15 research outputs found
Automated measurements of diffuse interstellar bands in early-type star spectra Correlations with the Color Excess
Stellar spectroscopic surveys may bring useful statistical information on the
links between Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) and interstellar environment.
DIB databases can also be used as a complementary tool for locating
interstellar (IS) clouds. Our goal is to develop fully automated methods of DIB
measurements to be applied to extensive data from stellar surveys. We present a
method appropriate for early-type nearby stars, its application to
high-resolution spectra of 130 targets recorded with ESO FEROS spectrograph,
and comparisons with other determinations. Using a DIB average profile deduced
from the most reddened stars, we performed an automated fitting of a
combination of a smooth stellar continuum, the DIB profile, and, when
necessary, a synthetic telluric transmission. Measurements are presented for 16
DIBs in the optical domain that could be extracted automatically: 4726.8,
4762.6, 4963.9, 5780.4, 5797.1, 5849.8, 6089.8, 6196.0, 6203.0-6204.5, 6269.8,
6283.8, 6379.3, 6445.3, 6613.6, 6660.7, and 6699.3 {\AA}.Comment: (A&A accepted
Extracting interstellar diffuse absorption bands from cool star spectra: Application to bulge clump giants in Baade's window
Interstellar diffuse bands are usually extracted from hot star spectra
because they are characterized by smooth continua. It introduces a strong
limitation on the number of available targets, and reduces potential studies of
the IS matter and the use of absorptions for cloud mapping. We have developed a
new automatic fitting method appropriate to interstellar absorptions in spectra
of cool stars that possess stellar atmospheric parameters. We applied this
method to the extraction of three DIBs in high resolution VLT FLAMES/GIRAFFE
spectra of red clump stars from the bulge. By combining all stellar synthetic
spectra, HITRAN-LBLRTM atmospheric transmission spectra and diffuse band
empirical absorption profiles, we determine the 6196, 6204, and 6284 A DIB
strength toward the 219 target stars and discuss the sources of uncertainties.
In order to test the sensitivity of the DIB extraction, we intercompare the
three results and compare the DIB equivalent widths with the reddening derived
from an independent extinction map based on OGLE photometric data. Most stellar
spectra could be well reproduced by the composite stellar, atmospheric and
interstellar models. Measurement uncertainties on the EWs are smaller for the
broad and strong 6284 A DIB, and are of the order of 10-15%. Uncertainties on
the two narrow and weaker DIBs are larger, as expected, and found to be highly
variable from one target to the other. They strongly depend on the radial
velocity of the star . DIB-DIB correlations among the three bands demonstrate
that a meaningful signal is extracted. For the 6284 and 6204 A DIBs, the
star-to-star variability of the equivalent width (EW) also reflects features of
the OGLE extinction map...Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 14 pages+appendix, 15 figures and 3
Analysis of high altitude clouds in the martian atmosphere based on Mars Climate Sounder observations
International Symposium on Sun, Earth, and Life, Jun 2016, Bandung, IndonesiaInternational audienceHigh altitude clouds have been observed in the Martian atmosphere. However, their properties still remain to be characterized. Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) aboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) is an instrument that measures radiances in the thermal infrared, both in limb and nadir views. It allows us to retrieve vertical profiles of radiance, temperature and aerosols. Using the MCS data and radiative transfer model coupled with an automated inversion routine, we can investigate the chemical composition of the high altitude clouds. We will present the first results on the properties of the clouds. CO2 ice is the best candidate to be the main component of some high altitude clouds due to the most similar spectral variation compared to water ice or dust, in agreement with previous studies. Using cloud composition of contaminated CO2 ice (dust core surrounded by CO2 ice) might improve the fitting result, but further study is needed
Distribution tridimensionnelle du gaz et des poussières interstellaires dans la galaxie: travaux préparatoires dans la perspective des résultats de Gaia
