10 research outputs found

    Responses of Phaseolus calcaltus to lime and biochar application in an acid soil

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    Introduction Rice bean (Phaseolus calcaltus), as an annual summer legume, is always subjected to acid soils in tropical to subtropical regions, limiting its growth and nodulation. However, little is known about its responses to lime and biochar addition, the two in improving soil fertility in acid soils. Materials and Methods In the current study, a pot experiment was conducted using rice bean on a sandy yellow soil (Orthic Acrisol) with a pH of 5.5. The experiment included three lime rates (0, 0.75 and 1.5 g kg−1) and three biochar rates (0, 5 and 10 g kg−1). The biochar was produced from aboveground parts of Solanum tuberosum using a home-made device with temperature of pyrolysis about 500 °C. Results and Discussion The results indicated that both lime and biochar could reduce soil exchange Al concentration, increase soil pH and the contents of soil microbial biomass carbon and microbial biomass nitrogen, and enhance urease and dehydrogenase activities, benefiting P. calcaltus growth and nodulation in acid soils. Lime application did decrease the concentrations of soil available phosphorus (AP) and alkali dispelled nitrogen (AN), whereas biochar application increased the concentrations of soil AP, AN and available potassium (AK). However, sole biochar application could not achieve as much yield increase as lime application did. High lime rate (1.5 g lime kg−1) incorporated with low biochar rate (5 g biochar kg−1) could obtain higher shoot biomass, nutrient uptake, and nodule number when compared with high lime rate and high biochar rate. Conclusion Lime incorporated with biochar application could achieve optimum improvement for P. calcaltus growing in acid soils when compared with sole lime or biochar addition

    Chinese Food Image Database for Eating and Appetite Studies

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    Modern people live in an environment with ubiquitous food cues, including food advertisements, videos, and smells. Do these food cues change people's eating behavior? Since diet plays a crucial role in maintaining health, it has been researched for decades. As convenient alternatives for real food, food images are widely used in diet research. To date, researchers from Germany, Spain, and other countries have established food photo databases; however, these food pictures are not completely suitable for Chinese studies because of the ingredients and characteristics of Chinese food. The main goal of this research is to create a library of Chinese food images and to provide as complete a data reference as possible for future studies that use food images as experimental material. After standardized processing, we selected 508 common Chinese food pictures with high familiarity and recognizability and attached detailed classifications concerning taste, macronutrients, calories, and participants' emotional responses to the pictures. Additionally, with food pictures as material, we conducted research on how people make dietary decisions in order to identify the variables that may affect a person's food choices. The effects of individual perceived healthiness and palatability, gender, BMI, family income, and levels of emotional and restricted eating were examined using eating decisions based on healthiness and palatability as dependent variables. The results showed that people with low household incomes are more likely to be influenced by food taste in their dietary decision-making process, while individuals with high household incomes are more likely to consider the healthy aspects of food. Moreover, parental BMI affects what children consume, with children who have parents with higher BMIs being more prone to overlook the healthiness value of food

    Genome-Wide Identification of DOF Gene Family and the Mechanism Dissection of SbDof21 Regulating Starch Biosynthesis in Sorghum

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    Starch is one of the main utilization products of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), the fifth largest cereal crop in the world. Up to now, the regulation mechanism of starch biosynthesis is rarely documented in sorghum. In the present study, we identified 30 genes encoding the C2-C2 zinc finger domain (DOF), with one to three exons in the sorghum genome. The DOF proteins of sorghum were divided into two types according to the results of sequence alignment and evolutionary analysis. Based on gene expressions and co-expression analysis, we identified a regulatory factor, SbDof21, that was located on chromosome 5. SbDof21 contained two exons, encoding a 36.122 kD protein composed of 340 amino acids. SbDof21 co-expressed with 15 genes involved in the sorghum starch biosynthesis pathway, and the Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs) with 11 genes were greater than 0.9. The results of qRT-PCR assays indicated that SbDof21 is highly expressed in sorghum grains, exhibiting low relative expression levels in the tissues of roots, stems and leaves. SbDOF21 presented as a typical DOF transcription factor (TF) that was localized to the nucleus and possessed transcriptional activation activity. Amino acids at positions 182–231 of SbDOF21 formed an important structure in its activation domain. The results of EMSA showed that SbDOF21 could bind to four tandem repeats of P-Box (TGTAAAG) motifs in vitro, such as its homologous proteins of ZmDOF36, OsPBF and TaPBF. Meanwhile, we also discovered that SbDOF21 could bind and transactivate SbGBSSI, a key gene in sorghum amylose biosynthesis. Collectively, the results of the present study suggest that SbDOF21 acts as an important regulator in sorghum starch biosynthesis, exhibiting potential values for the improvement of starch contents in sorghum

    Genetic analysis in maize foundation parents with mapping population and testcross population: Ye478 carried more favorable alleles and using QTL information could improve foundation parents

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    The development of maize foundation parents is an important part of genetics and breeding research, and applying new genetic information to produce foundation parents has been challenging. In this study, we focused on quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and general combining ability (GCA) of Ye478, a widely used foundation parent in China. We developed three sets of populations for QTL mapping and to analyze the GCA for some agronomic traits. The assessment of 15 traits resulted in the detection of 251 QTLs in six tested environments, with 119 QTLs identified through a joint analysis across all environments. Further analyses revealed that most favorable alleles for plant type-related traits were from Ye478, and more than half of the favorable alleles for yield-related traits were from R08, another foundation parent used in southwestern China, suggesting that different types of foundation parents carried different favorable alleles. We observed that the GCA for most traits (e.g., plant height and 100-kernel weight) was maintained in the inbred lines descended from the foundation parents. Additionally, the continuous improvement in the GCA of the descendants of the foundation parents was consistent with the main trend in maize breeding programs. We identified three significant genomic regions that were highly conserved in three Ye478 descendants, including the stable QTL for plant height. The GCA for the traits in the F7 generation revealed that the QTLs for the given traits per se were affected by additive effects in the same way in different populations

