10,671 research outputs found

    Simultaneous observation of small- and large-energy-transfer electron-electron scattering in three dimensional indium oxide thick films

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    In three dimensional (3D) disordered metals, the electron-phonon (\emph{e}-ph) scattering is the sole significant inelastic process. Thus the theoretical predication concerning the electron-electron (\emph{e}-\emph{e}) scattering rate 1/τφ1/\tau_\varphi as a function of temperature TT in 3D disordered metal has not been fully tested thus far, though it was proposed 40 years ago [A. Schmid, Z. Phys. \textbf{271}, 251 (1974)]. We report here the simultaneous observation of small- and large-energy-transfer \emph{e}-\emph{e} scattering in 3D indium oxide thick films. In temperature region of T≳100T\gtrsim100\,K, the temperature dependence of resistivities curves of the films obey Bloch-Gr\"{u}neisen law, indicating the films possess degenerate semiconductor characteristics in electrical transport property. In the low temperature regime, 1/τφ1/\tau_\varphi as a function of TT for each film can not be ascribed to \emph{e}-ph scattering. To quantitatively describe the temperature behavior of 1/τφ1/\tau_\varphi, both the 3D small- and large-energy-transfer \emph{e}-\emph{e} scattering processes should be considered (The small- and large-energy-transfer \emph{e}-\emph{e} scattering rates are proportional to T3/2T^{3/2} and T2T^2, respectively). In addition, the experimental prefactors of T3/2T^{3/2} and T2T^{2} are proportional to kFβˆ’5/2β„“βˆ’3/2k_F^{-5/2}\ell^{-3/2} and EFβˆ’1E_F^{-1} (kFk_F is the Fermi wave number, β„“\ell is the electron elastic mean free path, and EFE_F is the Fermi energy), respectively, which are completely consistent with the theoretical predications. Our experimental results fully demonstrate the validity of theoretical predications concerning both small- and large-energy-transfer \emph{e}-\emph{e} scattering rates.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Distributed Flow Scheduling in an Unknown Environment

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    Flow scheduling tends to be one of the oldest and most stubborn problems in networking. It becomes more crucial in the next generation network, due to fast changing link states and tremendous cost to explore the global structure. In such situation, distributed algorithms often dominate. In this paper, we design a distributed virtual game to solve the flow scheduling problem and then generalize it to situations of unknown environment, where online learning schemes are utilized. In the virtual game, we use incentives to stimulate selfish users to reach a Nash Equilibrium Point which is valid based on the analysis of the `Price of Anarchy'. In the unknown-environment generalization, our ultimate goal is the minimization of cost in the long run. In order to achieve balance between exploration of routing cost and exploitation based on limited information, we model this problem based on Multi-armed Bandit Scenario and combined newly proposed DSEE with the virtual game design. Armed with these powerful tools, we find a totally distributed algorithm to ensure the logarithmic growing of regret with time, which is optimum in classic Multi-armed Bandit Problem. Theoretical proof and simulation results both affirm this claim. To our knowledge, this is the first research to combine multi-armed bandit with distributed flow scheduling.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, conferenc
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