9 research outputs found

    COVID-19 lockdowns reveal the resilience of Adriatic Sea fisheries to forced fishing effort reduction

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    The COVID-19 pandemic provides a major opportunity to study fishing effort dynamics and to assess the response of the industry to standard and remedial actions. Knowing a fishing fleet’s capacity to compensate for effort reduction (i.e., its resilience) allows differentiating governmental regulations by fleet, i.e., imposing stronger restrictions on the more resilient and weaker restrictions on the less resilient. In the present research, the response of the main fishing fleets of the Adriatic Sea to fishing hour reduction from 2015 to 2020 was measured. Fleet activity per gear type was inferred from monthly Automatic Identification System data. Pattern recognition techniques were applied to study the fishing effort trends and barycentres by gear. The beneficial effects of the lockdowns on Adriatic endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species were also estimated. Finally, fleet effort series were examined through a stock assessment model to demonstrate that every Adriatic fishing fleet generally behaves like a stock subject to significant stress, which was particularly highlighted by the pandemic. Our findings lend support to the notion that the Adriatic fleets can be compared to predators with medium-high resilience and a generally strong impact on ETP species

    The BlueBio project’s database: web-mapping cooperation to create value for the Blue Bioeconomy

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    Funding innovation requires knowledge on previous/on-going research and identification of gaps and synergies among actors, networks and projects, but targeted databases remain scattered, incomplete and scarcely searchable. Here we present the BlueBio database: a first comprehensive and robust compilation of internationally and nationally funded research projects active in the years 2003–2019 in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Seafood Processing and Marine Biotechnology. Based on the previous research projects’ database realized in the framework of the COFASP ERA-NET, it was implemented within the ERA-NET Cofund BlueBio project through a 4-years data collection including 4 surveys and a wide data retrieval. After being integrated, data were harmonised, shared as open and disseminated through a WebGIS that was key for data entry, update and validation. The database consists of 3,254 “georeferenced” projects, described by 22 parameters that are clustered into textual and spatial, some directly collected while others deduced. The database is a living archive to inform actors of the Blue Bioeconomy sector in a period of rapid transformations and research needs and is freely available at: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21507837.v3

    An interaction index to predict turtle bycatch in a Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery

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    Incidental catch is the major threat to the survival of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediter- ranean and the main reason for their decline. More than 100,000 turtles are estimated to be caught annually due to fishing practices; 10–50% die. Bottom trawls are among the fishing gears exerting the worst impact on sea turtle populations, especially in the coastal waters of Tunisia and Libya, northern Adriatic Sea, the Mediterranean coastal areas of Turkey and Egypt, where the continental shelf is large and turtles in the demersal stage are commonly found also in winter. Seven adult-sized loggerhead tur- tles captured incidentally by bottom trawls in the central-northern Adriatic Sea and treated in rescue centres were tagged with satellite transmitters before release. In this paper Italian bottom trawl track data obtained from vessel monitoring systems (VMSs) were analysed by VMSbase R suite to identify the areas of maximum fishing effort in the Adriatic. These data were combined with satellite information on turtle distribution to provide an interaction index enabling prediction of potential trawl–turtle interac- tion hotspots and periods. The present pilot study can be considered as a risk-analysis approach directed at identifying the areas and times of possible trawling–turtle interactions in a Mediterranean trawl fish- ery. By identifying the areas and seasons at highest risk of turtle bycatch, the index here developed has the potential to provide key information to design and implement mitigation strategies. Vessel moni- toring system is actually in force in several countries, therefore the approach here studied might have a worldwide application

    Modelling the strategy of mid-water trawlers targeting small pelagic fish in the Adriatic Sea and its drivers

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    Mid-water pair trawling (PTM) targeting small pelagic resources represents a key fishing activity in the Adriatic Sea. This fishery is experiencing a long period of crisis due to resource depletion and the lack of appropriate market strategies, and vessels spend most of the time searching for fishing schools. The searching strategy largely depends on the interaction between vessels: the captains of the PTM units take their decision also checking the position and the fishing status of other vessels. Understanding this strategy represents a key step towards a more effective resource management, since strategies directly determine the pattern of fishing effort. A Conditional Logit model has been devised to analyze fishermen's strategy as a non-cooperative game. This category of games is characterized by the existence of (at least) one equilibrium point – a Nash Equilibrium – in which each player plays his strategy, that is a Best Response to the strategies of the other players. This equilibrium point was estimated for the different scenarios defined by environmental (sea surface temperature and atmospheric pressure) and economic (fuel and fish prices at market) variables. Vessel Monitoring System data were used to capture fleet activity, while different datasets were collected to reconstruct environmental and economic drivers. Results indicate a good predictive power of the model, and suggest that the equilibrium strategy that guides units’ behaviour is invariant with respect to environmental conditions, whereas it is largely influenced by economic factors. These latter, via strategies, may determine important consequences on the resources in terms of exploited areas and the impact of fishing activity. In particular, a low fuel price when fish price is high leads to higher values of CPUE, and then to a more efficient but also impacting fishing activity

    The footprint of bottom trawling in European waters: distribution, intensity, and seabed integrity

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    Mapping trawling pressure on the benthic habitats is needed as background to support an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. The extent and intensity of bottom trawling on the European continental shelf (0–1000 m) was analysed from logbook statistics and vessel monitoring system data for 2010–2012 at a grid cell resolution of 1 1 min longitude and latitude. Trawling intensity profiles with seabed impact at the surface and subsurface level are presented for 14 management areas in the North-east Atlantic, Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea. The footprint of the management areas ranged between 53–99% and 6–94% for the depth zone from 0 to 200 m (Shallow) and from 201 to 1000 m (Deep), respectively. The footprint was estimated as the total area of all grid cells that were trawled fully or partially. Excluding the VC International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 2016. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] ICES Journal of Marine Science (2016), doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw194 ICES Journal of Marine Science Advance Access published December 22, 2016 Downloaded from http://icesjms.oxfordjournals.org/ by Howard Browman on December 23, 2016 untrawled proportions reduced the footprint estimates to 28–85% and 2–77%. Largest footprints per unit landings were observed off Portugal and in the Mediterranean Sea. Mean trawling intensity ranged between 0.5 and 8.5 times per year, but was less in the Deep zone with a maximum intensity of 6.4. Highest intensities were recorded in the Skagerrak-Kattegat, Iberian Portuguese area, Tyrrhenian Sea and Adriatic Sea. Bottom trawling was highly aggregated. For the Shallow zone the seabed area where 90% of the effort occurred comprised between 17% and 63% (median 36%) of the management area. Footprints were high over a broad range of soft sediment habitats. Using the longevity distribution of the untrawled infaunal community, the seabed integrity was estimated as the proportion of the biomass of benthic taxa where the trawling interval at the subsurface level exceeds their life span. Seabed integrity was low (<0.1) in large parts of the European continental shelfs, although smaller pockets of seabed with higher integrity values occur. The methods developed here integrate official fishing effort statistics and industry-based gear information to provide high-resolution pressure maps and indicators, which greatly improve the basis for assessing and managing benthic pressure from bottom trawling. Further they provide quantitative estimates of trawling impact on a continuous scale by which managers can steer.VersiĂłn del editor2,277