32 research outputs found

    In Vitro Reactivation of Replication-Competent and Infectious HIV-1 by Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors.

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    UNLABELLED: The existence of long-lived HIV-1-infected resting memory CD4 T cells is thought to be the primary obstacle to HIV-1 eradication. In the search for novel therapeutic approaches that may reverse HIV-1 latency, inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACis) have been tested to reactivate HIV-1 replication with the objective of rendering HIV-1-infected cells susceptible to elimination either by HIV-specific CD8 T cells or through virus-mediated cytopathicity. In the present study, we evaluated the efficiency of HDACis to reactivate HIV-1 replication from resting memory CD4 T cells isolated from aviremic long-term-treated HIV-1-infected subjects. We demonstrate that following prolonged/repeated treatment of resting memory CD4 T cells with HDACis, HIV-1 replication may be induced from primary resting memory CD4 T cells isolated from aviremic long-term-treated HIV-1-infected subjects. More importantly, we demonstrate that HIV-1 reactivated in the cell cultures was not only replication competent but also infectious. Interestingly, givinostat, an HDACi that has not been investigated in clinical trials, was more efficient than vorinostat, panobinostat, and romidepsin in reversing HIV-1 latency in vitro. Taken together, these results support further evaluation of givinostat as a latency-reversing agent (LRA) in aviremic long-term-treated HIV-1-infected subjects. IMPORTANCE: The major barrier to HIV cure is the existence of long-lived latently HIV-1-infected resting memory CD4 T cells. Latently HIV-1-infected CD4 T cells are transcriptionally silent and are therefore not targeted by conventional antiretroviral therapy (ART) or the immune system. In this context, one strategy to target latently infected cells is based on pharmacological molecules that may force the virus to replicate and would therefore render HIV-1-infected cells susceptible to elimination either by HIV-specific CD8 T cells or through virus-mediated cytopathicity. In this context, we developed an experimental strategy that would allow the evaluation of latency-reversing agent (LRA) efficiency in vitro using primary CD4 T cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that HDACis are potent inducers of replication-competent and infectious HIV-1 in resting memory CD4 T cells of long-term ART-treated patients and identify givinostat as the most efficient LRA tested

    Comparative analysis and generation of a robust HIV-1 DNA quantification assay.

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    HIV-1 infection cannot be cured due to the presence of the latent reservoir (LR). Novel cure or treatment strategies, such as "shock and kill" or therapeutic vaccination, aim to reduce or eradicate the LR. Cure strategies utilise robust DNA quantification assays to measure the change in the LR in low copy scenarios. No standard assay exists, which impedes the reliable comparison of results from different therapy and vaccine trials and HIV-1 total DNA quantification methods have not been previously compared. The HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) has been shown to be the best target for DNA quantification. We have analysed two HIV-1 quantification assays, both able to differentiate between the variant HIV-1 DNA forms via the use of pre-amplification and primers targeting LTR. We identify a strong correlation (r=0.9759, P<0.0001) between assays which is conserved in low copy samples (r=0.8220, P<0.0001) indicating that these assays may be used interchangeably. The RvS assay performed significantly (P=0.0021) better than the CV assay when quantifying HIV-1 total DNA in patient CD4+ T lymphocytes. Sequence analysis demonstrated that viral diversity can limit DNA quantification, however in silico analysis of the primers indicated that within the target region nucleotide miss-matches appear infrequently. Further in silico analysis using up to-date sequence information led to the improvement of primers and enabled us to establish a more broadly specific assay with significantly higher HIV-1 DNA quantification capacity in patient samples (p=0.0057, n=17)

    CD32<sup>+</sup> and PD-1<sup>+</sup> Lymph Node CD4 T Cells Support Persistent HIV-1 Transcription in Treated Aviremic Individuals.

