5 research outputs found

    Eff ect of pre-exposure prophylaxis and combination HIV prevention for men who have sex with men in the UK: a mathematical modelling study

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    Summary Background HIV transmission in men who have sex with men (MSM) in the UK has shown no sign of decreasing in the past decade. Additional prevention measures are needed. We aimed to estimate the eff ect of various potential interventions implemented individually and in combination on prevention of HIV infection

    Mathematical models for the study of HIV spread and control amongst men who have sex with men.

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    For a quarter of century, mathematical models have been used to study the spread and control of HIV amongst men who have sex with men (MSM). We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE databases up to the end of 2010 and reviewed this literature to summarise the methodologies used, key model developments, and the recommended strategies for HIV control amongst MSM. Of 742 studies identified, 127 studies met the inclusion criteria. Most studies employed deterministic modelling methods (80%). Over time we saw an increase in model complexity regarding antiretroviral therapy (ART), and a corresponding decrease in complexity regarding sexual behaviours. Formal estimation of model parameters was carried out in only a small proportion of the studies (22%) while model validation was considered by an even smaller proportion (17%), somewhat reducing confidence in the findings from the studies. Nonetheless, a number of common conclusions emerged, including (1) identification of the importance of assumptions regarding changes in infectivity and sexual contact rates on the impact of ART on HIV incidence, that subsequently led to empirical studies to gather these data, and (2) recommendation that multiple strategies would be required for effective HIV control amongst MSM. The role of mathematical models in studying epidemics is clear, and the lack of formal inference and validation highlights the need for further developments in this area. Improved methodologies for parameter estimation and systematic sensitivity analysis will help generate predictions that more fully express uncertainty, allowing better informed decision making in public health

    Modelling the HIV epidemic among MSM in the United Kingdom: quantifying the contributions to HIV transmission to better inform prevention initiatives.

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    OBJECTIVES: HIV is a major public health problem among MSM in the United Kingdom with around 2400 new infections annually. We quantified the contribution of biological and behavioural factors. DESIGN: Modelling study. METHODS: A partnership-based model of HIV transmission among UK MSM aged 15-64 years was developed and calibrated to time series HIV prevalence. The calibration was validated using multiple surveillance datasets. Population-attributable fractions were used to estimate the contribution of behavioural and biological factors to HIV transmission over the period 2001-2002, 2014-2015, and 2019-2020. RESULTS: The contribution of most biological and behavioural factors was relatively constant over time, with the key group sustaining HIV transmission being higher-sexual activity MSM aged below 35 years living with undiagnosed HIV. The effect of primary HIV infection was relatively small with 2014-2015 population-attributable fraction of 10% (3-28%) in comparison with other subsequent asymptomatic stages. Diagnosed men who were not on antiretroviral therapy (ART) currently contributed 26% (14-39%) of net infections, whereas ART-treated MSM accounted for 17% (10-24%). A considerable number of new infections are also likely to occur within long-term relationships. CONCLUSION: The majority of the new HIV infections among MSM in the United Kingdom during 2001-2020 is expected to be accounted for by a small group of younger and highly sexually active individuals, living with undiagnosed HIV in the asymptomatic stage. Bringing this group into HIV/AIDS care by improving testing uptake is a vital step for preventing onward transmission and will determine the success of using ART as prevention

    Effect of pre-exposure prophylaxis and combination HIV prevention for men who have sex with men in the UK: a mathematical modelling study.

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    BACKGROUND: HIV transmission in men who have sex with men (MSM) in the UK has shown no sign of decreasing in the past decade. Additional prevention measures are needed. We aimed to estimate the effect of various potential interventions implemented individually and in combination on prevention of HIV infection. METHODS: We extended a deterministic partnership-based mathematical model for HIV transmission, informed by detailed behavioural and surveillance data, to assess the effect of seven different HIV interventions implemented in MSM (aged 15-64 years) in the UK during 2014-20, including increasing rates of HIV testing, test-and-treat programmes, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and sexual behavioural changes. We did sensitivity analyses on risk compensation. FINDINGS: We predicted a baseline of 16 955 new infections (IQR 13 156-21 669) in MSM in the UK during 2014-20. At a coverage of ≤50%, testing twice a year outperformed all other interventions. Of all intervention combinations, only the combined effect of test and treat and annual HIV testing (61·8%, IQR 47·2-81·8, of total incidence) was greater than the sum of effects of the two interventions individually (32·6%, 23·7-46·0, and 23·9%, 16·5-33·3, respectively). Simultaneous PrEP, expansion of HIV testing, and initiation of test-and-treat programme in 25% of high-activity MSM could save 7399 (IQR 5587-9813) UK MSM from HIV infection (43·6%, IQR 32·9-57·9, of total incidence). An increase in unsafe sex or sexual partners to 50% or more could substantially reduce the effect of interventions, but is unlikely to negate the prevention benefit completely. INTERPRETATION: PrEP could prevent a large number of new HIV infections if other key strategies including HIV testing and treatment are simultaneously expanded and improved. Without PrEP, HIV incidence in MSM in the UK is unlikely to decrease substantially by the end of this decade. FUNDING: Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England)