1,465 research outputs found

    Variación lingüística y traducción. Análisis del modelo publicitario de Red Bull: Gigi e la Mamma

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    El presente artículo pretende ser un estudio sobre la traducción de la variación lingüística en un medio publicitario, y analizar la traducción del mismo en varios idiomas; tomando como base el anuncio en lengua italiana y como traducciones los anuncios en español, francés e inglés, y observar cuáles son las soluciones tomadas para conseguir el trasvase de la variación lingüística.G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Una Experiencia de flipped classroom

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    En este trabajo presentamos nuestra experiencia en la impartición de la asignatura Fundamentos de Informática de la Universidad de Granada utilizando la metodología de Clase Invertida (Flipped Classroom), realizada con el objetivo de mejorar los resultados académicos de nuestros alumnos. Describimos las características más destacadas de la enseñanza invertida, la metodología docente y las herramientas utilizadas, así como las conclusiones obtenidas de los resultados académicos y de la evaluación de encuestas a los alumnos.In this paper we present our experience in teaching the subject “Fundamentals of Computers” at Granada University (Spain) using the methodology Flipped Classroom. Our goal is to improve our students’ academic outcomes. We describe the main features of the Flipped Classroom, showing the methodology and tools used, as well as the conclusions drawn from academic results and the surveys of our students

    Progesterone’s supplements to reduce preterm birth’s risk

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2020-2021En este trabajo se ha analizado la importancia de tomar medidas preventivas con el fin de evitar el parto prematuro teniendo en cuenta su prevalencia, a nivel mundial y estatal, sus consecuencias y sus posibles abordajes terapéuticos encaminados a acercarse lo máximo posible a un parto a término, fácilmente alcanzables y aplicables en las mujeres con mayor riesgo de finalizar su gestación antes de término. En concreto, se adjuntan varios estudios y sus resultados que comprueban la utilidad de la aplicación de suplementos de progesterona en estas pacientes. Un total de trece artículos de revista han sido revisados sistemáticamente para extraer la información y justificar pertinentemente cada definición acerca del parto pretérmino y sus puntos clave y así comprenderlo en profundidad, haciendo énfasis en la etiología y la incidencia para aplicar en la práctica clínica las medidas de prevención según el riesgo de la paciente individualizado y en un conjunto de población por edad. La incidencia del parto prematuro se sitúa de media en un 16.5% a nivel mundial y es responsable de un millón de muertes al año, ya sea por las complicaciones en el puerperio y la gestación como por la patología del niño prematuro. Las medidas profilácticas en embarazadas de riesgo fomentando una prolongación del intervalo entre embarazos, una medición del cervix en las mujeres de riesgo y recurriendo a su cerclaje y una detección precoz del final de la gestación como con el uso del test de la fibronectina, han demostrado una reducción significativa del riesgo de parto pretérmino. Concretamente en este trabajo analizamos el uso de progesterona para prolongar el tiempo de gestación, concluyéndose en un metaanálisis de 2018 de ensayos aleatorios que la suplementación con progesterona vaginal reducía el riesgo de parto prematuro espontáneo antes de la semana 37 de un 20 a un 15%, y en otro ensayo utilizando inyecciones intramusculares de caproato de hixoxiprogesterona se consiguió una reducción del riesgo de parto prematuro de un 55 a un 36%Neste traballo analizouse a importancia de tomar medidas preventivas co fin de evitar o parto prematuro tendo en conta a súa prevalencia, a nivel mundial e estatal, a suas consecuencias e os seus posibles abordaxes terapéuticos encaminados a acercarse ao máximo posible a un parto a termo, fácilmente alcanzables e aplicables nas mulleres con maior risco de finalizar a sua xestación antes do termo. En concreto, adxúntanse varios estudos e os seus resultados que comproban a utilidade da aplicación de suplementos de proxesterona nestas pacientes. Un total de trece artigos de revista revisáronse sistemáticamente para extraer a información e xustificar pertinentemente cada definición acerca do parto pretermo e os seus puntos clave e así comprendelo en profundidade, facendo énfase na etioloxía e a incidencia para aplicar na práctica clínica as medidas de prevención según o risco da paciente individualizado e nun conxunto de poboación por idade. A incidencia do parto prematuro sitúase de media nun 16.5% a nivel mundial e é responsable dun millón de mortes ao ano, por as complicacións no puerperio e na xestación como por a patoloxía do neno prematuro. As medidas profilácticas en embarazadas de risco fomentando unha prolongación do intervalo de embarazos, unha medición do cérvix nas mulleres de risco e recurrindo ao seu cerclaxe, e unha detección precoz do final da xestación como co uso do test da fibronectina, demostraron unha reducción significativa do risco de parto pretermo. Concretamente neste traballo analizamos o uso de proxesterona para prolongar o tempo de xestación, conluíndose nun metaanálise de 2018 de ensaios aleatorios que a suplementación con proxesterona vaxinal reducía o risco de parto prematuro espontáneno antes da semana 37 dun 15 a un 20%, e noutro ensaio utilizando inxeccións intramusculares de caproato de hidroxiproxesterona conseguiuse unha redución do risco de parto prematuro dun 55 a un 36%We analyzed preventive measures to avoid preterm labor, pay attention to prevalence, at world and statal level, its consequences and possible therapeutic approaches aimed at getting as close as possible to term birth, easily achievable and applicable in risk women of preterm labor. In particular, several studies and their results prove progesterone supplementation in these patients would be useful. Thirteen journal articles have been systematically reviewed to extract the information and pertinent justification for each definition of preterm labor and its key points to understand it deeply, with emphasis on etiology and incidence in order to apply preventive measures in clinical practice according to the individual patient's risk and in an age-specific population set. The frequency of preterm birth is about 16.5% in world and is responsible for one million deaths per year, either due to complications in the puerperium and gestation or due to preterm neonatal’s pathology. Prophylactic measures in risk pregnant women like an increased time’s prolongation between pregnancies, cervix’s measures in risk women and the use of cervical cerclage and a early detection gestation’s end, such as the use of the fibronectin test, have shown a significant reduction of preterm delivery’s risk. In this work, we analyzed progesterone’s use to prolong gestational time, concluding in a 2018 meta-analysis of randomized trials that vaginal progesterone supplementation reduced spontaneous preterm delivery’s risk before 37 weeks from 20% to 15%. Also, using intramuscular injections of hidroxyprogesterone caproate reduced preterm delivery’s risk from 55% to 36

