353 research outputs found
Cost-effectiveness of job placement activities among selected community colleges
Includes vita.Objectives of the Study: The major purposes of this study were: (1) to find the costs and average per student costs for the agricultural business job placement program, (2) to find the benefits for students utilizing the placement services, (3) to determine if the total benefits exceed the social costs of the program, and (4) to determine the cost-benefit relationships for the job placement program using three investment criteria. Methods and Data Source: The population for the study consisted of five Missouri community colleges and one area vocational-technical school. The institutions award Associate of Science degrees, Associate of Arts degrees, and Certificates of Specialization in Agricultural Business. All individuals included in this study completed a post-secondary agricultural program. Every individual had an opportunity to use the services provided by the statewide job placement program. Cost data were obtained through the coordinating institution, the participating schools, and from individuals completing the post-secondary agricultural business programs during the period of time for this study, 1971 to 1973. Two cost estimates were computed for use in investment analysis: (1) costs and average per student costs for the job placement program (costs for coordination and operation), and (2) costs and average per student costs for job placement activities (sum of costs for job placement program and student costs in job search). Benefit data were obtained from a population of 197 individuals completing post-secondary agricultural programs during 1971-1973. There were 102 usable responses obtained from a mail-out survey. The criterion used to quantify benefits in this study was yearly earnings. Earnings data were obtained for the first, second, and most recent full-time job after college. Multiple regression techniques were used to identify the factors, other than and including the use of the job placement program, that influenced fluctuations in earnings. Results and Conclusions: Investment analysis was computed using 798, average costs per student user for job placement activities. The following regression coefficients were estimated when annual earnings were regressed on selected independent variables for individuals fully and partially using the job placement services: Model I Model II Beginning Earnings Present Earnings Full Use b = 1,334 Partial Use b = 270 The above regression coefficients were interpreted as monetary benefits. Three investment criteria were used to determine the cost-benefit relationships for job placement. The major conclusions were: 1. The allocation of vocational-technical funds for job placement actitivies is an economically worthwhile investment for agribusiness graduates and for society. The highest level of benefits were received by full users of the job placement service. 2. The total benefit exceeded the social costs of the program. The internal rate of return for full users of job placement activities was 182.03 percent for all respondents and 197.06 percent for 1971-72 respondents. Therefore, the job placement program has been a highly desirable investment for colleges, for individuals, and for society. 3. Benefits from using the job placement program decreased with respect to time. 4. It is economically desirable to train individuals to enter employment as managers, mid-managers, and/or technicians. Recommendations Vocational administrators in decision-making positions should consider shifting vocational-technical education funds from the mainstream of educational programs to job placement services in all areas of vocational-technical education. Educators should take the initiative in assisting students to make the transition from school to the world of work. An attempt should be made to provide interviewing assistance for all students enrolled in the agribusiness programs. The higher level of benefits received by full users of the placement program suggests that the economic efficiency of the placement program could be increased by assisting all students in interviewing. The economic efficiency of the job placement program may be further increased by increasing the volume of students served.Includes bibliographical references
Cost Management Competencies: the Importance and Frequency as Seen by the Financial Analyst
This research studied the application of cost management competencies in the financial management career field. The purpose was to determine how frequently these competencies are used by the financial analysts and how important they are in the analysts\u27 work environment. To accomplish this research a mail survey was sent to 978 financial analysts across Air Force Materiel Command. Out of the 978 survey instruments sent 535 were returned with useful data, for a response rate of 54.7%. From these surveys, 24 of the 49 competencies were identified as being valuable to financial analysts. The 24 competencies provide a framework for future education of the financial analysts. Additionally, 19 of the 24 competencies require education to the comprehension level of learning. Only five of the 24 most valuable competencies required achievement of an application level of learning. This result may provide insight for course directors faced with the challenge of appropriately structuring cost analysis courses
A Critical review of culturally responsive literacy instruction
Eliminating the racial and ethnic achievement gap in reading and writing is a national priority. Providing literacy instruction that is both culturally responsive and evidence-based requires an understanding of culture, effective instructional practices, and how the two intersect. Although many suggestions for implementing culturally responsive reading instruction are intuitively appealing, more research evidence is needed to determine if these practices increase student engagement, motivation, and academic achievement of students who are culturally and linguistically diverse
Reflections on culturally responsive teaching: Embedding theory into practices of instructional and behavioral support
This paper offers reflections on the embedding of culturally responsive teaching practices into Response-to-Intervention (RtI) and School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) models. These types of systemic change models are increasingly being adopted by schools to address academic achievement and to foster a positive school climate. Moreover, they hold promise for addressing the disproportionality that many students who are culturally and linguistically diverse students experience in our schools. Following a review of the existing literature on systemic change, three guiding principles are offered that demonstrate how culturally responsive teaching can be embedded into models of instructional and behavioral support
An analysis of the U.S. Navy goal-based recruiting system
ManagementRecruiting practices within the Department of Defense have received criticism during recent audits because of increased costs and inefficiencies. The General Accounting Office (GAO) reported many of the existing problems within the recruiting commands are caused by the goal-based recruiting systems used by the services. This thesis discusses management theories on goal-based systems and analyzes U.S. Navy recruiting data in order to identify possible explanations why individual recruiter productivity has declined since 1990 and why less than 20% of Navy recruiting districts are achieving their assigned mission requirements. The author presents an alternative system, which is an incentive-based system, known as Production Recruiting Incentive Model (PRIME). PRIME is a mechanism designed to maximize market potential, provide an equitable reward program, and obtain important market information in order to allow for better resource allocation decisions. PRIME is currently being prototyped by the U.S. Army recruiting command. The author recommends the Navy Recruiting Command adopt and experiment with PRIME as it is designed to allow various incentive tools to be incorporated within its framework.http://archive.org/details/annalysisofusnav1094532114NAU.S. Navy (U.S.N.) author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
L’adaptation scolaire et la réorganisation des compétences sociocognitives chez les enfants entre trois et quatre ans : stabilité et changement de styles pédagogiques
La recherche a portĂ© sur 85 enfants de l’école maternelle. Un groupe (n = 41) a Ă©tĂ© soumis successivement Ă deux styles pĂ©dagogiques : « pĂ©dagogie diffĂ©renciĂ©e » en petite section et « pĂ©dagogie traditionnelle » en moyenne section. Un autre groupe (n = 44) a Ă©tĂ© soumis, dans les deux classes, au mĂŞme style pĂ©dagogique : « pĂ©dagogie traditionnelle ». Chaque enfant a fait l’objet d’une triple Ă©valuation : De ses compĂ©tences cognitives (K.ABC). Du niveau de ses comportements adaptatifs (Vineland ABS). De ses compĂ©tences ludiques (jeux dans la cour de rĂ©crĂ©ation). Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vèlent deux modalitĂ©s d’ajustement scolaire. Les enfants doivent s’adapter Ă la nouveautĂ© de l’institution (entrĂ©e Ă l’école maternelle) et parfois aux modifications du style pĂ©dagogique lors du passage en moyenne section. La structure factorielle des compĂ©tences distingue alors un facteur cognitivo-pratique (K.ABC et Vineland ABS) et un facteur d’intelligence sociale (Jeux). Les enfants doivent rĂ©pondre parfois aux exigences accrues de l’enseignante dans un contexte devenu familier. La structure factorielle des compĂ©tences distingue alors un facteur social (Jeux et Vineland ABS) et un facteur purement cognitif (K.ABC).The study was conducted on 85 children attending the nursery school. One group (n = 41) was successively submitted to two educational styles “differentiated pedagogy” in the younger section of nursery school and “traditional pedagogy” in the middle section. Another group (n = 44) was submitted, in both sections, to the same educational style: “traditional pedagogy”. Each child has undergone three evaluations: 1) of its cognitive abilities (K.ABC). 2) of the level of its adaptive behaviours (Vineland ABS). 3) of its playful abilities (play activities in the playground). The results show two forms of scholastic adjustment. 1) the children have to adapt to the novelty of the institution (first admission to the nursery school) and sometimes to the changes of the educational style when moving on to the middle section. The factorial structure of the abilities then set apart a cognitive-practical factor (K.ABC and Vineland ABS) and a social intelligence factor (play activities). 2) The children have sometimes to respond to the increasing demands of the teacher in a now familiar context. The factorial structure of the abilities then set apart a social factor (play activities and Vineland ABS) and a strictly cognitive factor (K.ABC).La investigaciĂłn se apoya en 85 niños de la escuela de párvulos. Un grupo (n = 41) ha sido sometido sucesivamente a dos estilos pedagĂłgicos: “pedagogĂa diferenciada” en el ciclo 1° y “pedagogĂa tradicional” en el ciclo 2°. Otro grupo (n = 44) ha sido sometido, en las dos clases, al mismo estilo pedagĂłgico: “pedagogĂa tradicional”. Cada niño ha sido objeto de una triple evaluaciĂłn de sus competencias cognoscitivas (K.ABC). A nivel de sus comprtamientos adaptativos (Vineland ABS). De sus competencias lĂşdicas (juegos en el patio de recreo). Los resultados revelan dos modalidades de reajuste escolar. Los niños tienen que adaptarse a la novedad de la instituciĂłn (entrada en la escuela de párvulos) y a veces a las modificaciones del estilo pedagĂłgico en el momento de pasar al ciclo 2°. La estructura factorial de las competencias distingue entonces un factor cognoscitivo-práctico (K.ABC y Vineland ABS) y un factor de inteligencia social (Juegos). A veces, los niños tienen que responder a las exigencias acrecentadas de la docente en un contexto que se ha vuelto familiar. La estructura factorial de las competencias distingue entonces un factor social (Juegos y Vineland ABS) y un factor puramente cognoscitivo (K.ABC).Die Forschungsarbeit hat 85 Kinder aus dem Kindergarten (École maternelle) betroffen. Eine erste Gruppe (n = 41) wurde