Multi-wavelength observations in emission of interstellar medium or matter (ISM) are providing increasingly detailed maps. Unfortunately, precise information on distances to the emitting clouds is still lacking. This leads to difficulties in interpreting and modeling ISM distribution and evolution. One way to obtain three-dimensional (3D) descriptions of the ISM, which comprise direction and distance information, is to record a large set of individual absorption measurements or reddening measurements toward target stars at various known distances and directions. These line-of-sight data give hints about the distribution of matter relative to the target star, and the inversion of these measurements using a robust tomographic method can provide the spatial distribution of the ISM. 3D ISM maps are a potential tool of wide use, but accurate and detailed maps are still lacking because absorption data are still limited and information of distances to the target stars are lacking or uncertain. The situation will greatly improve thanks to current and future massive stellar surveys from ground, and to the Gaia mission. Extracting interstellar (IS) absorption data from a large number of stellar spectra requires automated tools. Some of the works presented in this thesis contribute to the preparation of these tools. The tools are adapted to different IS tracers, such as NaI lines, CaII lines, and diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs). Despite their unknown carriers, DIBs are a promising tool to trace IS clouds, in particular at large distances as they are not easily saturated. IS lines or bands are usually extracted from early-type star spectra because of their smooth and easily fitted continua. However, early-type stars are a small fraction of the potential targets. The mean distance between them is too large to allow a good spatial resolution for the ISM mapping. Recently, progress was made on the extraction of IS tracers from late-type star spectra, in particular using a synthetic stellar spectrum. The spectral analysis tools are therefore adapted to different stellar spectrum types, early- or late-type star. Furthermore, we have developed a global analysis to fit multiple tracers simultaneously, allowing us to understand their relationships and to derive their kinematic information at the same time. Gaia is a mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) which was recently launched on 19th December 2013. Not only it will revolutionize our knowledge of the structure and the history of our Galaxy, but also of the distribution of ISM. It will provide precise distances which will greatly improve the constraints during the inversion. It will also provide spectroscopic data allowing the study of a particular DIB at 8620 Å (Gaia DIB), providing more IS absorption data, and also photometric and spectroscopic information on a billion stars allowing accurate estimates of the extinction. Apart from the satellite, a support survey mission with a high-resolution ground-based spectrograph, the Gaia-ESO Spectroscopic Survey (GES), will provide a large number additional new IS absorption data that will be available for the 3D ISM maps. In this thesis, our spectral analysis tools were tested and applied to GES data and to various spectroscopic data from the TBL/NARVAL, OHP 1.93 m/ELODIE, and ESO 2.2 m/FEROS instruments, and from the GOSSS (Galactic O stars Spectroscopic Survey) project. The target stars are widely distributed in the sky, e.g., in southern sky, in high-latitude Galactic HI shells, and in the direction of specific objects, e.g., the M4 cluster, the Carina nebula, the NGC 4815 and gamma-Vel open clusters, and various fields like the CoRoT fields, the Galactic inner-disk or the bulge. Our results show that DIBs can trace the ISM distribution and kinematics at the Galactic scale. They can be used to trace the Galactic arms. Radial velocities of the DIBs were found in agreement with HI emission spectral features and gaseous IS NaI lines velocities.Finally, we tested the inversion method using simulated data and the reconstruction of the distribution. We also showed that 3D ISM maps are useful in many respects, not only in describing ISM distribution, but also helping to understand the physical and chemical conditions in the ISM. For example, our most recent 3D ISM map helps describing Gould Belt properties, nearby cavities or bubbles, and especially determining Local Bubble (LB) properties owing to the comparison with soft X-ray emission maps.Les observations en émission à de multiples longueurs d'onde du milieu (ou de la matière) interstellaire (MIS) produisent des cartes à deux dimensions (des images) de très haute qualité et résolution, mais elles manquent d'informations sur la distance. Il est donc plus difficile d'interpréter et de modéliser la structure et l'évolution du MIS à partir de ces cartes. Une des techniques