30 research outputs found

    China’s Interests and Challenges in South Asia

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    In the arena of international politics, South Asian region has been magnetizing greater interests and China is its close neighbor. There is no significant change in China‘s strategic interests since the end of Cold War but her economic capacities and requirements, from natural resources to transit routes have changed the level of influence and interest of her ties with South Asian region. China is continuously expanding economic activities and investing in trade and development in the region. The drive to reinforce economic development through building up transport and infrastructure connections with her neighboring states as Gwadar-Xinjiang route and KunmingChittagong route will have an increasing impact on regional stability and the states across the region. The ongoing and forthcoming projects of China, to use them in future, will surely have an impact on the economies in the region. China‘s South Asia policy is refracted through China‘s ‗all-weather friend‘ in the region; Pakistan. The presence of Uighur extremists in China‘s Xinjiang province and absence of a comprehensive counter-terrorism policy provide other areas of attention to the Chinese government with ramifications for stability in the region. China‘s interests in South Asia include attainment of a matching role against India, containing the terrorist threats and expansion of her economic base in South Asia. China‘s strategic interests can be maintained through her complete approach to move towards the path of progress and managing better ties with South Asian neighbor

    Analyzing the Dynamics of Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations: Past and Present

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    Pakistan and Afghanistan, despite the convergence of prolong socio-cultural and religious heritage and geographical contiguity, the episodic distrust between the two countries has been highlighted in the historic narratives by various experts. The divergent perceptions developed by the political dynasties in Afghanistan accompanied with the disgust towards subcontinent due to the policies of colonial masters still haunt the literature dealing with the foreign policies of both countries. Involvement of super powers and regional powers in Afghanistan further complicates the situation for both countries. The ongoing reconstruction process in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s will to uproot religious militant networks provides a prolific hope not only for the regional actors but for the world at large. The chronology of the bilateral relations has been deeply dealt with in this paper aimed at providing the course of relation from colonial to post 9/11 contemporary scenario in the South Asian region replete with various opportunities for enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countrie

    Reassessing the Narratives of Rancor in South Asia

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    South Asian region has immense strategic importance for global peace and development as it is home to approximately 2 billion people. The region includes countries like Pakistan and India who have become nuclear powers and are emerging economies with massive potentials still untapped and various sectors of economic development not performing up to the mark. The dispute between Pakistan and India remains a major hindrance in fulfilling the dream of peace in South Asia. There is a no question that the only solution lies in diplomacy. Many steps have been taken in this regard, but each attempt ends with a bitter experience. The reasons for failure of diplomatic and peaceful means of settling disputes are many and may extend beyond the domestic and bilateral scenario of both India and Pakistan but one of the major causes of the failure of such efforts is the sentimentalism blended with religious fanaticism that results in strengthening hawkish elements on both sides of the border who act as highly effective pressure groups that thwart such attempts very successfully. This research aims to answer the crucial question as to how the dream of peace and prosperity can be achieved between the two strong rival states. The research will focus on bilateral dialogues, people-to-people contacts with minimal security hindrances, exchange of intellectuals, and exchange of ideas, knowledge, and cultural values. The research also attempts to bring ―right wing‖ nationalist political factions on both sides of the border closer by arranging group discussions and exchange of views and ideas which would be instrumental in bridging the communication gap between these contesting and competing factions.&nbsp

