218 research outputs found

    Identity construction of the subject victim of domestic violence: fetishism, aesthetization and public identity

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    Este artículo pretende abordar el proceso de construcción identitaria del sujeto víctima de violencia de género en determinados discursos mediáticos. Para ello se analizan diecisiete campañas institucionales que el gobierno de España llevó a cabo durante el periodo de 1998 a 2014. Resulta de especial relevancia mostrar la articulación discursiva del sujeto víctima de violencia de género mediante una suerte de fetichización discursiva que resulta en una determinada objetualización del sujeto víctima, obviando las posibilidades de agencia política que ofrece la configuración de la identidad pública en el discurso mediático. Finalmente se propone una reflexión acerca de nuevas formas de construcción del sujeto víctima de violencia de género que atiendan a la importancia de contemplar la dimension ética en la representación de la víctima mediante la aplicación de la teoría de la oportunidad mediática.Este artigo pretende abordar o processo de construção identitária do sujeito vítima de violência de gênero em determinados discursos mediáticos. Para isso se  analisam dezessete campanhas institucionais que o governo da Espanha desenvolveu durante o período de 1998 a 2014. É de especial relevância mostrar a articulação discursiva do sujeito vítima de violência de gênero mediante um número de fetichizações discursivas que resultam em uma determinada objetualização do sujeito vítima, impedindo as possibilidades de agência política que oferece a configuração da identidade pública no discurso midiático. Finalmente se propõe uma reflexão sobre as novas formas de construção do sujeito vítima de violência de gênero que atendam à importância em contemplar a dimensão ética na representação da vítima através da aplicação da teoria da oportunidade midiática.This article aims to explain the process of the construction of the gender-based violence victim-subject in some media discourses. Therefore seventeen Spanish institutional campaigns will be analyzed. The discursive articulation of the gender-based violence victim-subject will be addressed taking into consideration the discursive development of a fetichization practice which renders the victim-subject as an object diminishing the political agency of the victim offered by means of a public identity in the media discourses. A final reflection on the possibility of new ways of constructing the gender-based victim-subject is presented in order to point out the importance of the ethical dimension through the theory of the media opportunity

    Uso y consumo de Facebook y Twitter de la Secretaría Nacional de Comunicación, SECOM

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    Esta disertación se centra en conocer cuáles son los contenidos que la Secretaría Nacional de Comunicación, SECOM, difunde a través de las redes sociales así como comprender el uso de la información por parte de los usuarios. En la actualidad las Nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación, TICs son fundamentales para el trabajo de las organizaciones, sean éstas de carácter público o privado. Los cambios que han provocado el uso de las diversas herramientas de las TICs, inciden notablemente en los comportamientos de las organizaciones, obligándolas a adaptarse y ser flexibles para estar al día en este camp

    Trimeric interaction of Antp-Ubx with TBP and homeoprotein EXD in the genetic control of development in D. melanogaster

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    Homeoproteins specify body segments along the anteroposterior axis during embryo development; they bind DNA through the homeodomain (HD). Homeoproteins bind to similar and repetitive target sequences on DNA, raising the question of how they achieve functional specificity. Homeoproteins form complexes with proteins through the HDs or other regions. Antennapedia (Antp) and Ultrabithorax (Ubx) have an important role in conferring thorax identity; also they are involved in a repression transcriptional mechanism: Ubx binds to Antp promoter repressing its expression. We analyzed if Ubx and Antp perform protein-protein interaction as a regulation mechanism and if the complex Antp-Ubx are involved in trimeric interaction with other transcription factors. Using Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (BIFC) we showed Antp-Ubx interaction in cell culture and in vivo in embryos and imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. Also, we detected the Antp HD importance as well as the E19G residue in the interaction. We next analyzed if dimer Antp-Ubx affected Antp function in head involution on larvae, showing 80% of larvae with homeosis. In adult flies dimer Antp-Ubx caused a partial antenna to leg transformation. Additionally, using BiFC-based FRET, we showed that Antp-Ubx form trimeric complexes with TBP and EXD in cell culture and we test the trimeric complexes function in vivo in head involution on larvae, showing 80% of homeosis expressing Antp-Ubx/TBP complex and 66% of homeosis expressing Antp-Ubx/EXD complex. We conclude that Antp-Ubx is involved in trimeric interaction with TBP and EXD and both trimeric complexes are important for Antp function in vivo

