7 research outputs found

    Jaciments amb gravats rupestres del SĂ hara Occidental

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    Des de 1995 la Universitat de Girona estĂ  documentant i estudiant jaciments amb art rupestre al SĂ hara Occidental per tal de realitzar un inventari patrimonial. En aquest article presentem els jaciments de gravats que estem estudiant, com sĂłn Sluguilla Lawaj, i Gleb Terzug.Sluguilla Lawaj Ă©s un jaciment amb mĂ©s de 35 kms de llargada, on afloren lloses quarcĂ­tiques devĂČniques amb superfĂ­cies llises on hi ha gravats sobretot animals salvatges, a mĂ©s d’alguns signes i figures antropomĂČrfes. EstilĂ­sticament encaixa perfectament amb l’escola de Tazina, caracterĂ­stica a tot el SĂ hara amb diverses nĂșclis importants (Oued Djerat, provĂ­ncia del sud d’Oran, Fezan...). Tan per l’extensiĂł, com per la densitat de gravats, Sluguilla Lawaj es conforma corn un nou nucli d’aquest art gravat, considerat dels mĂ©s antics del SĂ hara. Gleb Terzug, en canvi correspon a una cronologia mĂ©s recent, amb gravats piquetejats mĂ©s esquemĂ tics. La temĂ tica aquĂ­ Ă©s diferent, hi abunden animals ja domĂšstics, amb gran profusiĂł de signes i «mascares» i alguna representaciĂł antropomorfa. En aquest cas les roques que fan de suport sĂłn afloraments de marbres blancs molt brillants. En aquest cas els paral lelismes son mĂ©s escasos, perĂČ coneixem altres jaciments del SĂ hara Occidental documentats durant l’ùpoca colonial on hi ha motius semblantsC’est Ă  partir de 1995 que l’UniversitĂ© de GĂ©rone a prospectĂ© et Ă©tudiĂ© les sites de l’art rupestre du Sahara occidental, afin de rĂ©aliser l’inventaire de ce patrimoine. Nous prĂ©sentons ici les sites Ă  gravures en cours d’étude, tels Sluguilla Lawaj et Gleb Terzug. Sluguilla Lawaj est un site qui s’étend sur 35 km. Les gravures de faune sauvage et de quelques signes et figures anthropomorphes profitent des affleurements de quartzite dĂ©vonien dont les dalles offrent des surfaces lisses. Les style correspond bien Ă  l’école de Tazina, typique de l’aire saharienne avec divers centres importants (Oued Djerat, province du sud Oranais, Fezan...). La profusion et la densitĂ© des gravures font de Sluguilla Lawaj un nouveau centre de cet art gravĂ©, considĂ©rĂ© comme le plus ancien du Sahara. Gleb Terzug au contraire, avec ses gravures piquetĂ©es plus schĂ©matiques, s’inscrit dans une chronologie plus rĂ©cente. La thĂ©matique diffĂšre, avec des reprĂ©sentations d’animaux dĂ©jĂ  domestiquĂ©s et une grande abondance de signes, de masques et de quelques figures anthropomorphes. La roche support correspond Ă  des affleurements de marbre trĂšs brillant. Les comparaisons avec d’autres zones sont plus rares, mais d’autres sites similaires ont Ă©tĂ© signalĂ©s au Sahara occidental pendant l’époque colonialeSince 1995, the University of Girona has prospected and studied the sites of rupestrian art in Western Sahara, so as to draw up an inventory of that patrimony. Ln this article, we present the sites with engravings being studied at present, such as Sluguilla Lawaj and Gleb Terzug. Sluguilla Lawaj is a site 35 km long where there crop out Devonian quartz rocks offering smooth surfaces, in which wild fauna has been engraved as well as some signs and anthropomorphous shapes. That style is in perfect keeping with the Tazina school, typical of the whole Saharan area with a few very important nuclei - Wadi Djerat, province in the south of Oran, Fezan. Both the profusion and density of engravings have turned Sluguilla Lawaj into a new centre of engraved art, considered as the most ancient in Sahara.Gleb Terzug, on the contrary, lies within the scope of a more recent chronology with its pounded, more schematic engravings. The themes differ as well, abounding in domesticated animals, signs, masks and anthropomorphous shapes. On that spot, the rocks used as supports are outcrops of glittering marble. Ln the latter case, parallels with other zones have scarcely been drawn, though other similar sites were reported in Western Sahara during the colonial perio

