4 research outputs found

    Inovacijske mogućnosti koje nudi upotreba wikija u izvođenju visokoškolskih kolegija: implementacijsko modeliranje

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    Research results point to the great innovation potentials of Wikis in the university teaching process, but also to problems arising in the course of their implementation. This article proposes a model for implementing a wiki within the course of Innovation Management, based on the experiences of some university wiki systems implemented earlier, and the results of a survey conducted among the students of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica.Rezultati istraživanja otkrivaju značajne inovacijske potencijale upotrebe wikija u sveučilišnoj nastavi, ali i probleme koji nastaju tijekom njihove implementacije. U ovome se članku predlaže model za implementaciju wiki sustava u okviru kolegija Inovacijski menadžment. Model je utemeljen na iskustvima nekih prije implementiranih sveučilišnih wiki sustava i rezultatima istraživanja provedenoga sa studentima Ekonomskoga fakulteta u Subotici


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    The rapid admission of information and communication technologies (ICT) into all the pores of social and economic life has (fortunately) included the education sphere: the ever-growing need for new knowledge acquisition methods unambiguously points to a need to step outside the established, analogue education systems into the digital, virtual educational space. Over the past few years, blogs, wikis, multimedia sharing and social networking sites have created a qualitatively new approach to knowledge, education and schooling. This article starts from the assumption that the advantages of Web 2.0 technologies can be channelled in favour of the common interest of all education process participants, and to that end, the authors have conducted empirical research into the level of willingness of key stakeholders (students, parents and teachers) in secondary education in Vojvodina to adopt contemporary, Web 2.0 based methods of knowledge transfer, sharing and adoption.Brzi ulazak informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) u sve pore društvenog i ekonomskog života obuhvatio je (srećom) i obrazovnu sferu: rastuća potreba za novim metodama usvajanja znanja neupitno ukazuje na potrebni iskorak iz dobro utvrđenih, analognih obrazovnih sustava u digitalni, virtualni obrazovni prostor. Proteklih nekoliko godina blogovi, wikiji, stranice za multimedijsko dijeljenje i društveno umrežavanje stvorili su kvalitetno novi pristup znanju, obrazovanju i školovanju. Ovaj rad polazi od pretpostavke da se prednosti tehnologija Web 2.0 mogu usmjeriti ka zajedničkom interesu svih sudionika obrazovnog procesa i s tim su ciljem autori proveli empirijsko istraživanje o tome koliko su ključni sudionici (učenici, roditelji i nastavnici) u srednjem obrazovanju u Vojvodini spremni usvojiti suvremene metode prenošenja, podjele i usvajanja znanja na načelima tehnologija 2.0

    Critical success factors in ERP system adoption: comparative analysis of the private and the public sector

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    This research provides useful insight into differences in the perception of signifi cance and the degree of fulfi llment of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adoption between private and public sector organizations. The survey was conducted on a sample of 77 Serbian organizations, with approximately equal representation of those from the private and the public sector. A comprehensive list of CSFs, compiled as a result of an extensive literature review, was included in the questionnaire. The collected data and statistical procedures applied revealed the CSFs that differentiate the organizations from the two observed sectors. Involvement of end users in ERP adoption and implementation activities has proven to be the CSF in relation to which the assessments and attitudes of organizations from the two sectors differ the most. Results of this research indicate that differences between private and public sector organizations are more distinct in terms of their level of fulfi llment of ERP adoption CSFs than they are in terms of their assessment of CSFs’ signifi cance. This points to a conclusion that differences in the way of functioning and governance of organizations from these two sectors infl uence their ability to tackle the problems much more than their ability to recognize them. The practical contribution of this research is in providing some useful fi ndings that can greatly assist relevant stakeholders to achieve a higher success rate in an ERP adoption. In addition to responding to the initial research questions, this paper has also revealed new issues, suggesting the need for further research