191 research outputs found

    Multiple-satellite studies of magnetospheric substorms: Plasma sheet recovery and the poleward leap of auroral-zone activity

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    Particle observations from pairs of satellites (Ogo 5, Vela 4A and 5B, Imp 3) during the recovery of plasma sheet thickness late in substorms were examined. Six of the nine events occurred within about 5 min in locations near the estimated position of the neutral sheet, but over wide ranges of east-west and radial separations. The time of occurrence and spatial extent of the recovery were related to the onset (defined by ground Pi 2 pulsations) and approximate location (estimated from ground mid-latitude magnetic signatures) of substorm expansions. It was found that the plasma sheet recovery occurred 10 - 30 min after the last in a series of Pi bursts, which were interpreted to indicate that the recovery was not due directly to a late, high latitude substorm expansion. The recovery was also observed to occur after the substorm current wedge had moved into the evening sector and to extend far to the east of the center of the last preceding substorm expansion

    The Ising spin glass in finite dimensions: a perturbative study of the free energy

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    Replica field theory is used to study the n-dependent free energy of the Ising spin glass in a first order perturbative treatment. Large sample-to-sample deviations of the free energy from its quenched average prove to be Gaussian, independently of the special structure of the order parameter. The free energy difference between the replica symmetric and (infinite level) replica symmetry broken phases is studied in details: the line n(T) where it is zero coincides with the Almeida-Thouless line for d>8. The dimensional domain 6<d<8 is more complicated, and several scenarios are possible.Comment: 23 page

    Volume contraction at the Jahn-Teller transition of LaMnO3_3

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    We have studied the volume collapse of LaMnO3_3 at the Jahn- Teller (JT) transition temperature TJT_{JT}=750 K which has recently been found in high temperature powder x- ray and neutron diffraction experiments. We construct a model Hamiltonian involving the pseudospin of Mn3+^{3+} eg_g states, the staggered JT distortion and the volume strain coordinate. We show that the anharmonic coupling between these primary and secondary order parameters leads to the first order JT phase transition associated with a comparatively large reduction of the unit cell volume of Δ\DeltaV/V\simeq 102^{-2}. We explain the temperature dependence of JT distortions and volume strain and discuss the volume change as function of the anharmonic coupling constant. A continuous change to a second order transition as function of model parameters is obtained. This behaviour is also observed under Ba doping.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic Resonance in the Spin-Peierls compound αNaV2O5\alpha'-NaV_2O_5

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    We present results from magnetic resonance measurements for 75-350 GHz in α\alpha'-NaV2_{2}O5_{5}. The temperature dependence of the integrated intensity indicates that we observe transitions in the excited state. A quantitative description gives resonances in the triplet state at high symmetry points of the excitation spectrum of this Spin-Peierls compound. This energy has the same temperature dependence as the Spin-Peierls gap. Similarities and differences with the other inorganic compound CuGeO3_{3} are discussed.Comment: 2 pages, REVTEX, 3 figures. to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Nonadiabatic Approach to Spin-Peierls Transitions via Flow Equations

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    The validity of the adiabatic approach to spin-Peierls transitions is assessed. An alternative approach is developed which maps the initial magneto-elastic problem to an effective magnetic problem only. Thus the equivalence of magneto-elastic solitons and magnetic spinons is shown. No soft phonon is required for the transition. Temperature dependent couplings are predicted in accordance with the analysis of experimental data.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, Phys. Rev. B, Rap. Comm. in press final version containing some clarification

    Dynamics in the dimerised and high field incommensurate phase of CuGeO3_3

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    Temperature (2.3<T<402.3<T<40\ K) and magnetic field (0<B<170<B<17\ T) dependent far infrared absorption spectroscopy on the spin-Peierls coumpound CuGeO3_3\ has revealed several new absorption processes in both the dimerised and high field phase of CuGeO3_3. These results are discussed in terms of the modulation of the CuGeO3_3\ structure. At low fields this is the well known spin-Peierls dimerisation. At high fields the data strongly suggests a field dependent incommensurate modulation of the lattice as well as of the spin structure.Comment: 12 pages (revtex), 2 figures (eps), csh selfextracting .uu file, To appear in PRB-Rapid Com

    Properties of the random field Ising model in a transverse magnetic field

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    We consider the effect of a random longitudinal field on the Ising model in a transverse magnetic field. For spatial dimension d>2d > 2, there is at low strength of randomness and transverse field, a phase with true long range order which is destroyed at higher values of the randomness or transverse field. The properties of the quantum phase transition at zero temperature are controlled by a fixed point with no quantum fluctuations. This fixed point also controls the classical finite temperature phase transition in this model. Many critical properties of the quantum transition are therefore identical to those of the classical transition. In particular, we argue that the dynamical scaling is activated, i.e, the logarithm of the diverging time scale rises as a power of the diverging length scale

    Monte Carlo Simulation of a Random-Field Ising Antiferromagnet

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    Phase transitions in the three-dimensional diluted Ising antiferromagnet in an applied magnetic field are analyzed numerically. It is found that random magnetic field in a system with spin concentration below a certain threshold induces a crossover from second-order phase transition to first-order transition to a new phase characterized by a spin-glass ground state and metastable energy states at finite temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Spin glass transition in a magnetic field: a renormalization group study

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    We study the transition of short range Ising spin glasses in a magnetic field, within a general replica symmetric field theory, which contains three masses and eight cubic couplings, that is defined in terms of the fields representing the replicon, anomalous and longitudinal modes. We discuss the symmetry of the theory in the limit of replica number n to 0, and consider the regular case where the longitudinal and anomalous masses remain degenerate. The spin glass transitions in zero and non-zero field are analyzed in a common framework. The mean field treatment shows the usual results, that is a transition in zero field, where all the modes become critical, and a transition in non-zero field, at the de Almeida-Thouless (AT) line, with only the replicon mode critical. Renormalization group methods are used to study the critical behavior, to order epsilon = 6-d. In the general theory we find a stable fixed-point associated to the spin glass transition in zero field. This fixed-point becomes unstable in the presence of a small magnetic field, and we calculate crossover exponents, which we relate to zero-field critical exponents. In a finite magnetic field, we find no physical stable fixed-point to describe the AT transition, in agreement with previous results of other authors.Comment: 36 pages with 4 tables. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Low frequency response of a collectively pinned vortex manifold

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    A low frequency dynamic response of a vortex manifold in type-II superconductor can be associated with thermally activated tunneling of large portions of the manifold between pairs of metastable states (two-level systems). We suggest that statistical properties of these states can be verified by using the same approach for the analysis of thermal fluctuations the behaviour of which is well known. We find the form of the response for the general case of vortex manifold with non-dispersive elastic moduli and for the case of thin superconducting film for which the compressibility modulus is always non-local.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, ReVTeX, the final version. Text strongly modified, all the results unchange