71 research outputs found
Digital Cultural Mapping: Transformative Scholarship and Teaching in the Geospatial Humanities
"Digital Cultural Mapping: Transformative Scholarship in the Geospatial Humanities" is a proposal for a three-week summer institute at UCLA for an interdisciplinary group of 12 humanities scholars and advanced graduate students to learn how to develop innovative publications and courses that harness the theoretical and practical approaches of the "geospatial humanities." Situated at the intersection of critical cartography and information visualization, the Institute will combine a survey of the state of the art in interoperable geospatial tools and publication models, with hands-on, studio-based training in how to integrate GIS data into humanities scholarship, develop robust spatial visualizations, and deploy a suite of mapping tools in the service of creating publication- ready research articles and short monographs. The Institute will culminate in an "impact and evaluation" seminar of these publications with representatives from major university presses and journals
Multi-scale Hybridized Topic Modeling: A Pipeline for Analyzing Unstructured Text Datasets via Topic Modeling
We propose a multi-scale hybridized topic modeling method to find hidden
topics from transcribed interviews more accurately and efficiently than
traditional topic modeling methods. Our multi-scale hybridized topic modeling
method (MSHTM) approaches data at different scales and performs topic modeling
in a hierarchical way utilizing first a classical method, Nonnegative Matrix
Factorization, and then a transformer-based method, BERTopic. It harnesses the
strengths of both NMF and BERTopic. Our method can help researchers and the
public better extract and interpret the interview information. Additionally, it
provides insights for new indexing systems based on the topic level. We then
deploy our method on real-world interview transcripts and find promising
Forest restoration on the former industrial land of Sulphur quarry in the Ukrainian Roztochya
This paper adds to the evidence base in the discussion to what extent woodland development can be a means to restoring the land affected by mining. We investigate the formation of vegetation communities in sites on a former Sulphur quarry in the Roztochya district of the Lviv region in Ukraine to answer the research questions: How can the formation of vegetation cover affect the disturbed sites and what knowledge can be used in restoration practices elsewhere? We perform an experiment examining which types of vegetation are suitable for the restoration. We explore the influence of restored vegetation and re-emerged woodlands have on the process of soil rehabilitation and the increasing organic substance in it. We examine the impact of various combinations of vegetation on land rehabilitation. Explaining the degree of colonization of waste land by various types of vegetation helps us to reveal the trends of regenerative processes and identify the most promising for restoration tree species in affiliation with the ground vegetation. The results can assist decision-makers in choosing compatibility alliances of vegetation to sustain regeneration processes. Although this research is location specific, the knowledge developed can to a degree be applied to similar places, in the temperate zone
Multi-scale Hybridized Topic Modeling: A Pipeline for Analyzing Unstructured Text Datasets via Topic Modeling
We propose a multi-scale hybridized topic modeling method to find hidden topics from transcribed interviews more accurately and efficiently than traditional topic modeling methods. Our multi-scale hybridized topic modeling method (MSHTM) approaches data at different scales and performs topic modeling in a hierarchical way utilizing first a classical method, Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, and then a transformer-based method, BERTopic. It harnesses the strengths of both NMF and BERTopic. Our method can help researchers and the public better extract and interpret the interview information. Additionally, it provides insights for new indexing systems based on the topic level. We then deploy our method on real-world interview transcripts and find promising results
Um breve guia para as Humanidades Digitais
As digital methodologies, tools and skills become increasingly central to working in the humanities, questions concerning the foundations, project outcomes, evaluation and design have become urgent. The specifications provide a set of criteria to guide those actually working in the Digital Humanities, as well as those who are asked to evaluate and fund Digital Humanities researchers, projects, and initiatives
Understanding Digital Humanities
2012 In the first decade of the 21 st century, the researchers in the humanities and humanistic social sciences have gradually started to adopt computational and visualization tools. The majority of this work often referred as "digital humanities" has focused on textual data (e.g., literature, historical records, or social media) and spatial data (e.g., locations of people, places, or events visualization and computational analysis of large collections of images and video suitable for researchers in media studies, the humanities, and the social sciences who do not have technical background, and to apply these techniques to progressively large media data sets. Our second goal was theoretical -to examine existing practices and assumptions of visualization and computational data analysis (thus the name "Software Studies"), and articulate new research questions enabled by humanistic computational work with "big cultural data" in general, and visual media specifically. 3 This chapter draws on the number of my articles written since we started the lab where I discuss history of visualization, the techniques that we developed for visualizing large sets of visual media, and their applications to various types of media. 4 The reader is advised to consult these 1 For recent discussions of digital humanities, see David M
