17 research outputs found

    Tritiumtechnologie für die fensterlose Quelle WGTS von KATRIN

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des KATRIN-Experiments durchgeführt. Ein Ziel war es, die bei KATRIN zum Einsatz kommenden, magnetisch gelagerten Turbomolekularpumpen auf ihre Eignung für den Einsatz mit großen Mengen an Tritium (ca. 1kg/a) zu untersuchen und qualifizieren. Das zweite Ziel der Arbeit bestand in der Entwicklung und dem Betrieb einer Methode zur Überwachung der Aktivität der KATRIN Tritiumquelle WGTS in welchem Röntgenstrahlung als Maß der Quellaktivität dient

    Comparison of Three Compact Raman Systems with Excitation Laser Wavelengths of 405, 532, and 660 nm (µRA-RGB)

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    Based on good experience with Raman systems in general and the µRA systems in particular, we try to expand the capabilities and possible applications of Raman spectroscopy. A central aspect is the excitation wavelength since signal intensity and fluorescence background depend on that. Besides the common 532-nm laser (green), we used a 660-nm (red) and 405-nm (blue) laser, hence the name µRA-RGB. All three systems share the same basic principle (fiber coupling between laser, Raman head, and spectrometer) and only differ because of necessary adjustments for the excitation wavelength used, like the laser edge filter. As the original µRA system has already proved its capability to simultaneously detect all six hydrogen isotopologues, this first RGB study was limited to H2, D2, and equilibrated mixtures of both. With one of Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe’s proven LARA systems connected to the same gas mixing loop system, comparing the µRA systems against it was possible. This paper shows the results of the measurement campaign comparing all three µRA systems (405-, 532-, 660-nm excitation wavelengths) and the comparison to the well-established large Raman systems (LARA, 532 nm)

    µRA : A New Compact Easy-to-Use Raman System for All Hydrogen Isotopologues

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    We have developed a new compact and cost-efficient Laser-Raman system for the simultaneous measurement of all six hydrogen isotopologues. The focus of this research was set on producing a tool that can be implemented in virtually any existing setup providing in situ process control and analytics. The “micro Raman (µRA)” system is completely fiber-coupled for an easy setup consisting of (i) a spectrometer/CCD unit, (ii) a 532 nm laser, and (iii) a commercial Raman head coupled with a newly developed, tritium-compatible all-metal sealed DN16CF flange/Raman window serving as the process interface. To simplify the operation, we developed our own software suite for instrument control, data acquisition, and data evaluation in real-time. We have given a detailed description of the system, showing the system’s capabilities in terms of the lower level of detection, and presented the results of a dedicated campaign using the accurate reference mixtures of all of the hydrogen isotopologues benchmarking µRA against two of the most sensitive Raman systems for tritium operation. Due to its modular nature, modifications that allow for the detection of various other gas species can be easily implemented

    ViMA -- the spinning rotor gauge to measure the viscosity of tritium between 77 and 300 K

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    Experimental values for the viscosity of the radioactive hydrogen isotope tritium (T2_2) are currently unavailable in literature. The value of this material property over a wide temperature range is of interest for applications in the field of fusion, neutrino physics, as well as to test ab initio calculations. As a radioactive gas, tritium requires careful experiment design to ensure safe and environmental contamination free measurements. In this contribution, we present a spinning rotor gauge based, tritium compatible design of a gas viscosity measurement apparatus (ViMA) capable of covering the temperature range from 80 K to 300 K.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Tritium Conference 202

    Towards the first direct measurement of the dynamic viscosity of gaseous tritium at cryogenic temperatures

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    Accurate values for the viscosity of the radioactive hydrogen isotope tritium (T) at cryogenic temperatures are unavailable. Values for tritium found in literature are based on extrapolation by mass ratios as well as an empirical factor derived from hydrogen (H) and deuterium (D ) viscosity measurements, or classical kinetic theory which does not handle quantum effects. Accurate data of the tritium viscosity will help to improve the modelling of the viscosity of diatomic molecules and can be used as a test of their interaction potentials. With this contribution we report a major step towards a fully tritium and cryogenic temperature compatible setup for the accurate measurement of the viscosity of gases, using a spinning rotor gauge (SRG) at the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe. After calibration with helium, measurements with hydrogen and deuterium conducted at room temperature agree with literature values within 2%. The performance at liquid nitrogen (LN ) temperature has been successfully demonstrated with a second setup in a liquid nitrogen bath. Again after calibration with helium at LN temperature, the viscosities of H and D were determined and are in agreement with literature to about 2%

    Viscosity measurements of gaseous H2 between 200 K to 300 K with a spinning rotor gauge

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    Experimental values for the viscosity of the radioactive hydrogen isotopologue tritium are still unknown in literature. Existing values from ab initio calculations disregard quantum mechanic effects and are therefore only good approximations for room temperature and above. To fill in these missing experimental values, a measurement setup has been designed, to measure the viscosity of gaseous hydrogen and its isotopologues (H2_2, HD, HT, D2_2, DT, T2_2) at cryogenic temperatures. In this paper, the first results with this Cryogenic Viscosity Measurement Apparatus (Cryo-ViMA) of the viscosity of gaseous hydrogen between 200 K to 300 K are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 22nd International Vacuum Congress, submitted to e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnolog

    Kilogram scale throughput performance of the KATRIN tritium handling system

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    The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment aims to determine the effective mass of the electron antineutrino by investigating the tritium β-spectrum close to the energetic endpoint. To achieve this, there are stringent and challenging requirements on the stability of the gaseous tritium source. The tritium loop system has the task to provide the 95 %. KATRIN started full tritium operation in early 2019. This paper focusses on the observed radiochemical effects and confirms that non-negligible quantities during initial tritium operation have to be expected