222 research outputs found

    ¿Es posible que la competencia entre las grandes potencias en el Atlántico Sur se traslade a la Antártida?

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    La política internacional se enfrenta al retorno de la competencia entre las grandes potencias. El presidente Joe Biden ha declarado (Delaney, 2021) que los Estados Unidos no permitirán que China se convierta en el líder, más rico y poderoso país en el mundo. En este contexto, un artículo recientemente publicado (Espach, 2021) sugiere que este “nuevo gran juego” ha recalado en el Atlántico Sudoeste y que esto tendrá directas implicancias para la Antártida. Sin embargo, es importante preguntarse si las tensiones en la política global necesariamente se verán replicadas en la Antártida. Mientras que el Atlántico Sudoeste ha sido propenso a tensiones geopolíticas y disputas territoriales han existido en la región en los últimos tres siglos, el área al sur de los 60º de latitud Sur, bajo la gobernanza del Sistema del Tratado Antártico (STA), goza de un estatus político y jurídico especial el cual ha logrado mantener a esta región libre de conflic-tos armados y tensiones políticas significativas durante las últimas seis décadas.Departamento de Derecho Internacional.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionale

    Close encounters of a rotating star with planets in parabolic orbits of varying inclination and the formation of Hot Jupiters

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    (abbreviated) We extend the theory of close encounters of a planet on a parabolic orbit with a star to include the effects of tides induced on the central rotating star. Orbits with arbitrary inclination to the stellar rotation axis are considered. We obtain results both from an analytic treatment and numerical one that are in satisfactory agreement. These results are applied to the initial phase of the tidal circularisation problem. We find that both tides induced in the star and planet can lead to a significant decrease of the orbital semi-major axis for orbits having periastron distances smaller than 5-6 stellar radii (corresponding to periods 45\sim 4-5 days after the circularisation has been completed) with tides in the star being much stronger for retrograde orbits compared to prograde orbits. We use the simple Skumanich law for the stellar rotation with its rotational period equal to one month at the age of 5Gyr. The strength of tidal interactions is characterised by circularisation time scale, tevt_{ev} defined as a time scale of evolution of the planet's semi-major axis due to tides considered as a function of orbital period PobsP_{obs} after the process of tidal circularisation has been completed. We find that the ratio of the initial circularisation time scales corresponding to prograde and retrograde orbits is of order 1.5-2 for a planet of one Jupiter mass and PobsP_{obs}\sim four days. It grows with the mass of the planet, being of order five for a five Jupiter mass planet with the same PorbP_{orb}. Thus, the effect of stellar rotation may provide a bias in the formation of planetary systems having planets on close orbits around their host stars, as a consequence of planet-planet scattering, favouring systems with retrograde orbits. The results may also be applied to the problem of tidal capture of stars in young stellar clusters.Comment: to be published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Dynamical Scaling: the Two-Dimensional XY Model Following a Quench

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    To sensitively test scaling in the 2D XY model quenched from high-temperatures into the ordered phase, we study the difference between measured correlations and the (scaling) results of a Gaussian-closure approximation. We also directly compare various length-scales. All of our results are consistent with dynamical scaling and an asymptotic growth law L(t/ln[t/t0])1/2L \sim (t/\ln[t/t_0])^{1/2}, though with a time-scale t0t_0 that depends on the length-scale in question. We then reconstruct correlations from the minimal-energy configuration consistent with the vortex positions, and find them significantly different from the ``natural'' correlations --- though both scale with LL. This indicates that both topological (vortex) and non-topological (``spin-wave'') contributions to correlations are relevant arbitrarily late after the quench. We also present a consistent definition of dynamical scaling applicable more generally, and emphasize how to generalize our approach to other quenched systems where dynamical scaling is in question. Our approach directly applies to planar liquid-crystal systems.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Evaluation of the BCS Approximation for the Attractive Hubbard Model in One Dimension

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    The ground state energy and energy gap to the first excited state are calculated for the attractive Hubbard model in one dimension using both the Bethe Ansatz equations and the variational BCS wavefunction. Comparisons are provided as a function of coupling strength and electron density. While the ground state energies are always in very good agreement, the BCS energy gap is sometimes incorrect by an order of magnitude, particularly at half-filling. Finite size effects are also briefly discussed for cases where an exact solution in the thermodynamic limit is not possible. In general, the BCS result for the energy gap is poor compared to the exact result.Comment: 25 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    Multiplet Effects in the Quasiparticle Band Structure of the f1f2f^1-f^2 Anderson Model