Niveles de osteocalcina y CTX en una población con sobrepeso u obesidad. Influencia del IMC
La obesidad y la osteoporosis son dos de las enfermedades crónicas más relevantes en la mujer, y la relación entre ambas ha sido controversial. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido estudiar la influencia de la obesidad sobre el estado del hueso, mediante la utilización de un marcador de formación y uno de resorción ósea
Досліджено ріст та розвиток дубових деревостанів на території України. В Україні у формуванні дубових лісостанів бере участь кілька видів дуба: дуб звичайний (Quercus robur L.), дуб скельний (Q. petraea Liebl), дуб пухнастий (Q. pubescens Willd) та дуб червоний (Q. rubra L.). Однак найпоширеніший дуб звичайний. За результатами здійсненого аналізу з'ясовано, що середній фактичний запас стиглих дубових лісостанів в Україні становить для високостовбурних деревостанів 239 м3, для низькостовбурних – 147,0 м3. У межах Західного регіону формуються високопродуктивні деревостани, які у віці стиглості в період насінних років продукують найбільший валовий урожай жолудя (2,3-2,7 т/га). Як показали наші дослідження, самосів, що з'явився на свіжих зрубах, росте і розвивається оминаючи адаптаційний період, який характерний для лісових культур та самосіву, що вийшов з-під материнського намету. Встановлено, що динаміка зростання біометричних показників підросту дуба звичайного на зрубах підвищується майже удвічі з кожним наступним роком росту. Кількість листя на одному трьохрічному сіянці зрубу змінюється на різних пробних площах від 36,6 до 87,9 шт., а їх площа – відповідно від 660,2 до 1097,3 см2. Одночасно на секції зі суцільною вирубкою граба звичайного у грабово-дубовому деревостані, середня кількість листя на одному сіянці дуба звичайного сягає 11,2 шт., а загальна середня його площа – 16,9 см 2. Значно менший показник діаметра кореневої шийки (4,9 мм) самосіву дуба – на секції із суцільною вирубкою граба звичайного порівняно з його величиною (8,3-11,9 мм) у самосіву на зрубах.Исследованы рост, развитие и возобновление дубовых древостоев на территории Украины. В Украине в формировании дубовых насаждений принимает участие несколько видов дуба: дуб обыкновенный (Quercus robur L.), дуб горный (Q. petraea Liebl), дуб пушистый (Q. pubescens Willd) и дуб красный (Q. rubra L.). Но наиболее распространенный дуб обыкновенный. По результатам проведенного анализа установлено, что средний фактический запас спелых дубовых насаждений в Украине составляет для высокоствольных древостоев 239 м3, для низкоствольных – 147,0 м3. На территории Западного региона формируются высокопродуктивные древостои, которые в возрасте спелости в период семенных лет продуцируют наибольший валовой урожай желудя (2,3-2,7 т/га). Как показали наши исследования, самосев, который появился на свежих лесосеках, растет и развивается минуя адаптационный период, который характерный для лесных культур и самосева, что вышел из-под материнского полога. Установлено, что динамика увеличения биометрических показателей подроста дуба обыкновенного на лесосеках возрастает почти в два раза с каждым последующим годом роста. Количество листьев на одном трехлетнем сеянце лесосеки колеблется на разных пробных площадях от 36,6 до 87,9 шт., а их площадь – соответственно от 660,2 до 1097,3 см. Одновременно на секции со сплошной вырубкой граба обыкновенного в грабово-дубовом древостое, среднее количество листьев на одном сеянце дуба обыкновенного составляет 11,2 шт., а общая средняя ее площадь – 16,9 см2. Значительно меньший показатель диаметра корневой шейки (4,9 мм) самосева дуба – на секции со сплошной вырубкой граба обыкновенного в сравнении с его величиной (8,3-11,9 мм) у самосева на лесосеках.Oak is one of the most valuable and oldest species growing on the territory of Ukraine. Being more extensive in the past the area occupied by the oak due to the influence of adverse factors, human economic activities, and intensive felling significantly decreased. Ukraine's oak forests experienced the greatest extinction in the 16-19 centuries. Oak plantations are concentrated in the forest-steppe (47 %), in Polissia (26 %), steppe (12 %), Crimea (9 %), and in the Carpathians (5 %). Oak forests restoration is mostly artificial, as natural seed restoration is not given due attention. In the 1990 s, the annual volume of reforestation reached an average of 13.8 thousand hectares, forest crops were created on the area of 12.2 thousand hectares, or 88.4 %. Therefore, the problem of natural seed restoration of oak forests is relevant to the forestry of Ukraine. Tree stands with the participation of oak perform extremely important soil protection, water protection, water regulation, and recreation functions. Oak wood due to such qualities as strength, colour and texture, the