5 research outputs found

    Influence of shot peening on high-temperature corrosion and corrosion-fatigue of nickel based superalloy 720Li

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    High-temperature corrosion fatigue, a combination of corrosion with a fatigue cycle, is an emerging generic issue affecting power generation and aero gas turbine engines and has the potential to limit component life. Historically, surface treatments, such as shot peening have been used to improve component life and have been optimised for fatigue response. Research into optimisation of shot peening techniques for hot corrosion and high-temperature corrosion fatigue has shown 6–8A 230H 200% coverage to provide overall optimum performance for nickel-based superalloy 720Li based on the limited data within this study. Utilisation of electron backscatter diffraction techniques, in combination with detailed assessment of corrosion products have been undertaken as part of this work. The resultant cold-work visualisation technique provides a novel method of determining the variation in material properties due to the shot peening process and the interaction with hot corrosion. Through this work it has been shown that all three shot peening outputs must be considered to minimise the effect of corrosion fatigue, the cold work, residual stress and surface roughness. Further opportunity for optimisation has also been identified based on this work

    Caracterização morfológica de nanomembranas de poliamida-66 dopadas com grafeno obtidas por electrospinning Morphological characterization of polyamide-66 nanomembranes with graphene obtained by electrospinning

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    Neste estudo, investigou-se a síntese de nanomembranas por eletrofiação (electrospinning). A poliamida-66 (PA-66) foi usada para estudar a influência dos parâmetros operacionais (concentração do polímero, diferença de potencial elétrico aplicada, vazão da solução, distância entre ponta da agulha e o coletor) na morfologia das nanofibras. Também foi estudado o efeito da adição de nanofolhas de grafeno na morfologia das nanofibras. Os resultados demonstraram que o diâmetro médio das nanofibras é diretamente proporcional à vazão, à concentração do polímero e à diferença de potencial elétrico aplicada. A adição de nanopartículas de base carbono fez com que o diâmetro médio das nanofibras aumentasse. Os diâmetros médios para as concentrações de grafeno de 0%, 1%, e 2% variaram de 57 nm (0%) até 141 nm (2%). No entanto, é importante salientar que os diâmetros médios das nanofibras obtidas estão 37% menores que aqueles reportados na literatura.<br>This paper reports on the synthesis of polymeric nanomembranes produced by electrospinning. Polyamide-66 (PA-66) was used for studying the influence of fabrication parameters (polymer concentration, applied tension, solution flow rate, gap between needle and target) on the morphology of the nanofibers. Also investigated was the effect from adding graphene into the nanofiber. The average diameter was directly proportional to polymeric concentration, flow rate, and applied tension. The addition of graphene led to an increase in the average diameter, which ranged from 57 nm for the fibers in absence of graphene to 141 nm for a 2 wt% of graphene added. It should be stressed, however, that the average diameters were 37% smaller than the values reported in the literature

    Surface Integrity and Structural Stability of Broached Inconel 718 at High Temperatures

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    The current study focused on the surface integrity issues associated with broaching of Inconel 718 and the structural stability of the broached specimen at high temperatures, mainly involving the microstructural changes and residual stress relaxation. The broaching operation was performed using similar cutting conditions as that used in turbo machinery industries for machining fir-tree root fixings on turbine disks. Thermal exposure was conducted at 723 K, 823 K, and 923 K (450 A degrees C, 550 A degrees C, and 650 A degrees C) for 30, 300, and 3000 hours, respectively. Surface cavities and debris dragging, sub-surface cracks, high intensity of plastic deformation, as well as the generation of tensile residual stresses were identified to be the main issues in surface integrity for the broached Inconel 718. When a subsequent heating was applied, surface recrystallization and alpha-Cr precipitation occurred beneath the broached surface depending on the applied temperature and exposure time. The plastic deformation induced by the broaching is responsible for these microstructural changes. The surface tension was completely relaxed in a short time at the temperature where surface recrystallization occurred. The tensile layer on the sub-surface, however, exhibited a much higher resistance to the stress relief annealing. Oxidation is inevitable at high temperatures. The study found that the surface recrystallization could promote the local Cr diffusion on the broached surface.The original title of this article when published in manuscript form was Structural integrity of broached Inconel 718 subjected to thermal exposure.</p