201 research outputs found

    Finding Bursty Topics From Microblogs

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    Microblogs such as Twitter reflect the general public’s reactions to major events. Bursty topics from microblogs reveal what events have attracted the most online attention. Although bursty event detection from text streams has been studied before, previous work may not be suitable for microblogs because compared with other text streams such as news articles and scientific publications, microblog posts are particularly diverse and noisy. To find topics that have bursty patterns on microblogs, we propose a topic model that simultaneously captures two observations: (1) posts published around the same time are more likely to have the same topic, and (2) posts published by the same user are more likely to have the same topic. The former helps find eventdriven posts while the latter helps identify and filter out “personal ” posts. Our experiments on a large Twitter dataset show that there are more meaningful and unique bursty topics in the top-ranked results returned by our model than an LDA baseline and two degenerate variations of our model. We also show some case studies that demonstrate the importance of considering both the temporal information and users ’ personal interests for bursty topic detection from microblogs.

    A Systematic Evaluation of Large Language Models on Out-of-Distribution Logical Reasoning Tasks

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    Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, have greatly advanced the performance of artificial systems on various natural language processing tasks to human-like levels. However, their generalisation and robustness to perform logical reasoning remain under-evaluated. To probe this ability, we propose three new logical reasoning datasets named "ReClor-plus", "LogiQA-plus" and "LogiQAv2-plus", each featuring three subsets: the first with randomly shuffled options, the second with the correct choices replaced by "none of the other options are correct", and a combination of the previous two subsets. We carry out experiments on these datasets with both discriminative and generative LLMs and show that these simple tricks greatly hinder the performance of the language models. Despite their superior performance on the original publicly available datasets, we find that all models struggle to answer our newly constructed datasets. We show that introducing task variations by perturbing a sizable training set can markedly improve the model's generalisation and robustness in logical reasoning tasks. Moreover, applying logic-driven data augmentation for fine-tuning, combined with prompting can enhance the generalisation performance of both discriminative large language models and generative large language models. These results offer insights into assessing and improving the generalisation and robustness of large language models for logical reasoning tasks. We make our source code and data publicly available \url{https://github.com/Strong-AI-Lab/Logical-and-abstract-reasoning}.Comment: Accepted for oral presentation at the LLM@IJCAI 2023 non-archival symposiu

    Exploring Self-Reinforcement for Improving Learnersourced Multiple-Choice Question Explanations with Large Language Models

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    Learnersourcing involves students generating and sharing learning resources with their peers. When learnersourcing multiple-choice questions, creating explanations for the generated questions is a crucial step as it facilitates a deeper understanding of the related concepts. However, it is often difficult for students to craft effective explanations due to limited subject understanding and a tendency to merely restate the question stem, distractors, and correct answer. To help scaffold this task, in this work we propose a self-reinforcement large-language-model framework, with the goal of generating and evaluating explanations automatically. Comprising three modules, the framework generates student-aligned explanations, evaluates these explanations to ensure their quality and iteratively enhances the explanations. If an explanation's evaluation score falls below a defined threshold, the framework iteratively refines and reassesses the explanation. Importantly, our framework emulates the manner in which students compose explanations at the relevant grade level. For evaluation, we had a human subject-matter expert compare the explanations generated by students with the explanations created by the open-source large language model Vicuna-13B, a version of Vicuna-13B that had been fine-tuned using our method, and by GPT-4. We observed that, when compared to other large language models, GPT-4 exhibited a higher level of creativity in generating explanations. We also found that explanations generated by GPT-4 were ranked higher by the human expert than both those created by the other models and the original student-created explanations. Our findings represent a significant advancement in enriching the learnersourcing experience for students and enhancing the capabilities of large language models in educational applications.Comment: Preprint. Under revie
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