78 research outputs found

    Effect of nutrient restriction and re-feeding on calpain family genes in skeletal muscle of Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus).

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    Background: Calpains, a superfamily of intracellular calcium-dependent cysteine proteases, are involved in the cytoskeletal remodeling and wasting of skeletal muscle. Calpains are generated as inactive proenzymes which are activated by Nterminal autolysis induced by calcium-ions. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we characterized the full-length cDNA sequences of three calpain genes, clpn1, clpn2, and clpn3 in channel catfish, and assessed the effect of nutrient restriction and subsequent re-feeding on the expression of these genes in skeletal muscle. The clpn1 cDNA sequence encodes a protein of 704 amino acids, Clpn2 of 696 amino acids, and Clpn3 of 741 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis of deduced amino acid sequences indicate that catfish Clpn1 and Clpn2 share a sequence similarity of 61%; catfish Clpn1 and Clpn3 of 48%, and Clpn2 and Clpn3 of only 45%. The domain structure architectures of all three calpain genes in channel catfish are similar to those of other vertebrates, further supported by strong bootstrap values during phylogenetic analyses. Starvation of channel catfish (average weight, 15\u201320 g) for 35 days influenced the expression of clpn1 (2.3-fold decrease, P,0.05), clpn2 (1.3-fold increase, P,0.05), and clpn3 (13.0- fold decrease, P,0.05), whereas the subsequent refeeding did not change the expression of these genes as measured by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. Calpain catalytic activity in channel catfish skeletal muscle showed significant differences only during the starvation period, with a 1.2- and 1.4- fold increase (P,0.01) after 17 and 35 days of starvation, respectively. Conclusion/Significance: We have assessed that fasting and refeeding may provide a suitable experimental model to provide us insight into the role of calpains during fish muscle atrophy and how they respond to changes in nutrient supply

    A Semiautomatic Method for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation on Dual-Echo MR Imaging: Application in a Multicenter Context

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The automatic segmentation of MS lesions could reduce time required for image processing together with inter- and intraoperator variability for research and clinical trials. A multicenter validation of a proposed semiautomatic method for hyperintense MS lesion segmentation on dual-echo MR imaging is presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The classification technique used is based on a region-growing approach starting from manual lesion identification by an expert observer with a final segmentation-refinement step. The method was validated in a cohort of 52 patients with relapsing-remitting MS, with dual-echo images acquired in 6 different European centers. RESULTS: We found a mathematic expression that made the optimization of the method independent of the need for a training dataset. The automatic segmentation was in good agreement with the manual segmentation (dice similarity coefficient = 0.62 and root mean square error = 2 mL). Assessment of the segmentation errors showed no significant differences in algorithm performance between the different MR scanner manufacturers (P > .05). CONCLUSIONS: The method proved to be robust, and no center-specific training of the algorithm was required, offering the possibility for application in a clinical setting. Adoption of the method should lead to improved reliability and less operator time required for image analysis in research and clinical trials in MS

    Performance of the 2017 and 2010 Revised McDonald Criteria in Predicting MS Diagnosis After a Clinically Isolated Syndrome: A MAGNIMS Study

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To compare the performance of the 2017 revisions to the McDonald criteria with the 2010 McDonald criteria in establishing MS diagnosis and predicting prognosis in patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) suggestive of multiple sclerosis (MS). METHODS: CSF examination, brain and spinal cord MRI obtained ≤5 months from CIS onset, and a follow-up brain MRI acquired within 15 months from CIS onset were evaluated in 785 CIS patients from 9 European centers. Date of second clinical attack and of reaching Expanded Disability Status Score (EDSS) ≥ 3.0, if they occurred, were also collected. Performance of the 2017 and 2010 McDonald criteria for dissemination in space (DIS), time (DIT) (including oligoclonal bands assessment) and DIS + DIT for predicting a second clinical attack (clinically definite [CD] MS) and EDSS ≥ 3.0 at follow-up was evaluated. Time to MS diagnosis for the different criteria was also estimated. RESULTS: At follow-up (median = 69.1 months), 406/785 CIS patients developed CDMS. At 36 months, the 2017 DIS + DIT criteria had higher sensitivity (0.83 vs 0.66), lower specificity (0.39 vs 0.60) and similar area under the curve values (0.61 vs 0.63). Median time to MS diagnosis was shorter with the 2017 vs the 2010 or CDMS criteria (2017 revision = 3.2; 2010 revision = 13.0; CDMS = 58.5 months). The 2 sets of criteria similarly predicted EDSS ≥ 3.0 milestone. Three periventricular lesions improved specificity in patients ≥45 years. DISCUSSION: The 2017 McDonald criteria showed higher sensitivity, lower specificity and similar accuracy in predicting CDMS compared to 2010 McDonald criteria, while shortening time to diagnosis of MS. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that the 2017 McDonald Criteria more accurately distinguish CDMS in patients early after a CIS when compared to the 2010 McDonald criteria

    Characterisation and expression of calpain family members in relation to nutritional status, diet composition and flesh texture in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata).

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    Calpains are non-lysosomal calcium-activated neutral proteases involved in a wide range of cellular processes including muscle proteolysis linked to post-mortem flesh softening. The aims of this study were (a) to characterise several members of the calpain system in gilthead sea bream and (b) to examine their expression in relation to nutritional status and muscle tenderisation. We identified the complete open reading frame of gilthead sea bream calpains1-3, sacapn1, sacapn2, sacapn3, and two paralogs of the calpain small subunit1, sacapns1a and sacapns1b. Proteins showed 63-90% sequence identity compared with sequences from mammals and other teleost fishes, and the characteristic domain structure of vertebrate calpains. Transcripts of sacapn1, sacapn2, sacapns1a and sacapns1b had a wide tissue distribution, whereas sacapn3 was almost exclusively detected in skeletal muscle. Next, we assessed transcript expression in skeletal muscle following alteration of nutritional status by (a) fasting and re-feeding or (b) feeding four experimental diets with different carbohydrate-to-protein ratios. Fasting significantly reduced plasma glucose and increased free fatty acids and triglycerides, together with a significant increase in sacapns1b expression. Following 7 days of re-feeding, plasma parameters returned to fed values and sacapn1, sacapn2, sacapns1a and sacapns1b expression was significantly reduced. Furthermore, an increase in dietary carbohydrate content (11 to 39%) diminished growth but increased muscle texture, which showed a significant correlation with decreased sacapn1 and sacapns1a expression, whilst the other calpains remained unaffected. This study has demonstrated that calpain expression is modulated by nutritional status and diet composition in gilthead sea bream, and that the expression of several calpain members is correlated with muscle texture, indicating their potential use as molecular markers for flesh quality in aquaculture production
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