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    A recent study conducted in blood has proposed CD32 as the marker identifying the "elusive" HIV reservoir. We have investigated the distribution of CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells in blood and lymph nodes (LNs) of HIV-1-uninfected subjects and viremic untreated and long-term-treated HIV-1-infected individuals and their relationship with PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells. The frequency of CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells was increased in viremic compared to treated individuals in LNs, and a large proportion (up to 50%) of CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; cells coexpressed PD-1 and were enriched within T follicular helper (Tfh) cells. We next investigated the role of LN CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells in the HIV reservoir. Total HIV DNA was enriched in CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; and PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells compared to CD32 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; and PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; cells in both viremic and treated individuals, but there was no difference between CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; and PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; cells. There was no enrichment of latently infected cells with inducible HIV-1 in CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; versus PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; cells in antiretroviral therapy (ART)-treated individuals. HIV-1 transcription was then analyzed in LN memory CD4 T cell populations sorted on the basis of CD32 and PD-1 expression. CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells were significantly enriched in cell-associated HIV RNA compared to CD32 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; (averages of 5.2-fold in treated individuals and 86.6-fold in viremics), CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; (2.2-fold in treated individuals and 4.3-fold in viremics), and CD32 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; (2.2-fold in ART-treated individuals and 4.6-fold in viremics) cell populations. Similar levels of HIV-1 transcription were found in CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; and CD32 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells. Interestingly, the proportion of CD32 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; and PD-1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; CD4 T cells negatively correlated with CD4 T cell counts and length of therapy. Therefore, the expression of CD32 identifies, independently of PD-1, a CD4 T cell population with persistent HIV-1 transcription and coexpression of CD32 and PD-1, the CD4 T cell population with the highest levels of HIV-1 transcription in both viremic and treated individuals.IMPORTANCE The existence of long-lived latently infected resting memory CD4 T cells represents a major obstacle to the eradication of HIV infection. Identifying cell markers defining latently infected cells containing replication-competent virus is important in order to determine the mechanisms of HIV persistence and to develop novel therapeutic strategies to cure HIV infection. We provide evidence that PD-1 and CD32 may have a complementary role in better defining CD4 T cell populations infected with HIV-1. Furthermore, CD4 T cells coexpressing CD32 and PD-1 identify a CD4 T cell population with high levels of persistent HIV-1 transcription

    Active PD-L1 incorporation within HIV virions functionally impairs T follicular helper cells.

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    The limited development of broadly neutralizing antibodies (BnAbs) during HIV infection is classically attributed to an inadequate B-cell help brought by functionally impaired T follicular helper (Tfh) cells. However, the determinants of Tfh-cell functional impairment and the signals contributing to this condition remain elusive. In the present study, we showed that PD-L1 is incorporated within HIV virions through an active mechanism involving p17 HIV matrix protein. We subsequently showed that in vitro produced PD-L1high but not PD-L1low HIV virions, significantly reduced Tfh-cell proliferation and IL-21 production, ultimately leading to a decreased of IgG1 secretion from GC B cells. Interestingly, Tfh-cell functions were fully restored in presence of anti-PD-L1/2 blocking mAbs treatment, demonstrating that the incorporated PD-L1 proteins were functionally active. Taken together, the present study unveils an immunovirological mechanism by which HIV specifically exploits the regulatory potential of PD-L1 to suppress the immune system during the course of HIV infection

    Detection of antisense protein (ASP) RNA transcripts in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).

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    The detection of antisense RNA is hampered by reverse transcription (RT) non-specific priming, due to the ability of RNA secondary structures to prime RT in the absence of specific primers. The detection of antisense RNA by conventional RT-PCR does not allow assessment of the polarity of the initial RNA template, causing the amplification of non-specific cDNAs. In this study we have developed a modified protocol for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antisense protein (ASP) RNA. Using this approach, we have identified ASP transcripts in CD4+ T cells isolated from five HIV-infected individuals, either untreated or under suppressive therapy. We show that ASP RNA can be detected in stimulated CD4+ T cells from both groups of patients, but not in unstimulated cells. We also show that in untreated patients, the patterns of expression of ASP and env are very similar, with the levels of ASP RNA being markedly lower than those of env. Treatment of cells from one viraemic patient with α-amanitin greatly reduces the rate of ASP RNA synthesis, suggesting that it is associated with RNA polymerase II, the central enzyme in the transcription of protein-coding genes. Our data represent the first nucleotide sequences obtained in patients for ASP, demonstrating that its transcription indeed occurs in those HIV-1 lineages in which the ASP open reading frame is present

    Lymph node migratory dendritic cells modulate HIV-1 transcription through PD-1 engagement.

