308 research outputs found

    Modélisation d'une laminopathie à partir de cellules souches pluripotentes (étude phénotypique, génétique et recherche de cibles thérapeutiques)

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    Les laminopathies regroupent des maladies rare dues à des mutations sur le gène Lmna, codant pour les lamines nucléaires A et C. Parmi des centaines de mutations identifiées jusqu alors, la mutation Lmna+/H222P est responsable de la Dystrophie Musculaire d Emery Dreifuss Autosomale Dominante (DMED-AD). Les patients atteints par DMED-AD souffrent d une dystrophie et d une cardiomyopathie. J ai étudié tout particulièrement l effet et la fonction de la mutation Lmna+/H222P au niveau du développement cardiaque en utilisant des cellules souches embryonnaires murines (CSEm) ainsi que des cellules humaines induites à la pluripotence (hiPS) sauvages et porteuses de la mutation Lmna+/H222P. Un défaut dans la cardiogenèse est retrouvé dans les corps embryoïdes (CE) dérivés des CSEm et dans les hiPS dont la différenciation est induite par le BMP2. En effet, dans les cellules différenciées porteuses de la mutation Lmna+/H222P, on observe une expression des gènes mésodermiques et cardiaques (ex : brachyury, MesP1, Nkx2.5, Mef2c, Isl1 ) déficiente. Néanmoins, la formation du mésendoderme ne semble pas affectée dans ces cellules. De plus, des défauts de contraction dûs à une désorganisation de la structure sarcomérique est retrouvée dans les Ces dérivés des CSEm Lmna+/H222P. Mes travaux de thèse ont donc permis de mettre en place un modèle murin et humain de cellules souches pluripotentes pour laminopathies. Ces cellules pourront plus tard être utilisées afin de tester des médicaments permettant de trouver des traitements pour les personnes atteintes de la DMED-AD.Laminopathies are rare genetic disorders caused by mutations in Lmna which encodes nuclear lamins A/C. Among hundreds of mutations identified so far, Lmna+/H222P leads to an Autosomal Dominant Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy (AD-EDMD). AD-EDMD patients suffer of both muscle dystrophy and cardiomyopathy. Herein, we investigated the effects of Lmna+/H222P in cardiac development and function using wild type and mutated mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPS). Lmna+/H222P impairs cardiogenesis of both mESC and hiPSC. Expression of mesodermal and cardiac genes (i.e., brachyury, MesP1, Nkx2.5, Mef2c, Isl1 ) in mESC derived embryoid bodies (mEBs) and in BMP2-induced cardiac progenitors from hIPCs was deficient in mutated cells. Nevertheless, the formation of mesendoderm was not affected in cells carrying Lmna+/H222P mutation. Cell contractility was impaired in mutated mEBs which correlated with a poor sarcomeric network visualised by cell immunostaining. Thus, my thesis revealed that human and murine pluripotent stem cells can serve as cellular model for laminopahties. These cells could be used for drug screening in order to test pharmacological approach to relieve symptomns of AD-EDMD.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Spontaneous Cardiomyocyte Differentiation From Adipose Tissue Stroma Cells

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    Cardiomyocyte regeneration is limited in adult life. Thus, the identification of a putative source of cardiomyocyte progenitors is of great interest to provide a usable model in vitro and new perspective in regenerative therapy. As adipose tissues were recently demonstrated to contain pluripotent stem cells, the emergence of cardiomyocyte phenotype from adipose-derived cells was investigated. We demonstrated that rare beating cells with cardiomyocyte features could be identified after culture of adipose stroma cells without addition of 5-azacytidine. The cardiomyocyte phenotype was first identified by morphological observation, confirmed with expression of specific cardiac markers, immunocytochemistry staining, and ultrastructural analysis, revealing the presence of ventricle- and atrial-like cells. Electrophysiological studies performed on early culture revealed a pacemaker activity of the cells. Finally, functional studies showed that adrenergic agonist stimulated the beating rate whereas cholinergic agonist decreased it. Taken together, this study demonstrated that functional cardiomyocyte- like cells could be directly obtained from adipose tissue. According to the large amount of this tissue in adult mammal, it could represent a useful source of cardiomyocyte progenitors.Garcia Verdugo, Jose Manuel, [email protected]

    The Biological and Ethical Basis of the Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells for In Vitro Test Systems or Cell Therapy

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are now routinely cultured in many laboratories, and differentiation protocols are available to generate a large variety of cell types. In an ongoing ethical debate opinions of different groups are based on varying sets of religious, historical, cultural and scientific arguments as well as on widely differing levels of general information. We here give an overview of the biological background for non-specialists, and address all issues of the current stem cell debate that are of concern in different cultures and states. Thirty-five chapters address embryo definition, potential killing and the beginning of human life, in addition to matters of human dignity, patenting, commercialisation, and potential alternatives for the future, such as induced pluripotent (reprogrammed) stem cells. All arguments are compiled in a synopsis, and compromise solutions, e.g. for the definition of the beginning of personhood and for assigning dignity to embryos, are suggested. Until recently, the major application of hESC was thought to be transplantation of cells derived from hESC for therapeutic use. We discuss here that the most likely immediate uses will rather be in vitro test systems and disease models. Major and minor pharmaceutical companies have entered this field, and the European Union is sponsoring academic research into hESC-based innovative test systems. This development is supported by new testing strategies in Europe and the USA focussing on human cell-based in vitro systems for safety evaluations, and shifting the focus of toxicology away from classical animal experiments towards a more mechanistic understanding.JRC.I.3-In-vitro method

