274 research outputs found

    Electrical conductivity and Raman imaging of double wall carbon nanotubes in a polymer matrix

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    Raman spectroscopy is used to access the dispersion state of DWNTs in a PEEK polymer matrix. The interaction of the outer tube with the matrix can be determined from the line shape of the Raman G band. This allows us to distinguish regions where the nanotubes are well dispersed and regions where the nanotubes are agglomerated. The percolation threshold of the electrical conductivity of the double wall carbon nanotubes (DWNTs)/PEEK nanocomposites is found to be at 0.2–0.3 wt.%. We find a maximum electrical conductivity of 3 x 10-2 S/cm at 2 wt.% loading. We detect nanotube weight concentrations as low as 0.16 wt.% by Raman spectroscopy using a yellow excitation wavelength. We compare the Raman images with transmission electron microscopy images and electrical conductivity measurements. A statistical method is used to find a quantitative measure of the DWNTs dispersion in the polymer matrix from the Raman images

    FALCON: a concept to extend adaptive optics corrections to cosmological fields

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    FALCON is an original concept for a next generation spectrograph at ESO VLT or at future ELTs. It is a spectrograph including multiple small integral field units (IFUs) which can be deployed within a large field of view such as that of VLT/GIRAFFE. In FALCON, each IFU features an adaptive optics correction using off-axis natural reference stars in order to combine, in the 0.8-1.8 \mu m wavelength range, spatial and spectral resolutions (0.1-0.15 arcsec and R=10000+/-5000). These conditions are ideally suited for distant galaxy studies, which should be done within fields of view larger than the galaxy clustering scales (4-9 Mpc), i.e. foV > 100 arcmin2. Instead of compensating the whole field, the adaptive correction will be performed locally on each IFU. This implies to use small miniaturized devices both for adaptive optics correction and wavefront sensing. Applications to high latitude fields imply to use atmospheric tomography because the stars required for wavefront sensing will be in most of the cases far outside the isoplanatic patch.Comment: To appear in the Backaskog "Second Workshop on ELT" SPIE proceeding

    Partial match retrieval of multidimensional data

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    Transfert sécurisée d'une RI sans perte par une méthode d'insertion de données robuste à la compression JPEG

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    Dans cet article, nous présentons une méthode d'insertion de données cachées originale permettant de protéger la haute résolution d'une région d'intérêt. Les pertes de résolution dans la région d'intérêt sont récupérées puis insérées par marquage dans l'image. L'image avec la région d'intérêt sans perte sera visible seulement après l'extraction et la reconstruction de celle-ci. La méthode d'insertion s'appuie sur les coefficients DCT et sur la modification de la matrice de quantification. Cette technique a été développée de manière à être robuste à la compression JPEG

    Orientational order of carbon nanotube guests in a nematic host suspension of colloidal viral rods

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    In order to investigate the coupling between the degrees of alignment of elongated particles in binary nematic dispersions, surfactant stabilized single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been added to nematic suspensions of colloidal rodlike viruses in aqueous solution.We have independently measured the orientational order parameter of both components of the guest-host system by means of polarized Raman spectroscopy and by optical birefringence, respectively. Our system allows us therefore to probe the regime where the guest particles (CNTs) are shorter and thinner than the fd virus host particles. We show that the degree of order of the CNTs is systematically smaller than that of the fd virus particles for the whole nematic range. These measurements are in good agreement with predictions of an Onsager-type second-viral theory, which explicitly includes the flexibility of the virus particles, and the polydispersity of the CNTs.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Lithium conducting solid electrolyte Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 obtained via solution chemistry

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    NaSICON-type lithium conductor Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 (LATP) is synthesized with controlled grain size and composition using solution chemistry. After thermal treatment at 850 C, sub-micronic crystallized powders with high purity are obtained. They are converted into ceramic through Spark Plasma Sintering at 850–1000 C. By varying the processing parameters, pellet with conductivities up to 1.6 * 10−4 S/cm with density of 97% of the theoretical density have been obtained. XRD, FEG-SEM, ac-impedance and Vickers indentation were used to characterize the products. The influence of sintering parameters on pellet composition, microstructure and conductivity is discussed in addition to the analysis of the mechanical behavior of the grains interfaces