ability to take polishing, and the beauty of the texture prevails upon all the wood species growing in the region. The results of our research have revealed that the percentage of the use of the typological potential of wet hailstone in the western forest-steppe is 83.8 %. The lowest percentage (70.7 %) of the use of the typological potential of this forest type was noted in the 10 year-old age group, and the highest (99.7 %) is characteristic for 21-30 year-old age group. Typological analysis of woodlands in each age group of this forest type allowed noting the significant advantage of derivatives of woodlands in 11-20 year-old age groups more than 69 %, 21-30 g more than 85 %, in the age group 41-50 g more than 55 % and the gradual growth of indigenous trees in the age groups of 51-60 g to 97 % and 71-80 g over 85 %. Similar observations in Shalankivske Forestry of the Vynohradiv Forestry State Enterprise indicate that a significant area in forestry is occupied by derivatives of forest stands where composition does not meet the established requirements. The growth of the oak under the forest tent and on logs depends on many factors. In particular, illumination plays a significant role in the survival of the undergrowth in the conditions of the western forest-steppe. The smallest otter of ordinary oak self-seeding (19.3-28.5 %) is noted on solid logs, where the felling of a tree-farm was carried out after falling acorns. Naturally reproduced oak stands are noted to grow better (at four years of age, seedlings of ordinary oak reach height of more than 2 m, while the seedlings on forest-cultivated fields of the same age rarely exceed the threshold of more than 70 cm), compete well with the steam secondary tree species, and are characterized by greater resistance to the impact of unpredictable natural and anthropogenic factors. Thus, effective use of the potential of natural reproduction of oak forests will not only reduce the costs of plant restoration, but will also contribute to a significant reduction in the cultivation of ripe oak wood and to increase the productivity of oak stands. This will also ensure the formation of more resistant to the manifestation of negative natural phenomena plantations with the participation of ordinary oak
Здійснено моделювання основних лісівничо-таксаційних показників для березово-соснових деревостанів в умовах свіжого соснового бору. Використання деревом площі живлення у повному обсязі є верхнім обмеженням росту у фіксований момент часу. Досягнення максимальних біометричних показників дає змогу дереву найкраще використовувати потенційну родючість ґрунту. З погляду теорії систем, деревостан, що досягає стану динамічної рівноваги, називають оптимальним, який характеризується найвищою продуктивністю. Вплив природних чинників на формування деревостанів зумовлює природний, без антропогенного втручання, розвиток лісостанів, за якого ріст і розвиток дерев забезпечується саморегуляцією. Внаслідок цього формуються динамічно врівноважені,максимально продуктивні біологічні системи. Докладний аналіз процесів росту і розвитку деревостанів у конкретних умовах дає змогу визначати моделі короткотермінового прогнозу окремих показників деревостану для розрахунку інтенсивності та повторюваності доглядових рубань. Встановлено, що збільшення обсягу вирубуваноїдеревини сосни веде до зменшення запасу та істотного збільшення середнього діаметра кращих дерев. Результати прогнозу отримано для інтенсивності доглядових рубань в межах 16–30 % від запасу деревостану на контрольній пробній площі. Отримані динамічні ряди основних таксаційних показників соснових деревостанів у свіжому сосновому борі запропоновано використати як теоретичну основу для подальшого проектування доглядових рубань та формування березово-соснових насаджень із поліпшеною товарною структурою.Проведено моделирование основных лесоводственно-таксационных показателей для березово-сосновых древостоев в условиях свежего соснового бора. Использование деревом площади питания в полном объеме есть верхним ограничением роста в фиксированный момент времени. Достижение максимальных биометрических показателей дает возможность дереву лучше использовать потенциальную продуктивность почвы. С точки зрения теории систем, древостой, который достигает состояния динамического равновесия, называется оптимальным и характеризуется наивысшей продуктивностью. Влияние природных факторов на формирование древостоев определяет естественное, без антропогенного влияния, развитие насаждений, при котором рост и развитие деревьев обеспечивается саморегуляцией. В результате этого формируются динамично уравновешенные, максимально продуктивные биологические системы. Детальный анализ процессов роста и развития древостоев в конкретных условиях дает возможность создать модели кратковременного прогноза отдельных показателей древостоев, для расчета интенсивности и повторности рубок ухода. Установлено, что увеличение объема вырубной древесины сосны ведет к уменьшению запаса и существенного увеличения среднего диаметра лучных деревьев. Результаты прогноза получены для интенсивности рубок ухода в пределах 16–30 % от запаса древостоя на контрольной пробной площади. Полученные динамические ряды основных таксационных показателей сосновых древостоев в свежем сосновом бору предложено использовать как теоретическую основу для последующего проектирования рубок ухода и формирования березово-сосновых насаждений с улучшенной товарной