1,890 research outputs found

    Chapter 13: Administrative Law

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    Magnetic buoyancy instabilities in the presence of magnetic flux pumping at the base of the solar convection zone

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    We perform idealized numerical simulations of magnetic buoyancy instabilities in three dimensions, solving the equations of compressible magnetohydrodynamics in a model of the solar tachocline. In particular, we study the effects of including a highly simplified model of magnetic flux pumping in an upper layer (‘the convection zone’) on magnetic buoyancy instabilities in a lower layer (‘the upper parts of the radiative interior – including the tachocline’), to study these competing flux transport mechanisms at the base of the convection zone. The results of the inclusion of this effect in numerical simulations of the buoyancy instability of both a preconceived magnetic slab and a shear-generated magnetic layer are presented. In the former, we find that if we are in the regime that the downward pumping velocity is comparable with the Alfvén speed of the magnetic layer, magnetic flux pumping is able to hold back the bulk of the magnetic field, with only small pockets of strong field able to rise into the upper layer. In simulations in which the magnetic layer is generated by shear, we find that the shear velocity is not necessarily required to exceed that of the pumping (therefore the kinetic energy of the shear is not required to exceed that of the overlying convection) for strong localized pockets of magnetic field to be produced which can rise into the upper layer. This is because magnetic flux pumping acts to store the field below the interface, allowing it to be amplified both by the shear and by vortical fluid motions, until pockets of field can achieve sufficient strength to rise into the upper layer. In addition, we find that the interface between the two layers is a natural location for the production of strong vertical gradients in the magnetic field. If these gradients are sufficiently strong to allow the development of magnetic buoyancy instabilities, strong shear is not necessarily required to drive them (cf. previous work by Vasil & Brummell). We find that the addition of magnetic flux pumping appears to be able to assist shear-driven magnetic buoyancy in producing strong flux concentrations that can rise up into the convection zone from the radiative interior

    Oscillations and secondary bifurcations in nonlinear magnetoconvection

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    Complicated bifurcation structures that appear in nonlinear systems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) can be explained by studying appropriate low-order amplitude equations. We demonstrate the power of this approach by considering compressible magnetoconvection. Numerical experiments reveal a transition from a regime with a subcritical Hopf bifurcation from the static solution, to one where finite-amplitude oscillations persist although there is no Hopf bifurcation from the static solution. This transition is associated with a codimension-two bifurcation with a pair of zero eigenvalues. We show that the bifurcation pattern found for the PDEs is indeed predicted by the second-order normal form equation (with cubic nonlinearities) for a Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation with Z2 symmetry. We then extend this equation by adding quintic nonlinearities and analyse the resulting system. Its predictions provide a qualitatively accurate description of solutions of the full PDEs over a wider range of parameter values. Replacing the reflecting (Z2) lateral boundary conditions with periodic [O(2)] boundaries allows stable travelling wave and modulated wave solutions to appear; they could be described by a third-order system

    Convective intensification of magnetic fields in the quiet Sun

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    Kilogauss-strength magnetic fields are often observed in intergranular lanes at the photosphere in the quiet Sun. Such fields are stronger than the equipartition field B_e, corresponding to a magnetic energy density that matches the kinetic energy density of photospheric convection, and comparable with the field B_p that exerts a magnetic pressure equal to the ambient gas pressure. We present an idealised numerical model of three-dimensional compressible magnetoconvection at the photosphere, for a range of values of the magnetic Reynolds number. In the absence of a magnetic field, the convection is highly supercritical and is characterised by a pattern of vigorous, time-dependent, “granular” motions. When a weak magnetic field is imposed upon the convection, magnetic flux is swept into the convective downflows where it forms localised concentrations. Unless this process is significantly inhibited by magnetic diffusion, the resulting fields are often much greater than B_e, and the high magnetic pressure in these flux elements leads to their being partially evacuated. Some of these flux elements contain ultra-intense magnetic fields that are significantly greater than B_p. Such fields are contained by a combination of the thermal pressure of the gas and the dynamic pressure of the convective motion, and they are constantly evolving. These ultra-intense fields develop owing to nonlinear interactions between magnetic fields and convection; they cannot be explained in terms of “convective collapse” within a thin flux tube that remains in overall pressure equilibrium with its surroundings

    Systematically evolving configuration parameters for computational intelligence methods

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    Paper presented at The First International Conference (PReMI 2005); LNCS 3776: pp. 376-381.The configuration of a computational intelligence (CI) method is responsible for its intelligence (e.g. tolerance, flexibility) as well as its accuracy. In this paper, we investigate how to automatically improve the performance of a CI method by finding alternate configuration parameter values that produce more accurate results. We explore this by using a genetic algorithm (GA) to find suitable configurations for the CI methods in an integrated CI system, given several different input data sets. This paper describes the implementation and validation of our approach in the domain of software testing, but ultimately we believe it can be applied in many situations where a CI method must produce accurate results for a wide variety of problems

    Dynamics of charged fluids and 1/L perturbation expansions

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    Some features of the calculation of fluid dynamo systems in magnetohydrodynamics are studied. In the coupled set of the ordinary linear differential equations for the spherically symmetric α2\alpha^2-dynamos, the problem represented by the presence of the mixed (Robin) boundary conditions is addressed and a new treatment for it is proposed. The perturbation formalism of large-\ell expansions is shown applicable and its main technical steps are outlined.Comment: 16 p

    Analysis of the shearing instability in nonlinear convection and magnetoconvection

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    Numerical experiments on two-dimensional convection with or without a vertical magnetic field reveal a bewildering variety of periodic and aperiodic oscillations. Steady rolls can develop a shearing instability, in which rolls turning over in one direction grow at the expense of rolls turning over in the other, resulting in a net shear across the layer. As the temperature difference across the fluid is increased, two-dimensional pulsating waves occur, in which the direction of shear alternates. We analyse the nonlinear dynamics of this behaviour by first constructing appropriate low-order sets of ordinary differential equations, which show the same behaviour, and then analysing the global bifurcations that lead to these oscillations by constructing one-dimensional return maps. We compare the behaviour of the partial differential equations, the models and the maps in systematic two-parameter studies of both the magnetic and the non-magnetic cases, emphasising how the symmetries of periodic solutions change as a result of global bifurcations. Much of the interesting behaviour is associated with a discontinuous change in the leading direction of a fixed point at a global bifurcation; this change occurs when the magnetic field is introduced

    Identifying facts for TCBR

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    Paper presented at The Sixth International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Chicago, IL.This paper explores a method to algorithmically distinguish case-specific facts from potentially reusable or adaptable elements of cases in a textual case-based reasoning (TCBR) system. In the legal domain, documents often contain casespecific facts mixed with case-neutral details of law, precedent, conclusions the attorneys reach by applying their interpretation of the law to the case facts, and other aspects of argumentation that attorneys could potentially apply to similar situations. The automated distinction of these two categories, namely facts and other elements, has the potential to improve quality of automated textual case acquisition. The goal is ultimately to distinguish case problem from solution. To separate fact from other elements, we use an information gain (IG) algorithm to identify words that serve as efficient markers of one or the other. We demonstrate that this technique can successfully distinguish case-specific fact paragraphs from others, and propose future work to overcome some of the limitations of this pilot project

    Risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries in the military : a qualitative systematic review of the literature from the past two decades and a new prioritizing injury model

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank LTC Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen (Belgium) and Ms. Beatriz Sanz-Bustillo Aguirre (Spain) for their participation and input in the discussion during the HFM-283 meeting in Cologne (Germany) in January 2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: Musculoskeletal injuries (MSkIs) are a leading cause of health care utilization, as well as limited duty and disability in the US military and other armed forces. MSkIs affect members of the military during initial training, operational training, and deployment and have a direct negative impact on overall troop readiness. Currently, a systematic overview of all risk factors for MSkIs in the military is not available. Methods: A systematic literature search was carried out using the PubMed, Ovid/Medline, and Web of Science databases from January 1, 2000 to September 10, 2019. Additionally, a reference list scan was performed (using the “snowball method”). Thereafter, an international, multidisciplinary expert panel scored the level of evidence per risk factor, and a classification of modifiable/non-modifiable was made. Results: In total, 176 original papers and 3 meta-analyses were included in the review. A list of 57 reported potential risk factors was formed. For 21 risk factors, the level of evidence was considered moderate or strong. Based on this literature review and an in-depth analysis, the expert panel developed a model to display the most relevant risk factors identified, introducing the idea of the “order of importance” and including concepts that are modifiable/non-modifiable, as well as extrinsic/intrinsic risk factors. Conclusions: This is the qualitative systematic review of studies on risk factors for MSkIs in the military that has attempted to be all-inclusive. A total of 57 different potential risk factors were identified, and a new, prioritizing injury model was developed. This model may help us to understand risk factors that can be addressed, and in which order they should be prioritized when planning intervention strategies within military groups.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Universal bifurcation property of two- or higher-dimensional dissipative systems in parameter space: Why does 1D symbolic dynamics work so well?

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    The universal bifurcation property of the H\'enon map in parameter space is studied with symbolic dynamics. The universal-LL region is defined to characterize the bifurcation universality. It is found that the universal-LL region for relative small LL is not restricted to very small bb values. These results show that it is also a universal phenomenon that universal sequences with short period can be found in many nonlinear dissipative systems.Comment: 10 pages, figures can be obtained from the author, will appeared in J. Phys.