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    T-follicular helper (Tfh) cells, co-expressing PD-1 and TIGIT, serve as a major cell reservoir for HIV-1 and are responsible for active and persistent HIV-1 transcription after prolonged antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, the precise mechanisms regulating HIV-1 transcription in lymph nodes (LNs) remain unclear. In the present study, we investigated the potential role of immune checkpoint (IC)/IC-Ligand (IC-L) interactions on HIV-1 transcription in LN-microenvironment. We show that PD-L1 (PD-1-ligand) and CD155 (TIGIT-ligand) are predominantly co-expressed on LN migratory (CD1chighCCR7+CD127+) dendritic cells (DCs), that locate predominantly in extra-follicular areas in ART treated individuals. We demonstrate that TCR-mediated HIV production is suppressed in vitro in the presence of recombinant PD-L1 or CD155 and, more importantly, when LN migratory DCs are co-cultured with PD-1+/Tfh cells. These results indicate that LN migratory DCs expressing IC-Ls may more efficiently restrict HIV-1 transcription in the extra-follicular areas and explain the persistence of HIV transcription in PD-1+/Tfh cells after prolonged ART within germinal centers

    Inter-Laboratory Reproducibility of Inducible HIV-1 Reservoir Quantification by TILDA

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    Substantial efforts to eliminate or reduce latent HIV-1 reservoirs are underway in clinical trials and have created a critical demand for sensitive, accurate, and reproducible tools to evaluate the efficacy of these strategies. Alternative reservoir quantification assays have been developed to circumvent limitations of the quantitative viral outgrowth assay. One such assay is tat/rev induced limiting dilution assay (TILDA), which measures the frequency of CD4+ T cells harboring inducible latent HIV-1 provirus. We modified pre-amplification reagents and conditions (TILDA v2.0) to improve assay execution and first internally validated assay performance using CD4+ T cells obtained from cART-suppressed HIV-1-infected individuals. Detection of tat/rev multiply spliced RNA was not altered by modifying pre-amplification conditions, confirming the robustness of the assay, and supporting the technique’s amenability to limited modifications to ensure better implementation for routine use in clinical studies of latent HIV-1 reservoirs. Furthermore, we cross-validated results of TILDA v2.0 and the original assay performed in two separate laboratories using samples from 15 HIV-1-infected individuals. TILDA and TILDA v2.0 showed a strong correlation (Lin’s Concordance Correlation Coefficient = 0.86). The low inter-laboratory variability between TILDAs performed at different institutes further supports use of TILDA for reservoir quantitation in multi-center interventional HIV-1 Cure trials

    TILDA: Tat/Rev Induced Limiting Dilution Assay.

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    Recently the Tat/rev Induced Limiting Dilution Assay, or TILDA, has been proposed as a possible alternative method to quantify the HIV-1 reservoir. TILDA estimates the frequency of latently infected cells by probing, in a limiting dilution format, the presence or inducibility of tat and rev multiply spliced HIV-1 RNA. In doing so, TILDA reduces overestimation of reservoir size compared to HIV-1 DNA measurements because multiply spliced HIV-1 RNA is less likely to be transcribed from dysfunctional genomes with replication defects. TILDA is easy to perform, requires a very low input number of cells and has a fast turnaround time, making it ideal for use in clinical settings. Here we describe the execution of TILDA with particular emphasis on cell preparation and the limiting dilution scheme

    Current approaches to assess HIV-1 persistence.

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    The persistence of HIV within long-lived HIV-infected CD4 T cells is the primary obstacle towards HIV eradication and numerous strategies are currently being evaluated to target and kill HIV-infected cells to ultimately find a cure. HIV reservoirs are classically quantified by standard methods such as integrated HIV DNA (Alu PCR) and/or quantitative viral outgrowth assay; however, recent technical advances may offer new opportunities to comprehensively assess the impact of clinical interventions. Digital droplet PCR, tat/rev-induced limiting dilution analysis, enhanced quantitative viral outgrowth assay, and whole genome sequencing technologies offer increased precision and/or higher sensitivity to quantify and characterize HIV reservoirs in antiretroviral therapy-treated HIV-infected patients. The objective of this review is to highlight the characteristics and limits of recent technical advances that may help to monitor the impact of clinical interventions in antiretroviral therapy-treated patients

    Inducible HIV-1 Reservoir Quantification: Clinical Relevance, Applications and Advancements of TILDA.

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    The presence of a stable HIV-1 reservoir persisting over time despite effective antiretroviral suppression therapy precludes a cure for HIV-1. Characterizing and quantifying this residual reservoir is considered an essential prerequisite to develop and validate curative strategies. However, a sensitive, reproducible, cost-effective, and easily executable test is still needed. The quantitative viral outgrowth assay is considered the gold standard approach to quantify the reservoir in HIV-1-infected patients on suppressive ART, but it has several limitations. An alternative method to quantify the viral reservoir following the reactivation of latent HIV-1 provirus detects multiply-spliced tat/rev RNA (msRNA) molecules by real-time PCR [tat/rev induced limiting dilution assay (TILDA)]. This article provides a perspective overview of the clinical relevance, various applications, recent advancements of TILDA, and how the assay has contributed to our understanding of the HIV-1 reservoir