14 research outputs found

    Low-threshold ultrahigh-energy neutrino search with the Askaryan Radio Array

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    In the pursuit of the measurement of the still-elusive ultrahigh-energy (UHE) neutrino flux at energies of order EeV, detectors using the in-ice Askaryan radio technique have increasingly targeted lower trigger thresholds. This has led to improved trigger-level sensitivity to UHE neutrinos. Working with data collected by the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA), we search for neutrino candidates at the lowest threshold achieved to date, leading to improved analysis-level sensitivities. A neutrino search on a data set with 208.7 days of livetime from the reduced-threshold fifth ARA station is performed, achieving a 68% analysis efficiency over all energies on a simulated mixed-composition neutrino flux with an expected background of 0.10-0.04+0.06 events passing the analysis. We observe one event passing our analysis and proceed to set a neutrino flux limit using a Feldman-Cousins construction. We show that the improved trigger-level sensitivity can be carried through an analysis, motivating the phased array triggering technique for use in future radio-detection experiments. We also include a projection using all available data from this detector. Finally, we find that future analyses will benefit from studies of events near the surface to fully understand the background expected for a large-scale detector

    In situ, broadband measurement of the radio frequency attenuation length at Summit Station, Greenland

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    Over the last 25 years, radiowave detection of neutrino-generated signals, using cold polar ice as the neutrino target, has emerged as perhaps the most promising technique for detection of extragalactic ultra-high energy neutrinos (corresponding to neutrino energies in excess of 0.01 Joules, or 101710^{17} electron volts). During the summer of 2021 and in tandem with the initial deployment of the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G), we conducted radioglaciological measurements at Summit Station, Greenland to refine our understanding of the ice target. We report the result of one such measurement, the radio-frequency electric field attenuation length LαL_\alpha. We find an approximately linear dependence of LαL_\alpha on frequency with the best fit of the average field attenuation for the upper 1500 m of ice: Lα=((1154±121)(0.81±0.14)(ν/\langle L_\alpha \rangle = \big( (1154 \pm 121) - (0.81 \pm 0.14) (\nu/MHz)))\big) m for frequencies ν[145350]\nu \in [145 - 350] MHz.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Accepted to Journal of Glaciolog

    Calibration and Physics with ARA Station 1: A Unique Askaryan Radio Array Detector

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    The Askaryan Radio Array Station 1 (A1), the first among five autonomous stations deployed for the ARA experiment at the South Pole, is a unique ultra-high energy neutrino (UHEN) detector based on the Askaryan effect that uses Antarctic ice as the detector medium. Its 16 radio antennas (distributed across 4 strings, each with 2 Vertically Polarized (VPol), 2 Horizontally Polarized (HPol) receivers), and 2 strings of transmitting antennas (calibration pulsers, CPs), each with 1 VPol and 1 HPol channel, are deployed at depths less than 100 m within the shallow firn zone of the 2.8 km thick South Pole (SP) ice. We apply different methods to calibrate its Ice Ray Sampler second generation (IRS2) chip for timing offset and ADC-to-Voltage conversion factors using a known continuous wave input signal to the digitizer, and achieve a precision of sub-nanoseconds. We achieve better calibration for odd, compared to even samples, and also find that the HPols under-perform relative to the VPol channels. Our timing calibrated data is subsequently used to calibrate the ADC-to-Voltage conversion as well as precise antenna locations, as a precursor to vertex reconstruction. The calibrated data will then be analyzed for UHEN signals in the final step of data compression. The ability of A1 to scan the firn region of SP ice sheet will contribute greatly towards a 5-station analysis and will inform the design of the planned IceCube Gen-2 radio array.Comment: 10 page

    A Template-based UHE Neutrino Search Strategy for the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA)

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    The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) is a gigaton-size neutrino radio telescope located near the geographic South Pole. ARA has five independent stations designed to detect Askaryan emission coming from the interactions between ultra-high energy neutrinos (> 10 PeV) and Antarctic ice. Each station includes of 16 antenna deployed in a matrix shape at up to 200 m deep in the ice. A simulated neutrino template, including the detector response model, was implemented in a new search technique for reducing background noise and improving the vertex reconstruction resolution. The template is used to scan through the data using the matched filter method, inspired by LIGO, looking for a low SNR neutrino signature and ultimately aiming to lower the detector’s energy threshold at the analysis level. I will present the estimated sensitivity improvements to ARA analyses through the application of the template technique with results from simulation

    Precision measurement of the index of refraction of deep glacial ice at radio frequencies at Summit Station, Greenland

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    Glacial ice is used as a target material for the detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos, by measuring the radio signals that are emitted when those neutrinos interact in the ice. Thanks to the large attenuation length at radio frequencies, these signals can be detected over distances of several kilometers. One experiment taking advantage of this is the Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland (RNO-G), currently under construction at Summit Station, near the apex of the Greenland ice sheet. These experiments require a thorough understanding of the dielectric properties of ice at radio frequencies. Towards this goal, calibration campaigns have been undertaken at Summit, during which we recorded radio reflections off internal layers in the ice sheet. Using data from the nearby GISP2 and GRIP ice cores, we show that these reflectors can be associated with features in the ice conductivity profiles; we use this connection to determine the index of refraction of the bulk ice as n=1.778 +/- 0.006

