5 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is any significant increase of student’s listening comprehension achievement after being taught through video movie and to investigate the process of teaching listening through video movie in the classroom.This research was conducted at the first grade students of SMAN 1 Natar Lampung Selatan. This quantitative research applied one group pretest – posttest design. Objective listening comprehension test was used as the instrument and the data were analyzed by using repeated measure t- test. The results show that there is a significant increase from pre-test to post-test. The average score of pre-test is 54.83 and the post-test is 72.17 and t-value is higher than t-table. By comparing the score of pre-test and post-test, it can be found that the gain is 17.33. This proves that the treatments had a positive effect on the students’ achievement. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the implementation of video movie in the classroom increase students’ listening comprehension achievement.Keywords : listening comprehension, narrative text, students achievement, video movi

    The Use of Video Movie to Improve Students' Listening Comprehension Achievement

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    The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is any significant increase of student’s listening comprehension achievement after being taught through video movie and to investigate the process of teaching listening through video movie in the classroom.This research was conducted at the first grade students of SMAN 1 Natar Lampung Selatan. This quantitative research applied one group pretest – posttest design. Objective listening comprehension test was used as the instrument and the data were analyzed by using repeated measure t- test. The results show that there is a significant increase from pre-test to post-test. The average score of pre-test is 54.83 and the post-test is 72.17 and t-value is higher than t-table. By comparing the score of pre-test and post-test, it can be found that the gain is 17.33. This proves that the treatments had a positive effect on the students’ achievement. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the implementation of video movie in the classroom increase students’ listening comprehension achievement


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    Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran siswa siswi melalui observasi.Kegiatan ini diadakan pada tanggal 9 Pebruari 2023 di SMP NEGERI 2 TAPIAN DOLOK, Pematang Siantar.Kegiatan ini diawali dengan perkenalan masing masing anggota observasi, perkenalan siswa, dilanjutkan ice breaking, dan kemudian menyampaikan materi kepada siswa yang berjudul “Pandangan Terhadap Pendidikan”, selama kegiatan diadakan juga sesi tanya jawab. Adapun hasil yang didapat dalam kegiatan ini adalah 1)Setelah pemaparan kemampuan siswa memahami materi yaitu sebesar 33,88% siswa yang sangat paham, sebesar 52,9% siswa yang paham pada materi yang disampaikan, sebesar 10,33% siswa yanng kurang paham pada materi yang disampaikan, dan sebesar 1% siswa yang tidak paham pada materi yyang disampaikan; 2) Siswa yang sangat bersemangat selama kegiatan adalah sebesar 63,89%, siswa yang kurang bersemangat sebesar 25,32% dan yang tidak bersemangat sebesar 10,68%

    The Use of video movie to improve students' listening comprehension achievement at the first year students of SMAN 1 NATAR Lampung Selatan [Skripsi]

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    Bib. hal. 64-65Ada sekeping CD-ROMix, 65 hlm. : il. ; 30 cm. . -- Lamp. (49 lembar

    Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Matematika (SUKA) untuk Penanaman Konsep Bangun Datar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Learning mathematics in elementary schools has many shortcomings in terms of learning resources so that effective learning resources are needed to support teaching and learning activities. The purpose of this study is to produce appropriate learning products. This research and development uses the Borg n Gall model with 7 adapted development steps, namely: potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision. The results of the percentage of validation from the 3 validators are: (1) 90.5% of material experts (2) 85% of language experts and (3) 82% of material experts. The results of the student readability questionnaire showed that the supplement book was feasible to use with a reading percentage of 94% and a positive response from students to the book. The teacher readability rate showed a reading percentage of 90% was suitable for use. So, the mathematics supplement book developed can be used in the learning process.Pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar memiliki banyakkekurangan dalam hal sumber belajar sehingga diperlukan sumber belajar yang efektif digunakan untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk pembelajaran yang layak. Penelitian dan pegembangan ini menggunakan model Borg n Gall dengan 7 langkah pengembangan yang telah diadaptasi yaitu: potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk. Hasil persentase validasi dari ke 3 validator yaitu: (1) 90,5% dari ahli materi (2) 85% dari ahli bahasa 82% dari ahli materi. Hasil angket keterbacaan siswa menunjukan, buku suplemen layak digunakan dengan perolehan persentase bacaan sebesar 94% dan respon positif siswa terhadap buku tersebut, angket keterbacaan guru menunjukan persentase bacaan sebesar 90% layak untuk digunakan. Maka, buku suplemen matematika yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran