18 research outputs found

    High-coherence electron and ion bunches from laser-cooled atoms

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    XXVIII ICPEACCold atom electron and ion sources produce electron bunches and ion beams by photoionisation of laser cooled atoms. They offer high coherence and the potential for high brightness, with applications including ultrafast electron diffractive imaging of dynamic processes at the nanoscale. Here we present our cold atom electron/ion source, with an electron temperature of less than 10 K and a transverse coherence length of 10 nm. We also discuss experiments investigating space-charge effects with ions and the production of ultra-fast electron bunches using a femto-second laser. In the latter experiment we show that it is possible to produce both cold and fast electron bunches with our source.A. J. McCulloch, D. V. Sheludko, C. T. Putkunz, S. D. Saliba, D. J. Thompson, R. W. Speirs, D. Murphy, J. Torrance, B. M. Sparkes, and R. E. Scholte

    Direct exit-wave reconstruction from a single defocused image

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    We propose a direct, non-iterative method for the exact recovery of the complex wave in the exit-surface plane of a coherently illuminated object from a single defocused image. The method is applicable for a wide range of illumination conditions. The defocus range is subject to certain conditions, which if satisfied allow the complex exit-surface wave to be directly recovered by solving a set of linear equations. These linear equations, whose coefficients depend on the incident illumination, are obtained by analyzing the autocorrelation function of an auxiliary wave which is related to the exit-surface wave in a simple way. This autocorrelation is constructed by taking the inverse Fourier transform of the defocused image. We present an experimental proof of concept by recovering the exit-surface wave of a microfiber illuminated by a plane wave formed using a HeNe laser. Ā© 2011 Elsevier B.V

    Detailed observation of space-charge dynamics using ultracold ion bunches

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    Published 17 Jul 2014Control of Coulomb expansion in charged particle beams is of critical importance for applications including electron and ion microscopy, injectors for particle accelerators and in ultrafast electron diffraction, where spaceā€“charge effects constrain the temporal and spatial imaging resolution. The development of techniques to reverse spaceā€“charge-driven expansion, or to observe shock waves and other striking phenomena, have been limited by the masking effect of thermal diffusion. Here we show that ultracold ion bunches extracted from laser-cooled atoms can be used to observe the effects of self-interactions with unprecedented detail. We generate arrays of small closely spaced ion bunches that interact to form complex and surprising patterns. We also show that nanosecond cold ion bunches provide data for analogous ultrafast electron systems, where the dynamics occur on timescales too short for detailed observation. In a surprising twist, slow atoms may underpin progress in high-energy and ultrafast physics.D. Murphy, R.W. Speirs, D.V. Sheludko, C.T. Putkunz, A.J. McCulloch, B.M. Sparkes and R.E. Scholte

    Direct exit-wave reconstruction from a single defocused image

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    We propose a direct, non-iterative method for the exact recovery of the complex wave in the exit-surface plane of a coherently illuminated object from a single defocused image. The method is applicable for a wide range of illumination conditions. The defocus range is subject to certain conditions, which if satisfied allow the complex exit-surface wave to be directly recovered by solving a set of linear equations. These linear equations, whose coefficients depend on the incident illumination, are obtained by analyzing the autocorrelation function of an auxiliary wave which is related to the exit-surface wave in a simple way. This autocorrelation is constructed by taking the inverse Fourier transform of the defocused image. We present an experimental proof of concept by recovering the exit-surface wave of a microfiber illuminated by a plane wave formed using a HeNe laser

    Using coherent X-ray ptychography to probe medium-range order

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    Characterization of microscopic structural order and in particular medium range order (MRO) in amorphous materials is challenging. A new technique is demonstrated that allows analysis of MRO using X-rays. Diffraction data were collected from a sample consisting of densely packed polystyrene-latex micro-spheres. Ptychography is used to reconstruct the sample transmission function and fluctuation microscopy applied to characterize structural order producing a detailed `fluctuation map' allowing analysis of the sample at two distinct length scales. Independent verification is provided via X-ray diffractometry. Simulations of dense random packing of spheres have also been used to explore the origin of the structural order measured

    Measurements of long-range electronic correlations during femtosecond diffraction experiments performed on nanocrystals of buckminsterfullerene

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    The precise details of the interaction of intense X-ray pulses with matter are a topic of intense interest to researchers attempting to interpret the results of femtosecond X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) experiments. An increasing number of experimental observations have shown that although nuclear motion can be negligible, given a short enough incident pulse duration, electronic motion cannot be ignored. The current and widely accepted models assume that although electrons undergo dynamics driven by interaction with the pulse, their motion could largely be considered 'random'. This would then allow the supposedly incoherent contribution from the electronic motion to be treated as a continuous background signal and thus ignored. The original aim of our experiment was to precisely measure the change in intensity of individual Bragg peaks, due to X-ray induced electronic damage in a model system, crystalline C60. Contrary to this expectation, we observed that at the highest X-ray intensities, the electron dynamics in C60 were in fact highly correlated, and over sufficiently long distances that the positions of the Bragg reflections are significantly altered. This paper describes in detail the methods and protocols used for these experiments, which were conducted both at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the Australian Synchrotron (AS) as well as the crystallographic approaches used to analyse the data

    Measurements of long-range electronic correlations during femtosecond diffraction experiments performed on nanocrystals of buckminsterfullerene

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    The precise details of the interaction of intense X-ray pulses with matter are a topic of intense interest to researchers attempting to interpret the results of femtosecond X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) experiments. An increasing number of experimental observations have shown that although nuclear motion can be negligible, given a short enough incident pulse duration, electronic motion cannot be ignored. The current and widely accepted models assume that although electrons undergo dynamics driven by interaction with the pulse, their motion could largely be considered 'random'. This would then allow the supposedly incoherent contribution from the electronic motion to be treated as a continuous background signal and thus ignored. The original aim of our experiment was to precisely measure the change in intensity of individual Bragg peaks, due to X-ray induced electronic damage in a model system, crystalline C 60 . Contrary to this expectation, we observed that at the highest X-ray intensities, the electron dynamics in C 60 were in fact highly correlated, and over sufficiently long distances that the positions of the Bragg reflections are significantly altered. This paper describes in detail the methods and protocols used for these experiments, which were conducted both at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the Australian Synchrotron (AS) as well as the crystallographic approaches used to analyse the data