    Average cost of orthogonal range queries in multiattribute trees

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    Exhaustive Screening of the Acid β-Glucosidase Gene, by Fluorescence-Assisted Mismatch Analysis Using Universal Primers: Mutation Profile and Genotype/Phenotype Correlations in Gaucher Disease

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    SummaryGaucher disease (GD) is one of the most prevalent lysosomal storage disorders and one of the rare genetic diseases now accessible to therapy. Outside the Ashkenazi Jewish community, a high molecular diversity is observed, leaving ∼30% of alleles undetected. Nevertheless, very few exhaustive methods have been developed for extensive gene screening of a large series of patients. Our approach for a complete search of mutations was the association of fluorescent chemical cleavage of mismatches with a universal strand-specific labeling system. The glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene was scanned by use of a set of six amplicons, comprising 11 exons, all exon/intron boundaries, and the promoter region. By use of this screening strategy, the difficulties due to the existence of a highly homologous pseudogene were easily overcome, and both GD mutant alleles were identified in all 25 patients studied, thus attesting to a sensitivity that approaches 100%. A total of 18 different mutations and a new glucocerebrosidase haplotype were detected. The mutational spectrum included eight novel acid β-glucosidase mutations: IVS2 G(+1)→T, I119T, R170P, N188K, S237P, K303I, L324P, and A446P. These data further indicate the genetic heterogeneity of the lesions causing GD. Established genotype/phenotype correlations generally were confirmed, but notable disparities were disclosed in several cases, thus underlining the limitation in the prognostic value of genotyping. The observed influence of multifactorial control on this monogenic disease is discussed

    Spectroscopic detection of carbon nanotube interaction with amphiphilic molecules in epoxy resin composites

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    Incorporation of carbon nanotubes into epoxy resin composites has the effect of increasing electrical conductivity at low percolation levels. An amphiphilic molecule such as palmitic acid has been used to increase the surface contact area and improve the dispersion of the carbon nanotube bundles in the prepolymer. The chemical environment of the dispersed nanotubes has been probed using vibrational Raman spectroscopy. Spectroscopic Raman maps, on sample surfaces (60x60 µm2) with ratios of nanotubes to palmitic acid varying from 1:2 to 2:1 by weight, have been recorded to test the uniformity of the dispersion. Substantial spatial inhomogeneities have been observed in the G-band shift and an additional spectral band at 1450 cm-1. The 1450 cm-1 band has been attributed to the CH3 group of the amphiphilic molecules adsorbed onto the nanotube surface. The maps are correlated with the measured electrical conductivity values. The highest conductivity has been observed for the best dispersed nanotubes and nanotubes with the highest degree of interaction

    Whole blood transcriptome analysis of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycoides-infected cattle confirms immunosuppression but does not reflect local inflammation

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    Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (Mmm), is a severe respiratory disease of cattle responsible for major economic losses in sub-Saharan Africa. Disease control relies mainly on the use of empirically attenuated vaccines that provide limited protection. Thus, understanding the virulence mechanisms used by Mmm as well as the role of the host immune systemin disease development, persistence, and control is a prerequisite for the development of new, rationally designed control strategies. The aim of this study was to assess the use of whole blood transcriptome analysis to study cattle-Mmm interactions, starting by the characterization of the bovine response to Mmm infection during the acute form of the disease. For that purpose, we compared the transcriptome profile of whole blood from six cattle, before challenge by contact with Mmm infected animals and at the appearance of first clinical signs, using a bovine microarray. Functional analysis revealed that 680 annotated genes were differentially expressed, with an overwhelming majority of down-regulated genes characterizing an immunosuppression. The main bio-functions affected were "organismal survival", "cellular development, morphology and functions" and "cell-to cell signaling and interactions". These affected functions were consistent with the results of previous in vitro immunological studies. However, microarray and qPCR validation results did not highlight pro-inflammatory molecules (such as TNF alpha, TLR2, IL-12B and IL-6), whereas inflammation is one of the most characteristic traits of acute CBPP. This global gene expression pattern may be considered as the result, in blood, of the local pulmonary response and the systemic events occurring during acute CBPP. Nevertheless, to understand the immune events occurring during disease, detailed analyses on the different immune cell subpopulations, either in vivo, at the local site, or in vitro, will be required. Whole blood transcriptome analysis remains an interesting approach for the identification of bio-signatures correlating to recovery and protection, which should facilitate the evaluation and validation of novel vaccine formulations