64 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Terbatas Terhadap Berat Dan Kualitas Telur Pada Ayam Petelur Tipe Medium Umur 13 Bulan

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    Efisiensi di dalam pemberian makanan ayam petelur dapat tercapai apabila biaya makanan dapat ditekan serendah mungkin, tetapi diperoleh hasil keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya dengan catatan tidak mengurangi arti dari kesehatan ayam-ayamnya dan menurunkan kualitas telurnya. Biaya makanan ayam di dalam peternakan meliputi 60 persen dari jumlah biaya produksi, sehinggabiaya makanan tersebut besar pengaruhnya terhadap maju mundurnya USAha peternakan ayam (Hadisoeparto 1977).Scott et al.(1976J menyataKan bahwa pada masa pertumbuhan ayam-ayam terutama tipe medium dan tipe berat perlu mendapat pemberian makanan terbatas, karena setiap kelebihan energi dalam tubuh dapat diubah menjadi lemak

    The Potential of Arachis Pintoi Biomass to Improve Quality of Soil Continuously Used for Cassava Cropping

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    A field experiment that was aimed to elucidate the effects of application of Arachis pintoi biomass and animal dung on quality of soil continuously used for cassava cropping was conducted at Jatikerto Village, Kromengan District of Malang Regency. Eight treatments tested were 100% NPK inorganic fertilizer, 100 kg N Arachis pintoi/ha, (3) 100 kg N chicken dung / ha, 100 kg N cow dung /ha, 100 kg N goat dung /ha, 100 kg N Arachis pintoi + chicken dung /ha, 100 kg N Arachis pintoi + cow dung /ha, and 100 kg N Arachis pintoi + goat dung /ha. Monitoring quality of top soil (0-20 cm) was carried out at planting time and 3 months after planting. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for chemical and physical properties. Yield of cassava was measured at 6 months after planting. Results of this study showed that application of organic fertilizer in forms of green manure (Arachis pintoi biomass), and animal dung significantly improved physical and chemical properties of soil. Application of 50% NPK combined with organic manures did not significantly gave different tuber yield with that of 100% NPK

    The Use of Volcanic Ash From the Eruption of Mount Kelud in East Java for Improving Yield of Sweet Potato Grown on a Sandy Soil

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Kelud and compost on the soil properties and production of sweet potato on a sandy soil. The treatments of this study were (a) a combination of and volcanic ash with the proportion of 100: 0, 90:10, 80:20, and 70:30 (% weight), (b) the addition of compost (2.5 and 5 t / ha), and (c) two varieties of sweet potato (Manohara and Ayamurazaki). The soil used in this study is the topsoil (0-30 cm) Psament or sandy Entisol obtained from sweet potato cultivation location in Sumber Pasir Village of Pakis District, South Malang. Ten kilograms of planting medium (soil + volcanic ash) for each treatment was placed in a 15 kg plastic pot. Sixteen treatments arranged in a factorial completely randomized design with three replications. The results showed that application of Mount Kelud volcanic ash and compost was able to improve soil permeability, soil pH, organic C, and K-total, but did not significantly affect total N content, available P and K total land. The highest fresh tuber weights of 373.51 g / plant or 19.92 t / ha and 393.09 g / plant or 20.96 t / ha for Manohara and Ayumurazaki varieties, respectively, were observed in the treatment of 10% volcanic ash + 5 t compost / ha. The carbohydrate content of Manohara variety was higher than that of Ayamurazaki variety at each treatment. The highest carbohydrate content of the Manohara variety (23.52%) was obtained through application of 20% volcanic ash + 2.5 t compost/ha, while that of the Ayamurazaki variety (22.42%) was obtained through application of 30% volcanic ash + 2.5 t/ha

    Plant Species Composition and the Carrying Capacity of Grazing Fields in Taman Jaya West Java.

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    ABSTRAK Telah diadakan suatu penelitian komposisi jenis iumbuhan dan daya dukung padang penggembalaan di Taman Jaya Jawa Barat. Ternak yang digembalakan adalah kerbau (Bubalus bubalis), kambing (Capra hircus) dan domba (Ovis arias). Di daerah ini terdapat tiga tipe padang penggembalaan, yaitu : padang rumput, belukar dan perkebunan kelapa. Urutan jumlah jenis dan persentase biomasa penyusun utama ketiga tine padang penggembalaan adalah lumbuhan yang tergolong gulma (forbs), .rumpus (grasses) dan sangal sedikit leguminosa. Jenis gulma utama yang terdapat di padang penggembalaan ini adalah : Euparorium odoratum, Ageratum eonyzoides, Stachylarpheta indica, Illelastoma matabarhricum, Dryopleris amboinensis dan Hypris rhomboidea. Hampir semua jenis mama ini adalah jenis pakan bermutu rendah bahkan dihindari oleh ternak. Jenis lain yang mernpunyai nilai pentig agak tinggi dan dimakan oleh ternak adalah : Imperata cylindrica, Isocline miliacea, Cyperus spp. dan Paspalum conjugatum. Jenis-jenis leguminosa sangal sedikit jumlahnya, biomasanya, frekuensi keterdapatannya dan nilai pentingnya. Daya dukung padang penggembalaan sangal bervariasi dari satu ripe ke tipe padang penggembalaan lain. Hal ini adalah merupakan akibat langsung dart produktivitas biomasa ketiga tipe padang tersebut. Proporsi perbandingan produktivitas biomasa dan daya dukung antara padang rumput : belukar .kebun kelapa = 1 : 1,32: 2,02. Berdasarkan produktivitas hijauannya, maka unluk mendukung satu satuan ternak kerbau dewasa diperlukan area penggembalaan tipe vegetasi padang rumput paling tidak seluas 1.99 ha. Hal ini memperlihatkan ketiga tipe padang penggembalaan tersebut bermutu rendah. Kata kunci: Padang gembala, biomasa, jenis leguminos

