433 research outputs found

    In Search of New Opportunities: the Indonesianisasi of Economic Life in YOGYAKARTA in the 1950s

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    A flourishing study on Indonesia's economic history in the last two decades has stillbeen unable to change a general impression of limited role of the indigenous peoplein economic activities during modern times. The transformation of the Indonesianeconomy from a colonial economy to a national economy through the process ofIndonesianisasi, went through different historical patterns. The independent Indonesiadid not translate the idea of political nationalism directly into economic prosperityuntil the late 1950s. As a result, there is always only a small portion of independententrepreneurs among the population, namely those who are supposed to run the publiceconomy smoothly without political intervention. This paper provides theoreticalconsiderations and historical facts on the process of Indonesianisasi. It discusses theeconomic life of people in Yogyakarta, the capital city Republic of Indonesia duringthe war of independence, soon after the recognition of Indonesia's independence inDecember 1949

    Runoff Water in Cocoa Plantation as Affected by Rorak Number and Mulch Type

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    Soil erosion is a serious problem in the field of ecology and environment. Providing rorak (small blocked ditches) and mulches as an alternative conservation action is expected to minimize water runoff. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of combination of rorak and mulches in controlling water runoff in a cocoa farm. Location of this research was in Kaliwining Experimental Station, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute during rainy season in early 2015. This research used a nested design in which there is a complete factorial design of random groups that every combination treatment was repeated three times. Each experiment plot consisted of 16 cocoa trees of eight years old. The first factor was rorak treatment consisted of without rorak, 9 rorak per 16 trees (plot) and 16 rorak per 16 trees, whereas the second factor was mulch treatment consisted of control (without mulch), cocoa leaves as mulch and rice straw mixed with cocoa leaves as mulch. Rorak collecting runoff water was made of aluminum with a length of 40 cm, width 30 cm and high 30 cm. Observation of runoff water was carried out early every morning. The results showed that increased number of rorak combined with cocoa leaf and rice straw significantly controlled runoff water compared to control. Rorak and mulch treatments were able to reduce runoff water compared to control. High number of rorak per plot increased the effectiveness in controlling runoff water when it was combined with mulch especially mixture of wide leaf (cocoa leaf) and needleshaped leaf (rice straw). Treatment of 16 rorak in every 16 trees with cocoa leaves and rice straw mulch could reduce runoff water by 82.8% compared to a control

    The Effect of Managerial Orientation on Salespersons' Job Satisfaction

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    Studi ini mengungkap efek orientasi manajerial terhadap kepuasan kerja tenaga penjual. Kepuasan kerja merupakan konstruk yang sangat penting bagi manajer karena memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap perilaku dan kinerja tenaga penjual. Responden adalah tenaga penjual jasa asuransi jiwa dari 12 Perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Two-step approach to SEM digunakan untuk menguji model hubungan struktural antara konstruk-konstruk yang mencerminkan orientasi manajerial (komitmen manajemen terhadap kualitas layanan, pemberdayaan, evaluasi berdasar perilaku, dan evaluasi berdasar hasil) dan kepuasan kerja. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen manajemen terhadap kualitas layanan akan mendorong manajemen untuk memberdayakan tenaga penjualnya. Manajemen yang berupaya memberdayakan tenaga penjual cenderung menggunakan sistem evaluasi berdasar perilaku dari pada menggunakan sistem evaluasi berdasar hasil. Evaluasi berdasar perilaku berefek positif terhadap kepuasan kerja, sedangkan evaluasi berdasar hasil cenderung berefek negatif terhadap kepuasan kerja tenaga penjual

    The Effect of Salesperson Stress Factors on Job Performance

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    Tenaga penjual pada Perusahaan jasa memiliki peran yang sangat penting karena mereka dituntut untuk dapat memenuhi target penjualan sekaligus membangun relationship dan citra Perusahaan melalui pelayanan yang mereka berikan pada konsumen. Peran membangun citra dan relationship seringkali bertentangan dengan tugasnya untuk mencapai target penjualan. Peran tersebut juga seringkali dirasa berat dan membingungkan sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan stress yang dapat memberi pengaruh negatif pada kinerjanya. Studi ini menguji model struktural yang menggambarkan pengaruh stress factors (role stress dan burnout) pada job performance (behavioral dan sales performance) tenaga penjual jasa. Dalam model struktural, pengaruh stress factors pada job performance dimediasi oleh internal states (adaptability dan self-efficacy). Responden adalah 223 tenaga penjual asuransi jiwa dari 12 Perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Model diuji dengan menggunakan two-step approach to structural equation modeling

    Perbedaan Ekspresi TGF-B1 Dan Fibrosis Interstisial Pada Kejadian Nefrotoksis Doxorubicin Dan Nefroprotektif Pentoxifylin

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    Nephrotoxic effects of Doxorubicin (DXR) is still a problem in clinical practice. On the other hand Pentoxyfilline (PTX) as an electron-donor material can be nephroprotective. Therefore, combination of DXR and PTX would be expected to reduce nephrotoxic effects of DXR. In this study we examined the effects of PTX on TGF-B1 expression and interstitial fibrosis in an experimental model of DXR nephropathy in mice. Mice were divided into three groups of eight each i.e. untreated Swiss mice (controls), DXR treatment alone to induce nephropathy, and DXR treatment followed by PTX. Following 4 week treatment, each group was sacrificed. Examination of TGF-B1 expression was carried out by immunohistochemistry employing monoclonal antibody. Interstitial fibrosis examination was performed by a histopathologist using Verheoff van Giesen staining and the one way Anova was used for statistical analysis. It was observed that DXR treatment followed by PTX treatment prevented the increase of TGF-B1 expression and interstitial fibrosis in mice with DXRnephropathy (p<0.05). These findings suggested the beneficial nephroprotective effect of PTX