    La pintura rupestre del SĂ hara Occidental

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    En l’àmbit de la pintura del Sahara occidental, l’atenciĂł s’ha centrat sobre els jaciments fins ara inĂšdits de Rekeiz i del uadi Kenta. Tots dos conserven pintures rupestres en petits abrics de gres poc profunds, uns 50 en el cas de Rekeiz i uns 27 en el del uadi Kenta. En aquests indrets es representen escenes pintades d’ùpoques i estils molt diferents, des de figuracions molt naturalistes a d’altres de totalment esquemĂ tiques. L’abundĂ ncia, la riquesa i la complexitat de les representations artĂ­stiques, doncs, esdevenen uns testimonis de gran valor per a l’estudi de la desconeguda PrehistĂČria d’aquesta regioDans le contexte de la recherche des Ɠuvres picturales au Sahara occidental, nos efforts se sont focalisĂ©s sur des gisements inĂ©dits de Rekeiz et de l’Oued Kenta. Tous deux ont conservĂ© des peintures rupestres dans de petits abris de grĂšs peu profonds : une cinquantaine pour Rekeiz et 27 pour l’autre site. Sur ces sites sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s des scĂšnes peintes d’époques et de styles trĂšs diffĂ©rents, depuis des figurations trĂšs naturalistes jusqu’à des Ɠuvres totalement schĂ©matiques. L’abondance, la richesse et la complexitĂ© des reprĂ©sentatios artistiques sont de grande valeur pour la connaissance de la PrĂ©histoire de cette rĂ©gionDuring our research of pictorial works in western Sahara, we focused upon the unsearched deposits of Rekeiz and of Kenta wadi. Both have kept rupestrian paintings in shallow sandstone little shelters: aroundfifty in Rekeiz and 27 for the second site. There appear scenes painted at different times and different styles, from very naturalistic representations up to totally schematic works. The abundance, the richness and complexity of those artistic achievements are great assets for the knowledge of Prehistory in that regio

    Hepatic regulation of VLDL receptor by PPARÎČ/ÎŽ and FGF21 modulates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    The very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) plays an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis. In this study, we investigated the role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR)ÎČ/ÎŽ and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) in hepatic VLDLR regulation. Studies were conducted in wild-type and PparÎČ/ÎŽ -null mice, primary mouse hepatocytes, human Huh-7 hepatocytes, and liver biopsies from control subjects and patients with moderate and severe hepatic steatosis. Increased VLDLR levels were observed in liver of PparÎČ/ÎŽ -null mice and in PparÎČ/ÎŽ -knocked down mouse primary hepatocytes through mechanisms involving the heme-regulated eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) kinase (HRI), activating transcription factor (ATF) 4 and the oxidative stress-induced nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) pathways. Moreover, by using a neutralizing antibody against FGF21, Fgf21 -null mice and by treating mice with recombinant FGF21, we show that FGF21 may protect against hepatic steatosis by attenuating endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced VLDLR upregulation. Finally, in liver biopsies from patients with moderate and severe hepatic steatosis, we observed an increase in VLDLR levels that was accompanied by a reduction in PPARÎČ/ÎŽ mRNA abundance and DNA-binding activity compared with control subjects. Overall, these findings provide new mechanisms by which PPARÎČ/ÎŽ and FGF21 regulate VLDLR levels and influence hepatic steatosis development

