198 research outputs found

    El cuartel de carabineros y la batería antiaérea de Punta Prima (Orihuela-Torrevieja. Alicante)

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    Se describe la intervención arqueológica realizada en el entorno de punta Prima (Torrevieja-Orihuela) donde en el siglo XIX se construyó un cuartel de carabineros para control del contrabando costero. Tales edificios, además de un refugio antiaéreo construido posteriormente, fueron utilizados más tarde para establecer una Batería Antiaérea, dentro del Plan de Defensa de Costa de la Base Naval de Cartagena. Durante la Guerra Civil Española, en estas instalaciones se acuarteló un destacamento del Regimiento de Artillería nº 3 de Cartagena

    Opioid-Induced Constipation in Oncological Patients: New Strategies of Management

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    Opinion statement Cancer-associated pain has traditionally been treated with opioid analgesics, often in escalating doses. Opioid-induced constipation (OIC) is a common problem associated with chronic use of opioid analgesics. Typical treatment strategies to alleviate constipation are based on dietary changes, exercise, and laxatives. However, laxatives have a nonspecific action and do not target underlying mechanisms of OIC. This article will review prevalent, clinical presentation and recommendations for the treatment of OIC. An independent literature search was carried out by the authors. We reviewed the literature for randomized controlled trials that studied the efficacy of laxatives, naloxone, and naloxegol in treating OIC. Newer strategies addressing the causal pathophysiology of OIC are needed for a more effective assessment and management of OIC. Finally, traditional recommended therapies are appraised and compared with the latest pharmacological developments. Future research should address whether naloxegol is more efficacious by its comparison directly with first-line treatments, including laxatives

    Intoxicaciones por drogas de abuso y nuevas sustancias psicótropas

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    Objetivo: Realizar un análisis descriptivo de las asistencias en urgencias por drogas de abuso no legales del Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa de Zaragoza. Posteriormente se realiza un análisis de la detección de Nuevas Sustancias Psicotrópicas (NPS) en toda Europa. Describir el riesgo potencial de las nuevas drogas de abuso en Aragón. La descripción de la situación actual en la región respecto a las drogas de abuso a través de las asistencias en Urgencias se confronta al peligro potencial de las nuevas sustancias sintetizadas incautadas en Europa que pueden llegar a encontrarse en nuestra región en un futuro. Material y métodos: Se han tomado las 212 asistencias relacionadas con drogas de abuso (a excepción del alcohol y drogas legales) atendidas en Urgencias del HCU Lozano Blesa en 2017. A su vez, se han expuesto los datos nacionales y europeos que podían resultar pertinentes. Por otro lado se han estudiado todas las notificaciones disponibles de Nuevas Sustancias Psicotrópicas halladas por las autoridades en la Unión Europea. Se han indexado y examinado a fin de crear una base de datos de estas sustancias para que el HCU Lozano Blesa pueda hacer uso de ella, al tiempo que se puede estudiar su epidemiología. Resultados: Entre los datos expuestos en este estudio analítico figuran los siguientes: Las intoxicaciones atendidas las componen principalmente individuos del sexo masculino, con una edad media de 35 a 40 años. El 80% de ellas se han resuelto en el propio Servicio de Urgencias. A su vez, un 62% tenía alguna patología psiquiátrica subyacente. Las intoxicaciones estudiadas tienen un patrón etario y sexual coincidente con los referidos en España y Europa, con un predominio masculino y con edades medias más bajas en el caso del cannabis. Se describe también la ausencia de Nuevas Sustancias Psicotrópicas en el sector poblacional estudiado y una baja incidencia de intoxicaciones por drogas como las anfetaminas frente a la cocaína por ejemplo. Apreciamos que las sustancias más incautadas son de la familia de los catinonas, seguidas por los cannabinoides y en tercer lugar los opioides, que están aumentando peligrosamente, tanto en disponibilidad como en consumo a nivel de la Unión Europea. Conclusiones: Se ha constatado que los resultados de la muestra no difieren mucho de lo descrito en los informes nacionales. A nivel europeo se ha visto un gran número de incautaciones, con una distribución geográfica relacionada con los orígenes de las sustancias. Las nuevas catinonas y los cannabinoides se están detectando en gran cantidad.<br /