permettant d'obtenir des distributions tridimensionnelles du MIS est l'inversion de mesures individuelles d'absorption ou de mesures d'extinction le long de lignes de visée vers des étoiles situées à des distances différentes et connues. Pour construire une base de données d'absorption interstellaire à partir d'un grand nombre de spectres stellaires, des outils d'analyse spectrale automatiques sont indispensables. Le travail de cette thèse a consisté à préparer ces outils automatiques. Ces outils sont adaptés aux différents traceurs interstellaires, par exemple les raies du NaI, CaII, ou les bandes interstellaires diffuses (DIBs). Ils sont adaptés aussi aux différents types d'étoiles, chaudes ou froides. De plus, nous avons développé des méthodes d'analyse globale qui permettent d'ajuster différent traceurs simultanément et de les lier les uns aux autres. Ils peuvent donc permettre d'étudier leur relations et de dériver leur cinématique en une seule fois. Gaia est une mission spatiale de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA) qui a été lancée le 19 décembre 2013. Elle va révolutionner nos connaissances sur la structure et l'histoire de la galaxie, mais aussi du milieu interstellaire. Elle va mesurer de maniére précise la position des étoiles, ce qui va considérabelement améliorer la précision des futures cartes obtenues par inversion. Elle va également fournir des données spectroscopiques, en particulier de la bande diffuse à 8620 Å (Gaia DIB), et augmenter la base de données pour les cartes en 3D. Elle va aussi fournir des mesures d'extinction vers un très grand nombre d'étoiles qui pourront être inversées. Une grand relevé d'observations spectroscopiques sol complémentaires en support à Gaia (Gaia-ESO Survey, GES) produit et va produire des mesures d'absorption supplémentaires qui seront disponibles pour les inversions. Les outils développés pendant la thèse ont été appliquées aux premières données spectroscopiques de GES. De plus, ils ont été testés et appliqués à différentes données spectroscopiques: TBL/NARVAL, OHP1.93m/ELODIE, VLT/FLAMES, ESO2.2m/FEROS, et du projet GOSSS (Galactic O stars Spectroscopic Survey). Ce sont des spectres d'étoiles distribuées dans tout le ciel, e.g, vers la LoopI/NPS, ou en direction d'objets specifiques: l'amas globulaire M4, la nébuleuse de la Carène, les amas ouverts NGC 4815 et gamma-Vel, les champs du satellite CoRoT, et le disque interne ou le bulbe. Nous avons montré que les DIBs peuvent tracer la distribution du MIS et sa cinématique, en particulier tracer les bras Galactiques. Les vitesses radiales des DIBs sont en accord avec celle des raies d'emission du HI et les vitesses des raies d'absorption du gaz, e.g., NaI. Finalement, nous avons testé le code d'inversion au moyen d'une base de données simulées, pour optimiser la reconstitution de cette distribution. Les cartes du MIS en 3D sont utiles, non seulement pour décrire la distribution du MIS, mais aussi pour comprendre les conditions physiques et chimiques du MIS. Les nouvelles cartes en 3D font apparaitre clairement la ceinture de Gould, la Bulle Locale (LB) et les cavités voisines. En comparant avec la carte de l'émission diffuse en rayons X mous, nous avons pu estimer la pression du gaz chaud dans la Bulle Locale
Pengaruh Pemberian Mikoriza Arbuskula Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) Varietas Argomulyo dan Burangrang pada Tanah Inceptisol Kendalpayak, Kabupaten Malang
Kebutuhan kedelai di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan
bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Tanaman kedelai memiliki berbagai macam
varietas salah satunya varietas Argomulyo dan Burangrang yang memiliki
keunggulan hampir sama. Tanaman kedelai dapat tumbuh pada semua jenis tanah,
termasuk Inceptisol yang banyak digunakan sebagai lahan pertanian. Tanah yang
digunakan secara terus menerus untuk lahan pertanian akan menyebabkan
terjadinya degradasi lahan sehingga unsur hara yang tersimpan di dalam tanah
menjadi berkurang. Salah satu permasalahan Inceptisol yaitu tingginya unsur Al,
Fe dan Mn yang menyebabkan unsur P menjadi tidak tersedia bagi tanaman.
Pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai juga membutuhkan banyak unsur hara terutama N
dan P sehingga perlu adanya pemberian mikoriza arbuskula untuk meningkatkan
produksi kedelai pada Inceptisol. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) menganalisis
pengaruh pemberian berbagai dosis mikoriza terhadap peningkatan kolonisasi
mikoriza pada akar tanaman dan serapan P-tanaman; (2) menganalisis pengaruh
pemberian berbagai dosis mikoriza terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil pada dua
varietas tanaman kedelai.
Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Maret
2019. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial terdiri dari 8
perlakuan dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan menggunakan dua varietas kedelai dan
berbagai dosis mikoriza. Kombinasi perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu: V1M0:
varietas Argomulyo tanpa mikoriza; V1M1: varietas Argomulyo + mikoriza 25
spora/8 kg tanah; V1M2: varietas Argomulyo + mikoriza 50 spora/8 kg tanah;
V1M3: varietas Argomulyo + mikoriza 75 spora/8 kg tanah; V2M0: varietas
Burangrang tanpa mikoriza; V2M1: varietas Burangrang + mikoriza 25 spora/8 kg
tanah; V2M2: varietas Burangrang + mikoriza 50 spora/8 kg tanah; V2M3: varietas
Burangrang + mikoriza 75 spora/8 kg tanah. Pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman,
jumlah daun, jumlah polong per tanaman, bobot 100 biji, serapan P tanaman, pH
tanah, N total tanah, P total tanah, P tersedia tanah, K total tanah, C-organik tanah,
jumlah spora mikoriza dan kolonisasi mikoriza pada akar.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian mikoriza M3 (75 spora/8
kg tanah) memberikan pengaruh terhadap parameter jumlah spora dengan nilai
tertinggi 88 spora dan kolonisasi akar dengan nilai tertinggi 26,5%. Pada parameter
kimia tanah antara lain pH, N total, P total, K total dan C-Organik pemberian
mikoriza tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap masing-masing parameter
pengamatan. Pada parameter agronomi, pemberian mikoriza tidak berpengaruh
nyata terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman akan tetapi pemberian mikoriza M3 (75
spora/8 kg tanah) berpengaruh terhadap parameter jumlah daun pada 56 HST
dengan nilai tertinggi 21 helai daun dan 63 HST dengan nilai tertinggi 18 helai
daun. Pada parameter bobot segar dan bobot kering tanaman, varietas kedelai
berpengaruh nyata dan varietas Burangrang memberikan hasil yang lebih tinggi
dibandingkan varietas Argomulyo pada bobot segar dan bobot kering tanaman.
Pada parameter jumlah polong/tanaman, varietas kedelai (varietas Burangrang)
memberikan pengaruh nyata dengan nilai tertinggi 28 polong/tanaman, akan tetapi
pemberian mikoriza tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap jumlah polong/tanaman.
Pemberian mikoriza tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap parameter bobot 100 biji.
Pemberian mikoriza M1 (25 spora/8 kg tanah) memberikan pengaruh nyata
terhadap parameter serapan P tanaman dengan nilai tertinggi 0,66 g tan-1
Galactic warp from the kinematics of OB stars
The warp in Milky Way seen through the young stellar disk shows the complex structures. Its spatial distribution reveals the asymmetry in the vertical distance to the galactic midplane, whereas the kinematics shows the os- cillating motion. We analyze the warp using about 25,000 OB stars from Gaia Data Release 2, with Galactocentric azimuth (φ) range from 135◦ to 225◦ . We detect the warp from two distinctive regions. First region (warp down) lies on 100◦ < l < 150◦ and second regions (warp up) lies on 150◦ < l < 220◦ . The vertical position towards the Galactic midplane (Z) from all samples shows the line-of-nodes of the warp is on φ = 174◦ ± 2◦ . The maximum deviation in warp down region reachs 0.1 kpc and 0.2 kpc in warp up region. The vertical velocity (VZ) from both regions are dominated by negative VZ . From the kinematics dis- tribution, it can be concluded that there is an oscillati1ng motion. Considering with the previous study, the oscillating motion was caused by the gravitational interaction with the Galaxy satellites. From this, we can constrain the origin of the warp is developing from the tidal interaction between Milky Way and its satellites
Galactic warp from the kinematics of OB stars
The warp in Milky Way seen through the young stellar disk shows the complex structures. Its spatial distribution reveals the asymmetry in the vertical distance to the galactic midplane, whereas the kinematics shows the os- cillating motion. We analyze the warp using about 25,000 OB stars from Gaia Data Release 2, with Galactocentric azimuth (φ) range from 135◦ to 225◦ . We detect the warp from two distinctive regions. First region (warp down) lies on 100◦ < l < 150◦ and second regions (warp up) lies on 150◦ < l < 220◦ . The vertical position towards the Galactic midplane (Z) from all samples shows the line-of-nodes of the warp is on φ = 174◦ ± 2◦ . The maximum deviation in warp down region reachs 0.1 kpc and 0.2 kpc in warp up region. The vertical velocity (VZ) from both regions are dominated by negative VZ . From the kinematics dis- tribution, it can be concluded that there is an oscillati1ng motion. Considering with the previous study, the oscillating motion was caused by the gravitational interaction with the Galaxy satellites. From this, we can constrain the origin of the warp is developing from the tidal interaction between Milky Way and its satellites
3D maps of the local ISM from inversion of individual color excess measurements
Aims. Three-dimensional (3D) maps of the Galactic interstellar matter (ISM) are a potential tool of wide use, but accurate and detailed maps are still lacking. One of the ways to construct the maps is to invert individual distance-limited ISM measurement