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    In this paper, we examine the mean field electronic structure of the f1f2f^1-f^2 Anderson lattice model in a slave boson approximation, which should be useful in understanding the physics of correlated metals with more than one f electron per site such as uranium-based heavy fermion superconductors. We find that the multiplet structure of the f2f^2 ion acts to quench the crystal field splitting in the quasiparticle electronic structure. This is consistent with experimental observations in such metals as UPt3UPt_3.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, 3 uuencoded postscript figures attached at en

    MeV-mass dark matter and primordial nucleosynthesis

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    The annihilation of new dark matter candidates with masses mXm_X in the MeV range may account for the galactic positrons that are required to explain the 511 keV γ\gamma-ray flux from the galactic bulge. We study the impact of MeV-mass thermal relic particles on the primordial synthesis of 2^2H, 4^4He, and 7^7Li. If the new particles are in thermal equilibrium with neutrinos during the nucleosynthesis epoch they increase the helium mass fraction for m_X\alt 10 MeV and are thus disfavored. If they couple primarily to the electromagnetic plasma they can have the opposite effect of lowering both helium and deuterium. For mX=4m_X=4--10 MeV they can even improve the overall agreement between the predicted and observed 2^2H and 4^4He abundances.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, references and two appendices added, conclusions unchanged; accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Ground-state energy and entropy of the two-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model with different bond distributions

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    We study the two-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model using a parallel tempering Monte Carlo algorithm. The ground-state energy and entropy are calculated for different bond distributions. In particular, the entropy is obtained by using a thermodynamic integration technique and an appropriate reference state, which is determined with the method of high-temperature expansion. This strategy provide accurate values of this quantity for finite-size lattices. By extrapolating to the thermodynamic limit, the ground-state energy and entropy of the different versions of the spin-glass model are determined.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    The ground state energy of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model with a parallel tempering Monte Carlo algorithm

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    We study the efficiency of parallel tempering Monte Carlo technique for calculating true ground states of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model. Bimodal and Gaussian bond distributions were considered in two and three-dimensional lattices. By a systematic analysis we find a simple formula to estimate the values of the parameters needed in the algorithm to find the GS with a fixed average probability. We also study the performance of the algorithm for single samples, quantifying the difference between samples where the GS is hard, or easy, to find. The GS energies we obtain are in good agreement with the values found in the literature. Our results show that the performance of the parallel tempering technique is comparable to more powerful heuristics developed to find the ground state of Ising spin glass systems.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures. A new section added. Accepted for publication in Physica

    Towards coherent optical control of a single hole spin: rabi rotation of a trion conditional on the spin state of the hole

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    A hole spin is a potential solid-state q-bit, that may be more robust against nuclear spin induced dephasing than an electron spin. Here we propose and demonstrate the sequential preparation, control and detection of a single hole spin trapped on a self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot. The dot is embedded in a photodiode structure under an applied electric field. Fast, triggered, initialization of a hole spin is achieved by creating a spin-polarized electron-hole pair with a picosecond laser pulse, and in an applied electric field, waiting for the electron to tunnel leaving a spin-polarized hole. Detection of the hole spin with picoseconds time resolution is achieved using a second picosecond laser pulse to probe the positive trion transition, where a trion is created conditional on the hole spin being detected as a change in photocurrent. Finally, using this setup we observe a Rabi rotation of the hole-trion transition that is conditional on the hole spin, which for a pulse area of 2 pi can be used to impart a phase shift of pi between the hole spin states, a non-general manipulation of the hole spin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Cassini UVIS Observations of the Io Plasma Torus. IV. Modeling Temporal and Azimuthal Variability

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    In this fourth paper in a series, we present a model of the remarkable temporal and azimuthal variability of the Io plasma torus observed during the Cassini encounter with Jupiter. Over a period of three months, the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) observed a dramatic variation in the average torus composition. Superimposed on this long-term variation, is a 10.07-hour periodicity caused by an azimuthal variation in plasma composition subcorotating relative to System III longitude. Quite surprisingly, the amplitude of the azimuthal variation appears to be modulated at the beat frequency between the System III period and the observed 10.07-hour period. Previously, we have successfully modeled the months-long compositional change by supposing a factor of three increase in the amount of material supplied to Io's extended neutral clouds. Here, we extend our torus chemistry model to include an azimuthal dimension. We postulate the existence of two azimuthal variations in the number of super-thermal electrons in the torus: a primary variation that subcorotates with a period of 10.07 hours and a secondary variation that remains fixed in System III longitude. Using these two hot electron variations, our model can reproduce the observed temporal and azimuthal variations observed by Cassini UVIS.Comment: Revised 24 August 2007 Accepted by Icarus, 50 pages, 2 Tables, 8 figure