    Ice: a strongly correlated proton system

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    We discuss the problem of proton motion in Hydrogen bond materials with special focus on ice. We show that phenomenological models proposed in the past for the study of ice can be recast in terms of microscopic models in close relationship to the ones used to study the physics of Mott-Hubbard insulators. We discuss the physics of the paramagnetic phase of ice at 1/4 filling (neutral ice) and its mapping to a transverse field Ising model and also to a gauge theory in two and three dimensions. We show that H3O+ and HO- ions can be either in a confined or deconfined phase. We obtain the phase diagram of the problem as a function of temperature T and proton hopping energy t and find that there are two phases: an ordered insulating phase which results from an order-by-disorder mechanism induced by quantum fluctuations, and a disordered incoherent metallic phase (or plasma). We also discuss the problem of decoherence in the proton motion introduced by the lattice vibrations (phonons) and its effect on the phase diagram. Finally, we suggest that the transition from ice-Ih to ice-XI observed experimentally in doped ice is the confining-deconfining transition of our phase diagram.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    In Vitro Characterization of an Anodized Surface of a Dental Implant Collar and Dental Abutment on Peri-Implant Cellular Response

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    The purpose of this paper was to determine the effect of anodization on the in vitro proliferation and adhesion of immortalized human keratinocytes (HaCats) and mouse bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) in Titanium Grade 23 (Ti6Al4V ELI) discs and to describe the surface topography, roughness, and composition of dental implants (body and collar) and abutments submitted to an area-specific anodization process. HaCat cells and BM-MSCs were seeded onto discs with three different surface treatments: machined, area-specific anodization for abutments, and area-specific anodization for implant collars. Cell proliferation was assessed using a resazurin-based fluorescent dye on days 1, 3, and 7, while cell adhesion was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Surface topography, roughness, and composition were evaluated for six implant bodies with an anodized rough surface, six anodized implant smooth collars, and six anodized prosthetic abutments. Both HaCats and BM-MSCs showed increased viability over time (p < 0.001 ) with no statistically significant differences among the different surfaces (p = 0.447 HaCats and p = 0.631 BM-MSCs). SEM analysis revealed an enhanced presence and adhesion of HaCat cells on the anodized surface for the implant collars and an increased adhesion of BM-MSCs on both the anodized and machined surface abutments. The topography characteristics of the treated implants and abutments varied depending on the specific implant region. Chemical analysis confirmed the presence of oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, and sodium on the anodized surfaces. The area-specific anodization process can be utilized to create variable topography, increase the specific surface area, and introduce oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, and sodium to dental implants and abutments. While BM-MSCs and HaCat cells showed similar adhesion and proliferation on anodized and machined surfaces, a positive interaction between anodized Ti6Al4V ELI surfaces and these two cell lines present in the peri-implant mucosa was observed. Due to the limitations of the present study, further research is necessary to confirm these findings

    Juzgar a la Suprema Corte : el caso de la resolución sobre anatocismo y sistema financiero en México

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    1 archivo PDF (252 páginas). v.1El tema objeto de esta obra, el primero de dos volúmenes, es la de una figura jurídica controvertida: el anatocismo, o, en otras palabras, la capitalización de los intereses y, como consecuencia, el cobro de intereses sobre intereses; se trata de algo simple: la usura llevada a su máxima injusticia y mucho más cuando su consagración ha sido dispuesta por el más alto tribunal de la nación

    Assessment timing and choice of outcome measure in determining treatment response in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a post-hoc analysis of the PRISM trial