    Textile production as domestic activity among pre-hispanic pampean hunter-gatherers, Argentina

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    Se discute la producción textil como una práctica tecnológica emergente en las sociedades cazadoras recolectoras del Holoceno tardío en la pampa. Esta actividad formó parte de la vida doméstica de sociedades prehispánicas que expresaron situaciones de diferenciación social y territorialidad en las sierras de Tandilia oriental. En este trabajo se analiza a los torteros de cerámica -pesos para hilado- como la evidencia material que perdura en la región como instrumental de esta tecnología. Se complementa la información arqueológica, con datos etnográficos e históricos sobre textilería de regiones diversas y se propone como hipótesis que la fibra procedente del vellón del guanaco fue la materia prima utilizada para la elaboración textil en la región. Asimismo se considera el uso de instrumentos óseos como agujas y punzones entre las herramientas de uso potencial para el proceso de hilado y la elaboración de tejidos. Planteamos que las fluctuaciones climáticas del Holoceno tardío-final que produjeron la retracción del guanaco en la Pampa Húmeda desde los siglos XV y XVI en adelante, explican la ausencia en ese período de esta fibra para la textilería, actividad que se reanuda en la época de la colonia a partir del uso de lana de oveja.This paper discusses textile production as a technological practice that emerged in hunter-gatherer societies during the Late Holocene in the Pampean region. This activity was part of domestic life of preColumbian societies with social differentiation and territoriality in the eastern Sierras de Tandilia. This paper analyzes ceramic spindle whorls as archaeological evidence of this technology, one that is still present in the region. This cultural evidence is complemented by ethnographic and historic data on textiles from different regions. A hypothesis is presented that fiber from the fleece of guanaco was the raw material used in textile production in the region. The use of bone instruments such as needles and awls that were associated with the spinning process and the development of textiles is also considered. It is proposed that the climatic fluctuations in the Pampean region during the final-late Holocene (AD 1500 - 1600) that caused the guanaco population to decrease could explain the absence of this fiber for textile production. The activity is taken up again during the colonial period with sheep’s wool.Fil: Mazzanti, Diana Leonis. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Historia. Laboratorio de Arqueología Regional Bonaerense; ArgentinaFil: Puente, Veronica. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Historia. Laboratorio de Arqueología Regional Bonaerense; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentin

    Construção identitária do sujeito vítima de violência de gênero: fetichismo, estetização e identidade pública

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    This article aims to explain the process of the construction of the gender-based violence victim-subject in some media discourses. Therefore seventeen Spanish institutional campaigns will be analyzed. The discursive articulation of the gender-based violence victim-subject will be addressed taking into consideration the discursive development of a fetichization practice which renders the victim-subject as an object diminishing the political agency of the victim offered by means of a public identity in the media discourses. A final reflection on the possibility of new ways of constructing the gender-based victim-subject is presented in order to point out the importance of the ethical dimension through the theory of the media opportunity.Este artículo pretende abordar el proceso de construcción identitaria del sujeto víctima de violencia de género en determinados discursos mediáticos. Para ello se analizan diecisiete campañas institucionales que el gobierno de España llevó a cabo durante el periodo de 1998 a 2014. Resulta de especial relevancia mostrar la articulación discursiva del sujeto víctima de violencia de género mediante una suerte de fetichización discursiva que resulta en una determinada objetualización del sujeto víctima, obviando las posibilidades de agencia política que ofrece la configuración de la identidad pública en el discurso mediático. Finalmente se propone una reflexión acerca de nuevas formas de construcción del sujeto víctima de violencia de género que atiendan a la importancia de contemplar la dimension ética en la representación de la víctima mediante la aplicación de la teoría de la oportunidad mediática.Este artigo pretende abordar o processo de construção identitária do sujeito vítima de violência de gênero em determinados discursos mediáticos. Para isso se  analisam dezessete campanhas institucionais que o governo da Espanha desenvolveu durante o período de 1998 a 2014. É de especial relevância mostrar a articulação discursiva do sujeito vítima de violência de gênero mediante um número de fetichizações discursivas que resultam em uma determinada objetualização do sujeito vítima, impedindo as possibilidades de agência política que oferece a configuração da identidade pública no discurso midiático. Finalmente se propõe uma reflexão sobre as novas formas de construção do sujeito vítima de violência de gênero que atendam à importância em contemplar a dimensão ética na representação da vítima através da aplicação da teoria da oportunidade midiática