    Chemical compound 31002 stimulates cardiomyogenic differentiation of embryonic stem cells

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    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are an emerging source for cell-based therapies aimed at repairing damaged organ tissues; however, the efficiency of directed differentiation is low and refinement of differentiation protocols is hampered by incomplete understanding of the mechanisms involved in this process. To find new compounds which can improve the efficiency of directed differentiation of ESCs to cardiomyocytes, we screened several thousand chemical compounds and identified a promising group. All of the compounds found have a common structure of 1H-pyrrole,2,2'-(phenylmethylene)bis. Here we report the potential mechanism of action for 31002 which showed the strongest activity among the compounds selected. In the presence of 31002, 15 times more cardiomyocytes differentiated from ESCs, i.e., 3.5% to 52% of total differentiated cells. Moreover, the cardiomyocytes showed functional characteristics including rhythmic beating and marker gene expression. 31002 inhibited the down-regulation of genes related to the three germ layers in the late stage of ESCs differentiation, implying that 31002 supports a continuous fate commitment of undifferentiated ESCs to the cardiac lineage by prolonging the three germ layer stages. Therefore, compounds in this group, including 31002, might be useful as directed cardiomyogenic differentiation-inducers to produce cells for use in cell therapy aimed at restoring damaged heart tissue

    Cardiopoietic programming of embryonic stem cells for tumor-free heart repair

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    Embryonic stem cells have the distinct potential for tissue regeneration, including cardiac repair. Their propensity for multilineage differentiation carries, however, the liability of neoplastic growth, impeding therapeutic application. Here, the tumorigenic threat associated with embryonic stem cell transplantation was suppressed by cardiac-restricted transgenic expression of the reprogramming cytokine TNF-α, enhancing the cardiogenic competence of recipient heart. The in vivo aptitude of TNF-α to promote cardiac differentiation was recapitulated in embryoid bodies in vitro. The procardiogenic action required an intact endoderm and was mediated by secreted cardio-inductive signals. Resolved TNF-α–induced endoderm-derived factors, combined in a cocktail, secured guided differentiation of embryonic stem cells in monolayers produce cardiac progenitors termed cardiopoietic cells. Characterized by a down-regulation of oncogenic markers, up-regulation, and nuclear translocation of cardiac transcription factors, this predetermined population yielded functional cardiomyocyte progeny. Recruited cardiopoietic cells delivered in infarcted hearts generated cardiomyocytes that proliferated into scar tissue, integrating with host myocardium for tumor-free repair. Thus, cardiopoietic programming establishes a strategy to hone stem cell pluripotency, offering a tumor-resistant approach for regeneration

    Structural plasticity of the cardiac nuclear pore complex in response to regulators of nuclear import

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    Abstract-Communication between the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of cardiac cells occurs by molecular transport through nuclear pores. In lower eukaryotes, nuclear transport requires the maintenance of cellular energetics and ion homeostasis. Although heart muscle is particularly sensitive to metabolic stress, the regulation of nuclear transport through nuclear pores in cardiomyocytes has not yet been characterized. With the use of laser confocal and atomic force microscopy, we observed nuclear transport in cardiomyocytes and the structure of individual nuclear pores under different cellular conditions. In response to the depletion of Ca 2Ï© stores or ATP/GTP pools, the cardiac nuclear pore complex adopted 2 distinct conformations that led to different patterns of nuclear import regulation. Depletion of Ca 2Ï© indiscriminately prevented the nuclear import of macromolecules through closure of the nuclear pore opening. Depletion of ATP/GTP only blocked facilitated transport through a simultaneous closure of the pore and relaxation of the entire complex, which allowed other molecules to pass into the nucleus through peripheral routes. The current study of the structural plasticity of the cardiac nuclear pore complex, which was observed in response to changes in cellular conditions, identifies a gating mechanism for molecular translocation across the nuclear envelope of cardiac cells. The cardiac nuclear pore complex serves as a conduit that differentially regulates nuclear transport of macromolecules and provides a mechanism for the control of nucleocytoplasmic communication in cardiac cells, in particular under stress conditions associated with disturbances in cellular bioenergetics and Ca 2Ï© homeostasis. (Circ Res. 1999;84:1292-1301.