    Implementing a Low-Threshold Analysis with the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA)

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    The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) is a ground-based radio detector at the South Pole designed to capture Askaryan emission from ultra-high energy neutrinos interacting within the Antarctic ice. The newest ARA station has been equipped with a phased array trigger, in which radio signals in multiple antennas are summed in predetermined directions prior to the trigger. In this way, impulsive signals add coherently, while noise likely does not, allowing the trigger threshold to be lower than a traditional ARA station. Early results on just a fraction of available data from this new system prove the feasibility of a low-threshold analysis

    The Calibration of the Geometry and Antenna delay in Askaryan Radio Array Station 4 and 5

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    The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) experiment at the South Pole is designed to detect the radio signals produced by ultra high energy cosmic neutrino interactions in the ice. There are 5 independent ARA stations, one of which (A5) includes a low-threshold phased array trigger string. Each ARA station is designed to work as an autonomous detector. The Data Acquisition System in all ARA stations is equipped with the Ice Ray Sampler second-generation (IRS2) chip, a custom-made, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for high-speed sampling and digitization. In this contribution, we describe the methodology used to calibrate the IRS2 digitizer chip and the station geometry, namely the relative timing between each pair of ARA antennas, deployed at 200 m below the Antarctic ice surface, and their geometrical positions in the ice, for ARA stations 4 and 5. Our calibration allows for proper timing correlations between incoming signals, which is crucial for radio vertex reconstruction and thus detection of ultra high energy neutrinos through the Askaryan effect. We achieve a signal timing precision on a sub-nanosecond level and an antenna position precision within 10 cm

    A neural network based UHE neutrino reconstruction method for the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA)

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    The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) is an ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrino (Eν > 1017 eV) detector at South Pole. ARA aims to utilize radio signals detected from UHE neutrino interactions in the glacial ice to infer properties about the interaction vertex as well as the incident neutrino. To retrieve these properties from experiment data, the first step is to extract timing, amplitude and frequency information from waveforms of different antennas buried in the deep ice. These features can then be utilized in a neural network to reconstruct the neutrino interaction vertex position, incoming neutrino direction and shower energy. So far, vertex can be reconstructed through interferometry while neutrino reconstruction is still under investigation. Here I will present a solution based on multi-task deep neural networks which can perform reconstruction of both vertex and incoming neutrinos with a reasonable precision. After training, this solution is capable of rapid reconstructions (e.g. 0.1 ms/event compared to 10000 ms/event in a conventional routine) useful for trigger and filter decisions, and can be easily generalized to different station configurations for both design and analysis purposes

    Radiofrequency Ice Dielectric Measurements at Summit Station, Greenland

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    We recently reported on the radio-frequency attenuation length of cold polar ice at Summit Station, Greenland, based on bistatic radar measurements of radio-frequency bedrock echo strengths taken during the summer of 2021. Those data also include echoes attributed to stratified impurities or dielectric discontinuities within the ice sheet (layers), which allow studies of a) estimation of the relative contribution of coherent (discrete layers, e.g.) vs. incoherent (bulk volumetric, e.g.) scattering, b) the magnitude of internal layer reflection coefficients, c) limits on the azimuthal asymmetry of reflections (birefringence), and d) limits on signal dispersion in-ice over a bandwidth of ~100 MHz. We find that i) after averaging 10000 echo triggers, reflected signal observable over the thermal floor (to depths of approximately 1500 m) are consistent with being entirely coherent, ii) internal layer reflection coefficients are measured at approximately -60 to -70 dB, iii) birefringent effects for vertically propagating signals are smaller by an order of magnitude relative to comparable studies performed at South Pole, and iv) within our experimental limits, glacial ice is non-dispersive over the frequency band relevant for neutrino detection experiments

    The interplay of ice-firn model and station calibration in RNO-G

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    In-ice radio neutrino detectors, such as the newly constructed and operational Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G), rely on ice models to understand the in-ice signal propagation. Most often the ice is approximated in first order by a single exponential profile because it allows for computationally fast signal propagation. However, such models do not encompass the whole complexity of the ice, which may lead to systematic uncertainties. This is especially true for the upper part of the ice (the firn) where most of the RNO-G antennas are situated. Therefore, we developed a new refractive index model of the ice at Summit Station which can be used in both simulation and analysis. This contribution shows how both density data and signals from various known radio sources, such as the on board radio pulser and weather balloons, can lead to a more accurate description of the ice. This revised ice model results in a better understanding of signal arrival times, thus resulting in an improved station calibration in RNO-G. In the future we expect to bridge the gap even further by performing dedicated and more rigorous ice measurement in the field