8 research outputs found

    For those states that expand it, Medicaid may be a gateway to enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for those in poor health

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    The federal government’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides more than 45 million Americans on low incomes with assistance to purchase food. Poor access to food – and low quality food – is often a key contributor to poor health outcomes, meaning that policymakers are keen to increase the number of SNAP enrollments by the chronically ill. In new research, Chad D. Meyerhoefer and Yuriy Pylypchuk look at the link between health, and whether or not those with low incomes enroll in SNAP and Medicaid. They find that individuals with diet-sensitive and other chronic conditions are more likely to enroll in SNAP if they are already enrolled in Medicaid. They argue that coordinating measures aimed at improving access to health care, such as the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act with programs like SNAP, would help low-income individuals better manage the burdens of chronic disease

    Towards sustainable economic development via social entrepreneurship

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    This paper argues that social enterprises (SE) in EU Member States share at least following common features: the dominance of a social or societal objective over market goal, an apparent social responsibility, particularly in the field of profit distribution. However, numeric limits for the criteria of SE identification remain 'unclear': in the majority of cases there are no comprehensible requirements regarding the employment of vulnerable groups and the reinvestment of profits into social projects. Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, and Slovakia advocate accuracy and precision in dealing with the terminology surrounding SE regulatory and legal acts to the greatest extent. Being a significant facilitator of sustainable development, SE growth has a close relationship with certain macroeconomic factors. Our correlation and regression analysis clearly proves that there are certain factors of financial and social environment which have the greatest impact on the increase of the number of SE per 10,000 population, namely: Monetary Freedom, Income Distribution and Helping a Stranger. The first two factors show the impact of government regulation quality in business relation, including the links between employers and employees. The latter factor demonstrates an average social perception of so-called 'inclusion ideas' in different societies

    Effective Dielectric Response of Dense Ferroelectric Nanocomposites

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    We measured the temperature dependences of the capacity and dielectric losses of the tape-casted dense ferroelectric composites consisting of 28 vol.% BaTiO3 nanoparticles (average size 24 nm) in the polyvinyl butyral polymer and 35 vol.% BaTiO3 microparticles (0.5-0.7 {\mu}m) dispersed in the ethyl-cellulose, as well as the ceramics made from the nanoparticles using the annealing at 1250oC. The composite films were covered with Ag electrodes and the measurements were performed in a wide frequency range. Using the Lichtenecker effective media approximation, we analysed the effective dielectric response of the dense ferroelectric composites. To establish the phase state of the nanoparticles, we analysed the static 137Ba NMR spectra of BaTiO3 nanoparticles in a wide temperature range from 200 to 400 K. Obtained results revealed that the ferroelectric properties of the nanoparticles contribute to the effective dielectric response of the composites in a significantly different way than predicted by the effective media model. This counterintuitive conclusion indicates on the strong crosstalk effects in the dense ferroelectric nanocomposites, which can be very promising for their applications in nanoelectronics and energy storage

    Розробка методики підвищення завадозахищеності багатоантенних систем зі спектрально-ефективними сигналами спеціального призначення в умовах впливу дестабілізуючих факторів

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    The object of research is multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient special purpose signals. The problematic issue, the solution of which is devoted to this research, is the improvement of immunity to interference of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient special purpose signals. A technique for improving the immunity of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient special-purpose signals under the influence of destabilizing factors has been developed. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology is the use of an improved pre-coding procedure, evaluation of the channel state of multi-antenna radio communication systems with spectrally efficient signals by several indicators. The improved channel state estimation procedure consists in estimating channel bit error probability, channel state frequency response, and channel state impulse response. The formation of an estimate of the channel state for each of the assessment indicators takes place on a separate layer of the neural network using the apparatus of fuzzy sets, after which a generalized estimate is formed at the output of the neural network. The novelty of the proposed method also consists in the use of an improved procedure for forecasting the channel state of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient signals. The essence of the proposed procedure is the use of fuzzy cognitive models and an artificial neural network to predict the state of the channels of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient signals. Based on the results of the research, it was established that the proposed method allows to increase the immunity of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient signals according to the 8×8 scheme and 64 subcarriers by 20–25 % compared to the known ones.Об’єктом дослідження є багатоантенні системи зі спектрально-ефективними сигналами спеціального призначення. Проблемним питанням, вирішенню якого присвячено дане дослідження, є підвищення завадозахищеності багатоантенних систем зі спектрально-ефективними сигналами спеціального призначення. Розроблено методику підвищення завадозахищеності багатоантенних систем зі спектрально-ефективними сигналами спеціального призначення в умовах впливу дестабілізуючих факторів. Відмінна особливість запропонованої методики полягає в використанні удосконаленої процедури попереднього кодування, оцінці стану каналу багатоантенних систем радіозв’язку зі спектрально-ефективними сигналами за декількома показниками. Удосконалена процедура оцінки стану каналу полягає в оцінці ймовірності бітової помилки каналу, частотної характеристики стану каналу та імпульсної характеристики стану каналу. Формування оцінки стану каналу по кожному з показників оцінки відбувається на окремому шарі нейронної мережі з використанням апарату нечітких множин, після чого на виході нейронної мережі формується узагальнена оцінка. Новизна запропонованої методики полягає також в використанні удосконаленої процедури прогнозування стану каналу багатоантенних систем зі спектрально-ефективними сигналами. Сутність запропонованої процедури полягає в використанні нечітких когнітивних моделей та штучної нейронної мережі для прогнозування стану каналів багатоантенних систем зі спектрально-ефективними сигналами. За результатами дослідження встановлено, що запропонована методика дозволяє підвищити завадозахищеність систем багатоантенних систем зі спектрально ефективними сигналами за схемою 8×8 та 64 піднесучими при на 20−25 % у порівнянні з відомим

    Effects of immigration on the health insurance status of natives

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    The objective of the paper is to estimate the effects of immigration on natives' probability of having private coverage and being uninsured. To examine whether immigrants affected employers' decisions to offer health benefits the study estimates immigration effects on natives' probability of being offered, eligible for, and a policy-holder of health insurance. Although in many cases the effects are statistically significant, most effects are very small. The increase in immigrant labor supply from 1995 to 2005 increases natives' uninsurance rates by about 0.7 percentage points and reduces the natives' probability of being offered and a holder of coverage by 0.8 and 1.9 percentage points, respectively. Immigrants' weaker preferences for coverage relative to natives' may be the key factor in this result.Immigrants Health insurance

    The Effect of Chronic Illness on Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance and Medicaid Programs

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    We examine enrollment in the U.S. Medicaid and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP) by health status and find that while SNAP-eligible adults in poor overall health and with multiple chronic conditions are more likely to jointly enroll in SNAP and Medicaid, they are less likely to enroll in SNAP alone. We also find that the conditional probability of SNAP enrollment given Medicaid participation is higher for individuals with multiple chronic conditions, indicating that the Medicaid program facilitates food assistance receipt for these individuals. As a result, both Medicaid expansions and state and federal policies that harmonize eligibility criteria or promote enrollment coordination between SNAP and Medicaid are expected to increase the number of individuals in SNAP with chronic medical conditions. Such a change in the composition of SNAP enrollees would increase the justification for using SNAP as a platform for health promotion initiatives