1,583 research outputs found

    Cavity optomechanics with Si3N4 membranes at cryogenic temperatures

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    We describe a cryogenic cavity-optomechanical system that combines Si3N4 membranes with a mechanically-rigid Fabry-Perot cavity. The extremely high quality-factor frequency products of the membranes allow us to cool a MHz mechanical mode to a phonon occupation of less than 10, starting at a bath temperature of 5 kelvin. We show that even at cold temperatures thermally-occupied mechanical modes of the cavity elements can be a limitation, and we discuss methods to reduce these effects sufficiently to achieve ground state cooling. This promising new platform should have versatile uses for hybrid devices and searches for radiation pressure shot noise.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic


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    A physically-motivated quantisation of the electromagnetic field on curved spacetimes

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    Recently, Bennett et al. [Eur. J. Phys. 37:014001, 2016] presented a physically-motivated and explicitly gauge-independent scheme for the quantisation of the electromagnetic field in flat Minkowski space. In this paper we generalise this field quantisation scheme to curved spacetimes.Working within the standard assumptions of quantum field theory and only postulating the physicality of the photon, we derive the Hamiltonian, H, and the electric and magnetic field observables, E and B, without having to invoke a specific gauge. As an example, we quantise the electromagnetic field in the spacetime of an accelerated Minkowski observer, Rindler space, and demonstrate consistency with other field quantisation schemes by reproducing the Unruh effect

    A performance evaluation of commercial fibrinogen reference preparations and assays for Clauss and PT-derived fibrinogen

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    The wide availability of fibrinogen estimations based on the prothrombin time (PT-Fg) has caused concern about the variability and clinical utility of fibrinogen assays. In a multi-centre study, we investigated fibrinogen assays using various reagents and analysers, Clauss assays generally gave good agreement, although one reagent gave 15-30% higher values in DIC and thrombolysis. Two commercial reference preparations had much lower potencies than the manufacturers declared, and plasma turbidity influenced parallelism in some Clauss assays, PT-Fg assays gave higher values than Clauss and showed calibrant dependent effects, the degree of disparity correlating with calibrant and test sample turbidity. Analyser and thromboplastin dependent differences were noted. The relationship between Clauss and PT-Fg assays was sigmoid, and the plateau of maximal PT-Fg differed by about 2 g/l between reagents. ELISA and immunonephelometric assays correlated well, but with a high degree of scatter. Antigen levels were higher than Clauss, but slightly lower than PT-Fg assays, which appeared to be influenced by degraded fibrinogen. Clauss assays are generally reproducible between centres, analysers and reagents, but PT-Fg assays are not reliable in clinical settings

    Post-test impression creep evaluation methods and findings for improved code of practice

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    The impression creep test is a small sample testing technique that has been used mostly for qualitative assessments intended for risk ranking of in-service components. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has conducted testing to determine the limitations of the test method. This involved extensive analytical and physical posttest assessments that have led to recommendations to improve the current code of practice. Analytical assessments for determination of minimum strain rates suggest that having a standard procedure would be very beneficial to the testing community. Physical assessments that involve indentation depth measurements, hardness mapping and grain structure evaluations have provided methods for determining the affected area of deformation under the indentation surface. These methods may help in validating and revising current FEA models. Additional FEA modeling may also help answer further questions regarding applicable indentation range and appropriate testing conditions (stresses and temperatures). EPRI will continue to conduct impression creep testing to further evaluate the limitations of the test method and address questions from the work discussed in this paper

    Potential implications of step loading in impression creep testing

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    The small sample impression creep test method has recently been of interest, as it can give a good indication of expected creep rates in uniaxial creep testing with minimal use of material. The compressively loaded test has also been shown to provide accurate results under multi-step loading conditions for a low alloy steel (½Cr½Mo¼V) to further extract value from a single test specimen. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has conducted step tests (step temperature and step loading changes) on another low alloy steel (Grade 22), as well as a tempered martensitic 9 Cr steel (Grade 91). Results have shown that there may be potential problematic areas when conducting step-up and step-down steps in these materials. Additional posttest evaluations have shown that material effects, such as strain hardening and strain softening, may add additional complexities when comparing strain rates of multi-stepped loaded stain rates. Hardness testing on posttest impression creep specimens have confirmed strain softening of tempered martensitic Grade 91 and no observed effect for an ex-service Grade 22 alloy. These findings have shown that careful considerations must be made before using creep rates obtained from multi-stepped loaded tests in situ of single loaded tests

    Manifestation of classical wave delays in a fully quantized model of the scattering of a single photon

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    We consider a fully quantized model of spontaneous emission, scattering, and absorption, and study propagation of a single photon from an emitting atom to a detector atom both with and without an intervening scatterer. We find an exact quantum analog to the classical complex analytic signal of an electromagnetic wave scattered by a medium of charged oscillators. This quantum signal exhibits classical phase delays. We define a time of detection which, in the appropriate limits, exactly matches the predictions of a classically defined delay for light propagating through a medium of charged oscillators. The fully quantized model provides a simple, unambiguous, and causal interpretation of delays that seemingly imply speeds greater than c in the region of anomalous dispersion.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, revised for clarity, typos corrrecte

    An electrostatic mechanism for Ca(2+)-mediated regulation of gap junction channels.

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    Gap junction channels mediate intercellular signalling that is crucial in tissue development, homeostasis and pathologic states such as cardiac arrhythmias, cancer and trauma. To explore the mechanism by which Ca(2+) blocks intercellular communication during tissue injury, we determined the X-ray crystal structures of the human Cx26 gap junction channel with and without bound Ca(2+). The two structures were nearly identical, ruling out both a large-scale structural change and a local steric constriction of the pore. Ca(2+) coordination sites reside at the interfaces between adjacent subunits, near the entrance to the extracellular gap, where local, side chain conformational rearrangements enable Ca(2+)chelation. Computational analysis revealed that Ca(2+)-binding generates a positive electrostatic barrier that substantially inhibits permeation of cations such as K(+) into the pore. Our results provide structural evidence for a unique mechanism of channel regulation: ionic conduction block via an electrostatic barrier rather than steric occlusion of the channel pore

    Tensile strained InxGa1−xPIn_{x}Ga_{1-x}P membranes for cavity optomechanics

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    We investigate the optomechanical properties of tensile-strained ternary InGaP nanomembranes grown on GaAs. This material system combines the benefits of highly strained membranes based on stoichiometric silicon nitride, with the unique properties of thin-film semiconductor single crystals, as previously demonstrated with suspended GaAs. Here we employ lattice mismatch in epitaxial growth to impart an intrinsic tensile strain to a monocrystalline thin film (approximately 30 nm thick). These structures exhibit mechanical quality factors of 2*10^6 or beyond at room temperature and 17 K for eigenfrequencies up to 1 MHz, yielding Q*f products of 2*10^12 Hz for a tensile stress of ~170 MPa. Incorporating such membranes in a high finesse Fabry-Perot cavity, we extract an upper limit to the total optical loss (including both absorption and scatter) of 40 ppm at 1064 nm and room temperature. Further reductions of the In content of this alloy will enable tensile stress levels of 1 GPa, with the potential for a significant increase in the Q*f product, assuming no deterioration in the mechanical loss at this composition and strain level. This materials system is a promising candidate for the integration of strained semiconductor membrane structures with low-loss semiconductor mirrors and for realizing stacks of membranes for enhanced optomechanical coupling.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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