    Narrativas transformadoras y testimonio ético: las estrategias discursivas de la Plataforma Feminista 7N, Contra las Violencias Machistas

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    The aim of this article is to explore the transformative possibilites of the narratives produced on gender-based violence. Therefore, we will analyze the online discursive strategies developed by the Feminist Platform 7N to bring about an anlytical model built upon the concept of the ethical witnessing articulated by Oliver (2001; 2004). We will discuss the relationship between giving testimony and witnessing gender-based violence, the kind of discourse developed and if it helps to identify sencondary victimization. We will also discuss whether this kind of discourses could be emancipatory and at the same time whether these narratives could be part of the feminist fight for women’s rights. We conclude that certain activist praxis against gender-based violence can challenge the hegemonic frames of recognition of gender-based violence and thus produce discourses on the victims of the violence which can be ultimately emancipatory. Analizar las posibilidades de transformación de las narrativas sobre la violencia de la Plataforma 7N, Contra las Violencias Machistas es el objetivo principal de este artículo. Para ello indagaremos en las estrategias discursivas de la comunicación online de este movimiento feminista a partir del modelo analítico construido sobre el concepto ethical witnessing o testimonio ético de Oliver (2001; 2004). Veremos qué relación existe entre dar testimonio y testigo de la violencia, así como el tipo de discurso que se genera a partir del testimonio. También indagaremos en si éste es un discurso emancipador, si se inscribe en las luchas feministas por los derechos de las mujeres y si ayuda a identificar la victimización secundaria. Concluimos que ciertas prácticas de activismo contra la violencia de género como el que propone la Plataforma 7N pueden desestabilizar los marcos de inteligibilidad de la violencia y generar relatos emancipatorios sobre las víctimas de violencias machistas que posibiliten el cambio social

    Estudios de Género y Comunicación: análisis críticos feministas sobre la construcción discursiva del género

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    Metabolic syndrome and risk of cancer : A study protocol of case-control study using data from the Information System for the Development of Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP) in Catalonia

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    Funding The project received a research grant from the Carlos III Institute of Health, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), awarded on the 2017 call under the Health Strategy Action 2013-2016 of the National Research Program oriented to Societal Challenges, within the Technical, Scientific and Innovation Research National Plan 2013-2016 (reference PI17/00914), cofunded with European Union ERDF funds (European Regional Development Fund). TD-S is funded by the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, awarded on the 2016 call under the Strategic Plan for Research and Innovation in Health (PERIS) 2016-2020, modality incorporation of scientists and technologists, with reference SLT002/16/00308.Background Metabolic syndrome (MS) is defined by the clustering of specific metabolic disorders in one subject. MS is highly prevalent globally and currently considered a growing public health concern. MS comprises obesity, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance. Mechanisms linking MS with cancer are poorly understood, and it is as yet unknown if MS confers a greater risk than the risk entailed by each of its separate components. The main objective of this study is to compare the association between MS and 14 site-specific cancer against the association between one or two individual components of MS and cancer. The secondary objective is to evaluate the time elapsed since the diagnosis of MS and the subsequent onset of cancer within the 2006-2017 period by sex. Methods and analysis A case-control study will be conducted for the main objective and a cohort of patients with MS will be followed for the evaluation of the second objective. Incident cases of fourteen types of cancer in patients ≥40 years of age diagnosed prospectively will be selected from electronic primary care records in the Information System for Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP database; www.sidiap.org). The SIDIAP database includes anonymous data from 6 million people (80% of the Catalan population) registered in 286 primary healthcare centres. Each matched control (four controls for each case) will have the same inclusion date, the same sex and age (±1 year) than the paired case. Logistic regression and a descriptive analysis and Kaplan-Meier analysis will be performed, in accordance with the objectives. Ethics and dissemination The protocol of the study was approved by the IDIAP Jordi Gol Clinical Research Ethics Committee (protocol P17/212). The study's findings will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and disseminated at national and international conferences and oral presentations to researchers, clinicians and policy makers