    Performance of people with diabetes in the labor market: An empirical approach controlling for complications

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    ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a framework for modelling the impact that diabetes has on employment status and wages, improving the existing literature by controlling for diabetes-related complications. Using the last wave of the Spanish National Health Survey, we find that 1710 adults out of the original sample of 36,087 have diabetes, reporting higher rates of unemployment. Our empirical results suggest that persons with diabetes, compared with non-diabetic persons, have poorer labor outcomes in terms of length of unemployment and lower income. However, diabetes is not significantly associated with unemployment probabilities, suggesting that the burden of diabetes on employment is mediated by lifestyle factors and clinical and functional complications. In addition, there are mixed outcomes to this econometric approach, depending on age and gender, among other factors. This interesting finding has several implications for research and policy on strategies to get lower health inequalities

    Socioeconomic differences in the associations between diabetes and hospital admission and mortality among olderadults in Europe

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to explain the trends in socioeconomic inequality and diabetes outcomes in terms of hospital admission and death in old European people. The sample includes 73,301 individuals, across 16 European countries taken from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). People being diagnosed of diabetes were more likely to be admitted to hospital than those without diabetes, although its effect dropped after controlling for clinical and functional complications. Largest asscociations were observed in women, people aged 50?65 years old, with medium educational level and medium household income. Diabetes was significant and positively related to mortality in the whole sample. Diabetes is significantly associated with mortality risk especially in males, oldest old people, low education and medium income people. These findings have important implications for public policies to reduce socioeconomic-related health inequalities

    Identifying the Original Colour of the Paintwork on the Artistic and Industrial Recreation Pavilion Designed by Antonio Palacios for the Galician Regional Exhibition Held in 1909