    Continental weathering as a driver of Late Cretaceous cooling : new insights from clay mineralogy of Campanian sediments from the southern Tethyan margin to the Boreal realm

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    21 pagesInternational audienceNew clay mineralogical analyses have been performed on Campanian sediments from the Tethyan and Boreal realms along a palaeolatitudinal transect from 45° to 20°N (Danish Basin, North Sea, Paris Basin, Mons Basin, Aquitaine Basin, Umbria-Marche Basin and Tunisian Atlas). Significant terrigenous inputs are evidenced by increasing proportions of detrital clay minerals such as illite, kaolinite and chlorite at various levels in the mid- to upper Campanian, while smectitic minerals predominate and represented the background of the Late Cretaceous clay sedimentation. Our new results highlight a distinct latitudinal distribution of clay minerals, with the occurrence of kaolinite in southern sections and an almost total absence of this mineral in northern areas. This latitudinal trend points to an at least partial climatic control on clay mineral sedimentation, with a humid zone developed between 20° and 35°N. The association and co-evolution of illite, chlorite and kaolinite in most sections suggest a reworking of these minerals from basement rocks weathered by hydrolysis, which we link to the formation of relief around the Tethys due to compression associated with incipient Tethyan closure. Diachronism in the occurrence of detrital minerals between sections, with detrital input starting earlier during the Santonian in the south than in the north, highlights the northward progression of the deformation related to the anticlockwise rotation of Africa. Increasing continental weathering and erosion, evidenced by our clay mineralogical data through the Campanian, may have resulted in enhanced CO2 consumption by silicate weathering, thereby contributing to Late Cretaceous climatic cooling

    MicroRNA Profiling during Cardiomyocyte-Specific Differentiation of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells Based on Two Different miRNA Array Platforms

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) plays a critical role in a wide variety of biological processes. Profiling miRNA expression during differentiation of embryonic stem cells will help to understand the regulation pathway of differentiation, which in turn may elucidate disease mechanisms. The identified miRNAs could then serve as a new group of possible therapeutic targets. In the present paper, miRNA expression profiles were determined during cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation and maturation of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells. For this purpose a homogeneous cardiomyocyte population was generated from a transgenic murine ES cell line. Two high throughput array platforms (Affymetrix and Febit) were used for miRNA profiling in order to compare the effect of the platforms on miRNA profiling as well as to increase the validity of target miRNA identification. Four time points (i.e. day 0, day 12, day 19 and day 26) were chosen for the miRNA profiling study, which corresponded to different stages during cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation and maturation. Fifty platform and pre-processing method-independent miRNAs were identified as being regulated during the differentiation and maturation processes. The identification of these miRNAs is an important step for characterizing and understanding the events involved in cardiomyocyte-specific differentiation of ES cells and may also highlight candidate target molecules for therapeutic purposes

    Evidence for intense REE scavenging at cold seeps from the Niger Delta margin

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    International audienceFor many trace elements, continental margins are the location of intense exchange processes between sediment and seawater, which control their distribution in the water column, but have yet to be fully understood. In this study, we have investigated the impact of fluid seepage at cold seeps on the marine cycle of neodymium. We determined dissolved and total dissolvable (TD) concentrations for REE and well-established tracers of fluid seepage (CH4, TDFe, TDMn), and Nd isotopic compositions in seawater samples collected above cold seeps and a reference site (i.e. away from any fluid venting area) from the Niger Delta margin. We also analyzed cold seep authigenic phases and various core-top sediment fractions (pore water, detrital component, easily leachable phases, uncleaned foraminifera) recovered near the hydrocast stations. Methane, TDFe and TDMn concentrations clearly indicate active fluid venting at the studied seeps, with plumes rising up to about 100 m above the seafloor. Depth profiles show pronounced REE enrichments in the non-filtered samples (TD concentrations) within plumes, whereas filtered samples (dissolved concentrations) exhibit slight REE depletion in plumes relative to the overlying water column and display typical seawater REE patterns. These results suggest that the net flux of REE emitted into seawater at cold seeps is controlled by the presence of particulate phases, most probably Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides associated to resuspended sediments. At the reference site, however, our data reveal significant enrichment for dissolved REE in bottom waters, that clearly relates to diffusive benthic fluxes from surface sediments. Neodymium isotopic ratios measured in the water column range from εNd ~−15.7 to − 10.4. Evidence that the εNd values for Antarctic Intermediate waters (AAIW) differed from those reported for the same water mass at open ocean settings shows that sediment/water interactions take place in the Gulf of Guinea. At each site, however, the bottom water εNd signature generally differs from that for cold seep minerals, easily leachable sediment phases, and detrital fractions from local sediments, ruling out the possibility that seepage of methane-rich fluids and sediment dissolution act as a substantial source of dissolved Nd to seawater in the Gulf of Guinea. Taken together, our data hence suggest that co-precipitation of Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide phases in sub-surface sediments leads to quantitative scavenging of dissolved REE at cold seeps, preventing their emission into bottom waters. Most probably, it is likely that diffusion from suboxic surface sediments dominates the exchange processes affecting the marine Nd cycle at the Niger Delta margin
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