7 research outputs found

    Distinct Pathways Mediate the Sorting of Tail-Anchored Proteins to the Plastid Outer Envelope

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    Background: Tail-anchored (TA) proteins are a distinct class of membrane proteins that are sorted post-translationally to various organelles and function in a number of important cellular processes, including redox reactions, vesicular trafficking and protein translocation. While the molecular targeting signals and pathways responsible for sorting TA proteins to their correct intracellular destinations in yeasts and mammals have begun to be characterized, relatively little is known about TA protein biogenesis in plant cells, especially for those sorted to the plastid outer envelope. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we investigated the biogenesis of three plastid TA proteins, including the 33-kDa and 34-kDa GTPases of the translocon at the outer envelope of chloroplasts (Toc33 and Toc34) and a novel 9-kDa protein of unknown function that we define here as an outer envelope TA protein (OEP9). Using a combination of in vivo and in vitro assays we show that OEP9 utilizes a different sorting pathway than that used by Toc33 and Toc34. For instance, while all three TA proteins interact with the cytosolic OEP chaperone/receptor, AKR2A, the plastid targeting information within OEP9 is distinct from that within Toc33 and Toc34. Toc33 and Toc34 also appear to differ from OEP9 in that their insertion is dependent on themselves and the unique lipid composition of the plastid outer envelope. By contrast, the insertion of OEP9 into the plastid outer envelope occurs in a proteinaceous-dependent, but Toc33/34-independent manner and membrane lipids appear to serve primarily to facilitate normal thermodynamic integration of this TA protein. Conclusions/Significance: Collectively, the results provide evidence in support of at least two sorting pathways for plastid TA outer envelope proteins and shed light on not only the complex diversity of pathways involved in the targeting and insertion of proteins into plastids, but also the molecular mechanisms that underlie the delivery of TA proteins to their proper intracellular locations in general

    Identification and characterization of a plastid-localized Arabidopsis glyoxylate reductase isoform: comparison with a cytosolic isoform and implications for cellular redox homeostasis and aldehyde detoxification

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    Enzymes that reduce the aldehyde chemical grouping (i.e. H-C=O) to its corresponding alcohol could be crucial in maintaining plant health. Recently, recombinant expression of a cytosolic enzyme from Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh (designated as glyoxylate reductase 1 or AtGR1) revealed that it effectively catalyses the in vitro reduction of both glyoxylate and succinic semialdehyde (SSA). In this paper, web-based bioinformatics tools revealed a second putative GR cDNA (GenBank Accession No. AAP42747; designated herein as AtGR2) that is 57% identical on an amino acid basis to GR1. Sequence encoding a putative targeting signal (N-terminal 43 amino acids) was deleted from the full-length GR2 cDNA and the resulting truncated gene was co-expressed with the molecular chaperones GroES/EL in Escherichia coli, enabling production and purification of soluble recombinant protein. Kinetic analysis revealed that recombinant GR2 catalysed the conversion of glyoxylate to glycolate (Km glyoxylate=34 μM), and SSA to γ-hydroxybutyrate (Km SSA=8.96 mM) via an essentially irreversible, NADPH-based mechanism. GR2 had a 350-fold higher preference for glyoxylate than SSA, based on the performance constants (kcat/Km). Fluorescence microscopic analysis of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) suspension cells transiently transformed with GR1 linked to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) revealed that GR1 was localized to the cytosol, whereas GR2-GFP was localized to plastids via targeting information contained within its N-terminal 45 amino acids. The identification and characterization of distinct plastidial and cytosolic glyoxylate reductase isoforms is discussed with respect to aldehyde detoxification and the plant stress response

    Tung Tree DGAT1 and DGAT2 Have Nonredundant Functions in Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis and Are Localized to Different Subdomains of the Endoplasmic Reticulum