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    The former Artistic and Industrial Recreation Pavilion, which was designed by Antonio Palacios (1874–1945) and built for the Galician Regional Exhibition held in 1909 in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, north-western Spain), and which currently houses a nursery school, was completely restored in 2018. The main purpose of the restoration was to recover the original exterior colour of the building. For this purpose, a study was undertaken to identify the original colour of the paintwork by first consulting historical archives and then conducting a micromorphological analysis of stratigraphic paint samples by stereomicroscopic examination and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Three reformations of the building are documented: one carried out in 1926, when the metal roof was replaced with a tile roof; another conducted between 1967 (when the old pavilion was described as a "destroyed building") and the mid-1970s (when it began to be used as a nursery); and finally, another in 1981, when the building was repainted. The analytical results revealed layers of white or yellow ochre (vanilla) paint corresponding to different periods. The presence of titanium (Ti) in the paint was used as a marker of its age, as titanium white was first formulated in 1921. The original layers include Zn in their composition, indicating that zinc oxide (ZnO) was the pigment used in the “snow” white paint probably used on the building in its first years of existence. In all cases, the pigment base is lime mixed with silicates, kaolin and other claysThe Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Servizos Sociais financially supported this work under a contract for the ’Rehabilitación Escuela infantil de Sta Susana (Santiago de Compostela)’ with Tragsa and Arrokabe architects, who commissioned the painting characterisation project to the GEMAP-USC research group, to which both authors of the manuscript belong. The authors are also grateful for funding awarded by the Xunta de Galicia within the project “Consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas—Grupos de referencia competitiva (GRC)” (Ref. ED431C 2018/32)S

    A laboratory approach on the combined effects of granite bioreceptivity and parameters modified by climate change on the development of subaerial biofilms on cultural heritage

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    Conservation of cultural heritage buildings and monuments may be negatively affected by the impact of climate change on substrates and colonizing microorganisms. In this study, four types of commercial granite, in which the bioreceptivity ranged from very low to very high, were inoculated with a multispecies microbial culture and exposed to different temperatures (18 and 24 °C) and levels of water availability (1 day, 3 days and 7 days of water availability/week) to simulate different climatic conditions. The effects on biofilm formation of the interactions between the substrate bioreceptivity and the environmental parameters were investigated. Biofilm growth and photosynthetic efficiency were monitored over 42 days by pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry and spectrophotometric colour measurement. The primary bioreceptivity of the granite was a determining factor in the organisms' capacity to attach to the substrate and interacted through the experiment with the climatic conditions by modifying the development of the microorganisms. Water availability was a limiting factor for the colonizing microorganisms, in terms of both growth and photosynthetic efficiency. At the higher temperature, metabolic reactions were enhanced under water restriction (but not under maximum water availability) and the microbial ecology was altered, leading to a higher proportion of cyanobacteria relative to algaeThis study was partly financed through project CGL2016-79778-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and Xunta de Galicia (ED431 2018/32). E. Fuentes was financially supported by a PhD Fellowship-Contract MICINN-FPI (BES-2017-079927)S

    Creativity, concept maps and TIC in education

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    Los mapas conceptuales, además de ser unas herramientas que nos permiten representar el conocimiento de manera gráfica y fomentar los aprendizajes, también pueden desarrollar la creatividad. En este trabajo mostramos diferentes relaciones existentes entre el proceso de construcción de mapas conceptuales y la creatividad humana. También se resalta la importancia del aprendizaje significativo y se profundiza en los diferentes principios que guían la creación de mapas conceptuales. Finalmente se presenta el software Cmaptools como una herramienta a tener en cuenta en los centros educativos ya que su utilización planificada puede tener resultados significativos en la mejora de los aprendizajes.Concept maps besides being tools that allow us to represent graphically the knowledge and encourage learning, can also develop creativity. In this paper we show different relationships between the process of concept map construction and human creativity. It also highlights the importance of meaningful learning and explores the different principles that guide the creation of conceptual maps. Finally the CmapTools software is presented as a tool to consider in education and because it´s use can have significant results in improving learning