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    Introduction/Aims: Treatment response and its timing are variable in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). In this study we assessed the variability using multiple outcome measures. Methods: We performed a post hoc analysis of the PRISM trial, a 24-week prospective, multicenter, single-arm, open-label, phase III study of a 10% intravenous immunoglobulin preparation for CIDP. We ascertained timing of response with primary/secondary outcome measures. Results: At 6 weeks after treatment initiation, 13 of 40 subjects (32.5%) were defined as responders on the primary outcome measure, the adjusted Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause And Treatment (INCAT) scale. This increased to 20 of 41 (48.8%) at 12 weeks and to 32 of 42 (76.2%) at 24 weeks. Use of minimal important difference (MID)-determined amelioration of the inflammatory Rasch-built Overall Disability Scale (I-RODS), or of the Medical Research Council sum score (MRCSS), or of dominant hand-grip strength, in addition to the adjusted INCAT, indicated a sensitivity of 41.7% in identifying adjusted INCAT nonresponders at week 12 who subsequently responded at week 24. Specificity was 60% vs INCAT nonresponders at week 24. Consideration of amelioration of any amplitude on any secondary outcome measure indicated a 75% sensitivity, but only 30% specificity vs adjusted INCAT nonresponders at week 24. Discussion: Immunoglobulin treatment continuation may be justified for up to 24 weeks in CIDP. Additional outcome measures may help in the early treatment stages to predict delayed response on the adjusted INCAT. However, their use is limited by high false-positive rates. More robust, reliable, and relevant outcome measures are needed to detect early improvement in immunoglobulin-treated CIDP

    What does the media say about palliative care? A descriptive study of news coverage in written media in Spain

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    INTRODUCTION: The goal of palliative care (PC) is to improve the quality of life of terminal stage patients and their families. The subject frequently appears in the mass-media and this helps create a socially accepted identity. The aim of this study is to describe and analyse PC related news items appeared in the Spanish written media. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed. Considering diffusion, scope and the range in editorial policy criteria, four printed newspapers (PN) were selected, together with four exclusively digital media sources (DM). Through Mynews, a newspaper content depository, and the search tool for each DM website, articles published between 2009 and 2014 which included the terms "palliative care" and "palliative medicine" were sought. A questionnaire was created to characterise each article identified and a descriptive analysis was undertaken. RESULTS: A total of 627 articles were identified, of which 359 (57%) were published in PN (42% in the printed editions -PE- 16% in their online editions -OE-) and 268 (43%) in DM. In general, they appeared mainly in sections concerning Health (23%), Culture and Society (18%) and General/Home News (15%). In PE, just 2% were found in the Health section and nearly 70% in Culture and Society and General/Home News. Most of the articles were informative in nature and contained socio-political messages (90%). Statements by PC professionals were found in 35% of the articles and by politicians in 32%. The most frequent content was related to facing end of life (74%) and patient quality of life (70%). CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish written media reflects the socio-political interest aroused by PC. Nevertheless, messages circulating about PC do not describe professional practice, or the contribution of the same for patients. Content more in line with the clinical practice might help contribute to the development of this new area of medicine

    HRFlexToT: A High Dynamic Range ASIC for Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography

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    Time-of-Flight positron emission tomography scanners demand fast and efficient photo sensors and scintillators coupled to fast readout electronics. This article presents the high resolution flexible Time-over-Threshold (HRFlexToT), a 16-channel application-specific-integrated circuit for silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) anode readout manufactured using XFAB 0.18- \mu \text{m} CMOS technology. The main features of the HRFlexToT are a linear Time-over-Threshold with an extended dynamic range (10 bits) for energy measurement, low power consumption (≈ 3.5 mW/ch), and an excellent timing response. The experimental measurements show an energy linearity error of ≈ 3% and an energy resolution of about 12% at 511 keV. Single-photon time resolution measurements performed using an Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) SiPM NUV-HD ( 4 \times 4 mm2 pixel, 40- \mu \text{m} cell) and a Hamamatsu SiPM S13360-3050CS are around 142 and 167 ps full width at half maximum (FWHM), respectively. Coincidence time resolution (CTR) measurements with small cross-section pixelated crystals (LSO:Ce,Ca 0.4%, 2 \times 2 \times 5 mm3) coupled to the same Hamamatsu S13360-3050CS and FBK NUV-HD sensors yield a CTR of 117 ps and 119 ps, respectively. Measurements performed with a large cross-section monolithic crystal (LFS crystal measuring 25 \times 25 \times 20 mm3) and a Hamamatsu SiPM array S13361-6050NE-04 show a CTR of 324 ps FWHM after time-walk and time-skew correction

    Diabetes Link: technological innovation at the service of health

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    La Diabetes Mellitus (DM) es una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por niveles elevados de glucemia que se manifiesta cuando el páncreas endocrino es incapaz de producir la cantidad de insulina suficiente que requieren sus tejidos. Actualmente, la DM afecta al 8.5% de la población mundial y en Argentina alcanza al 12.7% de la población adulta. Aunque no se dispone de una curación, su control adecuado previene el desarrollo de complicaciones que disminuyen la calidad de vida del paciente y aumentan el costo de su tratamiento. Dicho control implica la participación activa del paciente en el control y tratamiento de su enfermedad. Además, dependiendo del paciente y de la gravedad de su enfermedad, resulta necesario medir regularmente distintos parámetros clínico-metabólicos como el peso corporal, la glucemia, la presión arterial, la cantidad de carbohidratos ingeridos y la actividad física realizada; los cuales tienen incidencia en alcanzar metas de tratamiento. Diabetes Link es una plataforma integral y gratuita para el control y seguimiento de personas con DM, compuesta por la combinación de una aplicación móvil junto a un portal web. La plataforma permite registrar diversos parámetros relevantes para el tratamiento y, en base a ellos, calcular diferentes gráficos estadísticos. Además, permite conectar con otros usuarios de la aplicación (supervisores) para que puedan monitorizar el control. Para evaluar la factibilidad y potencialidad de la propuesta se entrevistaron a médicos, educadores e investigadores del área de diabetes. Esta fase de desarrollo fue complementada con un estudio del estado del conocimiento en aplicaciones móviles orientadas a diabetes. A partir del mismo se diseñó y desarrolló una aplicación móvil multiplataforma (disponible en el PlayStore de Google y en el iOS Store de Apple) en combinación con un portal web (disponible en diabeteslink.info.unlp.edu.ar).Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in blood glucose (sugar) above normal levels and it appears when the endocrine pancreas is not able to produce the corresponding regulatory hormone (insulin). Nowadays, DM affects 8.5% of the world’s population and the situation gets worst in Argentina since 12.7% of its adult people is affected. Even though no cure for it has been found, an adequate control prevents the development of complications that harm the patients’ quality of life and increase the treatment costs. This control requires an active participation of the patient in the monitoring and treatment of the illness. In addition, depending on patient and disease severity, multiple clinical and metabolic parameters should be monitored, such as body weight, blood glucose, blood pressure, the amount of ingested carbohydrates, and physical activity performed. All these parameters have an impact in achieving treatment goals. Diabetes Link is a comprehensive platform for control and monitoring people with DM; it combines a mobile application and a web portal. Diabetes Link allows recording various parameters relevant for the treatment and calculating multiple statistical charts. In addition, it allows connecting with other users (supervisors) so they can monitor the controls. To determine the feasibility and potential of the proposal, physicians, educators and clinical researchers were interviewed. This development phase was complemented with a state-of-the-art study of mobile applications oriented to diabetes. After this stage, a mobile application was designed and developed (available at both Google PlayStore and Apple iOS Store) combined with a web portal (available at diabeteslink.info.unlp.edu.ar).Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnic