438 research outputs found

    Право територіальної громади села щодо розпорядження землею: юридична природа та порядок здійснення

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    В статье исследуются вопросы правовой природы и механизм реализации территориальной общиной села права коммунальной собственности на землю, соотношения прав территориальной общины села и представительского органа местного самоуправления - сельского совета, относительно осуществления прав на распоряжение землей. Анализируется правосубъектность территориальной общины села относительно распоряжения землей коммунальной собственности. Ключевые слова: коммунальная собственность на землю, право территориальной общины села на землю, распоряжение землями в пределах населенных пунктов, разграничение земель, прекращения права коммунальной собственности на землю.In the article are explored the questions of legal nature and mechanism of realization territorial society communal ownership rights on land, correlations of rights for territorial society of village and representative organ of local self-government - village soviet, in relation to realization of rights to disposing of land. Rights of territorial society is analysed sat down in relation to disposing of land of community property. Key words: community property on the land, right of village territorial society on the land, disposing of land in settlements, differentiating of land, stopping right of community property on the land

    A chalcone derivative reactivates latent HIV-1 transcription through activating P-TEFb and promoting Tat-SEC interaction on viral promoter.

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    The principal barrier to the eradication of HIV/AIDS is the existence of latent viral reservoirs. One strategy to overcome this barrier is to use latency-reversing agents (LRAs) to reactivate the latent proviruses, which can then be eliminated by effective anti-retroviral therapy. Although a number of LRAs have been found to reactivate latent HIV, they have not been used clinically due to high toxicity and poor efficacy. In this study, we report the identification of a chalcone analogue called Amt-87 that can significantly reactivate the transcription of latent HIV provirses and act synergistically with known LRAs such as prostratin and JQ1 to reverse latency. Amt-87 works by activating the human transcriptional elongation factor P-TEFb, a CDK9-cyclin T1 heterodimer that is part of the super elongation complex (SEC) used by the viral encoded Tat protein to activate HIV transcription. Amt-87 does so by promoting the phosphorylation of CDK9 at the T-loop, liberating P-TEFb from the inactive 7SK snRNP, and inducing the formation of the Tat-SEC complex at the viral promoter. Together, our data reveal chalcones as a promising category of compounds that should be further explored to identify effective LRAs for targeted reversal of HIV latency