6 research outputs found

    MERCOSUR: Another failed move towards regional integration?

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    In this paper the present challenges of consolidation and deeper integration of Mercosur will be discussed, in order to shed some light on the nature of the problems, that might be responsible for the present slow down of the speed of integration. In the second chapter I shall outline the concept of Mercosur. In the third chapter the formation of Mercosur will be discussed and in the fourth chapter I shall evaluate the future prospects of Mercosur. --

    MERCOSUR - another failed move towards regional integration?

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    In this paper the present challenges of consolidation and deeper integration of Mercosur will be discussed, in order to shed some light on the nature of the problems, that might be responsible for the present slow down of the speed of integration. In the second chapter I shall outline the concept of Mercosur. In the third chapter the formation of Mercosur will be discussed and in the fourth chapter I shall evaluate the future prospects of Mercosur

    Sechs Jahre nordamerikanisches Freihandelsabkommen (NAFTA) - eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    Sechs Jahre nordamerikanisches Freihandelsabkommen (NAFTA) - eine Bestandsaufnahm

    How do Latin Americans think about the economic reforms of the 1990s?

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    How do Latin Americans think about the economic reforms of the 1990s

    Entwicklungen in der US-amerikanischen Außenhandelspolitik seit der Gründung der Nordamerikanischen Freihandelszone (NAFTA)

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    Entwicklungen in der US-amerikanischen Außenhandelspolitik seit der Gründung der Nordamerikanischen Freihandelszone (NAFTA