9 research outputs found

    Toxicological study of the molluscicidal latex of Euphorbia splendens: irritant action on skin and eye

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    Aqueous solutions of the molluscicidal latex of Euphorbia splendens are irritant to the rabbit eye in concentrations higher than 0.35% and to the rabbit skin in concentrations higher than 0.5%. Although this irritant potential does not proclude its use as a molluscicide, special precautions are recommended for hanbdling and application of the product and the hazard of skin tumor-promoting potencial should be carefully investigated before its use for schistosomiasis vector control

    Internationalizationof Read-Across as a Validated New Approach Method (NAM) for Regulatory Toxicology

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    Read-across (RAx) translates available information from well-characterized chemicals tothe substance for which there is a toxicological data gap. The OECD is working on case studies to probe general applicability of RAx, and several regulations (e.g. EU-REACH) already allow this procedure to be used to waive new in vivotests. The decision to prepare a review on the state of the art of RAx as a tool for risk assessment for regulatory purposes was taken during a workshop with international experts in Ranco, Italy in July 2018. Three major issues were identified that need optimisation to allowa higher regulatory acceptance rate of the RAx procedure: (i) the definition of similarity of source and target, (ii) the translation of biological/toxicological activity of source to target, in the RAx procedure, and (iii) how to deal with issues of ADMEthat may differ between source and target. The use of new approach methodologies (NAM) was discussed as one of the most important innovations to improve the acceptability of RAx. At present, NAM data may be used to confirm chemical and toxicological similarity. In the future, the use of NAM may be broadened to fully characterize the hazard and toxicokinetic properties of RAx compounds. Concerning available guidance, documents on Good Read-Across Practice (GRAP) and on best practices to perform and evaluatethe RAx process were identified. Here, in particular the RAx guidance, being worked out by the European Commission’s H2020 project EU-ToxRisk, together with many external partners with regulatory experience, is given

    Propaganda de inseticidas: estratégias para minimização e ocultamento dos riscos no ambiente doméstico

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma análise e propor uma discussão sobre as estratégias adotadas pelas propagandas de inseticidas para uso no ambiente doméstico, e suas implicações para a saúde pública. Foram analisadas peças publicitárias de inseticidas veiculadas na mídia televisiva no período de 2008 a 2010. Como critério de seleção das peças, foram escolhidas quatro peças publicitárias de inseticidas que foram ao ar em dois canais de TV aberta, nos horários da manhã e da noite, ao longo do período citado. Para a análise dessas peças, utilizou-se a observação da propaganda na TV. O método utilizado foi a análise de conteúdo. As categorias geradas pela análise foram: apelo ao status do usuário; ocultação e minimização dos riscos; símbolos de modernidade e cientificidade; representações de um mundo asséptico; e representações de força, poder e controle. Concluímos, então, que todas as propagandas analisadas utilizaram estratégias que ocultam os riscos toxicológicos dos inseticidas no ambiente doméstico e não cumprem a legislação brasileira