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    Seeds of the tung tree (Vernicia fordii) produce large quantities of triacylglycerols (TAGs) containing ∼80% eleostearic acid, an unusual conjugated fatty acid. We present a comparative analysis of the genetic, functional, and cellular properties of tung type 1 and type 2 diacylglycerol acyltransferases (DGAT1 and DGAT2), two unrelated enzymes that catalyze the committed step in TAG biosynthesis. We show that both enzymes are encoded by single genes and that DGAT1 is expressed at similar levels in various organs, whereas DGAT2 is strongly induced in developing seeds at the onset of oil biosynthesis. Expression of DGAT1 and DGAT2 in yeast produced different types and proportions of TAGs containing eleostearic acid, with DGAT2 possessing an enhanced propensity for the synthesis of trieleostearin, the main component of tung oil. Both DGAT1 and DGAT2 are located in distinct, dynamic regions of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and surprisingly, these regions do not overlap. Furthermore, although both DGAT1 and DGAT2 contain a similar C-terminal pentapeptide ER retrieval motif, this motif alone is not sufficient for their localization to specific regions of the ER. These data suggest that DGAT1 and DGAT2 have nonredundant functions in plants and that the production of storage oils, including those containing unusual fatty acids, occurs in distinct ER subdomains

    Arginase-Negative Mutants of Arabidopsis Exhibit Increased Nitric Oxide Signaling in Root Development1[W][OA]

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    Mutation of either arginase structural gene (ARGAH1 or ARGAH2 encoding arginine [Arg] amidohydrolase-1 and -2, respectively) resulted in increased formation of lateral and adventitious roots in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings and increased nitric oxide (NO) accumulation and efflux, detected by the fluorogenic traps 3-amino,4-aminomethyl-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein diacetate and diamino-rhodamine-4M, respectively. Upon seedling exposure to the synthetic auxin naphthaleneacetic acid, NO accumulation was differentially enhanced in argah1-1 and argah2-1 compared with the wild type. In all genotypes, much 3-amino,4-aminomethyl-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein diacetate fluorescence originated from mitochondria. The arginases are both localized to the mitochondrial matrix and closely related. However, their expression levels and patterns differ: ARGAH1 encoded the minor activity, and ARGAH1-driven β-glucuronidase (GUS) was expressed throughout the seedling; the ARGAH2∷GUS expression pattern was more localized. Naphthaleneacetic acid increased seedling lateral root numbers (total lateral roots per primary root) in the mutants to twice the number in the wild type, consistent with increased internal NO leading to enhanced auxin signaling in roots. In agreement, argah1-1 and argah2-1 showed increased expression of the auxin-responsive reporter DR5∷GUS in root tips, emerging lateral roots, and hypocotyls. We propose that Arg, or an Arg derivative, is a potential NO source and that reduced arginase activity in the mutants results in greater conversion of Arg to NO, thereby potentiating auxin action in roots. This model is supported by supplemental Arg induction of adventitious roots and increased NO accumulation in argah1-1 and argah2-1 versus the wild type

    Expression and purification of recombinant GR2 extracted from cells co-expressing the GroES/GroEL chaperone complex

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    The top row illustrates SDS-PAGE analysis of protein lysates from cells transformed with the truncated gene insert (A) or the empty insert (B), respectively, whereas the bottom row illustrates SDS (C) and immunoblot (D) analysis of protein lysates from cells transformed with the truncated gene insert. The gels were stained with Coomassie Blue, whereas the immunoblot was probed with an anti-His antibody. The EL subunit of the chaperone complex (1) and the recombinant protein (2) are indicated.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Identification and characterization of a plastid-localized glyoxylate reductase isoform: comparison with a cytosolic isoform and implications for cellular redox homeostasis and aldehyde detoxification"</p><p></p><p>Journal of Experimental Botany 2008;59(9):2545-2554.</p><p>Published online 20 May 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2423656.</p><p></p

    ClustalW comparison of the predicted amino acid sequences for the full-length GR1 and GR2

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    Numbers indicate amino acid number. The first 51 amino acids in GR2 represent its putative targeting sequence, and the arrows indicate peptide cleavage sites as predicted by three web-based algorithms (ChloroP, TargetP, PSORT) for predicting subcellular localization. Identical and similar amino acids are shown by black and grey shading, respectively.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Identification and characterization of a plastid-localized glyoxylate reductase isoform: comparison with a cytosolic isoform and implications for cellular redox homeostasis and aldehyde detoxification"</p><p></p><p>Journal of Experimental Botany 2008;59(9):2545-2554.</p><p>Published online 20 May 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2423656.</p><p></p