercontinent cycle at ~ 2.0 Ga.</p