103 research outputs found


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    Pelatihan Menjahit merupakan program keahlian menjahit yang diberikan kepada para eks korban penyalahgunaan Napza yang berusia 14 s.d 26 tahun yang bertujuan menyiapkan warga belajar untuk mampu berkompetensi dan mengembangkan diri dalam lingkup keahlian menjahit (Tata Busana). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data tentang kontribusi hasil belajar Pelatihan Menjahit terhadap kesiapan kerja di konfeksi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik dengan alat pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu alumni warga belajar Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial Pamardi Putera (BRSPP) angkatan 2013 dengan sampel total berjumlah 26 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar Pelatihan Menjahit pada umumnya berada pada kriteria cukup, berdasarkan pengetahuan yang ditinjau dari pengetahuan bahan, pengetahuan mesin jahit, teknik memperbaiki gangguan pada mesin, keterampilan menjahit dan keselamatan kerja. Simpulan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi hasil belajar Pelatihan Menjahit terhadap kesiapan kerja di konfeksi pada warga belajar umumnya berada pada kriteria cukup. Kata Kunci : hasil belajar, kesiapan kerja, konfeksi, pelatihan menjahit. Training sewing is a skill training program which given to former drug abusers aged 14 to 26 years which aims to prepare citizens to be able to learn and develop competence in the sphere of expertise sewing (dressmaking). This study aimed to obtain data on the contribution of learning outcomes Sewing Training to work in the confection readiness. The method used was a descriptive analytic method with data collection tool using tests and questionnaires. The population in this study are graduate of the residents learned of Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial Pamardi Putera (BRSPP) class of 2013 with the total sample, totaling 26 people. The results showed that the Sewing Training learning outcomes in general are at sufficient criteria, based on the knowledge in terms of material knowledge, knowledge of a sewing machine, a technique to correct the interference at machines, sewing skills and safety. Conclusions of the study indicate that the contribution of learning outcomes Sewing Training to work in the confection on the readiness of citizens to learn in general are on the sufficient criteria. Keywords : confection, learning outcomes, sewing training. work readines


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    Pendahuluan: Minuman Keras banyak menimbulkan masalah. Pemerintah dan masyarakat harus bekerjasama untuk membuat larangan tentang minuman keras. Khususnya para remaja, sehingga dapat mengurangi penyimpangan pada remaja salah satunya minuman keras dengan menerapkan terapi thought stoppping. Thought stopping adalah suatu teknik yang digunakan untuk menyembuhkan pemikiran negatif yang merusak diri dengan mengatakan “STOP” dan mengganti negatif menjadi pikiran positif. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan quantitative dengan design quasai eksperemet. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Remaja pecandu minuman keras. Hasil: Hasil didapatkan nilai P value = 0,001, yang bearti terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pemberian terapi thought stopping untuk mengatasi frekuensi remaja minum-minuman keras.Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukan terapi thought stopping menghentikan pikiran negatif sangat efektif dalam merubah proses pikir pada remaja pecandu minuman keras

    The Identity Issue of the Colonized and the Colonizer in Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill

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    One of the significant points in post-colonial literature is identity issues. The analysis of these identity issues should be focused not only on the colonized character but also the colonialist. It is obvious why post-colonial scholars are concerned with the colonized as they are the victims of colonialism. However, the colonizer must also face complex issues of identity when arriving in the colonial place. The purpose of this article is to examine the identity issues undergone by Joshua, the colonial subject, and by Clive, the colonizer, with reference to Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill in the colonial period. The concept of hybridity by Homi Bhabha can explain the issue of Joshua’s identity since he has “double” portrays of the identity as legacy of colonialism. Bhabha created the terms the “third space” or the “in-between” to describe the condition of the colonized people. Clive as the colonizer used to be a person without particular authority in his own country before arriving to the colonial land. Suddenly, his identity has shifted into someone who has privileges and authority. The colonizer’s identity is not complete without the colonized. The colonized and the colonizer depend on each other. The colonized and the colonizer’s identities will be fragmented if one of them is missing