    Afghanistan Imbroglio: The Unintended Consequences of Foreign Interventions

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    The war-torn Afghanistan has long suffered from the dynastical contests and fraught economic strategies of foreigners, which instigated constant internal strife and regional instability. The foreign interventions have made this land a sphere of influence and initiated the great game politics sporadically. This paper attempts to examine the historical geostrategic tussles in Afghanistan between international players on the one hand and regional actors on the other hand over control and manipulation of Afghanistan and its surrounding regions through the lens of conceptual framework of unintended consequences approach, which deals with irrational aspect of foreign policy of the states. This study makes interesting contribution to the existing literature of the [old] Great Game of the late 19th century between Czarist Russia and Great Britain or New Great Game by re-conceptualizing this idea into a new concept of the Grand Great Game or the 3G in place of explaining the unintended consequences of the historical events i.e. the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan of 1979, the post-Cold War era when the regional players Pakistan and India got involved in Afghanistan; and the US invasion of Afghanistan of 9/11 incident. The findings of the paper suggest that the unintended consequences of these historical events are bitter than the reality. The foreign interventions have paralyzed the Afghan society and made it more insecure by promoting clandestine terrorist activities and proxies. The interview technique helps to verify the 3G concept and present its unintended consequences. The critical content analysis of the primary and secondary data is of assistance to understand that the current 3G to be not only multidimensional competition, embodying multiple stakeholders but also incorporating complex self-defined rational as well as irrational foreign policy objectives and national interests

    Role of Judicial System of Pakistan in Social Maladjustment of the Children under Child Custody Litigation

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    The present study is aimed to explore the role of judicial system of Pakistan in social maladjustment among the children under child custody litigation. In addition, the study is also intended to find out the gaps in child custody litigation for addressing the problems in child custody litigation. The presents study used qualitative research design and conducted 25 in-depth interviews lawyers, judges, parents and relatives of the children under child custody litigation. For the purpose of data collection, researchers selected eight guardian courts situated in Lahore. Interview guide was used to collect data from the respondents who were selected using purposive sampling techniques. Respondents were assured that their provided information will not be shared with anyone without their prior permission. For analyzing data, thematic analysis technique was used. The present study found that judicial system in general and child litigation particularly have an active role in enhancing social maladjustment among the children. There are many factors which are responsible for this increase which include both internal and external factors of court. However, court is responsible to make decision therefore; the majority of the respondents were of the views that court delay in decision making, unpleasant court environment and inefficiency of staff and judges is the main cause of social maladjustment in children. It is concluded that the role of judicial system and its impacts are very severe upon psychological health of the children, therefore, court should tackle the cases very seriously and on urgent bases for keeping children in good environment according to their needs.&nbsp

    Pakistan’s war on Terrorism and 9/11

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    Pakistan came into clash with the U.S. in 2011 over its long-standing backing of Islamist activists. The executing of Osama bin laden raised many questions against Pakistan’s intelligence agencies. On the other hand law and order situation became worse. Pakistan’s different clashes, and also Pakistan Taliban savagery, keep on claiming a great many lives. Economically Pakistan was not in a position to provide job opportunities for upcoming population. Both the government and military authorities seem unwilling to roll out basic financial improvements to pull in essential worldwide developmental aid

    Liquidation of American Forces from Afghanistan: Its Impacts on the Region

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    Soviet Union considered military invention in Afghanistan necessary for her territorial security as well as for the success of her global policies. They wanted to expand their political influence elsewhere in Central Asia. Moreover, USSR did not expect any serious resistance from Afghanistan. However, when Afghan Mujahideen showed such a severe resistance with the help of Pakistan and achieved many successes the USA also paid a serious attention to Afghanistan and provided every type of help to Mujahedeen. USA felt that their ancient ambition to become a sole superpower was going to be realized. However, when USSR retreated and America’s desire was fulfilled she entirely lost her interest in Afghanistan. This resulted in perdition in Afghanistan. The Mujahedeen and freedom fighters were turned into terrorists’ militant groups and there started a civil war among them. Then Taliban emerged at the political scenario and soon they were successful to achieve the rule of Afghanistan. However, they tried to enforce their own version of orthodox Islam that created much anxiety in the world. At the same time the incidents of 9/11 occurred and Osama bin Laden and his organization Al-Qaeda was held responsible for the incidents of 9/11. Osama took refuge in Afghanistan and America decided to punish and destroy him and Al-Qaeda. She attacked Afghanistan, again, without guessing the nature of Afghan nation and their retaliation. Therefore, now America has also decided to retreat and liquidate Afghanistan. Whether America will again commit the same mistake of leaving Afghanistan unattended and what will be its impact on the region? This paper tries to probe these apprehension

    Oil and Gas Potentials of Central Asian Republics and Relations with Pakistan

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    Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to explore the Oil and Gas potential of Central Asian Republics and to look to new opportunities for Pakistan if relations with CARs are more developed. Design/Methodology / Approach- Descriptive and analytical method is used based on secondary data from reports by EIA (U.S Energy Information Administration), B.P Statistical review of world energy June 2013, Academic papers, books and Newspaper articles etc. A mathematical equation and graphic usage is carried out to illustrate the energy resources of CARs and options are considered for Pakistan to develop better ties with Central Asian Republics. Findings-The paper provides the pen picture of energy richness of Central Asia’s its future growth and prosperity which is directly linked with the development of inter-state and intra-state infrastructure like road and rail. This paper also focus on the challenges at international and regional level and role of global powers those are creating hurdles for CARs to develop economic ties with Pakistan and other regional countries. The presence of US and NATO forces in the region and unrest in Afghanistan has also implications for trade. Research Limitations-This article is related to an energy potential map of CARs with special emphasized on oil and natural Gas resources. The factors those are affecting the Pakistan relations with CARs are also discussed but analysis of U.S interests in Central Asia, great game and control over Eurasia, regional conflicts and political instability are not extensively discussed. Originality/Value-This is the original work. The analysis provided in the paper is based on facts and information based on EIA and other secondary sources.&nbsp

    Extremism in Contemporary Pakistan: Threats, Causes and Future Policy

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    The origin and foundations of religious extremism in Pakistan are a byzantine mix of national, regional and international influences resulting in a complex scenario. The extremists have been multiplied as a result of improved organization, and comparative inaction of government to counter them. Muslim extremism at the global level has a variety of root causes. The Afghan war of the 1980s supported and assisted by the West as a proxy war against the Soviet Union, saw the appearance and promotion of pan-Islamic militancy. Islam as a religion was used to tie together masses, worldwide Muslim support. Since Pakistan‟s establishment as a distinct state in 1947, Pakistan has struggled with the connotation of its identity. General Zia, who tumbled the government of Z. A. Bhutto in 1977, used Islam to validate his rule. Extended military interferences in politics led to an insecure political system. Ethnic differences and nationalist movements further deteriorated it. In such surroundings, parties were estimated as the shields of national identity based on Islamic standards and temperate political forces were considered as an intimidation to Islamic identity of Pakista

    Operation Cast Lead--Zion Fascism at Its Best

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    Jews consider themselves to be the original inhabitants of Palestine. It has always been the official policy of Israel to occupy and populate the Palestinian territories. The victories in successive Arab-Israeli wars emboldened Israel to pursue its policy more vigorously. The Palestinians of occupied territories specially those living in West Bank and Gaza have to face the onslaught of Israeli atrocities. After breaking the truce entered into with Hamas, Israel attacked Gaza in December 2008, justifying the attacks as its right of self-defense. The Gazan operation named Operation Lead was not condemned by EU, US or European countries. To prepare the Israeli army for the Gaza offensive the troops were even religiously and politically brainwashed to successfully combat the Palestinians. The elections held after the Gaza offensive and extremist candidates returned to the Israeli parliament. Such extremist stance taken by Israeli public will go a long way in making the already biased Israeli society a more racist and fascist Israeli polity. In the absence of any criticism or condemnation of Israeli actions it pursues the murder and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians with impunity. Accumulation of latest weaponry and warring techniques have transformed Israel into a regional Sparta and religious extremism and fascism have come to assume an important place in today’s Israel. This article has been prepared with the help of newspapers and answers certain questions as why is Palestine most coveted by Jews. Why is Israeli aggression increasing day by day. And what was the justification for ‘Operation Cast Lead&rsquo