    Hepatic regulation of VLDL receptor by PPARbeta/delta and FGF21 modulates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    OBJECTIVE: The very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) plays an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis. In this study, we investigated the role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR)beta/delta and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) in hepatic VLDLR regulation. METHODS: Studies were conducted in wild-type and Pparbeta/delta-null mice, primary mouse hepatocytes, human Huh-7 hepatocytes, and liver biopsies from control subjects and patients with moderate and severe hepatic steatosis. RESULTS: Increased VLDLR levels were observed in liver of Pparbeta/delta-null mice and in Pparbeta/delta-knocked down mouse primary hepatocytes through mechanisms involving the heme-regulated eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha (eIF2alpha) kinase (HRI), activating transcription factor (ATF) 4 and the oxidative stress-induced nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) pathways. Moreover, by using a neutralizing antibody against FGF21, Fgf21-null mice and by treating mice with recombinant FGF21, we show that FGF21 may protect against hepatic steatosis by attenuating endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced VLDLR upregulation. Finally, in liver biopsies from patients with moderate and severe hepatic steatosis, we observed an increase in VLDLR levels that was accompanied by a reduction in PPARbeta/delta mRNA abundance and DNA-binding activity compared with control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these findings provide new mechanisms by which PPARbeta/delta and FGF21 regulate VLDLR levels and influence hepatic steatosis development

    Hepatic regulation of VLDL receptor by PPARbeta/delta and FGF21 modulates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    OBJECTIVE: The very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) plays an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis. In this study, we investigated the role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR)beta/delta and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) in hepatic VLDLR regulation. METHODS: Studies were conducted in wild-type and Pparbeta/delta-null mice, primary mouse hepatocytes, human Huh-7 hepatocytes, and liver biopsies from control subjects and patients with moderate and severe hepatic steatosis. RESULTS: Increased VLDLR levels were observed in liver of Pparbeta/delta-null mice and in Pparbeta/delta-knocked down mouse primary hepatocytes through mechanisms involving the heme-regulated eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha (eIF2alpha) kinase (HRI), activating transcription factor (ATF) 4 and the oxidative stress-induced nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) pathways. Moreover, by using a neutralizing antibody against FGF21, Fgf21-null mice and by treating mice with recombinant FGF21, we show that FGF21 may protect against hepatic steatosis by attenuating endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced VLDLR upregulation. Finally, in liver biopsies from patients with moderate and severe hepatic steatosis, we observed an increase in VLDLR levels that was accompanied by a reduction in PPARbeta/delta mRNA abundance and DNA-binding activity compared with control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these findings provide new mechanisms by which PPARbeta/delta and FGF21 regulate VLDLR levels and influence hepatic steatosis development

    Roches ornées, roches dressées

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    Jean AbĂ©lanet peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme le pionnier de l'archĂ©ologie actuelle sur les terres nord-catalanes. Ce rĂŽle de prĂ©curseur dans la dĂ©couverte de sites majeurs, mais aussi sa contribution savante Ă  l'avancĂ©e des Ă©tudes prĂ©historiques, tant sur le mĂ©galithisme en PyrĂ©nĂ©es que sur l'art rupestre post-glaciaire en Europe occidentale, justifient l'hommage qui lui est rendu par la communautĂ© des chercheurs. Cet hommage a pris la forme d'un colloque placĂ© sous l'Ă©gide de l'Association ArchĂ©ologique des PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales, dont il fut membre fondateur, et de l'UniversitĂ© de Perpignan, dont il fut le premier enseignant en PrĂ©histoire. Sont rassemblĂ©es dans cet ouvrage les contributions de 74 auteurs et co-auteurs. Ces 576 pages, abondamment illustrĂ©es par prĂšs de 300 figures, abordent des sujets trĂšs divers qui reflĂštent les diffĂ©rents champs d'Ă©tudes balayĂ©s par son insatiable et humaniste curiositĂ©. Une premiĂšre partie, remontant aux sources des arts et des mythes, Ă©claire certains aspects de l'art rupestre et du mĂ©galithisme, depuis leurs origines jusqu'Ă  nos jours, Ă  partir de recherches rĂ©centes menĂ©es dans l'Ancien monde, des terres australes d'Afrique jusqu'en Europe de l'Ouest. Le second thĂšme, tout en laissant une large place Ă  l'Ă©tude des arts et des traditions funĂ©raires, rassemble des travaux pluridisciplinaires menĂ©s Ă  l'orient des PyrĂ©nĂ©es, travaux d'historiographie, de palynologie, de gĂ©ologie, d'archĂ©ologie prĂ©historique et historique, d'histoire ou d'ethnologie