nacheinander zwei verschiedenen pädagogischen Stilen ausgesetzt: „differenzierte Pädagogik“ im ersten (petite section) und „traditionnelle Pädagogik“ im zweiten Schuljahr (moyenne section). Eine weitere Gruppe (n = 44) wurde in beiden Schuljahren dem gleichen pädagogischen Stil, nämlich der „traditionnellen Pädagogik“ ausgesetzt. Jedes Kind wurde dreifach bewertet, was seine kognitive Fähigkeiten (K.ABC), seiner Anpassungsfähigkeit (Vineland ABS) und seine spielerische Fähigkeit angeht (Spiele auf dem Schulhof). Die Ergebnisse zeigen zwei Anpassungsmodalitäten in der Schule. Kinder mĂĽssen sich an einer neuen Institution anpassen (Schulanfang) und manchmal an den Veränderungen im pädagogischen Stil bei der Versetzung in die höhere Klasse. Die faktorielle Struktur der Fähigkeiten unterscheidet dann zwischen einem psycho-praktischen Faktor (K.ABC und Vineland) und einem Faktor der sozialen Intelligenz. Kinder mĂĽssen manchmal den erhöhten Anforderungen des Lehrers in einem vertraut gewordenen Umfeld entgegenkommen. Die faktorielle Struktur der Fâhigkeiten unterscheidet in diesem Fall einen sozialen Faktor (Spiele und Vineland BS) und einen rein kognitiven Faktor (K.ABC)
Savoir que l’autre ne sait pas. Les images de fantaisie chez l’enfant d’âge préscolaire
La recherche porte sur l’aptitude à distinguer le réel et l’imaginaire dans les images chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire (catégorisation des images de la réalité et des images de fantaisie). Une première expérience montre que cette aptitude se développe entre 30 et 72 mois avec une brusque augmentation des performances au cours de la quatrième année (moyenne section de l’école maternelle). Elle montre également que les explications données par les enfants pour justifier leurs réponses se modifient avec l’âge. À partir de quatre ans, ils mobilisent fréquemment des connaissances générales et décontextualisées, et font parfois référence au statut ontologique de l’événement représenté (réel/irréel). Une seconde expérience utilise des images extraites d’un dessin animé. Leur compréhension dépend du contexte narratif et exige des enfants qu’ils attribuent au protagoniste de l’action une ignorance qu’ils ne partagent pas. Les résultats montrent que cette compréhension évolue à la même allure que l’aptitude à distinguer les images de fiction des images de la réalité : les performances des enfants augmentent brusquement durant leur quatrième année. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que le développement de ces aspects de la compétence iconique correspond au développement des compétences cognitives et métacognitives durant la période préscolaire.This study focuses on the ability of preschool children to tell the difference between reality and fantasy in images (categorisation of images from reality and images from fantasy). A first experience shows that this ability develops between 30 and 72 months with a sharp increase in performance during the course of the fourth year (middle class at nursery school). It also shows that the explanations given by the children to justify their answers change with age. From the age of four, they frequently mobilise general and out of context knowledge, and they sometimes refer to the ontological status of the represented event (real/unreal). A second experience uses cartoon images. Their understanding depends on the narrative context and demands that the children allocate to the protagonist of the action an ignorance that they do not share. The results show that this understanding evolves at the same pace as the ability to differentiate the fictional images from images from reality. The children′s performance increases abruptly during their fourth year. All these results suggest that the development of these iconic competence aspects correspond to the development of cognitive and metacognitive abilities during the preschool period
Superconductors as giant atoms predicted by the theory of hole superconductivity
The theory of hole superconductivity proposes that superconductivity
originates in the fundamental electron-hole asymmetry of condensed matter and
that it is an 'undressing' transition. Here we propose that a natural
consequence of this theory is that superconductors behave as giant atoms. The
model predicts that the charge distribution in superconductors is
inhomogeneous, with higher concentration of negative charge near the surface.
Some of this negative charge will spill out, giving rise to a negative electron
layer right outside the surface of the superconductor, which should be
experimentally detectable. Also superconductors should have a tendency to
easily lose negative charge and become positively charged. Macroscopic spin
currents are predicted to exist in superconducting bodies, giving rise to
electric fields near the surface of multiply connected superconductors that
should be experimentally detectable.Comment: To be published in Phys.Lett.
Prioritising Healthy Placemaking after Covid-19 Workshop Outcomes & Practitioner Insights
This on-line event is organised in association with the South West Local Health District, Western Sydney Health Alliance, and Healthy Urban Environments Collaboratory. What have we have learnt from living through COVID19 and how do we build back better? How do we deliver placemaking that incorporates the explicit recognition of the need for social, environmental and economic sustainability and puts healthy placemaking at the top of everyone’s priorities
Electromotive forces and the Meissner effect puzzle
In a voltaic cell, positive (negative) ions flow from the low (high)
potential electrode to the high (low) potential electrode, driven by an
`electromotive force' which points in opposite direction and overcomes the
electric force. Similarly in a superconductor charge flows in direction
opposite to that dictated by the Faraday electric field as the magnetic field
is expelled in the Meissner effect. The puzzle is the same in both cases: what
drives electric charges against electromagnetic forces? I propose that the
answer is also the same in both cases: kinetic energy lowering, or `quantum
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