структурой.The ability to grow is the main feature of living organisms. An increase in the size of a tree at specific time intervals occurs to a certain point and is limited by soil and climatic conditions. When the uses its own growing space (feeding area) to the full extent, it is the upper limit of growth at a specific point in time. While reaching its maximum possible size, each tree makes the best use of the potential soil fertility. In terms of the systems theory, the stand which has reached a state of dynamic equilibrium is called optimal and is characterized by the highest productivity. Therefore, the first way of stand formation is a natural pathway, or with minimal human intervention. Stand growth is provided by self-regulation resulting in the formation of dynamically balanced biological systems of the maximum possible productivity. Human impacts on a stand during its growth are manifested in various ways. Stand structure and its productivity are the most rapid to change in response to silvicultural treatments among which improvement felling is significant. The essence of improvement felling is to obtain an additional merchantable timber volume with simultaneous approximation of the stand parameters to the forest management goals. A program of thinning is the main means of achieving these objectives. Further increase in tree size is obtained by stand thinning because this leads to artificial increase in growing space. The experience in forest growing shows that regularly thinned stands are composed of individuals of improved merchantability. But such stands are characterized by reduced density and smaller volumes of harvest cut. The purpose of this method of forest growing is to reduce rotation period as well as to ensure compensation for the cost of lost volume by additional increment in merchantable timber as well as timber obtained from cutting. That is why, to estimate the average indices of a stand and its wood removal volume, it is necessary to take into account influential factors such as the method of cutting, the volume of cut in relation to age. An excessive cut leads to a loss in future growth, which, as the studies have shown, is not compensated by the survivor growth. Even with the restoration of optimal stock within ±10 % accuracy, there is a loss in productivity due to exceeding the limit of the volume of cut. Thus, the created models, which take into consideration the above factors, make it possible to determine more accurately the annual cut. In general, the measures taken to improve the commercial-assortment structure of a stand lead to a loss in productivity and reduction in harvest cut. In course of research we have conducted observations of birch-pine stands under fresh infertile pine site type conditions (A2). The zero hypothesis implies establishing differences in mensuration parameters for pine trees in stands of varying thinning intensity. The birch-pine stands are characterized by site classes I-III in fresh infertile pine site type. Within the permanent study area, site index value fluctuations are insignificant and do not exceed one class. The cause of fluctuations in site class index values should be attributed to cutting of various intensity. The permanent study areas were established in birch-pine stands that belong to the first class of young growth. The average age of the stands was 16–17 years at the initial measurements. The measurements were made in the early growing season. Repeated measurements were made either at the end of the growing season of the same year, or two years later. The permanent study areas differ both in the number of trees per hectar and in the relative density. These parameters are characterized by different values also in the middle part of the permanent study areas. It is found that increased pine wood removal leads to a decrease in the growing stock and results in a substantial increase in the mean diameter. The prediction results were obtained for wood removal whose share ranges within 16–30 % of the growing stock on the control (reference) plot. The obtained dynamic series of main mensurational indices for pine in fresh infertile pine site type are proposed to be used as theoretical basis for further planning of thinning treatments and forming birch-pine stands of improved merchantability structure
Media language: Video practices
This project explores the blog as a context considering the articulations between the context and content (blog and videos) forming this project. In order to do so, hyperlinks to practitioners’ videos (uploaded to individual Vimeo accounts), are gathered together on a blog page. Contributors are asked to consider the prompt of a glass of water for a video-based active reflection on their practice. A glass of water is an object of the everyday, yet one often present in interviews; this project started as a series of interviews. The water or the glass can be present or not present in the video, for example materiality could be considered, or perhaps the ‘publicness’ connected with the water glass at a site of presentation could be explored. Other ways may be found. This is a collaborative work where practitioners survey their individual use of media through the prescribed method of digital video. The result of the work can be accessed on Seminar Project website ( http://www.kmbosy.com/blog/seminar-project)
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