    Perkembangan Industri Maritim Nusantara (Kenyataan dan Harapan)

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    Through Mr.Djuanda Kartawidjaja (13/12/1957) Indonesia declared as an archipelagic nation and accepts this fact by all members of the union of nations. The Indonesian archipelago consists of many islands scattered stretches from Sabang to Merauke divided by the equator between the north and south as well as put together by the sea. Many potential maritime been dug, but more of the potential of marine resources are not optimally exploited. Author investigate it as search from some of article at and compile it from journal, internet, newspaper, etc. finally the case can to evaluate base on the acknowledgment of marine term and condition at Indonesia with wider history, than found have seriously to manage for come to the dream become to world central of maritime. As the background and as empiric data founded to evaluate base on evaluate methodology & development analysis that have summaries is Indonesia with sea territory majority still not maximum yet to explore and not have creating yet the marine acknowledgment to all of Indonesian

    Evaluation of the ACR MRI Phantom for Quality Assurance Test of 1.5 T MRI Scanner in Awal Bros Hospital Makassar

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    Image quality of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using phantom standard American College of Radiology (ACR) at Awal Bros Hospital Makassar have been studied by using MRI GE type Brivo 355 with strong magnetic field 1.5 Tesla. Phantom heads and standard protocols use the (ACR) standard with an evaluation of seven parameters. Geometric accuracy test results by measuring the height of phantom cylinder in 129.5 mm while the diameter of cylinder in phantom with three measurements obtained value 202.7 mm, 203.0 mm and 202.2 mm. The measurement of high-contrast spatial resolution to distinguish the smallest object on the image is that three rows of holes can be distinguished. Test for determination of the thickness of the slice by calculating the length of the upper and lower signal lane obtained the thickness value of 5.414 mm and 5,439 mm. The measurement of uniformity of image intensity by measuring the value of PUI (Percent Uniformity Integral) for T1W image weighting is 94.3% while for weighting T2W image yields 95.9%. For value of percent signal  ghosting obtained value 0.01706. The last parameter of object detection with low contrast is found 30 rows of holes can be evaluated

    Design of Stocking Density of Broilers for Closed House in Wet Tropical Climates

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    The objectives of this research were to: 1) design the stocking density of broiler reared at a closed house system in wet tropical climates based on the heat released by broiler, 2) design broiler harvesting system based on the housing heat load, and 3) design required housing area based on the broiler age. The housing design used to determine the broiler stocking density was based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Solid Works Flow Simulation software. The method had good validation shown by small number of average percentage of deviation (6.07%). Simulation was carried out by changing the number of broilers i.e. 16, 18, 20, 21 and 22 birds/m2. According to the CFD simulation result, total heat load inside the house was 233.33 kW at 21 birds/m2 at weight 1.65 kg/bird. At that stocking density the housing can be occupied by 27,224 birds until 22 days of age. The highest total weight was produced by daily harvesting started from 22 to 32 d. It can be concluded that the stocking density of closed house for broiler is 34.65 kg/m2, total production is 45,717 kg per period and the required area for 27,224 broilers is 248.63 m2 (1 to 7 days of age broiler), 562.52 m2 (8 to 14 days of age broiler) and 1,000 m2 (15 to 22 days of age broiler)

    Kaitan Monsun Terhadap Variabilitas Suhu Permukaan Laut Dan Klorofil-a Untuk Prediksi Potensi Fishing Ground Di Perairan Karimunjawa

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    Nilai SPL dan klorofil-a di suatu perairan dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas perikanan di perairan tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan karena ikan pelagis suka hidup di perairan yang memiliki nilai SPL dan klorofil-a yang optimum untuk kehidupannya. Kondisi lingkungan dapat menggambarkan bahwa perairan tersebut cocok untuk kehidupan ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh monsun terhadap variabilitas SPL dan klorofil-a untuk prediksi potensi fishing ground secara temporal dan spasial di perairan Karimunjawa. Pengambilan data lapangan dilakukan selama 2 hari yaitu pada tanggal 20 – 21 September 2015. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan yaitu Water Quality Checker (WQC), Global Positioning System (GPS), anemometer, bola duga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan di penelitian ini bersumber dari data insitu dan data yang di download dari website. Angin monsun secara temporal berpengaruh terhadap SPL dan klorofil-a, SPL terendah terjadi bulan Januari dan Agustus sebesar 28,70C dan 28,40C dan klorofil-a tertinggi bulan Januari dan Juni sebesar 0,39 mg/m3 dan 0,45 mg/m3. Potensi fishing ground mengikuti pola kenaikan klorofil-a, dimana potensi fishing ground tertinggi pada bulan Mei – Agustus (Peralihan I dan Musim Timur). Pengaruh monsun secara spasial terlihat dari perbedaan suhu antara bagian selatan Karimunjawa yang lebih panas dibandingkan dengan bagian utara. Sedangkan untuk distribusi klorofil-a dan potensi fishing ground umumnya berpusat di sekitar pantai
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