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    Abstrak: CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability) merupakan salah satu usaha pemerintah melalui Kemenparekraf untuk menggairahkan kembali pariwisata Indonesia. Dalam memastikan kegiatan wisata yang dilakukan sesuai dengan prinsip kebersihan, kesehatan, keamanan dan kelestarian lingkungan, maka diadakan pula sertifikasi CHSE bagi unit usaha pariwisata di seluruh Indonesia. Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kota Bandar Lampung dan jajarannya sebagai mitra dalam pengabdian masyarakat kali ini, mengadakan bimbingan teknis pada tanggal 22 Desember 2020 di Hotel Emersia dengan dihadiri sebanyak 32 pelaku usaha pariwisata terkait penerapan dan sertifikasi CHSE di destinasi wisata. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian ini adalah paparan dan diskusi serta evaluasi. Ditemukan juga bahwa hanya 12 peserta (37,5%) yang pernah mendengar mengenai sertifikasi CHSE sebelum diklat, dan dari 32 peserta, masih terdapat 22% (7 orang) yang menyatakan tidak tertarik mengikuti sertifikasi karena dirasa tidak banyak membantu usahanya. Sebanyak 28 peserta (87,5%) berpendapat bahwa materi hari itu cukup informatif dan dapat dipahami.Abstract: CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability) is one of the government's efforts through the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs to re-excite Indonesian tourism. In ensuring tourism activities carried out in accordance with the principles of cleanliness, health, security and environmental sustainability, certification is held for tourism businesses throughout Indonesia. The Head of Bandar Lampung Tourism Office and its ranks as partners in community service this time, held a socialization on December 22, 2020 at The Emersia Hotel with 32 tourism businesses attended. The method carried out in this devotion is exposure / lectures and discussions / question and answer. It was also found that only 12 participants (37.5%) who had heard about CHSE certification before training, and of the 32 participants, there were still 22% (7 people) who expressed no interest in joining the certification because it felt that it did not help their business much. A total of 28 participants (87.5%) argue that the material of the day was quite informative and understandabl

    Analysis of Cultural Content in “Pathway to English" Used By Grade XI Senior High School

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    Teaching English cannot be separated from culture since they are in the two sides of a coin. In fact, teachers tend to use textbooks as the main source of teaching brought about dilemmas whether to satisfy the teachers or to fulfill students’ needs of Senior High School Grade XI. This textbook analysis tried to determine the content in form of percentage of the target and aesthetic culture and sociological culture presented in Pathway to English. Data were collected through observation. Focusing on targets culture analysis by experts, we found that the book had 14 items for aesthetic dimensions, 35 items for the sociological dimensions. The Target culture type had 97 objects of the total number of Target types that appear. From this research it can be concluded that the most dominant c culture presented in this book was aestheti

    Strategi Komunikasi Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Banten Dalam Menyosialisasikan Program Sumur Wakaf: (Studi Kasus dalam Meningkatkan Donatur di Kota Serang)

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    Abstrak Masalah: Meningkatkan kredibilitas ACT Banten, Kurangnya kepercayaan masyarakat dan donatur terhadap ACT Banten, Data donatur masih dalam keadaan statis dan belum ada perkembangan. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui bagaimana Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Banten memilih komunikator, komunikan, menyusun pesan memilih media atau saluran komunikasi yang digunakan dalam mensosialisasikan program Sumur Wakaf di Banten. Metodologi: penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan metode studi kasus dari Yin R.K dengan fokus penelitiannya terletak pada fenomena kontemporer (masa kini) berada dalam konteks kehidupan nyata. Peneliti menggunakan metode ini karena studi kasus merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mempelajari atau menerangkan suatu kasus yang alamiah tanpa adanya intervensi dari pihak luar dan dapat memberi nilai tambah pada pengetahuan kita tentang fenomena individual, organisasi, sosial dan politik. Temuan/Hasil Penelitian: Penelitian menemukan adanya strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh ACT Banten. Dengan wawancara dan hasil dokumentasi di ACT Banten yang menunjukkan adanya strategi komunikasi. strategi memilih dan menetapkan komunikator dilihat dari kredibilitas dan daya tarik yang dimiliki oleh komunikator; Strategi mengenali sasaran komunikasi berdasarkan demografi dan kondisi fisik; Strategi pengkajian pesan yang disampaikan yaitu pesan edukasi dengan dua bentuk penyampaian pesan, untuk sasaran komunikasi remaja bentuk penyampaian pesannya secara santai dan diselingi ajakan, sementara untuk sasaran komunikasi dewasa atau masyarakat umum disertai dengan himbauan khusus untuk peserta kategori dewasa, dalam strategi pemilihan media yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan sosialisasi marketing program sumur wakaf yaitu melalui media online dan offline. Jenis Penelitian : Penelitian Lapangan Kata kunci: Strategi; Komunikasi; Sosialisasi; Program; Wakaf &nbsp

    Strengthening Students’ English Competence Based on the Results of Their English Proficiency Test with the Use of the Expert System with Forward Chaining Method

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    This article presents the results of a study that aimed to strengthen students' English language competency based on the results of their English proficiency tests using an expert system with a forward chaining method. The study employed a quasi-experimental design, with an experimental group receiving intervention using the expert system and a control group following traditional classroom instruction. The analysis of pre and post-test assessments revealed significant improvements in language skills for the experimental group compared to the control group. Additionally, the comparison of English proficiency test results showed higher mean scores for the experimental group, indicating a positive impact of the expert system intervention. The findings highlight the potential of the expert system with forward chaining in providing personalized and adaptive learning experiences, supporting language educators in addressing individual students' weaknesses, and enhancing overall language development. Further research with larger sample sizes and diverse participant groups is recommended to validate these findings and explore the scalability of this approach in language education
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