8 research outputs found

    Assessing the Risk of Metals and Their Mixtures in the Antarctic Nearshore Marine Environment with Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films

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    © 2019 American Chemical Society. Robust environmental assessments and contaminant monitoring in Antarctic near-shore marine environments need new techniques to overcome challenges presented by a highly dynamic environment. This study outlines an approach for contaminant monitoring and risk assessment in Antarctic marine conditions using diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) coupled to regionally specific ecotoxicology data and environmental quality standards. This is demonstrated in a field study where DGT samplers were deployed in the near-shore marine environment of East Antarctica around the operational Casey station and the abandoned Wilkes station to measure the time-averaged biologically available fraction of metal contaminants. The incorporation of DGT-labile concentrations to reference toxicity mixture models for three Antarctic organisms predicted low toxic effects (<5% effect to the growth or development of each organism). The comparison of metal concentrations to the Australian and New Zealand default water quality guideline values (WQGVs) showed no marine site exceeding the WQGVs for 95% species protection. However, all sites exceeded the 99% WQGVs due to copper concentrations that are likely of geogenic origin (i.e., not from anthropogenic sources). This study provides evidence supporting the use of the DGT technique to monitor contaminants and assess their environmental risk in the near-shore marine environment of Antarctica

    The Influence of pH on Zinc Lability and Toxicity to a Tropical Freshwater Microalga.

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    Increased focus on the development and application of bioavailability-based metal water quality guideline values requires increased understanding of the influence of water chemistry on metal bioavailability and toxicity. Development of empirical models, such as multiple linear regression models, requires the assessment of the influence of individual water quality parameters as toxicity-modifying factors. The present study investigated the effect of pH on the lability and toxicity of zinc (Zn) to a tropical green microalga (Chlorella sp.). Zinc speciation and lability were explored using the Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM7), ultrafiltration, and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT). Zinc toxicity increased significantly with increasing pH from 6.7 to 8.3, with 50% growth inhibition effect concentrations decreasing from 185 to 53 µg l-1 across the pH range. Linear relationships between DGT-labile Zn and dissolved Zn did not vary across the tested pH range, nor did the linear relationship between dissolved (<0.45 µm) and ultrafiltered (<3 kDa) Zn. Our findings show that Zn toxicity to this freshwater alga is altered as a function of pH across environmentally realistic pH ranges and that these toxicity changes could not be explained by Zn speciation and lability as measured by DGT and WHAM7. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40:2836-2845. © 2021 SETAC

    The Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique Predicts Sediment Nickel Toxicity to the Amphipod Melita plumulosa.

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    The geographical shift of nickel mining to small island countries of the Southeast Asia and Melanesia region has produced a need to assess the environmental risk associated with increased sediment nickel exposure to benthic estuarine/marine biota. Chemical measurements of nickel concentration and potential bioavailability, including the use of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), were compared to effects on 10-d reproduction of the epibenthic estuarine/marine amphipod Melita plumulosa in nickel-spiked sediments and field-contaminated sediments with different characteristics. The 10% effect concentrations (EC10s) for amphipod reproduction ranged from 280 to 690 mg/kg total recoverable nickel, from 110 to 380 mg/kg dilute acid-extractable nickel, and from 34 to 87 μg Ni/m2 /h DGT-labile nickel flux. Nickel bioavailability was lower in sediments with greater total organic carbon, clay content, and percentage of fine particles. Measurements of DGT-labile nickel flux at the sediment-water interface integrated exposure to nickel from porewater, overlying water, and ingested sediment exposure pathways and were found to have the strongest relationship with the biological response. At most, there was a 29% reduction in 10-d M. plumulosa reproduction relative to the control when exposed to nickel from field-contaminated sediments collected from nickel laterite mining regions of New Caledonia. The DGT technique can be used as a complementary tool to measure the bioavailability of nickel in estuarine/marine sediments, especially sediments that are in nickel laterite mining regions where there are no or few toxicity data available for determining biological effects on local species. Based on the combined data set of the 3 nickel-spiked sediments a DGT-labile nickel EC10 threshold of 50 (30-69) μg Ni/m2 /h was determined. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40:1266-1278. © 2020 SETAC

    Partial heat acclimation of athletes with spinal cord lesion

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    Heat acclimation (HA) can improve thermoregulatory stability in able-bodied athletes in part by an enhanced sweat response. Athletes with spinal cord lesion are unable to sweat below the lesion and it is unknown if they can HA. Five paralympic shooting athletes with spinal cord lesion completed seven consecutive days HA in hot conditions (33.4 ± 0.6 °C, 64.8 ± 3.7 %rh). Each HA session consisted of 20 min arm crank exercise at 50 % [Formula: see text] followed by 40 min rest, or simulated shooting. Aural temperature (T (aur)) was recorded throughout. Body mass was assessed before and after each session and a sweat collection swab was fixed to T12 of the spine. Fingertip whole blood was sampled at rest on days 1 and 7 for estimation of the change in plasma volume. Resting T (aur) declined from 36.3 ± 0.2 °C on day 1 to 36.0 ± 0.2 °C by day 6 (P < 0.05). During the HA sessions mean, T (aur) declined from 37.2 ± 0.2 °C on day 1, to 36.7 ± 0.3 °C on day 7 (P < 0.05). Plasma volume increased from day 1 by 1.5 ± 0.6 % on day 7 (P < 0.05). No sweat secretion was detected or changes in body mass observed from any participant. Repeated hyperthermia combined with limited evaporative heat loss was sufficient to increase plasma volume, probably by alterations in fluid regulatory hormones. In conclusion, we found that although no sweat response was observed, athletes with spinal cord lesion could partially HA