5 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan latihan Fisik dan penyusunan program latihan fisik terkadang diabaikan baik itu dalam program dan pembinaan atlet yang berprestasi baik ditingkat Provinsi, Nasional maupun Internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelatihan kondisi fisik pada para pelatih cabang olahraga kota Tangerang dalam rangka Persiapan Porprov Banten 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah para Pelatih cabang olahraga Kota Tagerang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian tentang  Pelatihan kondisi fisik pada para Pelatih cabang olahraga Kota Tangerang Dalam Rangka Persiapan  Porprov Banten 2022 agar para pelatih memahami tentang pentingnya latihan fisik, membuat program latihan Fisik. Semua yang terlibat dalam pelatihan ini harus mendapatkan pembekalan yang mendalam agar dapat menyusun dan membuat program latihan dengan tepat sesuai sasaran atau tujuan di Porprov 2022 dan mencapai prestasi yang optimal dan dimana sekaligus Kota Tangerang menjadi Juara Umum Pada Porprov Banten 202


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model latihan koordinasi online berbasis senam irama bagi anak tunagrahita dengan metode Research and Development ADDIE yang dilakukan dalam lima tahap. Tahapan pengembangan yang dilakukan adalah: (1) Analisis Kebutuhan (2) Perancangan (3) Pengembangan (4) Implementasi (5) Evaluasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 8 atlet SOIna DKI Jakarta dengan klasifikasi tunagrahita ringan atau mild. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes koordinasi mata-tangan dengan lempar tangkap bola. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif inferensial. Uji keefektifan dilakukan dengan metode uji rata-rata dua pihak (uji T). Jumlah dari tes koordinasi mata-tangan saat Pre-test adalah 123 dan Post Test adalah 103. Hasil t hitung = 0,104 dan t tabel = 2,000 sehingga t hitung < t tabel, hal ini menjadikan H0 diterima. Hasil dari penelitian ini tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tingkat koordinasi gerak sebelum dan sesudah diberikan program latihan dalam website. Kesimpulan dan hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya aplikasi web dengan domain www.kreatifsport.com sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan koordinasi gerak anak tunagrahita ringan. This study aims to develop an online coordination exercise model based on rhythmic gymnastics for mentally retarded children using the ADDIE Research and Development method which was carried out in five stages. The stages of development carried out are: (1) Needs Analysis (2) Design (3) Development (4) Implementation (5) Evaluation. The subjects in this study amounted to 8 athletes SOIna DKI Jakarta with mild mental retardation classification. Data was collected through a test of eye-hand coordination by throwing and catching the ball. The data analysis technique was carried out by inferential quantitative. The effectiveness test was carried out using the two-party average test method (T test). The number of eye-hand coordination tests during Pre test is 123 and Post Test is 103. The results of t count = 0.104 and t table = 2,000 so t count < t table, this makes H0 accepted. The results of this study there is no significant difference between the level of coordination of motion before and after being given an exercise program on the website. The conclusion and result of this research is the creation of a web application with the domain www.kreatifsport.com as a means to improve the movement coordination of mild mentally retarded children

    Profile Physical Condition Of Tangerang City Athletes In Preparation For Porprov Banten In 2022

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the physical condition of athletes in the city of Tangerang in preparation for the sports week of Banten province in 2022. The research method used quantitative descriptive, the population and sample in this study were 40 athletes of Porprov Banten, and the sampling technique used purposive sampling by taking into account the characteristics gender, namely 20 sons and 20 daughters, while the data collection technique was through tests and anthropometric measurements and components of physical condition. Data analysis uses descriptive frequency analysis using the formula where P is the percentage sought, F = Frequency and N = Number of samples, overall descriptive analysis of frequency using Microsoft Excel 2019. The results of this study can be concluded that (i) anthropometry consisting of height and weight; and (ii) the physical condition component consists of leg muscle explosive power, abdominal muscle strength, endurance, agility, and speed. This study only involves physical and anthropometric components, for further research by considering social, family, psychological and related environmental factors in improving the achievements of Banten Province athlete

    Analysis of the physical condition profile of athletes in Tangerang City's Measurable Sports Branch as Part of the Porprov Banten 2022 Preparation: Descriptive study

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    The study was conducted from August to October 2022. The data collection was taken at the Tangerang City Fort Stadium. The research sample is Tangerang City Athletes who will be prepared in Porprov Banten 2022. The instruments of this study are (1) an Anthropometric Test consisting of height (cm) and Weight (kg), (2) a Biomotor Ability Test or Physical ability consisting of a Flexibility Test with cm units, an Explosive power test of limb muscles using Vertical Jump with centimeters (cm) assessment unit,  Abdominal muscle strength test with Push-ups with the unit of assessment of the number of performed in 1 minute.   Data analysis techniques in this study use Descriptive Analysis.  The method used in this study is Descriptive Quantitative and is an approach to finding the answer to the problem through the formulation of the problem that has been formulated, namely the Profile of the Physical Condition of Tangerang City Athletes in the Context of Preparing for Porprov Banten 2022 which is seen from the physical profile that is tested and measured is Anthropometry, and Biomotor components

    The Effect Of Balance Training Of 200-M Kayaking Athlete Performance

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of balance exercises on the achievements of kayaking athletes 200  meters. The method used in this study is a survey using correlational. The sample selected was by criteria of the number of kayakers participating in the National Training Center for rowing in 2019, as many as 28 male athletes. Data analysis using a simple correlation with a significant level of 0.05, overall analysis of this data uses the help of SPSS program version 20.00. The finding is that the R Square value (determination coefficient) is 0.712, which means 71.2% of the total performance variation of 200m kayakers is caused by a simple correlate relationship with variable balance. This means that 71.2% of balance data has a direct influence on the performance of kayakers 200m in 2019 and the remaining 28.8% or (100% - 71.2% = 28.8%) caused by other factors such as weather conditions, mental condition, boat conditions, nutrition, recovery, athlete health conditions, and other