    Experimental and Mathematical Simulation of Noncompetitive and Competitive Adsorption Dynamic of Formic Acid–Levulinic Acid–5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Single, Binary, and Ternary Systems in a Fixed-Bed Column of SY-01 Resin

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    Levulinic acid (LA) is a versatile platform chemical in the modern concept of the biorefinery and can be used to synthesize a broad range of desirable chemicals and fuel additives. Unfortunately, because LA released from biomass hydrolysate is accompanied by formic acid (FA) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), it is also important to investigate the binary and ternary adsorption equilibrium, as well as competitive dynamic fixed-bed column adsorption from the viewpoint of industrial application. Batch adsorption experiments showed that the affinity of SY-01 resin toward FA–LA–5-HMF were in the order of 5-HMF > LA > FA under noncompetitive and competitive systems. The highest adsorption capacity were 7.54 mg/g wet resin for FA, 103.51 mg/g wet resin for LA, and 107.73 mg/g wet resin for 5-HMF. Interestingly, the presence of FA has a synergistic effect on the adsorption of LA and 5-HMF onto SY-01 resin in a binary- or ternary-mixtures system, leading to a slight increase in adsorption uptakes. Furthermore, a mathematical model based on the general rate model coupled with the noncompetitive single-component and competitive multicomponent Langmuir isotherm was successfully developed to simulate the breakthrough curves of FA–LA–5-HMF from single, binary, as well as ternary-component mixtures. The proposed methodology for fixed-bed column multicomponent competitive adsorption model can be successfully implemented to completely design the separation unit of LA from aqueous solution or biomass hydrolysate. Furthermore, it also has the potential to expand the application to the actual biomass hydrolysate, saving a lot of manpower and material resources

    Image_1_Profiling of transcriptional regulators associated with starch biosynthesis in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.).TIF

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    Starch presents as the major component of grain endosperm of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and other cereals, serving as the main energy supplier for both plants and animals, as well as important industrial raw materials of human beings, and was intensively concerned world widely. However, few documents focused on the pathway and transcriptional regulations of starch biosynthesis in sorghum. Here we presented the RNA-sequencing profiles of 20 sorghum tissues at different developmental stages to dissect key genes associated with sorghum starch biosynthesis and potential transcriptional regulations. A total of 1,708 highly expressed genes were detected, namely, 416 in grains, 736 in inflorescence, 73 in the stalk, 215 in the root, and 268 genes in the leaf. Besides, 27 genes encoded key enzymes associated with starch biosynthesis in sorghum were identified, namely, six for ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), 10 for starch synthases (SSs), four for both starch-branching enzymes (SBE) and starch-debranching enzymes (DBEs), two for starch phosphorylases (SPs), and one for Brittle-1 (BT1). In addition, 65 transcription factors (TFs) that are highly expressed in endosperm were detected to co-express with 16 out of 27 genes, and 90 cis-elements were possessed by all 27 identified genes. Four NAC TFs were cloned, and the further assay results showed that three of them could in vitro bind to the CACGCAA motif within the promoters of SbBt1 and SbGBSSI, two key genes associated with starch biosynthesis in sorghum, functioning in similar ways that reported in other cereals. These results confirmed that sorghum starch biosynthesis might share the same or similar transcriptional regulations documented in other cereals, and provided informative references for further regulatory mechanism dissection of TFs involved in starch biosynthesis in sorghum.</p

    Image_3_Profiling of transcriptional regulators associated with starch biosynthesis in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.).JPEG

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    Starch presents as the major component of grain endosperm of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and other cereals, serving as the main energy supplier for both plants and animals, as well as important industrial raw materials of human beings, and was intensively concerned world widely. However, few documents focused on the pathway and transcriptional regulations of starch biosynthesis in sorghum. Here we presented the RNA-sequencing profiles of 20 sorghum tissues at different developmental stages to dissect key genes associated with sorghum starch biosynthesis and potential transcriptional regulations. A total of 1,708 highly expressed genes were detected, namely, 416 in grains, 736 in inflorescence, 73 in the stalk, 215 in the root, and 268 genes in the leaf. Besides, 27 genes encoded key enzymes associated with starch biosynthesis in sorghum were identified, namely, six for ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), 10 for starch synthases (SSs), four for both starch-branching enzymes (SBE) and starch-debranching enzymes (DBEs), two for starch phosphorylases (SPs), and one for Brittle-1 (BT1). In addition, 65 transcription factors (TFs) that are highly expressed in endosperm were detected to co-express with 16 out of 27 genes, and 90 cis-elements were possessed by all 27 identified genes. Four NAC TFs were cloned, and the further assay results showed that three of them could in vitro bind to the CACGCAA motif within the promoters of SbBt1 and SbGBSSI, two key genes associated with starch biosynthesis in sorghum, functioning in similar ways that reported in other cereals. These results confirmed that sorghum starch biosynthesis might share the same or similar transcriptional regulations documented in other cereals, and provided informative references for further regulatory mechanism dissection of TFs involved in starch biosynthesis in sorghum.</p

    Cotula australis Hook. fil.

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    原著和名: マメカミツレ科名: キク科 = Compositae採集地: 東京都 浅草 三社 (武蔵 浅草 三社)採集日: 1980/11/24採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH025392国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-97539