985 research outputs found

    Equilibrium phase behavior of polydisperse hard spheres

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    We calculate the phase behavior of hard spheres with size polydispersity, using accurate free energy expressions for the fluid and solid phases. Cloud and shadow curves, which determine the onset of phase coexistence, are found exactly by the moment free energy method, but we also compute the complete phase diagram, taking full account of fractionation effects. In contrast to earlier, simplified treatments we find no point of equal concentration between fluid and solid or re-entrant melting at higher densities. Rather, the fluid cloud curve continues to the largest polydispersity that we study (14%); from the equilibrium phase behavior a terminal polydispersity can thus only be defined for the solid, where we find it to be around 7%. At sufficiently large polydispersity, fractionation into several solid phases can occur, consistent with previous approximate calculations; we find in addition that coexistence of several solids with a fluid phase is also possible

    Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies (III): Three dimensional systems

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    Extending recent numerical studies on two dimensional amorphous bodies, we characterize the approach of elastic continuum limit in three dimensional (weakly polydisperse) Lennard-Jones systems. While performing a systematic finite-size analysis (for two different quench protocols) we investigate the non-affine displacement field under external strain, the linear response to an external delta force and the low-frequency harmonic eigenmodes and their density distribution. Qualitatively similar behavior is found as in two dimensions. We demonstrate that the classical elasticity description breaks down below an intermediate length scale ξ\xi, which in our system is approximately 23 molecular sizes. This length characterizes the correlations of the non-affine displacement field, the self-averaging of external noise with distance from the source and gives the lower wave length bound for the applicability of the classical eigenfrequency calculations. We trace back the "Boson-peak" of the density of eigenfrequencies (obtained from the velocity auto-correlation function) to the inhomogeneities on wave lengths smaller than ξ\xi.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stacking Entropy of Hard Sphere Crystals

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    Classical hard spheres crystallize at equilibrium at high enough density. Crystals made up of stackings of 2-dimensional hexagonal close-packed layers (e.g. fcc, hcp, etc.) differ in entropy by only about 103kB10^{-3}k_B per sphere (all configurations are degenerate in energy). To readily resolve and study these small entropy differences, we have implemented two different multicanonical Monte Carlo algorithms that allow direct equilibration between crystals with different stacking sequences. Recent work had demonstrated that the fcc stacking has higher entropy than the hcp stacking. We have studied other stackings to demonstrate that the fcc stacking does indeed have the highest entropy of ALL possible stackings. The entropic interactions we could detect involve three, four and (although with less statistical certainty) five consecutive layers of spheres. These interlayer entropic interactions fall off in strength with increasing distance, as expected; this fall-off appears to be much slower near the melting density than at the maximum (close-packing) density. At maximum density the entropy difference between fcc and hcp stackings is 0.00115+/0.00004kB0.00115 +/- 0.00004 k_B per sphere, which is roughly 30% higher than the same quantity measured near the melting transition.Comment: 15 page

    Fractionation effects in phase equilibria of polydisperse hard sphere colloids

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    The equilibrium phase behaviour of hard spheres with size polydispersity is studied theoretically. We solve numerically the exact phase equilibrium equations that result from accurate free energy expressions for the fluid and solid phases, while accounting fully for size fractionation between coexisting phases. Fluids up to the largest polydispersities that we can study (around 14%) can phase separate by splitting off a solid with a much narrower size distribution. This shows that experimentally observed terminal polydispersities above which phase separation no longer occurs must be due to non-equilibrium effects. We find no evidence of re-entrant melting; instead, sufficiently compressed solids phase separate into two or more solid phases. Under appropriate conditions, coexistence of multiple solids with a fluid phase is also predicted. The solids have smaller polydispersities than the parent phase as expected, while the reverse is true for the fluid phase, which contains predominantly smaller particles but also residual amounts of the larger ones. The properties of the coexisting phases are studied in detail; mean diameter, polydispersity and volume fraction of the phases all reveal marked fractionation. We also propose a method for constructing quantities that optimally distinguish between the coexisting phases, using Principal Component Analysis in the space of density distributions. We conclude by comparing our predictions to perturbative theories for near-monodisperse systems and to Monte Carlo simulations at imposed chemical potential distribution, and find excellent agreement.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures, 2 table

    Fractionation of polydisperse systems: multi-phase coexistence

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    The width of the distribution of species in a polydisperse system is employed in a small-variable expansion, to obtain a well-controlled and compact scheme by which to calculate phase equilibria in multi-phase systems. General and universal relations are derived, which determine the partitioning of the fluid components among the phases. The analysis applies to mixtures of arbitrarily many slightly-polydisperse components. An explicit solution is approximated for hard spheres.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Rotational and translational self-diffusion in concentrated suspensions of permeable particles