    The Relationship Between Personal Hygiene with Hepatitis a Incident in Students

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    The prevalence and distribution of Hepatitis A in Indonesia had been increased over past few years. It resulted in the endemic status of Hepatitis A in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between personal hygiene and Hepatitis A incidence in Jember. This study use a case-control design, with quantitative approach using primary data. Population of this study is student that has been randomize using simple random sampling for case group and purposive random sampling for control group. Respondents of this study is 15 for case group and 30 for control group. Idependent variable of this study is personal hygiene behaviour. Analysis are performed using Chi-Square test and Odd Ratio (CI = 95%). The study showed that majority case group have poor personal hygiene (53,3% respondents) and majority of control group have healthy personal hygiene (83,3% respondents). There is a significant relationship (p= 0,016) between personal hygiene with the incidence of Hepatitis A. Personal hygiene is the risk factor of Hepatitis A incidence, OR = 5,71 (95% CI: 1,17–29,88). The conclusion is there is a relationship between personal hygiene with Hepatitis A incidence. In order to increase awareness of personal hygiene to prevent Hepatitis A, is by using eating and drinking equipments proprietary, washing hands with soap before meals and after defecating, drinking boiled water and buy food in hygiene and sanitary food vendors


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    Binder of carbon compounds can be made through hydrogenation process and/or coal extraction. Hydroge- nation of coal converts the steam coal into caking one which functions as a binder or additive in the making of coke while the extraction of coal produces good quality pitch. Some coals from Tanito Harum, Baramarta and Bukit Asam were used as raw materials for binder making. Observations included effect of hydrogen pressure on the total carbon and ash contents and free swelling index as well. Coal hydrogenation was performed in a 5-litre batch type autoclave at reaction temperature of 400oC. The initial hydrogen pressure varies from 5 to 30 bars and to 1 hour reaction time. The next stage was the distillation of hydrogen product. It can be concluded that all non-caking coals used in the experiments can be converted into caking coal to be used as a binder in the coke making. The ash content within coal considerably affects the resulting binder product; binder that has low ash content is preferred

    The Effect of Motor Vehicle Emission Towards Lead (Pb) Content of Rice Field Soil with Different Clay Content

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    Motor vehicle gas emission contains lead (Pb) which is a hazardous and toxic substance. Agricultural land, especially rice field, which is located nearby roads passed by many motor vehicle, are susceptible to the accumulation of Pb. If Pb is permeated by plants cultivated in the rice field, it will be very hazardous for humans as they are the final consumers. Hence, it is essential to identify Pb content of rice-field soil initiated by motor vehicle gas emission. This study was aimed to identify the effects of motor vehicle density, the distance between rice-field and road, and the clay content of soil towards Pb content of soils in Blitar and Ngawi Regencies of East Java. The method used for the study was survey method managed by using three-factor nested design with three replicates. The results of this study showed that motor vehicle density and the distance of rice field to road provide significant affected the total of Pb content of soil. However, the dissemination pattern of Pb in the soil was irregular due to the factors of climate and environment. Before Pb reached soil surface, Pb was spread out in the air due to the effect of temperature, wind velocity, vehicle velocity, size of vehicle, and road density. Consequently, the location with low motor vehicle density and positioned faraway to the road had higher total rate of Pb than the location with high motor vehicle density and positioned nearby the road. Clay content affected the total rate of Pb content as much as 37%, every 1% increase of clay content increased the total rate of Pb as much as 0.08 mg/kg

    Effects of Hedgerow Systems on Soil Moisture and Unsaturated Hydraulics Conductivity Measured by the Libardi Method

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    The hedgerow systems are the agroforestry practices suggesting any positive impacts and negative impacts on soil characteristics. This study evaluated the effects of hedgerows on the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil with the Libardi method approach. This study was conducted in North Lampung for 3 months on the hedgerow plots of Peltophorum dassyrachis (P), Gliricidia sepium (G), and without hedgerow plot (K), with four replications. Each plot was watered as much as 150 liters of water until saturated, then the soil surface were covered with the plastic film. Observation of soil moisture content was done to a depth of 70 cm by the 10 cm intervals. Soil moisture content was measured using the Neutron probe that was calibrated to get the value of volumetric water content. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil was calculated by using the Libardi Equation. Data were tested using the analysis of variance, the least significant different test (LSD), Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT), correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that the hedgerow significantly affected the soil moisture content and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Soil moisture content on the hedgerow plots was lower than the control plots. The value of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in the hedgerow plots was higher than the control plots. Different types of hedgerows affected the soil moisture content and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The positive correlation was found between the volumetric soil moisture content and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil
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