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    In our recent work on concentrated suspensions of uniformly porous colloidal spheres with excluded volume interactions, a variety of short-time dynamic properties were calculated, except for the rotational self-diffusion coefficient. This missing quantity is included in the present paper. Using a precise hydrodynamic force multipole simulation method, the rotational self-diffusion coefficient is evaluated for concentrated suspensions of permeable particles. Results are presented for particle volume fractions up to 45%, and for a wide range of permeability values. From the simulation results and earlier results for the first-order virial coefficient, we find that the rotational self-diffusion coefficient of permeable spheres can be scaled to the corresponding coefficient of impermeable particles of the same size. We also show that a similar scaling applies to the translational self-diffusion coefficient considered earlier. From the scaling relations, accurate analytic approximations for the rotational and translational self-diffusion coefficients in concentrated systems are obtained, useful to the experimental analysis of permeable-particle diffusion. The simulation results for rotational diffusion of permeable particles are used to show that a generalized Stokes-Einstein-Debye relation between rotational self-diffusion coefficient and high-frequency viscosity is not satisfied.Comment: 4 figure

    Glasses in hard spheres with short-range attraction

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    We report a detailed experimental study of the structure and dynamics of glassy states in hard spheres with short-range attraction. The system is a suspension of nearly-hard-sphere colloidal particles and non-adsorbing linear polymer which induces a depletion attraction between the particles. Observation of crystallization reveals a re-entrant glass transition. Static light scattering shows a continuous change in the static structure factors upon increasing attraction. Dynamic light scattering results, which cover 11 orders of magnitude in time, are consistent with the existence of two distinct kinds of glasses, those dominated by inter-particle repulsion and caging, and those dominated by attraction. Samples close to the `A3 point' predicted by mode coupling theory for such systems show very slow, logarithmic dynamics.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    Long- term outcome of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis

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    Background: Primary systemic vasculitis presenting in childhood is an uncommon but serious condition. As these patients transfer to adult clinics for continuing care, defining long term outcomes with emphasis on disease and treatment-related morbidity and mortality is important. The aim of this study is to describe the long-term clinical course of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis.Methods: The adult patients in our vasculitis clinics who had presented in childhood, with a follow up time of greater than 10 years were included. We also reviewed the literature for articles describing the clinical outcome of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis.Results: We describe the clinical course of 8 adults who presented in childhood with ANCA vasculitis. 7 patients had Wegener's granulomatosis and 1 had microscopic polyangiitis. The median age at presentation was 11.5 years, and follow up time ranged form 11 to 30 years. Induction therapy for all patients was steroids and/or cyclophosphamide. Maintenance therapy was with azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. Biological agents were used in 3 patients for relapsed disease in adulthood only. Seven patients achieved complete remission. All patients experienced disease relapse, with a median of 4 episodes. Kidney function was generally well preserved, with median eGFR 76 ml/min. Only one patient developed end-stage renal failure and one patient died after 25 years of disease. Treatment-related morbidity rates were high; 7 suffered from infections, 4 were infertile, 2 had skeletal complications, and 1 developed malignancy.Conclusion: Close long-term follow up of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis is imperative, as this patient cohort is likely to live long enough to develop significant treatment and disease-related morbidities. Prospective cohort studies with novel therapies including paediatric patients are crucial to help us determine the best approach to managing this complex group of patients. In addition, although not yet observed in our series, late cardiovascular morbidity remains a major longer-term potential concern for adult survivors of paediatric vasculitis

    Direct visualization of aging in colloidal glasses

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    We use confocal microscopy to directly visualize the dynamics of aging colloidal glasses. We prepare a colloidal suspension at high density, a simple model system which shares many properties with other glasses, and initiate experiments by stirring the sample. We follow the motion of several thousand colloidal particles after the stirring and observe that their motion significantly slows as the sample ages. The aging is both spatially and temporally heterogeneous. Furthermore, while the characteristic relaxation time scale grows with the age of the sample, nontrivial particle motions continue to occur on all time scales.Comment: submitted to proceedings for Liquid Matter Conference 200

    General Non-equilibrium Theory of Colloid Dynamics

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    A non-equilibrium extension of Onsager's canonical theory of thermal fluctuations is employed to derive a self-consistent theory for the description of the statistical properties of the instantaneous local concentration profile n(r,t) of a colloidal liquid in terms of the coupled time evolution equations of its mean value n(r,t) and of the covariance {\sigma}(r,r';t) \equiv of its fluctuations {\delta}n(r, t) = n(r, t) - n(r, t). These two coarse-grained equations involve a local mobility function b(r, t) which, in its turn, is written in terms of the memory function of the two-time correlation function C(r, r' ; t, t') \equiv <{\delta}n(r, t){\delta}n(r',t')>. For given effective interactions between colloidal particles and applied external fields, the resulting self-consistent theory is aimed at describing the evolution of a strongly correlated colloidal liquid from an initial state with arbitrary mean and covariance n^0(r) and {\sigma}^0(r,r') towards its equilibrium state characterized by the equilibrium local concentration profile n^(eq)(r) and equilibrium covariance {\sigma}^(eq)(r,r'). This theory also provides a general theoretical framework to describe irreversible processes associated with dynamic arrest transitions, such as aging, and the effects of spatial heterogeneities